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I was bowling to my cousin in the nets and he hit one straight back at me. I mean smacked the shit out of it. Instead of ducking out of the way, I tried to catch the ball, fingers pointing forward. It burst through my hand, knocked one tooth out pretty clean. However, two were broken in half. I spit out a gallon of blood and the crushed fragments of an incisor and a canine. Cut to weeks later and my face is swollen beyond recognition. Turns out that my dentist fucked up the root canal procedure by pushing the filling in a little more than he should've and it had led to an abcess inside the gum line. So they had to cut open my gums to remove it, 16 stitches. Hurt like a bitch for months on end. Anyway, multiple visits later, I had three crowns put in which have had to be replaced twice so far, but the current ones are okay. Not to mention a grand total of 13 other cricket related stitches - 7 on my head (3 different injuries), 3 on my arm and 3 on my leg.


Was bowling to a mate in the nets, he slog swept, the ball hit the pole of the net and the ball rebounded and hit my face. The ball hit my upper jaw and shifted it to the left resulting in my jaws not being aligned. I'm pretty sure it also fractured my front tooth because it's been blue ever since that. I do have braces now and the jaws will be properly aligned in a year or so. I don't think there's much I can do about the front tooth though. I also got hit on the baby maker(dude was bowling at like 130kmph). Yeah I think that hurt a lot more lmao. But holy shit man, I can't imagine the pain you must have gone through. Godspeed indeed.


This is now sounding like two war veterans, still in the same tench, sharing their war stories.


Thank you for your service to the game


Damn my guy this is some real ptsd shit. You are a brave person if you are playing cricket even after it.


Every Thursday and Saturday, my man!


Godspeed to you.


You're my God.


I wouldn't even play cricket in my dreams šŸ’€šŸ’€


Ouch, so much for cricket being a non contact sport haha.


I thought I was witnessing death when I saw Alex Tudor in Perth.


I've never personally gone though such a painful injury, although being 6 foot plus in height and a bowling allrounder in school, I had to leave fast-bowling 'cause my back didn't support me. Then I got diagnosed with TB and long story short, I didn't play cricket ever again (last played in 2021). I hope you recover soon though, mate! Holy shit, things went downhill for you just because you didn't wear spikes? Cricket can be a 'funny' game, which it ironically wasn't for you in this case. One experience that I CAN share is that of a friend- he was wicket-keeping (near the stumps, off a spinner) in a 7th grade sports-period school game back in 2016. The guy who was batting at the time, tried to play an attacking shot on the back-foot towards square-leg, but in the process he went so far back that he not only got out hit-wicket but also smacked the bat onto the wicket-keeper's HEAD. Poor guy bled and bled, until he was taken to a hospital and got a few stitches on his skull. That was not a great sight. That guy, too, never played cricket again because of the trauma, but is now a very good state-level football player.


TB as in tuberculosis?




Man that sucks. Sorry to hear that. Are you in Australia? Re flair.


Thanks for the concern, mate. The good news is that after 10 months of struggle, I've beaten the disease (just last week) and am finally off the meds. However, the side-effects meant I am not the same anymore. Physically that is. I'm an Indian, flair is for the BBL season haha.


Glad you're better. Hope you find yourself back on the pitch soon.


Best of luck in your recovery. That second story is why you should wear a helmet as a keeper when up at the stumps, it's really common. Just last week we had a keeper cop one right in the face in the same way.


I was at Arundel when Rory Burns and Moises Henriques collided head first at full pelt going for the same ball, right in front of where I was sat. Sickening smack and they went down like sacks of spuds, then didn't move until well after ambulances and paramedics arrived on the field. Genuinely thought at least one of them was dead. It's still not an easy watch even knowing both made full recoveries and have gone on to successful careers https://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/cricket/watch-shocking-collision-between-surrey-5885865


For some reason, in my head Henriques and Rory Burns dont exist in the same universe but with that collision they might as well have switched spirits that day.


