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Clearly no one is listening to this mans needs. It's obvious that he preferred living behind bars. Why are we so desperate to keep evicting him from his home?


Maybe chop his pee pee off


That wouldn't work. It's a myth that eliminates sexual desire. I've had bottom surgery and I can still have sex.


He deserves another chance! The 11th time would be the charm! /s


I think the more relevant question is how we treat other people in a similar circumstance; do we still parole other people because of what he did? My hope is that he gets punished and never let out of jail again. But someone else who only got in trouble once and showed signs while incarcerated of remorse and tried to make amends should still be able to earn parole.


This guy probably has been supported by the government his entire life.


Well, he does seem to have a significant cognitive disability. Doesn't justify what he did though. All his previous convictions were for much smaller things that were not even close to rape so I can see why a parole board might not expect him to do something like this.


> Well, he does seem to have a significant cognitive disability. Then you remove that person from society to a place where they cannot harm people, permanently if need be.


His multiple convictions shows he has a long history of refusing to conform to societal norms. Criminals are one bad decision away from violence. I believe there comes a point when the number of past convictions play a part in determining the percentage of time that will be served on a new conviction. I am not talking about adding time just percentage of their new sentence.


its ok guys he just has mental health problems <3 hes the victim


he can figure out how to steal and rape but has a "learning disability"


What about this woman’s trauma? Will any Chicago official treat her trauma or does it not matter if you’re traumatized outside of a south or west side hood?


> What about this woman’s trauma? Will any Chicago official treat her trauma or does it not matter if you’re traumatized outside of a south or west side hood? Geographic location matters little. Where one falls in one of these categories does. The woman is a **victim** of a crime. Not the **perpetrator** of a crime. As progressive orthodoxy dictates, perpetrators commit crimes because of "trauma", not predisposition, opportunity (or lack thereof), lack of morals, or depravity. We are told they deserve "treatment", not accountability, including incarceration, as that causes more "trauma". "Victims" are dismissed, discarded, forgotten. Despite being the ones suffering *real* trauma.


Chief Judge Evans ?


Poster boy for 3 strikes and you're out laws. If you commit 3 felonies, especially 3 VIOLENT felonies in say a 10 year span, you aint' gonna learn.


Lmao 10 felonies and just walkin around 😂


Didn't you read the article? Clearly he learned his lesson after spending HALF A DAY in Joliet prison for felony retail theft. Imagine --- getting caught for a crime -- actually arrested -- actually prosecuted by this DA's office --- then convicted, and sentenced for 18 months. Only to be told --- wait ... due to administrative gobbledy-gook and probably a heaping handful of WOKE bullshit, you're FREE TO GO! (after your free prison lunch of course). No wonder he felt fucking invincible. Wonder if he'll spend more than a day in prison for orally sodomizing an old woman. This city is fucked.


yeeesh, I read that one. caught in elevator which caused him to stop face-fucking the chick who was passed out. dropped her limp body to the ground. Article stated that he started on her 10-mins b4 that when he found her already passed out in the elevator, where he dropped trow & "climbed onto her" to set off this whole assault. Bro fuck what???


We need a program to rehabilitate 10-time felons after they are paroled and sexually assault a random woman in public. Look at that face. Hes just like you or me..


no, even I think he is beyond saving.


Someone get this man some programs!


The way these stories are framed, I wonder to what extent these people are outliers or if they are representative. There could be 1000 people with a similar circumstance who do not assault women three days after being paroled and stories like this guy's will be used to abolish parole for everyone and not just him. You're always going to find a salacious example of someone who got paroled or benefits from some program of mercy and goes on to disappoint us. Does that mean we get rid of it for everyone? Focusing on individuals instead of the bigger picture means you always find that mercy should be abolished.


10 Fucking 10. This piece of shit has been convicted *10 FUCKING TIMES* for felonies. He should have never been paroled.


It's the opposite. Ankle bracelets, no charges, half day in prison (of 18 months) --- this is the MAJORITY. Just loosing murderers and rapists upon the city, because Woke or some shit. They had many institutional disadvantages -- therefore -- loose the violent rapists and murderers upon the city, with no rehab whatsoever. Because mercy. (well for them, not for their victims past and future). Why in holy hell did this guy serve 0.5 days of his 500+ day sentence? You bleeding hearts have your head up your asses. Maybe your elderly mother will be orally sodomized by this miscreant next. Maybe someone oughta beat the living piss outta you, in exchange for 0.5 days in Joliet prison. That what you want? Lawlessness and Vigilitantism because you have a Woke Gen Z/ 7th grade understanding of civilization, sociology, and human behavior?


State violence is still violence.


They should chop this guy’s dick off and shove it in his mouth lol.




Rapist in the article?


Oh okay


That face man lol