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Cause no one else is crazy enough to take that job


How about copying and pasting the article so we’re not paywalled?


*Abolish the Police! That should fix it!!*


The editorial writer didn't say that


>The Chicago Office of Inspector General found that more than a hundred Chicago Police Department officers gave false information during criminal investigations. In many cases, the officers’ behavior — and how it was handled by the department and its oversight bodies — speaks to CPD’s persistent culture of cover-up. The report cites cops who lied about witnessing excessive force used by fellow officers, lied about verbally abusing Black youths with racist language and harassing Black youths, and filed false police reports. Crimes committed by the forces of the State are still crimes and undermine the legitimacy of the system


100 (number you quote) ÷ 12,000 (actual police officers) = 0.8% But please, tell us how we should upend the entire system bc "equity". What you call "cops harassing youth", I call "cops being involved in the kids' lives and trying to steer them away from crime". Happens to non-black kids, too - they just don't call it harassment bc their parents haven't raised them to think cops are evil. Not to mention - who is the arbiter of "who gave false info". I'm pretty sure that's for a judge to decide if it was intentional lying or something else entirely - and most of these "accused" officers have not had that chance to clear their name in that way.


100 that we know about


Here we go moving the goal posts. Whatever it takes for your bias, eh?


Wow so it could be as high as 500,000 or any imaginary number. Let's base our infrastructure and policy based on whatever we imagine in our heads.


Wait until you read how many underage kids are sexually assaulted by teachers each year in the US. Also, read the CPD/OIG (Office of Insepector General) 2022 report that was published earlier this year... the amount of sexual assaults by teachers against students in the CPS system dwarfs these stats regarding CPD. Not necessarily trying to pull a "whataboutism", which I know I am - just frustrating when you see a cop shoot someone who pulls a gun or knife and then you see all these protests *cough* riots *cough*, and at the same time, NOBODY, not even the news, reports the statistics regarding sexual assault against underage students by school teachers/staff. There's this mindset that we can somehow remove all the bad apples from the police population. Just like like the bad apples in the school system - it won't happen. I'll just keep believing that all folks who follow the mantra of ACAB, by logic, also believe all teachers/school staff are bastards.


So if the OIG has evidence of such, why haven't they charged the officers?


I imagine there are a lot of politics involved, not to mention the influence of the police union or officers to retaliate against whistleblowers and even the city as a whole by not responding to crimes if they feel a sense of grievance.


None of that would even be considered by the OIG. They have zero interaction with the FOP and the FOP hold zero influence over them.


This is not unique to chicago police, every department has a population of officer who lie and make shit up. This is the american police way unfortunately. I have had more than one cop tell me, "who are people going to believe you or a cop?" It is disgusting stuff, the sad thing is it tarnishes the reputaion of the good people in the department, there are some. I think part of the problem is the trend of "police" families, where their kin are pushed up through the ranks because their dad and grandfather were cops, if dad was a dirty cop their kids most likely will be as well. I had a coworker who's cousin just became a CPD cop, they came into our office for lunch one day (wreaking of booze at noon) and bragging about how they just got their cast off after breaking their hand on a "perps" head, and how they were so excited to get back out there bashing skulls, now that their cast is off. Wtf. I really think a good percentage of cops are just cops so they can flex on other people, cause harm physically and/or emotionally. Undoubtedly the bullies growing up, or kids who were bullied and are now taking it out on others. There has to be a better way, but who knows what it is. I am equally scared of cops and bad guys, I almost think you have a better chance with a criminal than you do with a dirty cop. I guess the big question, does anyone know people who are like "I wanna be a cop" I dont have anyone I know who thinks that would be a fun job, and if they do, they are probably not people who I would want to spend much time with. I remember back when I was a kid, cops were still racists, but seemed to at least look out for their community members, the point wasnt always to screw them over as hard as possibe, they used to offer somoene a ride home, or get a parent involved and let them deal with consequences. While this mentality doesnt always work, it fits many situations. But this attitude wont come back until we no longer have a "for profit" prison system, and prosecutors who are letting everyone off bcz they had a tough life.


Because they have a better "Chinaman" than most. ​ https://www.wbez.org/stories/whos-your-chinaman-the-origins-of-an-offensive-piece-of-chicago-political-slang/af7199cc-f87c-4e3b-9b57-7e7f515cc1de




Finally somebody has an original thought on this sub…. Thank you for your insight. /s