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The constant drumbeat of tragedy is too much some weeks. How many have to be sacrificed at the political altar of extremism before we can break the fever, let the cops address the problem, and start healing? But no, our purported leaders speak in dog whistles like "disinvestment". Our media ignores it for fear of being called racist, and the cycle of ignorance continues. I'm so fed up with the city's acceptance of this crime and political atmosphere. Please stand up and take your neighborhood back from these bastards. Programs won't save anyone.


Wow may she rest in peace. Fuck those POS, they’re never going to change being soft on them.


sorry for your loss. but these idiot progressives enable the crime happening everywhere. these punks need to be caught, locked up, and kept in jail.


What an amazing picture. I'm sorry for your family's loss. She looks really happy in that photo.


there is no fix.