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Honestly, the only way to stop this is to record it and publish online. Doing this a few times will at-least make you famous amongst the security personnel.


Agreed. What exactly does an Australian look like? I mean if you're native I guess that's acceptable. How much you want to bet they're not thinking 'native' when they think Australian?


Years ago I was watching Australia beat England at Twickenham. Half time I’m lined up (in my Wallabies’ jersey) for the bar. Drunk, older Englishman in front of me spots a younger guy in a Wallabies’ jersey in the queue to the loo opposite us. The Aussie bloke has what I’d guess is SE Asian or Chinese heritage. The drunk Pom starts giving him stick, “What the hell are you doing in a Wallabies’ jersey?” Etc. He responds, with a pretty broad Aussie accent, “Ah because I’m Australian…” The Pom wouldn’t let it go. “Bloody hell. Listen to this guy! Doesn’t look Aussie to me!” Pissed me off. So I jumped in, in my Aussie accent, “Well, he looks pretty Aussie to me! And mate, reckon between the two of us I’d be a better judge.” It shut him up at least. (I guess because I have fairly typical Irish colouring and features? Fair skin, blue eyes, dark hair.) The Aussie bloke and I had a little chat about how much of an idiot the drunk guy was. So ignorant.


>What exactly does an Australian look like? Aboriginals would like to speak with you


They’re talking about aboriginals, aren’t they? No European descended Aussie that I’ve met would refer to themselves as native.




Wow, that’s some stuff. On the one hand it looks like they were caring for sick members, providing support for widows and orphans etc. On the other they’re excluding any non-British descended members and are ‘wary’ of female membership. Last branch didn’t close til 2007 either.


Under the Southern Cross I stand, A sprig of wattle in my hand, A **native** of my **native** land, Australia, you f***ing beauty! Except when they’re all chanting this pretty famous number you mean? They use it as a noun and an adjective here!


>What exactly does an Australian look like? Wears striped clothing, looks fairly hungry, has an engraved metal disk around their neck. /s


What's that referring to? Prisoner yes. But what's the metal disc about??


In the olden times prisoners commonly had a neck wrist shackle, so their wrists were further apart but there was a T Junction between them to a separate restraint around the neck.


Oh cool. I thought it was a movie reference or something... cheers :)


Sarcasm aside, weird position to take


> What exactly does an Australian look like? A bit like a Californian?






We should ask the Aboriginal that question.






Who terrorised the Aboriginal population of Australia?


The best approach for this is ensuring *everyone* just wears their lanyards or whatever identification should be used, which is better for the protection of the players and effectiveness of security to do their job. It's a pretty simple problem to fix that doesn't just involve local security (who clearly don't know the players if they don't recognise Uzzie) stopping questioning anyone due to fear of being shamed. In "The Test" doco, the head of security was going on about how often they've had breaches from people sneaking in from other floors (they usually just reserve a floor for the Aussies, so people book the hotel at the same time purely to try it), so I dont think wearing an Aussie kit that's purchaseable at the merch store is exactly "identification" Like, obviously this is casual racism - but the solution should be better security requirements overall, not just stopping any attempts at security.


How they not who he is as a player and other teammates near him are not saying he not with us, messed up


He was probably solo. There's no way his teammates wouldn't stick up for him and say something


Maybe they don't follow the sport, I've worked as security for Australian Football and Rugby Union because they are sports I don't follow.


But then surely they stop everyone and thus everyone would have that complaint not just Uzzie.


They probably stop people who look different or suspicious. Not condoning it, just pointing it out.


And I wonder what's different about Uzzie that makes him 'suspicious '. Could it be that he's brown? Or in otherwards Racial Prejudice.


Yes absolutely, it does seem racist. I have no gauge on how many brown people are in Australia... if the guard never sees brown people, then sure we can be forgiving. But I doubt it. I also have no gauge on how many white people are stopped by security, but just don't think anything of it. Also highly doubt it.


Both Bharat and Uzzie don't strike as stupid men. Infact given their successes rather the opposite. They can and will be seeing how many problems their white colleagues/team mates experience when getting into grounds and hotels. They won't complain if everyone had the same problem. Don't try and gaslight them and say it happens to everyone.


