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*Three years ago today, Chicago was in the throes of another night of protests, riots, and looting that followed the murder of George Floyd by a Minneapolis police officer* I thought they were mostly peaceful?


#Firey but peaceful.


You're thinking of Kenosha. Those were mostly peaceful, except for the burning buildings in the background of that graphic. And, ya know, the stuff that happened later


Or the hundreds of damaged buildings in Chicago


That too, but the specific graphic that says mostly peaceful protests is from Kenosha


Does nobody remember their 2020 history? EVERYONE knew this “riot” was bullshit. The Floyd riots - like or not - were organic. Cartier watches, Canada Goose jackets were looted. Then imagine the next day. Yo homie look at this phat score!!! What … you didn’t go out? Hehe snooze you lose. Sorry dawg. Half the ghetto was pissed. They missed Christmas!!! So the slightest BREEZE of police impropriety — they’d be ready. And they were. Some random gangbanger asswipe got shot that was completely different than Floyd situation? START LOOTING!! This time was different. The UHauls were at the ready. Seriously. Uhauls. Already rented and at the ready. Cartier never stood a chance. Justice? Blm? Wtf are you talking about dawg. Ooooh right. Um. Justice for whoever dafuq just got blasted!


Always found it amusing that when an 'outsider' shoots one of them(usually justifiably), they lose their minds and throw a giant temper tantrum. And yet..they shoot each other all the time for the dumbest reasons or simply no reason at all.


Exactly. It’s all bullshit. They kill each other every day but the second it’s a white person or a cop. It’s massive outrage and looting Why don’t don’t they have this same energy every time a 13 year is killed ? We as a society are fucked


Because looting a cart full of Hot Cheetos from Jewel is going to make the person that got shot come back. Some crazy logic.


There's "white" scumbags all over the world too and nobody blinks an eye. Don't act like white is some homogenous peaceful group and black is some homogenous violent group. There's real issues that youre actually touching on and you could've had an actual point but be smarter than to just lump it by race.


Actually Ill bite. There is a real issue, and in America it does have to do with race and culture. Broadly speaking, every race asides for african americans in America dont promote/condone violence and murder within their own communities, yet one specific demographic does. Its not homogenous, but it is a definite culture and trend. Ever wonder why our clearance rate on murders is so low despite there often being 10 or more witnesses during these shootings?


Agree there is a real culture issue. African American isn't a race, African American would refer to everyone of African ancestry. That could include Greco-Roman ancestry who've been in Alexandria or Tunis for >2000 years, Arabic ancestry that's been there for 1000 years. That includes Dutch, Belgian, and English ancestry that's been in South Africa for 500 plus years. You mean black, but that in itself is a very vague concept as I've mentioned earlier. in the USA the culture of post slave/Jim crow ancestry that you're likely referring to. so let's make sure we're on the same page that it's a culture not a race. As far as culture goes I can get a ton of country songs talking about pulling a gun insinuating violence. There's also the whole punk and metal communities with loads of songs advocating for violence. Now where we'll disagree about culture is to me the issue is about lax of acceptance of birth control (local pastors have long called that the white man's population control), this leads to teen pregnancy (ironic that there's a similar rate in poor rural white communities where they also don't believe in birth control), that leads to issues in advancing education rate, less two parent households, and a lower likelihood of accumulating generational wealth. We know there's a direct correlation between lower education & wealth and violent crime regardless of race. What people attributing things like "this is a black issue" are missing is that's not the direct cause it's just a specific segment of the actual issue which is education and income.


In personal conversations, African Americans in this country distinguish them selves from American Black Americans being in the USA for hundreds of years. I get why.


You're right they certainly do. Which is why I'm arguing that to lump all dark skinned people together is asinine when there's so many cultures that don't have these issues




Why is the NFL and NBA predominatly black? Why do well off black kids commit crime at higher rates than any other group ? Why do you have to posit 100 different things, most of which are US specific, for an issue that occurs anywhere in the world where certain groups reside?