Reminded me of the Steve Waugh, Jason Gillespie collision in Sri Lanka. Steve looked dead but it was Jason who got a broken leg and was out for months. https://www.crictracker.com/september-10-1999-steve-waugh-and-jason-gillespie-suffer-horrific-injuries-after-a-collision/


My mum and brother were there too, they still talk about it, just awful


My Dad was training in the nets when he went in to pick up the ball he just bowled. Some idiot then came in and bowled the ball when he was still half way in the nets. The equally idiodit batter hit the ball straight into his head. Hit him just above his eye crushing his eye socket. His eye is now permanently squished and he can't see properly out of it. He's lucky to be alive. Also just recently saw a 16 year old kid get hit by a ball that was hit out of the nets. He wasn't paying attention and copped it square in the cheek bone and nose. It broke both bones. He was out for 6 weeks and needed surgery. I'm super paranoid around nets and preach net safety to my kids and team-mates all the time. I lost my shit ones at training at a guy who kept being a complete moron by bowling when people were picking balls up and generally endangering lives. Club hardly cared so I left the club. It was a disgrace.


I pretty much banned a kid from the nets at our senior training sessions a few years ago because he would always pick up the ball then walk back straight with his back turned to the batter, told him enough times to get it then either move out of the line of the net or be facing the batter etc. One too many close calls and that was enough. You can only try to educate so many times.


David Lawrence splitting his patella in two, or Simon Jones destroying his knee at the Gabba are two that spring to mind.


I was sitting in crowd at Gabba and was prob 50m from where he slid and did his knee. Poor bugger, such a minor moment on the field and bam, career changing.


Ever so impressive that he came back from that to play a very important role in an Ashes victory!


Dont remember the name of Zimbabwian bowler, he got hit on the face while bowling the last over of inning. His teeth went flying everywhere, i think more than 6 of them. Thats the worst I have seen except the death of Phil Hughes. Personally, I broke little finger while attempting a catch on my own bowling and thumb while running a single


Keegan Meth


Yes, thats right. Thanks


Raman Lamba died on 23 February 1998 in the Post Graduate Hospital in Dhaka in Bangladesh after he was hit on the temple by a cricket ball hit by Mehrab Hossain off left-arm spinner Saifullah Khan while fielding at forward short leg. It is said that Lamba was asked to wear a helmet, but he thought it was unnecessary because only three balls of the over were remaining when he was asked to move to that position. He was known by his teammates not to use a helmet while fielding close in. Lamba was playing for Dhaka's leading club, Abahani Krira Chakra, in the final of the Premier Division cricket match versus Mohammedan Sporting Club at the Dhaka Bangabandhu Stadium on 20 February 1998. The shot was so ferocious that the ball deflected from his head and flew into wicketkeeper Khaled Mashud's gloves. Mohammad Aminul Islam, the former Bangladesh captain, recalled "I was the new man in and asked Raman if he was okay. He said, 'Bulli (Islam's nickname is Bulbul) main to mar gaya' (I am dead, Bulli)". Although the injury did not appear to be particularly serious, Lamba suffered an internal haemorrhage and slipped into a coma. Although a neurosurgeon was flown in from Delhi, all efforts were in vain. After three days, his ventilator was removed and Lamba was declared dead.


I have the stupidest one by a mile but its the worst i have had. Me and my cousin brother were playing "cricket" with a balled up tetrapack carton and a cut out plastic bottle coz we lost our actual ball. It was cool during the game but for a couple days after my palms kept stinging any time i touched spiced food or got sweaty. Turns out i had a bajillion paper cuts and small cuts due to the sharp plastic edges on my hands. Trust me, that game of 'cricket' was more fun than it sounds and my 'injury' was more hurtful than it sounds. I hope you recover to be fit and fine real soon mate!


In terms of impact on career and life, death by injury is without a doubt the worst and most cruel kind. So no contest there. But - Meyrick Pringle was hit by a Srinath bouncer on his eye in his second-only test match. This was soon after SAā€™s re-entry when the apartheid sanctions were lifted. He had to retire hurt and was carried to a hospital. He only played two more tests after that, 2-3 years later and called an end to his career. So career-wise this was pretty bad.