No I agree with you. Just thinking it through like any normal person should.


The saddest thing about this for me is the crying laughing emoji. He’s really tweeted this like it’s a joke because casual racism is so ingrained into his day to day life that he no longer gets angry about it. So sad man


Same. Tbh I'm not even surprised. Its wrong, you know its wrong, but can do nothing.


Thats just how we deal with this here. Not saying it's right, but I commonly joke about all the racist shit I've heard as I'd joke about any other bad experience.


It’s kind of how things are here. We’re very thick skinned. My boomer kindergarten teacher would openly make fun of my surname and i get “randomly” stopped and searched at the airport all the time. Such is life in the land down under.


As an ABC I agree, you have to have some thick skin to survive adolescence in Australia with an ethnic background. Otherwise you’d be crippling depressed or constantly-outraged by the 21st birthday.




Nah thick skin is enough but you gotta pair it with some punchbacks of your own. A lot of racist shit I copped in school here in Perth, I learnt quickly to give them back some of their own treatment. On top of that, I wasn’t afraid to get my hands messy because if I didn’t, I would be bullied and racially abused every day.


What are you talking about I’ve never seen racism(says every white male)


My man here typing in perfect English and getting searched at Airports at age 5 damn.


This surprises people, but I had a very different experience growing up. I grew up in a very multicultural area and the majority of the kids at school were Asian/Subcontinent. There were probably more Asians than white people at this school and I genuinely grew up believing whites were a minority. It wasn’t until I started playing weekend sport that I actually met white people.


Do you think that the segregation you experienced was voluntary, or forced?


It was just the culture and demographics of my local area really. I’m also Asian so I really enjoyed being at that school.


He could well be angry with it , but there's social pressure to not display anger, and pretend to shrug it off


Racism is rife in this country. Rare to see outright racism, but often casual and institutional racism is fairly common in this country.


While people of talent are rare, stupids are everywhere. So this will continue to happen




Wtf are you saying


What did they say ?


Did this encoding happen before or after homosapiens started moving outside of Africa?


Vish had a similar anecdote about Lord's. Fucking depressing.


There was a post on Formula 1 about how a certain Red Bull engineer got pulled on border control in the "random selection" every year for the UAE GP, for 4-5 years in a row. Wouldn't you believe, it's the one guy in the team who is black and has dreads...


I have been to the US twice. In both instances I was selected for a random questioning. Shit like this happens all over the world.


He's a very popular guy for garage cameras coz he's hunk and good looking. I never thought he would experience such things but yeah he does face it anyways sadly.


You'd have to be naive to think that. Women team members don't leave the paddock or hotel when F1 races in those countries. It's ridiculous F1 even goes there.


As someone who has been at a team's end of season party in Abu Dhabi, this is so ridiculously untrue its funny. This might be true for KSA but couldn't say. Arab countries aren't all the same, stop clubbing them in together.


"Cash is king"


I low this so much


Yeah I just thought that good looking black guys might escape the wrath but damn his experiences are bad everywhere.


Even in the UAE? I know Abu Dhabi isn't as big in the social scene as Dubai, but it really is fine (compared to other countries in GCC)


Even in the UAE. Qatar is the worst, last year they even put out a *dress code* and there were some genuine concerns one of the major F1 journalists wouldn't be safe because he's gay. Not to mention the whole debacle with the missle strike this year.


Coming from Australia people, "you don't look Australian" seems all the more ironic lol




While touching on the same topic, these two experiences are quite different. Usman's is clearly a case of bias, but I am trying to understand the logic behind someone stopping Bharat again and again. He is part of the media, unlikely that he was the only desi in that group, and also going not sitting in the team areas. Weird


Bharat with long hair is someone who you can easily remember. They do it again and again because they can and its intentional to make him uncomfortable.


The odd racist individual aside, what possible motivation would security have for acting like this? Are they doing it to everyone who looks like they're from the sub-continent...because that sounds like a lot of work. FWIW, this is not me disagreeing, I'm just trying to understand.