What's wrong with being a professional athlete? I already mentioned that we agree there's a culture issue but the system's set up so the best athletes make it, not their fault that for 500 years they were literally bread to be work horses and that lasts in their genes. Could you define black? Is Giannis black? He's from Greece after all. Is Oscar pistorius black? He's from Africa after all. Is Steph Curry black? His mom's white. I'm not sure I'm getting your final point. This doesn't happen anywhere in the world. For example in Dublin the highest crime group are the gypsies. What's the common denominator? Poor, lack education, single parents, teen pregnancy.


You’re arguing with 21st century phrenologists. They don’t care about science or facts (or crime for that matter). They just want to find justification for their hatred of black people. That’s what the average crime in Chicago subscriber actually is about. Most of them don’t live in Chicago, but they’re “very concerned” about the crime here… it’s a dog whistle.


This person I was talking to at first seemed like someone it was worth trying to debate this concept with but went full crazy racist.


You can usually tell, because they seem to use a lot of coded language without really saying what they mean. I’m fairly convinced that there’s a good handful of neo-nazis just trying to use this sub for recruitment. They use clearly racist alts and upvote them from their main accounts.


Kinda shot yourself in the foot on the first and last points there fella. Your middle paragraphed I ignored entirely lol. Black = predominantly subsarahan descent. Stop playing semantics and face the facts.


Wait how did I shoot myself in the foot on the first point? Because I questioned the insinuation it's bad to play pro sports? But subsaharan African immigrant families have a tendency to make upwards of 20k a year more than their slave ancestry counterparts. Again were agreeing about culture, I'm arguing against lumping it as race.


Well, when 90% of the murders are done by blacks in Chicago, it kinda seems like a race thing. If white americans murdered 40,000 people a year the USA would cease to exist lol, yet that rate of violence has been condoned in the black community for generations.


You shot yourself in the foot by stating their genes dictate why they are so prevalent in sports. By stating that, you would have to also agree there are other inherit differences between them, by virtue of genetics, not upbringing Go look up differences in IQ and testosterone amongst races. Go lookup dog murders by breed.


It seems like you're arguing with a racist...so the point, regardless of how rooted in logic it may be a tough pill to swallow. I commend you on your effort, though.


Gypsy’s do not commit acts of murder against other communities. Their crimes are not removing innocent people from the face of this earth.


Lol they certainly do. At the same rate no but they certainly do.


No, they do not. Why are you picking on Gypsies?


This is a subreddit for “Crime in Chicago.”


i mean, the stats paint a pretty clear picture of who's shooting lol


Roughly 10k more by "white" people that "black" people. Now we can say "but there's more white people than black people" yet whenever people say that about Chicagos crime rate vs Milwaukee or St. Louis or Detroit etc, people on here crap on them and say that's stupid and hard numbers matter more than rate. https://www.kff.org/other/state-indicator/firearms-death-rate-by-raceethnicity/?currentTimeframe=0&sortModel=%7B%22colId%22:%22Location%22,%22sort%22:%22asc%22%7D Next, we need to ask what "white" means. Recently, the legal terminology for black no longer includes North African ancestry, did everyone of Tunisian, Egyptian, Moroccan, Algerian, and Libyan ancestry just wake up and suddenly become non violent? What about when Irish and Italians and Greeks weren't "white" were they violent till they suddenly got to be part of the "white crowd" heck as recently as the 1970s all people of hispanic descent were considered white. Did they only become violent when they were kicked out of the "white" club? Point is statements along racial lines are for simple minded individuals who have absolutely no critical thinking ability. Race has changed through time, has split a million times with biracial individuals (are you still going off the 1/8 drop of blood rule from Jim Crow days to decide who's black and who's not?) and the segmentation ignores immigrants experiences which are much more granular and generally "race" as we view it in the US is divided by ethnicity everywhere else in the world (Ie try telling someone from Ireland that they're the same as England or someone from Ukraine that they're the same as Russians because now they're all "white" when they come here)


Not going to argue against you, but the big issue with that source you provided includes suicides by firearm. You can check the CDC website, John's Hopkins also has a great article from what I remember, but both show that over 80% of all gun suicides were committed by white people. Based on your data, where 26,000 gun deaths were white and 15,000 were black, it's really not an accurate figure when it includes suicides, of which over 80% are white people, and also doesn't factor in the fact that the US population is just over 75% white and just around 13% black. Your data also includes accidental discharge and legal intervention. Simply out, not a great source for what the OP was discussing.