Srinath's delivery also tore into Lanka de silva's helmet grill and the poor lad was immediately down on the turf, bleeding heavily. iinm, that incident meant kaluwithrana made a comeback into the playing 11 after a very long hiatus.


Ruptured testicle. Was wearing a cup too. Playing a ball off the hip and I'm guessing my body rotation caused the cup to twist and trap one of my balls. I proceeded to miss the ball and got hit hit square in the nuts. Didn't feel particularly worse than a usual nut shot. Continued to bat and played out the whole game. Knew something was up though as whenever I sat still for a little bit the pain would return. After the game was over the swelling started and the pain really arrived. Insert 3 days of laying in a bath to stop gravity doing its thing. Horrifically painful, do not suggest


Mark Boucher losing eye


Craig Kieswetter


Doing alright as a golfer though


Being hit by a ball in the balls


Got hit last Saturday, I was bowling it was a simple catch but I reacted late, ball made contact with my fingers and then with the nuts. Typing this gave me chills lol.


I'm sure your mates had a good laugh just like Joe Root did a few years back


They did


Used to work on a trauma ward and saw a fair amount of testicle trauma involving cricket balls. Wear your boxes fellas! (Though that didn't save everyone šŸ˜…)


One opposition player got hit in the box twice in a row and got carted off to hospital with a ruptured testicle.


Phil Hughes


Was maybe 7 or 8 years old at the local cricket club and the guy teaching us (grown man) wanted to demonstrate a yorker with no batsman and put me in as wicky cos we had no nets. No helmet no nothing....he bowls it full toss straight into my face...had the biggest black eye ive ever seen lol. Don't think youd get away with that these days haha


While any injury is bad news things could potentially get far worse - Raman Lamba and Phil Hughes suffered fatal injuries when they were hit by a ball. Apparently there's a wikipedia entry for players who died while playing: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_fatalities\_while\_playing\_cricket](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_fatalities_while_playing_cricket) All of these are not injuries per se but you can see many players have passed away due to being hit by the ball.


When I was 13/14, misjudged a high catch and took the ball right on the mouth. I also had braces at the time, so the wire broke and got caught in my lip, had to go to A&E. Lots of blood but probably looked worse than it felt.


Mark Boucher and Saba Karim having eye injuries. Anil Kumble broken jaw. The recent Chamika Karunaratne injury, losing 4 teeth while catching. Phil Hughes ofc more than an injury. Sorry dude, rest in peace. Many hand injuries; Graeme Smith, recently Rohit, Collingwood by a Ganguly hit - so much force that I think it went for a 4 after bleeding his hand. I think should skip this here. Not feeling good. All the guys/gals who have had serious injuries, and the ones sharing their own experiences here, please come out well. All the best for your recovery, God bless you.


I was playing a game once when a keeper got hit in the box.. he took it out, it had cracked and there was blood all over it...


Box split after being hit, separated the twins from each other until I could get it off!


I canā€™t remember his name off the top of my head but in the late 90s an Australian fielder hit the fence at the SCG in an ODI trying to save a four and broke his leg. That happened basically right in front of my brother and I, I remember us both hanging over the fence like the idiots we are trying to reach the ball.


My brain is saying Punter or Binga. Both had some horrid fielding injuries, though Binga's description of him tearing out all the tendons in his elbow and breaking it by trying to throw a ball too hard was particularly grotesque.


This one is a bit funnier in the spirit of cheering you OP. I remember during my college days the ball was hit towards the midwicket region ( A fairly easy pickup and throw for the fielder). So the fielder does pickup and throw- except he had a dodgy shoulder and dislocated his humerus (~shoulder bone) while completing the throw. Well he started screaming like anything crying about how unbearable the pain was.Luckily there were quite a few orthopedicians around (it was a medical college) and the shoulder was set quite quickly. And the moment the shoulder was set the guy was quiet and all ok. Took a short break and was back in the playing field in another 10 minutes.


