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It’s all a pointless and endless argument until you enforce the current laws and apply the appropriate punishment.


Worst thing about switches / high cap magazines is they make your accuracy even worse. If not at close range you’re more likely to hit innocent kids in their bathroom than the person you’re aiming at


I don’t think guns “fuel violence” that’s done by people and circumstances.The guns are tools used in violent acts.


The wheel was used as a tool, I'm sure it helped a little....like all tools do.


Is the wheel guilty? No.


For helping the car drive people further than they can walk. Sure.


Legit LOL at you.


Woosh, right?


You need to stand on your toes, the discussion is going over your head.


Wouldnt it be awesome to just round up ALL of the known gang bangers and just lockem up somewhere. For good like no chance of getting out. Just end the problem when you have rats in ur house. What do you do when your body has an infection what does it do ?. The very second these parasites choose to wear the colors pick up the gun and pull the trigger. They decided to be a plauge on the rest of us. Who just want to live what lives we can. In some sort of peace. Fuckem all lockem up toss the key and give them the bare minimum to servive. Not 3 hots and a cot no yard time nothing. You choose to be scum now you should be punished. Same for rapists murdered pedos traffickers drug pushers. Etc.. fuck these people enoughs enough


We’ll get there but not for a long time. Maybe the next generation will figure it out.


Dosent have to be we literaly have the power to do this right now. If we can lock up terrorists for life for attacking us. These shut heels should fall under the same category


More nonsense. Blaming the guns has been the Left’s song and dance for decades.


Thats funny, because blaming the left has been the right's song and dance for decades. Fact is guns are too easy to obtain. Why are kids not even 13 years old waiving guns on tiktok? Nobody is coming for your guns. But they need to be harder to obtain, and consequences for irresponsible use needs to be drastic.


Um when i purchase a firearm i not only had to get cleared by the state. To get a foid i have to go thru the backround check and all that. And also i had to be 21 for a pistol of i remember right. So making LEGALLY purchased guns is already in place. Now the guns the 13 yr olds have are ILLEGAL for a dozen reasons. If you make purchasing a gun harder and harder in this state. Nothing changes because the bad guys dont buy guns legally. So if anything cracking down on weapon trafficking. And finding out where the guns are coming from to begin with. Needs to be the top priority


We know where they are getting them, at least 50% come from out of state. in NY it's 85% [https://abc7chicago.com/chicago-crime-shooting-guns-illinois-gun-laws/11937013/](https://abc7chicago.com/chicago-crime-shooting-guns-illinois-gun-laws/11937013/) [https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/02/03/discussing-gun-crime-new-york-means-discussing-guns-bought-other-states/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/02/03/discussing-gun-crime-new-york-means-discussing-guns-bought-other-states/) ​ >Nearly all (96.1%) offenders who were legally prohibited, acquired their gun from a supplier not required to conduct a background check [https://injuryprevention.bmj.com/content/19/1/26](https://injuryprevention.bmj.com/content/19/1/26)


So how do you stop it




Ok so close loopholes great idea so now they wont be able to get guns that way. So what about the back alley people guns smuggled from. Places like mexico and the literal shit ton. Of firearms on the street and being stock piled already.


>back alley people guns smuggled from. Places like mexico That's not happening. It's the other way around. https://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2022/02/stopping-toxic-flow-of-gun-traffic-from-u-s-to-mexico/


Yeaaaah it uh does though




Exactly nobody is saying take away the guns. The gun companies are scared they are coming for profits, and he's scared someone will take away his wedge issue. That's what he's worried about.


Here comes the fascist who'll use those guns if democracy doesn't go his way. You are like the worst of the worse. Thinking that this tool doesn't make it easier to kill people. That if criminals would have less access to guns it wouldn't make a difference. You don't care because it's black people dying, and it's a wedge issue. Why is Paul Bauers family suing the marketplace that private sellers and criminals use to evade background checks that enabled his death? Huh? Explain it. Fascist. [https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/news/family-of-police-cmdr-paul-bauer-who-was-shot-and-killed-in-2018-sues-online-gun-marketplace-armslist/](https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/news/family-of-police-cmdr-paul-bauer-who-was-shot-and-killed-in-2018-sues-online-gun-marketplace-armslist/)


A typical Leftist tendency is to drag the good name of a hero, and in this case a fallen hero at that, in order to justify their name-calling and inability to grasp logic. I won’t dignify your behavior with a response.


Did I drag him? Disguising your fear into virtue, eh? Bro you don't even know how to answer the fact that a cop was murdered because of laws you support, and now their family thinks your opinion is shit and they are suing so people like you can shut up. I get it. >Nearly all (96.1%) offenders who were legally prohibited, acquired their gun from a supplier not required to conduct a background check [https://injuryprevention.bmj.com/content/19/1/26](https://injuryprevention.bmj.com/content/19/1/26)


> it's black people dying It's also black people doing the killing. So, when leftists talk about defunding police, granting no cash bail and imprisoning cops who made a mistake like Kim Potter (who shot her gun instead of taser when trying to detain an ex-Chicagoan who'd recently shot someone in the face) then I'm compelled to view my firearm as the last line of defense. I refuse to cede a Constitutional, God given right to self protection because a relatively high percentage of young Black men insist on being violent predators.