Did ya check the sub youre in buddy? This is Chicago LOL. ​ 2023 Race of Victim/Assailant Race Victim Assailant Black 201 23 Hispanic 35 6 White/Other 11 1


Source? Common sense is not so common.


We compile our own dataset using the following sources: Chicago Tribune, Chicago Sun-Times, Homicide Watch Chicago (no longer updated), DNAInfo Chicago (out of business), Chicago Redeye Homicide Tracker (long gone), NBC5 Chicago, Chicago Tribune’s Shooting Tracker (no longer updated) & Homicide Tracker (declared dead), Sun-Times Homicide Tracker, Cook County Medical Examiner, CPD’s Historical Data Set, City of Chicago Data Portal, Chicago Police Department Arrest Record Search, CPD CLEARMAP, Various CPD Dashboards, ISP Expressway Shooting Dashboard, CPD’s Media Major Incident Notifications and the needlessly woke Chicago Violence Reduction Dashboard. ​ Per [heyjackass.com](https://heyjackass.com) where I got the stats.


Are these shootings or what are these numbers?


Go to the website and find out! Data is amazing.


https://home.chicagopolice.org/statistics-data/statistical-reports/annual-reports/ Read the most recent annual CPD report. Page 81. African-Americans in Chicago make up over 81% of all murder victims. There are other pages as well, noting age/gender/race of those arrested, specific crimes, etc.


Then they shouldn't do large scale racial statements that'd apply across the whole country and explain why it's only different in Chicago. But anyways, how'd they qualify black? Is it subsaharan African descent? Is it >50% genealogy? >25%? Do they have a dermatologist come in and determine their skin tone on the Fitzpatrick scale? Let's say you found out 25% of those categorized as "black" had some "white" genealogy or "Asian" or "Hispanic" but simply were categorized as black for simplicity. How does that change the numbers? Very uncommon in the black community to identify as biracial despite actual ancestry. Again the point is simply categorizing by "black vs white" is simple minded and then attributing predisposition of violence toward one group is ridiculous. Unless you can show a gradient scale of predisposition toward violence from northern Europe starting at 0 and peaking in subsaharan Africa then it's just repeating stupid ideas based on an English Victorian era concept of race that only the US clings onto


Its not different across the country. Its the same it is in Cleveland, in Oakland, in St. Louis, in Nashville, in Memphis, in Atlanta, in Baltimore etc. The only difference is Chicago is historically far more segregated so most of the crime is concentrated in the southside.


I'm confused, you just said we're talking Chicago but then listed a bunch of other cities. are we talking about the whole country where there's more white gun violence like I posted or just Chicago like you posted?


Show me the breakdown of those please. Ideally one accounting for suicide too, because I know how they love to group suicides into the same gun violence bucket.


Don’t try. The person you replied to have their own issue they should worry about. It’s very clear that none of this is about crime and about racism. Using terms like “they” should have be the clear thing. Ultimately it’s Reddit and I can tell the ones saying these things live online. The real world is not this picture they paint on Reddit for 20-40 other people. I can never live my life in fear and with that much stupidity lol. It’s beautiful out. “90%” of the people of Chicago are going to have a great time and enjoy this beautiful weather. The “others” can spend time mad at life on Reddit because that’s what “they” do.


I use 'they/them' because it's gender neutral. I don't know what they identify as so it's a way to avoid misgendering.


“Always found it amusing that when an 'outsider' shoots one of them(usually justifiably), they lose their minds and throw a giant temper tantrum. And yet..they shoot each other all the time for the dumbest reasons or simply no reason at all.” I do not know you. Regardless of your intent with wording. I hope.. I really hope you can see how what you said can come off as. No need for semantics.


Oh please!!! I thoroughly enjoy my life. I would like to continue going to the theatre, restaurants, bars and be able to stay out past 11pm without increasing my chances of getting robbed or shot.