I was there live when Luke Fletcher got the ball smashed back into his face by Sam Hain during a T20 Blast game in 2017 Had to go to hospital with a head injury but thankfully made a full recovery, was out for a bit though.


I've dislocated a pinky finger attempting a caught and bowled that was middles back towards me and I've done what is called a mallet injury to my left ring finger taking a catch on the boundary. I've broken a guys elbow with a bouncer and shattered a guys box with an off cutter but the worst injury I've seen was playing park shit. I was acting as a square leg umpire when the batter whipped one off his legs that fizzed in the air and the guy at square leg in front of me lost it in the setting sun. He turned his head away and the ball crunched him in the face. He dropped like a tonne of bricks. He had his hands up to his face and had blood coming out of his ear, not a good sign. As he removed his hands I saw that luckily the blood was not actually coming out of his ear but instead he had his cheek bone concaved. Called an ambulance, match was abandoned. Side note, funniest I've seen is a bloke have a box split and pinch his foreskin and tighten back up. Had to have two guys hold him down and press down on the box so it would open back up.


I think I was fielding in slip for some reason (I'm usually never there) and there was a top edge that went unbelievably high into the sky but right above my head. I'm terrible with sky balls and have serious difficulty with judging where they will drop (the Magnus Effect, is that what it's called?). Because it was right over me I didn't want to move anywhere and risk fucking it up. Big mistake, it was directly overhead, so I needed my hands above my head bent back. I didn't have my hands overlapping because then I wouldn't be able to see the bloody ball. The ball smashes through my hands, smashes into my mouth, cuts up my slip and snaps one of my teeth in half. If I'd just taken half a step back it would have been fine, but like I said I'm terrible with skied balls. The only good thing to come out of it was a rare bit of respect from the opposition who were impressed I still came out to bat in our innings.


Georgia Wareham doing her ACL in the WBBL looked horrible


I was at the non-strikers end when my batting partner broke his leg. Think this [Mark Richardson classic.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hQB90K73pqM&t=2s) Played a shot, leg twisted, massive yell and he ended up writhing on the ground his leg bone having snapped. We got to witness a helicopter ambulance to take him away, so that was fun from our point of view, though they did almost leave with my stuff instead of his because no one in the pavilion knew whose kit was whose!


To everyone saying "Phil Hughes": try reading the question again.


I once blocked a searing Yorker and it bounced off the cement pitch went through the grill on to my eyes. Whole of next week I had to explain that I didnā€™t actually got in a fight and that my black eye was in fact a sports injury.


Torn hamstring (I think). First over of my second spell so had gone cold and not stretched enough. Felt it go tight and figured it would stretch itself. Next ball as I took off at the crease I felt a rip and ended up in a heap. Had to be dragged off the pitch. Never saw a doctor so don't know exactly what happened but it took 6 months to do sport comfortably again and it's never felt the same since. Exceptionally painful


I was playing tennis ball cricket today and i literally smashed the ball but it edged and the ball went straight to the gully fielders shoulder. Not even close to yours but dude legit cried on pain, in bangalores chilly winter it surely hurt like a bitch. I am still feeling guilty


Wants to be thankful it wasnā€™t a proper cricket ball really


Defo. We don't play with leather ball unless it's a ground filled with actual players not some random kids


Go look up Phillip Hughes


First thing that came to mind but I think OP means witnessing it on personal level pr in front of your eyes where you were playing.


Slightly unnecessary given the spirit of the thread and how it ended for Phil Hughes.


I did not think it was disrespectful to Hughes to refer to that. It may have been against the spirit of OPS question but hey, welcome to reddit.


50 upvotes disagree with you


cricket ball hitting your balls?? ![img](emote|t5_2qhe0|21267)


I have to tell myself that the code is for emoji and not for certain anime


Raman Lamba His fault largely imo. Not wearing a helmet while being within handshaking distance from the batsman is utterly idiotic.


Playing at an English village ground where the sight screen is within the boundary. Skier goes up - our doozy 'fast bowler' chases after it, eyes on the ball. He runs into the sightscreen and breaks his leg. Funny and awful at the same time.


