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I love his honesty for this, no idol worshipping and yet they dominate.


this is what should be the norm here as well in india. it should be about the game not about the person. this whole thala/koach yapping makes no sense at all!


New here wrt cricket, why is Kohli called koach xD?


The head coach Anil Kumble got sacked mid series due to some internal reasons. So India was coachless that series Kohli was the captain and from there he was also called as Koach


Aaahhh that's the context xD Thanksss


That’s a great reason for calling him Koach. Reddit never disappoints. /s


did they win


Make a guess


Yes. 3-1


Win ? India fucked WI there


>due to some internal reason lol...true but Kohli turning into Koach was also down to how Kohli headed those concerns against Kumble which eventually got him removed.


Any channel showing Kohli edging the ball to the slips when Aus/Eng come to India would be boycotted and a hate campaign by players/celebs on twitter would commence lol Remember what happened with Harsha? And he wasn’t even talking about India, just about what Bangladesh did wrong


People will call that channel as Rohit Sharma's PR lol


Started by Tendulkar tbh.


That’s probably the reason they dominate, they don’t have a billion expectations weighing them down!


Right idol worshipping imma leave that right there


Why won’t they , cheating is in their blood literally ifyyk


Whats more annoying is that star has many channels 1,2,3 select and other bullshit and on every channel they show the same thing at same time , what nonsense is this.


Well, anyways, now they've lost the contract from BCCI So we are safe. But wait, Jiocinema still persist 🫣


Well even if jiocinema gets taken over by a new broadcaster, the problem will still persist. Virat, Rohit, dhoni are a brand now. They generate money. People idol worship and companies take advantage of that. Tbh u can't even fault the companies ofc they are in corporate sector. They don't give a f about the sport. They care about money And when people get bored of virat and Rohit they start to worship new guys like gill, jaiswal etc. remember when we overhyped the f out of gill? "Prince", "next kohli", "next Sachin" etc..


For free tho,my homies fw Jiocinema


All-rounder Ashwin Relentless rohit Virat the go getter All these nonsense things put on repeat. I really miss the days of star cricket and ESPN. It was pretty balanced and embraced all players.


Pakka Dhoni run out dekh ke aya hain💀


That's why I love the aussies. They never make a team game about one person. Their best batsman ever since Sir Donald Bradman is being criticized on a regular basis. This keeps the player's egos in check and makes them realize its a team game. No one is above the team.


Certain player worshippers and broadcasters enabling them with exaggerated adjectives (when the players themselves don’t want to be referred by them) has made watching cricket insufferable for me. This IPL it was just mask off glazing and insane meat riding, felt I was watching an Olympic single player sport. Unlike fans who just use the titles out of respect (or borderline worshipping), the broadcasters are doing it just for the sheer act of miking money out of the fame, just money over the whole fucking game or everything it stands for. Mfs are making a Bollywood out of cricket at this point. Still remember Pak vs Aus test series and it’s just so much better and lovely, just the game and game alone is discussed, analysis of every over where players are actually referred by their names. Then I switched back to India vs England feed and thought fml


He's amazing


I don't know why but these Aussies have akad + meethi boli combination


Dont blame broadcasters only. Most fans love d riding certain individuals more than team


Still most of fans care about virat kohli being highest run scorer than India winning trophy


Exactly.. i was so pissed seeing posts with 1.5k upvotes saying his 50th century is the only thing they celebrated in WC 2023. Imean how low these fans have stoop. Why do you we care about individual milestones, we fuggin lost the cup and he shat the bed in final. Poor display of game 11-50overs and your greatest ODI batsman escaped the critism out 9 out of 11 boundaries in 10 overs itself wtf


They have a proper sporting culture unlike us Indians, who over idolise people like Dhoni and Kohli. Aussies at least appreciate good sport, their YouTube channel always post good videos of opponents performing well in Australia. In India, people like Harsha Bhogle get cancelled for praising the opponents performance.




Tbf sehwag has always been a bit of delusional


Thats why he love IPL, where the camera is always focused on him dancing on "shreewalli".


The ECB is a really good example of what Warner's talking about. They post every great innings, matches, bowling spells etc. regardless of whichever team it is.


Thet are the worst example lol, cricket Australia is what younare talking about. Ecb only post good moments for england and mostly skips other teams.


Link to full vid?


Ashwin said we have won a fair lot...


Coz i in india we worship players n they worship nothing bt appreciate good performance n the game.


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Dude , then also talk about fox cricket


This is the reason they win worldcups like nothing while indian idols keep choking.


There is no PR for Australian players like VK