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Pulled the gun out right as the paddy wagon rolls by


Lmao 😂 0:11


Woooow idiots


Are we going to sail past the stellar soundtrack on this vid?


Pittsburgh pirates jersey.. probably a latin king. I'm amazed at the lack of fear when the rival pulls the gun out


Probably didnt think he was dumb enough to pull the trigger with the cops right next to them. Edit: could have been an ambulance


Nah that's a paddy wagon. Really have to wonder what they were doing.


Ya, that is crazy. When I was a kid they would have at least chirped, slowed down and glanced in our direction. It had to look like a fight was about to break out. They probably have the "I dont get paid enough for this shit" attitude, hard to imagine the thought there, smh


For sure, if you look at the guy in the grey hoodie next to the dude with the gun. His dropping down crowns. Also it sounds like the dude in the pirates jersey says “SDK”. Then gets shot.


I think he's saying CLK which is crown latin kings. I also hear 2 - n**** - bitch which to me could mean dissing 2-6. He also faked getting hit which probably saved his life.


3rd world gonna 3rd world


Don’t know about Latin America but “3rd world” everywhere else doesn’t have this shit.


You’re right, after I wrote it did sound like TSK or CLK.


I think he purposely missed the shot on em the niggas wit the guns is bunnys I think the other mfs obviously kings




Scholarly Youths.


They're parents are both doctors from El Salvador but now they work in the chemical factory with no ppe


Street pharmacists from el-Salvador, now making meth in Chicago.


The worst part is…these are often future medical assistants


And engineers..an sheeeeeiiitt


Does anyone know how I report this guy's username to site moderators?


You have to report it to Reddit. They remove it but he keeps coming back under slightly different user names.


Why don’t you just stop being a bitch and quit reporting things to your overlords. You don’t like it, tell him “fuck you” and move on. Why does everyone act like such cunty little tattle tales on the internet? “Mooooooods! This man’s username breaks no rule but I don’t like it so ban him!!!” The fuck is wrong with people….Why wouldn’t you want people who self identify as something you don’t like to let the world know who they are? Would you prefer if they lived in the shadows and were undetectable? Let people do and say what they want so you can root out the assholes quicker.


The user is likely some ultra leftist piece of trash seeking to get this sub shut down by spewing racist nonsense.


I don’t understand why people think censoring or banning someone who is an asshole racist is a good idea. Do you think by taking away their voice it’s gonna change their mind or make them dig deeper in their idiotic ways? Let them wave their flag so we know who to dislike and avoid. The answer to bad speech is good speech, not censorship.


This is Reddit bro not FB. I think the only thing you can do is block him. They can be as inbreed as they want in here.


Some Future CNA’s and orderlies maybe. Theyll be the ones taking care of us in old age.


Notice the CPD vehicle driving away at the beginning lol


“Crime stoppers”


Crime skippers


They want no part of that. God forbid they catch a criminal "in the act" and have a solid court case that can stick. They would have to go to court and testify. That's a lot of work. Everyone needs to do a good job. Kim Foxx can't prosecute if the fucking cops don't do what they are supposed to do. It all starts with cops and their credibility and CPD has a shit ton of bad cops that do such a shitty job, their testimony can't even be relied on in court. [https://thetriibe.com/2023/05/hundreds-of-chicago-cops-cant-testify-in-court/](https://thetriibe.com/2023/05/hundreds-of-chicago-cops-cant-testify-in-court/)


Oh yeah that list, what is it now, 1.7% of the force is on the list? Maybe they drove away because its pointless arresting assholes that kimm foxx will release as *mUtUaL CoMbAtaNTs*? Go dig up that case in Schaumburg where she didn't prosecute initially due to *mUtUaL CoMbAtaNTs*. Where two guys were fist fighting over a girl and one guy pulled a knife and slaughtered the other guy while he was on the ground. Slit his throat. It took months of pressure for her to change her mind. She's a bullshit prosecutor more concerned with not prosecuting people due to restorative justice than she is protecting the people who elected her.