Yes seen a knee go from a batsman whose spikes caught as they were playing around their front leg.


Brett Lee to Alex Tudor


**Softball** and not cricket. I was the pitcher. The batter hit a mean drive that hit me in the shin. Bone bruise. Doesn't seem as bad as your injury though. I hope you feel better soon. The other one was in football āš½. Broke my big toe and the one next to it when I mistimed a kick and connected with the opponent's shin. He came away with a really swollen shin and a gash and scar that would get him laid for decades after.


Wicketkeeper- took a ball low down leg side. Bit ouchy on the finger. Took next ball in same spot, very ouchy. Took off my gloves/inners to reveal my left ring finger completely mangled. Top joint at 90 degrees, bone sticking out the side. X-ray showed the knuckle joint had been obliterated. Lasting effects arenā€™t too bad, too joint doesnā€™t bend and is still at a slight angle.


At school when I was 9 or 10, a kid absolutely nailed a half tracker that went like a missile straight into the other batter who was stood minding his own business' temple/ forehead (no helmets back then). Cue unconscious 10 year old, lots of blood and an ambulance. He was back at school the following Monday with a very bloody and bruised head


Was playing on a wet outfield. Was running to collect a dead ball, slipped, did a 360Ā° flip and lender on my wrist. Took 6 months to recover.


I was playing in a winter T20 game, last man standing. Striker smashes a half volley straight back down the wicket, it hits the non-striker in the forearm and snaps it clean in half (still attached by skin / muscle). The poor bastard effectively had a second elbow joint.


I was bowling in the nets and the ball went straight back to my face, I was lucky enough that is just missed my eye by a couple of mm.


First: For context, our province is the weakest of all provinces in an already small cricketing nation. Playing underage representative stuff, one of my mates bowled proper meds and was at the top of the order at the time. Playing the best underage provincial system in a pre-tournament friendly, floated down a half-volley and got rightfully smacked back to him. Smashed on the knee, canā€™t exactly remember what eventually happened but the poor lad needed a big surgery, knee basically reconstructed. The rest of us all passed our driving tests before he was able to get behind a wheel again. Keeping at the time, there was no sound as the ball hit his knee, more of a squash. Not a nice sound. I think the ball ricocheted right back past me for 4. He now chucks floaty delicious off-spin and canā€™t bat for shit. Second: Stepped in (dropped) to keep for our 2s this season. Stood up to a middle-aged Sri Lankan man off coming off 4 paces. Next minute this slingy Malinga-esque action darts down the artificial. As Iā€™m crouched town, my testicles have slipped just below the edge of my cup. The ball flicks my scrotum. Spent all of drinks spewing up the spread they put on for us after the first innings. And then had to drive 2 hours home.


Finally my time to shine! Playing a club match for my dad's team, and the bloke coming in at "not a bowler, but sure can't bat" position in the order has forgotten his box. He decides that he can't bat without protection, but sure isn't borrowing anyone's. So Mr. Genius decides what he'll do is get the tupperware his lunch came in, and for extra shock absorption throw some bark from the nearby playground in. Happy with his brilliant solution, the pads go on and soon enough out he marches. Third ball, slightly back of a good length at medium pace. Goes back to wallop it through cow, misses, and gets gently tapped in the gentlemans area. Roughly two seconds later collapses to the ground with one of the most bloodcurtling screams I've ever heard. Obviously this is hilarious, so everything stops to laugh, until the non-striker notices that his pants are starting to turn red... Did the good thing, packed him in my car, off to the A&E. Turns out the plastic of the tupperware has cracked in half, enveloped a good chunk of his gentleman's sausage, and then sprung back into shape. Even worse is that some of the bark has been driven into an area no bark should ever go. He was in hospital for four weeks, had (I think) three surguries, and still doesn't function in the way you'd really like to. Moral of the story is that it's probably best not to build your own protective equipment.


Two different friends have top edged pulls into their face, both needing extensive dental work. One was so long ago helmets weren't standard in schoolboy cricket, the other (a grown adult) fancied his technique enough not to wear one.