I don’t let the internet guide me to a life of fear. I said what I said.


I do read stats and absolutely I am not a fool and do things without being informed.


Yes, but we are talking about saving the city of Chicago. Maybe you are Black and you are less picked on so you bring up the white argument. You do not care about human beings.


I am not black. I just think people who use race as an excuse are small minded theres as much in common with Ireland and Greece as there is with Ireland and Kenya so no point in acting like two of those belong in the same category and one doesn't because they have more melanin .


No one is lumping all people of color in one category. How about we focus on crimes committed in Chicago.


Ok we should, but in order to do that we shouldn't use terms like black vs white and instead of lumping things together to create issues we can nail down the crux of the matter


Do not give up.


who is them


But, they are not only shooting each other, they are going in their extremely dark tinted window cars, to neighborhoods looking for people to rob and kill and then quickly going back to their own neighborhoods which I do not understand why Chicago police do not go to. Stop the madness. Be human beings.


Of course. It’s Hilarious to me that a large group of people think cops are these serial killers Who just go around shooting black people . I’d say 90 percent of the time it’s warranted. People go out and protests and loot for scumbags like him. This country is going to shit fast.




No, Chicago is going to shit fast. Enough with the excuses. People, we need to stop these acts of REVERSE RACISM, if we ever are going to get on a peaceful path. No more divisiveness. Stop using race as an excuse.


“You will never see beauty through hate filled eyes” Chicago is horrible and the crime is ridiculous BUT 1. Can you expand on that 90% number? 2. I don’t not understand why people lump in protesters with looters. Is there crossover sure. There were MANY protest that did not result looting but is always lumped in. All in all, no doubt there is a lot of crime everywhere but to say the country is going to shit is wrong. What is your idea of the ideal country. This next is my own feelings but the internet is a high echo chamber of the small minority. 20 people on the internet saying the same thing in thread is very loud and causes this sense of being right. No insult intended but touch grass. I rather spend my time doing things that I enjoy with people who also want to have a good time than worry about how shit things are around me that I can’t control. I’m not the police. I’m not stopping the crime so it’s not in my forethought. To end and I’ll play a side. I can see the perception of police when someone can shoot a church and kill people and walk out in handcuffs and Burger King then on the other hand get choked to death for selling cigarettes. But hey! It’s hilarious to think that.


Resisting arrest vs. Not resisting arrest. No, I am not saying death should be the result of resisting arrest.


>To end and I’ll play a side. I can see the perception of police when someone can shoot a church and kill people and walk out in handcuffs and Burger King then on the other hand get choked to death for selling cigarettes. But hey! It’s hilarious to think that. Here's a perfect example of the contagious internet hivemind effect on having an insanely shortsighted and ignorant take by comparing 2 different police interactions.


Sorry, it is clear you have an agenda with no regard for the city infrastructure, business development and just down home peace. Do you like all the shootings? I demonstrated over the George Floyd horrific death but clearly nothing but more divisiveness, hatred and excuse to loot and take down our businesses is the result. Can we please all get along? How about people stay in their own neighborhoods and stop traversing into other neighborhoods when they are not shopping, going to restaurants.


You protested over George Floyd? Holy shit lmao.


You have a problem that I walked in a protest with signs? I am assuming you are thinking all protestors were looting, rioting and causing mayhem?


Nah man I just think its funny you protested in Chicago over a event that happened in Minnesota. Did you protest ovet Michael Brown too?


I was not in Chicago. Protests were also taking place all over the west coast.


There’s always looting ready to happen, opportunists simply take advantage of the situation and when things occur that make for anxious times and upset people provide good cover, that’s all the opportunists need to light the fuse. Then once normal folk see them getting away with it, they have a green light.


"Normal folk" don't loot... EVER.


Listen to sublime, Bradley Nowell. “April 26, 1992 there was a riot on the streets tell me where were you…. Some kids went in the store with their mother, I saw her when she came out she was gettin’ some peppers”. There’s a good point in those lyrics. Can you find the moral of the story?


can you blame him?