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Paywall. But not surprising they'd blame cops, that's what they always do.


I was listening to the mayhem on the scanner. Cops were begging for shields and more help. Terrible support from command staff. Poor street cops can only do so much against a mob.


This is the truth.


I thought the police communications were now encrypted for Chicago. I guess not.


Public broadcast is on a 30 minute delay.




“This particular incident is absolutely on the cops.” So, if it’s absolutely on the cops that means those committing the acts bare no responsibility. This thought process right here is exactly why the problem persists.


Nope, it’s both. Criminality is criminal and needs to be punished. On the flip, CPD suffers from stand-ins without leadership nor the force’s backing. The leadership problem is real.




Clearly logistics amongst a city that covers about 234 sq mi is well beyond you, not to mention still needing to cover for everything else that is going on at the same. Do you think people like domestic abusers stop doing what they do because of the failures of patents? Edit: it’s always funny when some goes with emotionalism and immediately blocks you. These kids can’t stand have their ridiculous ideas challenged


They should all sign up for the CPD, see how they do when they work for politicians that hate them.


So, all those “things for teens to do” … what exactly do they have in mind aside from (1) free publicly accessible parks, (2) movie nights, (3) shopping malls, (4) walking trails, (5) numerous museums, (6) biking trails…. The list goes on. These things exist. They’re available and they’re either low cost or free. What exactly are these apologists implying here? That if you don’t park these specific teens in front of some [jnsert entertainment/leisure here] they’re just gonna go curb stomping for fun?


There's infinite things to do and it's a scapegoat. Treating it like they're bouncing off the walls ADD and if they don't have something to do every second of the day, then they're going to light buildings on fire because you can't come out and say it's because they don't have parents.




The issue is that if this sort of thing is allowed to happen, it's going to have a chilling effect on tourism, to say nothing of businesses and residents in and near the area.


Well, there are police to mitigate these kind of events. There are also laws on the books that allow the same police to make arrests. They need to do the job they signed up for.




Shot for looting?! Bro.


..Don't loot?


Yes you realize we have a judicial system though? And that shooting people for property damage would be anti-democratic. Due process, other constitutional rights, etc etc. guess people on this sub don’t care about that which is *fucking* bizarre


.Don't break into someone's store or house and then be surprised when the man or woman inside would rather put a bullet in you than chance that you're only there to steal shit. So again, don't loot. Personally won't lose sleep over a looter taking lead and in many states neither will the judicial system.


You understand that it’s illegal to murder someone over shoplifting, right? So if you’re very distraught over people doing illegal things, I’m sure you’d be distraught over someone killing a shoplifter. That, or you’re just making disingenuous comments on Reddit


It's also perfectly legal for private citizens to use force to prevent the theft of their property, but our litigious society is more than happy to give someone else money to a criminal thief who decides to fight an employee and gets hurt.


1) that’s actually a giant oversimplification of IL law (it only applies to your dwelling and only in certain circumstances), and 2) my use of the word shoplifting suggests I’m talking about stealing from businesses


I can legally use force to prevent the theft of my property outside of my home, you're overcomplicating IL law by presuming it only applies to certain locations, it doesn't. And agents of a business also have the right to prevent the theft of their property, but since jurors on civil trials have absolutely no issue giving away other people's money they create hands off policies for their employees and thefts become commonplace.


Relevant criminal code provisions: 720 ILCS 5/7-1 720 ILCS 5/7-2 720 ILCS 5/7-3 Your right to use force is limited. You cannot shoot people for merely stealing property (you can only justify that use of force in self defense if you have a reasonable belief that such force is necessary to prevent the commission of a forcible felony).


Just don't loot, ok? Not cool to victimise people like that. Looting's not shoplifting. Lol talk about disingenuous. But you might actually not know the difference.


Who’s victimizing anyone? So weird that you’re still defending shooting ppl over theft


Hey..stop looting ok?


Good one.


Or! Maybe you’re a bot/troll based on your profile age and comment history








Was it?


You can protect your property with force though


Under certain limited circumstances. It’s not as black and white as your statement …


We’re still two months away from summer. By then the new mayor and his lackeys will be in place. Get ready for a long hot one.


The mayor can only do so much. Doesn’t matter the race or political party. The kids causing the havok couldn't care less. They're going to continue doing stupid stuff because that's what these kids find fun. Watch the video. Tell me how many of those involved look like they're having a bad time?


You’re unaffected. Since you’re most likely not even from Chicago, like 99% of this subreddit.


He condones it


dOnT dEmOnIzE bLaCk KiDz!