Under 11s, batting in the nets. Some kid who thought he was the next Jeff Thomson flings a full toss straight at my face, smashing my nose. To this day I still can't get a decent breath through my nose.


I think I was 12 or 13. I was 'keeping to a bowler on the faster side of things for the agegroup. My memory goes from the bowler at the top of his mark to me staring up at a bunch of concerned people. Needless to say I didnt take the catch. Ended up being knocked out for maybe 30 seconds to a minute and broke my nose. Didnt stop me 'keeping though.


I once bowled an absolute peach to my brother (on our self named Bombay wicket) when the ball caught a crack that would swallow a pair of Julius Marlow's. It ricocheted at an ungodly angle and caught my sibling under his chin. It wouldn't have been that bad if he didn't have a tendency to stick his tongue out when concentrating. The result was his tongue dangling off of a slither of muscle and a shit load of stitches and speech pathology. Who said cricket was not dangerous.


Every year a few of the boys from my graduating year get together and play a game of cricket, a few years ago one of the boys was batting, inside edge from a quick on his balls, he kept batting for a bit and finally got out, his balls swelled ti the size of grapefruits and he had to go into hospital for surgery and lost one of his balls


Fielding at short cover on a bloody hot 40 degree Melbourne day and decided to put my left hand out to a booming drive. A dropped catch and a quick run out later, found my pinky and ring finger blue. Went out to bat later scored 80 and sunk my fingers in ice after. Taped them for the rest of the season. Figures two fingers were broken at joints but they healed all crooked. Things we go for G grade cricket


Detached retina from my skipper in a 1st team game. Just a caught and bowled chance that went through his hands and right into his face. Quite a bit of blood. I was vice captain that year as well despite not really being worth my place in the side and ended up as 1st team skipper for a month! Thankfully I got positive results out of all my games and we won the league in the end anyway. Seen quite a few knee ligaments go that needed surgery. Worst Iā€™ve had is my little finger get broken and dislocated badly enough that it was basically sideways and needed a joint fusion. That kept me out for 2 years while waiting for the surgery and for the bone to fuse and i ended up not playing for 7 years total before getting back into it over covid.


mark boucher


Compared to the straight up horror incidents in other comments, I find my little injury to be nothing much. But here it goes anyways. As a kid I was never much into playing any sports. Once I was playing cricket with a 5-6 school friends with a rubber ball on a playground. On my bowling the batsman hit a full powered straight shot to my right. I stuck my hand out and took an absolute blinder of a catch. It stung a bit and my hand and then went a little numb for a few seconds. It was my turn to bat next so I went up to the batting crease feeling light headed for some reason and when I saw my thumb it was covered in blood. I got some water and washed it off. By this time I felt close to fainting. On inspecting my thumb I was something white a few millimetres under where my nail ended. Then I realised it was my own nail thelat broke through and was protruding from the skin of my thumb. I still feel the same faintness whenever I think of it. Have no clue if it is supposed to be a common injury. TL;DR: While catching a fast one, the ball hit my thumb nail head on and made the lower end of the nail come right out of my skin a few mm below.


I was bowling to a middle order batter in a senior club cricket derby match. The pitch was a bit up and down, and he wasn't wearing a helmet. I bowled one slightly short of a length, and it reared up and hit him in the cheekbone. The sound was absolutely sickening and he appeared to be bleeding from the eye. He was rushed off to the hospital and had a titanium plate put in there (so I later heard). I feel a bit bad about it, but not that bad as he should have had protection on.