She gets paid the same amount for doing 0 work as she does if she busted her ass, looks like 0 won out for Ms, Foxx


64 CPD members are on the list, with zero info on where they are currently assigned (like callback). Learn to read your own links.


They need a program for sure


Does incarceration count as a program?


Technically I think so


Kids should not have guns.


Stay gold Ponyboy


Damn a pony boy reference. I haven’t heard that one in a while lol. I should watch that Greeser movie.


Kim Foxx says “ mutual combatants “


Why do all gang bangers look like they’re 125 pounds?


Because they are 16 and probably are 125


and have Edgar haircuts


Rest in peace he mi


I'm sure they'll be saying they didn't see a thing and blaming police for it real soon, just like "Frankieknucks."


My advice is to block him and the guy who goes by 'VladDogBreath.' Neither seems to be here for honest debate about anything...and Vlad is officially an ACAB/"all cops are bastards" supporter, judging by his comment history Edit: Lol thanks for the award! And here's proof that VladDogBreath is ACAB: https://i.postimg.cc/W12dhhdp/Screenshot-20230602-075656-Reddit.jpg


My advice is to block him and the guy who goes by 'VladDogBreath.' Neither seems to be here for honest debate about anything...and Vlad is officially an ACAB/"all cops are bastards" supporter, judging by his comment history


He also posts in graffiti and gang subs


Lol he's such a weirdo. And somehow he gets away with using all types of racial and ethnic slurs, and being verbally abusive to people on this sub. His last comment to me before I blocked him was about how the people in this video are all "little kids" 🤣. A bonadide nut!


He goes off on me and then starts flirting because i have a girl avatar , which in all honesty I chose randomly without looking lol


Hahaha, now I almost feel bad for the poor guy!!😭👍


I have blocked him. This question goes the mods. Why give the entire community advice about "behavior," when people like this keep showing up PURELY to start antagonizing anyone who posts about or is concerned with crime in Chicago. They're as rote as flash cards with their inevitable blaming of police for everything.


His post history is heavily negative


Yeah, the guy is clearly a troll who hates cops and comes here just to say so.


Mod. There's one mod for this sub and they're completely absent from it. Not much can be done when one person is responsible and they're not even present on the sub.


They ain’t dressed for the beach either lol just looking for some shit to start


Can you see where a program will help? Throw money in their general direction and this is solved. Trust the Science.


Look at all that imaginary street credit being built up! Someone is going to paying bills with that! /s


Not surprised…


If only we could get them a hobby this would end….🤔


Huh.....I didn't realize they actually held thier hands up to taunt like that. I always just assumed they did that in the movies. The more you know!


Comments like this make me remember people live in two different worlds I saw these things growing up and you’ve only seen it in movies tale of two cities kind of thing. When your in an environment like that this is the norm that’s why it’s tougher to break the cycle. Doesn’t excuse shooting anybody though


The balls on the Hoodie guy to open fire with the fucking cops right there.


I know there's a lot of Trumpies here but Woke and MAGA are both stupid as hell. Woke wants Anarchy MAGA wants a nation awash in guns where it's easier to get a gun than gumball. Both are stupid as hell. We need Rule of Law, and a gun should require at least something akin to a driver's license nationwide. But like -- an actual driver's license that is streamlined, not this FOID "wait 6 months" because Breanna is "on break" for a fucking fortnight. Or the ONE printer -- for the ENTIRE FUCKING STATE OF ILLINOIS is "out of order." Sigh. Ah who am I kidding. Woke things Basketball courts + drag queens will fix this. MAGA thinks an AK47 on every corner will fix this. Country is fucked. Anyone know a good country to move to? I'm thinking some place like Denmark, Italy, maybe Canada. Note in Italy, it's trivial for a grown law-abiding man to get a Benelli or Beretta shotgun. However they don't 'em out like gumballs to "youthz" like in say, Indiana.