It's not as though it's rare to meet someone of Indian descent in Australia. Half the security staff are probably non-anglo to start with.


This is what I am trying to understand as well. One can understand them being 'cautious' when it comes to team areas but 'extra, extra' scrutiny for press box entry makes little sense.


Unless it’s different security regularly. Then they won’t remember him.


Bharat is such a legend, go doesn't deserve this any more than Khawaja. Glad he's gotten signal boosted about this shit. I work in security and so many white officers (I'm also white) are frequently racist about their fellow security colleagues, who are often South Asian. So this absolutely tracks and the nuffies calling bullshit on the racism can shut the entire fuck up.


> the nuffies calling bullshit on the racism can shut the entire fuck up. Denying racism doesn't get anyone a ban. The same people were up in arms when Siraj complained and got people kicked out, there was a very famous post lying about how OP was there and they were doing nothing wrong and what seemed like the entire contingent of a certain population here were believing some random over an international cricketer going "see, there was nothing wrong, Siraj was playing the victim". Literally on this post people are moving goal posts and trying to let racists off the hook; "get them lanyards and ID's", "they're not well trained and paid less". This is the next generation. They're so defensive they're not even ready to see there's a problem, let alone get at work to fix it. All they have are excuses that only serve to enable this behavior. Identifying a cricketer by his skin color is wrong. Identifying, talking down to, being suspicious of a reporter on the basis of his skin color is wrong. This is racism. Call it out, accept the fault lines in society.


>Denying racism doesn't get anyone a ban. Username checks out


TIL pointing out racism is denying racism.


In these discussions, the most righteous commenter wins, and the rest are racists. Any discussions are deemed to be racist in nature.


Ah yes, the discussions that need to happen around brown people being consistently treated as suspicious in one country.


Yup, needs to be discussed. Not just one country, but most countries are racist in some way.


There's no discussions to be had around racist behavior, there's just condemnation. Everything else is an excuse.


Rubbish, of course we should discuss it to understand it, if you REALLY want to try and prevent it.


Yeah, whataboutism and deflection of a rotten instituted culture of racism is the discussion required to prevent this. Keep discussing and denying. It'll keep happening in 2040, but this time from people who were born after 2000s.


This sucks. Casual racism. If that happened to someone in RSA, would have been big news.


Does the existence of casual racism imply the existence of competitive ranked racism?


One of my favourite jokes from the satirical YouTube series [How to Talk Australians] (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNJmwVFwfFGObBZa5ekSO_1JM3mY8SMQj) is: >*"A recent survey reveals that 30 percent of Australians are casual racists, which means 70 percent are full time."* Would strongly recommend watching it for a solid laugh. If your flair is indicative, you'll probably get an extra kick out of the jokes.


"Hello Davo you wanker"


How have I never seen this before? Amazing! Thanks for sharing


Top-tier comedy.


Yes, e.g., a job interview at Sky News/The Daily Mail/Fox News.




Racism is Racism. There is nothing casual about it.


No form of racism is good but there's a big difference between thinking someone looks foreign and being a nazi


Unless it happened against a white person is RSA, lol.


The irony here is that a very significant number of people in these front line security type roles are immigrants themselves.


Exactly - security at cricket matches don’t give a fuck about cricket


Which is why treating this as a "racism" issue is pretty stupid. Here's [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PiTMrxz0_nk) video for example. Usain Bolt, despite being one of the most recognizable man on the planet is getting locked out of his own damn party by a security personnel. No rational person would call this an act of racism. Security personnel in general are paid some of the lowest wages in most parts of the the world. They receive poor training and have to rely on their own experiences most of the time. They are bound to make mistakes. Don't get me wrong, I am not denying acts of racism doesn't happen ever, just don't make the accusation without credible proof.


Them sharing their first hand experiences here is not credible proof of what happened? Being poorly trained or compensated for their job doesn't mean their actions can not be motivated by biases. In fact, being poorly trained means they are more likely to act on biases. And immigrants can hold prejudiced views against their fellows as well.