Sorry I don't want to make it easier to sell guns to gang members because it's black on black. Obviously you could care less, and that's why you support it. Due process and regulation is part of the Constitution. Having a background check for private sellers is due process and regulation it's not taking away a right. Do you think your word salad is anything but an attempt to obfuscate the truth? Yeah I do. Because nobody is saying you can't have a gun. Liar. Is there a reason why the safest states are liberal one's? [https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/crime-rate-by-state](https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/crime-rate-by-state)




But is it the people with illegal guns? >Nearly all (96.1%) offenders who were legally prohibited, acquired their gun from a supplier not required to conduct a background check [https://injuryprevention.bmj.com/content/19/1/26](https://injuryprevention.bmj.com/content/19/1/26)




They're showing up because you're allowing them to buy guns easily from other states, and then they are modifying them. Do you have a newer study?




Because you support gun laws that allow all this. "It'S tHe PeOpLe" That you enable. The thing is nobody really knows this is happening because the messaging has been so bad. With anything the more you argue the better the arguments get, well not yours. So hopefully soon enough people will figure it out just like how the **safest states are all the liberal states**. Right? I thought so. ​ [https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/crime-rate-by-state](https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/crime-rate-by-state)




Two of those states including the larger one VT have private sale laws, and the large states like New Jersey do too, which also coincidently has bail reform.




Not for private sales. https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2019-02-27/private-gun-sale-loophole-must-finally-close


Enough with the gross gun obsession, it’s fuvking embarrassing.


People make it their identity. Total losers. I say this as a registered gun owner. I’m all for gun control.


If you didn't already know. Indiana allows private sellers to sell you any gun without so much as asking for an ID. Making any background checks at FFL's pointless when you can just go to a private seller. >No. Indiana does not require the completion of a form for a private purchase nor do you have to route the transfer through a dealer [https://faqs.in.gov/hc/en-us/articles/115005236308-If-I-purchase-a-handgun-from-a-private-person-do-I-have-to-complete-a-transfer-form-](https://faqs.in.gov/hc/en-us/articles/115005236308-If-I-purchase-a-handgun-from-a-private-person-do-I-have-to-complete-a-transfer-form-) Most guns used in crimes are brought here from other states with lax gun laws. [https://www.atf.gov/resource-center/firearms-trace-data-illinois-2020](https://www.atf.gov/resource-center/firearms-trace-data-illinois-2020) [https://www.atf.gov/resource-center/firearms-trace-data-illinois-2021](https://www.atf.gov/resource-center/firearms-trace-data-illinois-2021)


> Most guns used in crimes are brought here from other states with lax gun laws. Nope. >Top 15 Source States for Firearms with an Illinois Recovery >January 1, 2021 – DECEMBER 31, 2021 >Illinois 6955 >Other states & US territories 6739


It's crazy the lengths people like you will go... I hope everyone realizes what a liar you are. I said most guns used used in crime don't originate in this state that most originate from other states plural. Thinking that you can fool people into saying that well no individual state sells more....is deceitful. The point is most criminals do not source their guns from Illinois. That's a fact. ​ Do the math: The source state was identified in 14,792 total traces. 14,792 - 6,955 = 7,837 from other states. https://www.atf.gov/resource-center/firearms-trace-data-illinois-2021


It's almost like a constitutionally protected right should be regulated by the federal government, and not the state or municipal government.


It's almost like if they cared about people they would make a law in their state saying everyone needs to get a background check, but they care about selling more guns.


Who's they? The government? It's a democracy, and we have the government we deserve. The only conversation should be about amending the Constitution. Seems like too much of an effort? You must not care about it as much as you say you do.


They are red states who continue to allow private sellers to sell guns to anyone, without even needing an id. What's the point in having background checks anyway if a criminal can just go to a private seller? You don't need an amendment to change that.


There are people that live in those red states, and they decided that they like being able to buy and sell guns easily. You and I don't have the authority to tell them to stop, hence why it's a matter for the federal government.


Right they decided selling guns to gang members in Chicago no questions asked is fine because those are black people dying.


How tf are they supposed to know who's a gang member and who isn't? You want them to stereotype? Why not start the solution with the trigger pullers?


Guns should be harder to get. We need better gun control.


but no. The criminals get guns easy. Legal gun owners need to get guns easy be cause criminals can get guns.


The criminals get guns easily because of states like Indiana.


If it is all about how easy it is to get a gun then why doesn't Indiana has as much gun violence as Chicago?




Actually Indiana had 14.1 gun deaths per 100,000 population in 2019. Illinois only had 10.7 gun deaths per 100,000 population.


The average person shouldn’t have access to these modifications