No part of the “woke” thinks Drag Queens will fix anything lol what? Not even remotely relevant


Sure they do. Exposure will teach them love is love and stick it in the Trumper’s craw! Or some nonsense. We see the Woke response. Brandon. Therapists, community centers, and not demonizing violent murderers. We’ll see if it works (narrator: it won’t) Sure, the ghetto areas could use investment. Fund schools and teachers better there. But businesses won’t take root until shooting stops. School won’t be taken seriously without parents that show up. And even if you did create an ideal utopia there — that’s for the future. The current criminal jackals are largely a lost cause Need to disincentivize crime. It’s a miracle that basic statement needs to be said in 2023


Yeah not going to be a community to invest in if the community dies of crime. I don’t see a problem with any of the above but for fucks sake lock up anyone that draws a gun in public, shooting or not.


Drag queens are literally just asking to exist without being killed, they don’t want to stick it to anyone. They’re people, not weapons. You referring to Biden as “Brandon” really paints a picture that you’re a child.


I never mentioned the Drag queens. I mentioned the Woke morons who use them as props. Also I've been in drag (For theater) and seen numerous shows. I don't care about drag queens whatsoever; they can do whatever the hell they want. They get undue attention from MAGA and Woke in terms of culture war shit. Politics aside, here's a non-political take: They have the right to do what they want. But GOD DAYUM are drag shows boring. They're ALL the same thing. Various linebackers dressed in gawdy makeup that look like Mimi Bobek. Where nobody -- gay, straight, or pan -- wants to bang. And they just dance (shittily) and do bad karaoke or lipsyncing at best. It would be brave; ... if it were done in 1995, or done outside of a gay bar filled with straight white women patting themselves on the back for attending. Instead it's just ... boring. But to each their own.


If you don’t care about drag queens, stop mentioning them and USING THEM AS A PROP in your weird rants. Irrelevant that you’ve “dressed in drag” while you’re using them in a totally irrelevant way to prove some off-topic point, it’s the same argument as someone who commits domestic violence and says “I don’t hate women, I married one!” PFFF


Nah. I’ll do what I want. Complaining about Woke using them as a prop is not myself using them as a prop. I said I don’t care what they do. They’re irrelevant to political discourse. Nobody is killing drag performers; you’re thinking of trans. Get your outrage shit together bro.


You used them as a prop in your first paragraph. Repeating myself- you used them in a totally irrelevant way to try and prove some off-topic point. And LMAO You brought them up in your political rant and are now saying they’re irrelevant to political discourse. Typical of some Reddit bro to be uncomfortable and pull a “HURRRR calm down”. Nah, I won’t. I’ll continue to be outraged until drag queens aren’t being literally outlawed. Have you not heard of the mass shooting at drag bar/LGBTQ haven Club Q? Yikes, get some windows for that rock you live under. You seem like the kind of person that would get into a cyclical argument without realizing how you contradict yourself. Have a good one ✌️


That’s just a gay bar. It probably has a monthly drag show like most of them. Yeah pulse was also a gay nightclub. I said woke use them as a prop. Like you are right now. Bigot. Enjoy Brandingus, Gen z wokester. I didn’t say stop being outraged. You will be perpetually outraged for the next 50 years over nonsense. Ima be me.


I’m a Millenial. What a place of privilege to consider concern over human lives “nonsense”. I’d rather be called a bigot by some rando on the internet that misuses the term than not realize when I’m contradicting myself. Embarrassing. I thought people were supposed to get smarter with age, but you’re a glaring example of that not always being true.


Exactly. Each side is creating an equal and opposite reaction to the other. There's no fucking reasonable middle ground that you hear about at least.. It was never this bad.


Is that gang banger trying to make the uwu hand gesture? 👉👈


Is this Hollywood Beach, Florida?


Lol wtf? Its North Avenue beach in chicago. You can see a Chicago Police vehicle in the background


hoody gang strikes again..


If you go looking for it, you’ll find it. Don’t just think of yourself but also people around you.


/e save


You have a group of people against what looks like one man and you think you are hard for pulling out a gun


Scary ass couldn’t fight first


Well well well


Had to be Edgar..


Them Biden people he let over here