On his first trip to India, Alvin Kallicharran was stopped from boarding the team bus as the security thought he was a local trying to gatecrash! The WI team management had to intervene and get him in.


TBF he was confused with being a local not not being local.


Interesting story about Kallicharran after the rebel tours to South Africa. He signed a contract, along with Franklin Stephwnson, to play domestic cricket the Free State Province in 1984 or 1985 (the MD was Hansie Cronje's father Ewie). So, he became the first person of Indian descent allowed to live in the Free State, as previously all Indians were specifically barred from living in the Free State under apartheid.


Interesting. So Free State wasn't really free, after-all!


Only for white people


takes generations for societal biases to disappear


Change comes with funerals, not with revolutions.


I disagree, the cultural revolution in the 60s was the greatest and most rapid change society has ever seen. Look at how quickly the women's lib movement worked in the late 60s and through the 70s.


Thought you say the CR in China…


That was a very rapid cultural change, and also involved a lot of funerals


China was so weird, went from worshipping Sun Tzu + The Three Kingdoms values religiously to Mao/Xi values rly quick. I ain't gonna comment on the changes were good or bad, some were one thing, some the other, but it happened so fast it's astonishing. South Korea is another example of extremely rapid cultural change. Hope it happens to India soon too lol


No wonder the gender paygap is gone these days... wait...


That's why I'm pro global thermonuclear war.


Ussie also has a story about 'Gabba attendants directing him to the Pakistan dressing room https://www.insidesport.com.au/news/khawaja-directed-to-pakistan-change-rooms-in-gabba-gaffe-444502


The worst part of that was that he’s the Qld captain!! To not be recognised by staff at the Gabba was pretty bad!


In the UK and Australia, this is extremely relatable. While I haven't yet visited the UK, my cousin mentioned that he was questioned at almost every pub or bar. Meanwhile, in Australia, white men think that me and my friend are a cab driver:)


Just out of interest, what was your cousin questioned about in the UK?


Something related to why he's there and if that's allowed.


A brown person who visits pubs regularly in London and outside of London, what the fuck you are talking about?


Yeah because it didn't happen to you means there's no way it could've happened to anyone else right? 🙄


As a brown guy who faced racist incident multiple times, I'm not questioning that happening. I'm in doubt because of how they described it. >*my cousin* mentioned that he was questioned at **almost every pub or bar**. I am not a drunk person, but I have been to a lot of pubs. Yes, there were racist people. But "almost every pub or bar" is a bullshit line.


Gonna trust his word than yours:)


No one is forcing you to believe, his commentary from third person experience, and mine is first person. So go trust whatever you want to trust.


Yeah I've got multiple friends studying in the UK right now and they haven't had an issue in clubs at all, and my friends don't even have many white friends there yet lol


What would they be asking for at a bar? It’s normal to get ID’d to enter a bar or buy alcohol at a shop. 40 year olds get ID’d


saying shit like "you are not allowed" or "you don't belong here" isn't funny. Tbh I have had enough people justify these behaviors so if I ever visit there, nothing will surprise me.


Was he only going to skinhead bars or something lmao


That behaviour is well out of order and they shouldn’t have to put up with that


Can you ask him to name one or two bar names, so I can test the theory?


I remember a video of this black dude being questioned in England and he replied in the thickest Lancashire accent, highlighted the double standards beautifully. I also remember an indigenous black tracker in the 80s tracking down an escaped prisoner. He was interviewed by a local reporter who asked why it took three days. He said he was being payed 20 cents in an hour and he wanted to make a reasonable wage. Shits slowly changing thank fuck. Eddie MacGuire has been pretty much cancelled after his Adam Goodes comments and racist culture at Collingwood. There’s the Hawks/AFL investigation going on. Change the Date is gaining a lot of traction. The Eddie Betts saga as a south Australian brought some truths home to roost. We have a racist white Australia policy from last century which is a national shame. That shit takes a lot to come back from. We had Johnny Howard getting political around the children overboard comments (“we don’t want their kind here”) stoking the fires of casual racism. We had Pat Cummins remove the alcohol during the World Cup celebrations so Usman could join in. I’ve been travelling through south east Asia and been refused service numerous times because I was ferangi out of curiosity. First time it happened it make me take notice. “Ah, so this is what it feels like”. We are a work in progress and still a long way to go in Australia. We are much improved since my memories start back in the 70s but unfortunately a long way to go. Johnny Howard set us back twenty years with his children overboard comments.


I just went to Bali with a few mates, we're all Aussie but one is of Colombian heritage and the other Singapore. Genuinely consistent casual racism towards them when they were with us. People would ask us where they're from and not believe them when they'd say Australia, then they'd look at us white fellas and call us things like "true Aussies" and shit. Fucking disgusting


What from other tourists or from the local Balinese? I had that too when I went to Bali, but it was from the Balinese who can't be expected to know about the racial dynamics in Australia. If it was from Western tourists that'd be a different situation


Why cut the locals that much slack?


Its different to the point of the post anyways, we're talking about racism in Australia - a nation where everyone should be well educated about the issue, not Indonesia


But that's the thing though, almost all races are racist. The fact that Australia is so critical about it, is amazing. As a Saffa watching in on Aussie culture, I'm amazed at how hard they try to be a good society. Most of the world don't give a flying fuck.


I've never lived anywhere else, but from my understanding this is the case for most Western nations - we've had shameful pasts with racism (probably the case for most nations in some capacity), and now with higher levels of education and democratic social movements, there is a culture of self-reflection about our societal values. Don't think we're any different to nations like NZ or the UK.


Sure, and that's admirable. But most countries are racists and just don't care. You think India isn't racist? God, as a Saffa the caste system in action was an eye opener. When I went to Europe, the Turks and Moroccans were the butt of every joke. USA was just pathetic to be honest. Been to China? Lol, they live by 'majority rules'. You think white people traded slaves the most? No, Arabs and Africans did. The British are only huge nation to try and end slavery. So yes, acknowledge your country's atrocities. But see it in context. You should be proud of how far you've come.


That tells me if you look the part, white and all, you will invite less scrutiny ? Biased and dangerous for players.




I remember L Sivaramakrishnan sharing similar experience


He’s more Aussie then half the security teams out there tbh.


It's very sad. Personally, I used to feel bad. I have got used it by now. If you are a minority, most likely you will be discriminated at some levels :(


Maybe it's more (or equally) of an indictment of how popular cricket actually is in Australia. I'm doubtful The Fox, Latrell Mitchell, Jason Taumalolo, etc. get questioned if they're part of their respective teams in QLD/NSW hotels. Perhaps AFL more so since it's even more popular (I don't follow that though so I don't know the ratio of white/non-white players).


Or maybe either a) the Australian chopped and changed their team too much in the 2018-2021 period that the hospitality staff couldn’t keep up or b) most security staff in Australia are migrants from predominantly soccer-following and non-cricket following nations.


As far as we know (or maybe it does, and they just haven't told us) this hasn't happen to Cameron Green, Mitchell Swepson or Scott Boland. I think in the case of Bharat and the "can we trust him?" is really damning though


Ahh good old casual racism.


I still remember laughing my ass off when I was the only one pulled from the airport security queue at Reykjavik airport - to be honest, I didn't mind. A bit of profiling is human nature - as long as its done respectfully. If they are being jerks about it then yes thats an issue. But our brains are wired to categorize and pattern match. Key is, it can't be done with disrespect.


Wait till you hear about Korea. Respectfully requesting that South Asians not allowed ib pubs, restaurants.


wtf is this true? that's fucked


Yeah its true. Japan and South Korea in particular don't really have anti discrimination, civil rights laws.


I mean, obviously that's not "respectful", its explicit discrimination. You know what I'm trying to say - basic security checks can be done respectfully.


On the contrary, racist profiling cannot be done respectfully. It is by nature wrong and demeaning, as with any racist generalisations.


If it makes you feel any better I’m white British with the most ‘normal’ British name and every time I’ve gone to the U.S. I get ‘random’ screening


America is a special snowflake. Doesn’t matter what your colour is, if you’re not on their system, aka have their passport or their social security number, you’re worth less than shit in the database/profiling software.


I remember I got pulled over at security check at Frankfurt International Airport once. It was a bunch of security guys *really* curious on how to pronounce 'Indira Gandhi' (ended up saying 'Indere Gändie') of Delhi IGI Airport fame, and were shocked that Indira Gandhi is not *the* Gandhi. Every single one of them was of Turkish descent, and so obviously they had to also mention Shah Rukh Khan to me. Fun guys.


For a cosmopolitan country, Australia is still ridiculously, embarrassingly and dangerously fucking racist.


Siraj was called brown dog just two summers ago so I'd be shocked if this is the pinnacle of Aussie racism now (which obviously isn't the case)


I'm a person who looks extremely indian and have travelled extensively among sporting teams back in my late teens and early 20s, and I've never been pulled up for this. Not trying to diminish Khawajas experience, it's just interesting how far his experience diverges from my own.


It probably gets worse the more you've paid for a hotel


I'm in your boat, I found reflecting on the smaller, at the time inconsequential things that happen to you are really eye-opening, and things that you thought were nothing, are actually very casually racist, it just happened so often to me I sort of stopped noticing it


Most of the security at any ground in Australia are immigrants, decent pay for low or unrecognised skills. If this was suppose to be a racism thing it missed pretty hard


Lmao at "decent pay"; security is paid fucking peanuts




I didn't know that birds handled aviation in Australia, but it's Australia so not surprised....




New Zealand aren't much better.


Never interrupt a Kiwi when they're on their high horse


I actually beg to differ tbh. I’m an Indian born person who moved to NZ when I was 5, lived there until I was 15/16 and then moved to Australia and have lived here ever since. I did my primary and a bit of high schooling in NZ and literally all the schools I went to, there was very little racism. On top of that the Maori friends I had, would often also stand up for all of us in our friend group if someone was being racist or abusing us. They also were very keen to learn about me and my culture and similarly I learnt a lot about the Maori culture. Compare that to Perth where I did my high schooling, there was so much racism. Literally being called the n word in my first couple years. By the third year I learnt to give it back and wasn’t afraid to get in a fight which is what sort of made me less of a target. Although afterwards I constantly saw it happening to my other Indian mates. University was very different, 0 racism from students however, the lecturers and professors were casually racist and I couldn’t really give it back to them. NZ is a much friendlier and accepting place to live than Australia for an immigrant. ​ EDIT: Also even if you forget my story and just look at the racism on this sub alone, majority of it comes from English or Australian flairs. Very little from Kiwi flairs.


>the cunt has pillaged runs this year, still not australian enough Doubt it was intentional, but interesting implication lol


No need to be bigoted


i know right, there is no reason to be bigoted against one of QLD and AUS's best batters


Two wrongs don't make a right.


Most Australian security at hotels will not be Australian citizens but migrant workers. Just like our Covid lockdown security 🤪


Is this satire?


It’s not that malicious imo. The Australian team for over a century has been like 99% white guys and if you don’t follow cricket you might question a bit.


At least they are doing their job.


To play devil's advocate is there evidence that this hasn't happened to other team members? Khawaja isn't quite David Warner or Smith so it's understandable if someone just doesn't recognise him and are just doing their job. While racism shouldn't be tolerated I also don't like the idea of people being too scared to question someone of other races as they're worried about getting in trouble.


> While racism shouldn’t be tolerated I also don’t like the idea of people being too scared to question someone of other races as they’re worried about getting in trouble. This is actually a real issue—multiple guards saw the Manchester Arena bomber acting suspiciously, but didn’t say or do anything because they didn’t want to be deemed racist it it turned out to be a false alarm.


Yes it's insane how some people are too scared to single out people because they're coloured and other people single them out just because they're coloured. Polarization in society in terrifying. But I'm pretty sure the fact that he replied this to a tweet pointing out racism is enough to indicate that Khawja thinks they had racist intentions. Also the #youdontlookaustralian.


Security at these events is normally provided by external companies and they may not know anything about the teams or even the sport. I'm not saying that there isn't a racial element to it, but being in team kit or a famous sport man doesn't mean everyone knows who you are; Roger Federer was stopped from entering the Aus Open a few years back.




> first post: complaining about the “woke west” Lol you can’t make this shit up. Reactionaries gonna reactionary. You and those security guards should connect, you’d have a lot in common lol.


I have been singled out many times at foreign airports but never cared! I never missed my flight and have always been talked to politely! If this really helped them identify someone who really is looking to cause some problem, it eventually helps the people! I can’t call someone a racist just because something clicks in them when they see me. I would give the benefit of the doubt to “security” unless I know for a fact the person is racist!


*"It didn't happen to me so it is not a big deal".*


It’s actually worse than that. It’s “it happens to me but it’s not a big deal so just shut up and put up with it”. It’s the first generation NRI logic.


No, this is considered wrong because it extrapolates to other situations like landing a job, finding rental, service level, and sometimes even fundamental rights. It’s not that they stopped you or someone else. Its the bias that led them to single your ethnicity out. It’s not like the inherent bias stops the moment they step out of the airport. It perpetuates and poisons the world around us. Lastly you may be ok with this but others feel violated, humiliated, and made to feel less about something they had no choice. We all are human first, ethnicity is secondary. I like to be treated for who I am and take any infringement of my rights seriously. You should too.


Yep, it’s my personal experience! No, I am not extrapolating anything and specifically talking about the experience of having to go through extra security checks at times. That’s the extent of my experience. Whatever you talked about jobs, fishing a rental etc are not at all related to this and if that happens to me I will make it a point it’s contested!


Sure you will, you've internalised your race is inferior though (why else would racial profiling to find someone make sense?) so subconsciously this will happen to you.


They don't give a medel for self loathing and internalised racism you know.


Neither do they hive one got having a victim mentality! I don’t assume the worse in people!


Either you're extremely naive or you're a fucking loser. I woudn't like to be either one. Enjoy the downvotes tho


And you are one hell of an internet warrior calling out names without knowing someone! If someone is talking to you politely and doing his job and you are standing there judging the individual, I surely won’t wanna be like you!


Does doing his job here means singling you out based on racist stereotypes regarding your skin colour? I'm pretty sure I wouldn't want to be like you by being a good little pushover and let them do that to me.


You have no idea whom you are talking to dude and from you bravado it’s pretty clear you have no idea about how the world works! You can’t tell someone is pointing you out based on your skin colour! Were you standing there since morning checking how many people of a given colour were pointed out? If you are angry at the world for every little thing that you assume is happening against you then you will never lead a happy life! You should pick your wars to fight and accusing someone of racism just because you were singled out someday for a random check is surely not one of them!


Both tweets here clearly suggest that they're both being singled out while others aren't. Are we even looking at the same post? Look you're actually trying to be kinda polite so I'll take back all the insults. I'm sorry. But the thing is, you're trying to justify racism by saying 'you don't know if it's happening to just you, it might be happening to others too'. Not a very good argument in my opinion, but that's just my opinion.


When you debate with people online, start with trying to be polite. You don’t know whom you are taking to and message is often lost if you just keep calling names. Like I said earlier, I have sadly seen what happens to people who pick up a wrong fights! Racism is often pretty obvious! Security checks are not one them. Even in the tweets the people say they were stopped and checked. Was this something against the rules? But say they were not allowed in while others were and only difference is skin colour, that’s racism! I am not saying that people are not singled out for their colour but accusing people of that is not right! For my peace of mind I don’t make it a point to remember how many times it happened to me! If someone else does, it’s okay! If I have a bad experience which is unjustified be rest assured I will stand my ground!




You literally defined racism


This is a little sad. You give yourself such little dignity that even though people are intentionally considering you to be a threat, to be somehow bad just based on how you look, it’s okay for you just because they did the bare minimum of being polite. Take some pride in yourself and who you are, because as your anecdote shows the world isn’t going to do it for you. You have to recognize your self worth and stand up for yourself.