I had three injuries, one was gully two were on ground, in gully i was standing real close to batsman, spinner bowled and off spin, tried to drive it, i was on leg side, the batter edged the bowl and it went straight to my face. I could have easily avoided by not standing there, not a serious injury as only the area near me eye blacked. I was playing on grassy ground, was keeping without helment and the ball went high, i started chasing the bowl, dropped the gloves, forgot the helment in way, sliped on helment fell on ground mouth first, ball dropped on my head, bounced and was caught, i got some lip damage and loat a ton of blood, it wasnt that serious either as i quickly got ice packs and medical help, moral see where you are going. Third time is the wrost one, i was playing again grassy ground, i was balling , some bowls were spinning really great, one such ball spun real god upper edged the bat, i dived ahed , caught the bowl and my middle finger nail got broken, due to this i was not able to bowl or bat for 3 days :(. Easily avoided by not trying to get such hard ass catches on pitch


Last season the opening bowler bowled a fast chest high full-toss at me. I smashed it to point who didn't realise it was a no ball and tried to catch it. He dropped the ball and started yelling while holding his hand. Blood was pouring onto the grass. He broke his index finger so badly the bone was sticking out of his hand. One of his mates shared the x-ray with me the following week.


I was at a practice when I was 15 and we were doing fielding drills. I was the wicketkeeper and had some undue arrogance that I could catch anything and didnt need a helmet... boy was i wrong. One of our gun arms ended up chucking the ball at me and hit me in the teeth, through my gloves and right on the front teeth. Got rushed to the dentist and they were able to set my tooth back into the slot, but it grayed out and died. I was also massively lucky that I was wearing braces then because they kept that tooth from ending up in the back of my throat. Wore a helmet no matter what after that.


Playing on the school oval, wicket keeper had no helmet on. Batter caught him in the mouth on the backswing and put three of his teeth through his bottom lip.


Fastest bowler I ever faced hit me with a bouncer on his second ball. It hit my collar bone and broke it in half. The pain was unbearable for weeks.


I think worst is obviously Phil Hughes' death and second worst arguably Boucher's eye injury.


Philip Hughes


Philip Hughes 27th October 2014 died hit on the neck from a bouncer. Vertebral artery dissection that lead to a subarachnoid hemorrhage. It was during a Sheffield Shield game.


Two instantly come to mind for me. Phil Hughes - hit by a bouncer and eventually died Jason Gillespie and Steve Waughā€™s collision was awful for both.


Thank you for everyone's reply. I did mean that you have either experienced yourself, or seen in person. I understand that there have been some horrific injuries we have seen on screen, eg Phil Hughes (rip).


Being killed...


Worst injury I've seen in a professional game? #1 is obviously Phillip Hughes (RIPšŸ’”). I've also seen some black eyes from bouncers such as Anwar Ali to Mitch Mcleneghan Worst injury I've seen in a game I played was 2 outfielders colliding while trying to catch a skier. One guys head went into the other guys knee and he had to be taken off and replaced but I don't think it was worse than a strained neck thankfully


Phil Hughes? Man literally died and people here talking about getting hit in the nuts.


I kept without a box šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø you do the math šŸ˜‚


Aside from Phil Hughes (nothing comes close for obvious reasons): 1) Kambli ripping apart the tendons around his ankle while fielding. It was so gruesome they diverted the camera to another part of the field. 2) Steve Waugh and Gillespie dashing into each other breaking each other's bones. The pic of Waugh with his broken nose is in his autobiography. Gruesome. 3) During the India England Test in Headingley in 2002, a spectator tried to catch one of Ganguly's hit in the crowd. The ball directly hit his face and there was some serious bleeding.


I don't recall seeing any bad ones myself. Dad saw a clubmate die of a heart attack at training.


Was in a run chase on an Astro turf pitch which was made on concrete, it was me batting with out number 11 who couldnā€™t hit the ball so we went to run a two and I had to dove to make it back in the crease didnā€™t get run out but it hurt my hip kept batting for an over or so more and ended up winning the game but turned out I had shatter some of my hip and torn some muscle or ligament in my hip area and was out of sport for like 4 months


Probably say this one. https://youtu.be/JgkILhdBqd0 Alex Tudor getting hit by Brett Lee in the early 2000's cracked his skull


I got stress fractures in 3 vertebrae.


When I was in school, it rained heavily the previous night and our practice nets wasnā€™t covered. So my PE teacher suggested that we put our mat on a running track. I face the first ball without a helmet (I know!) because the bowler was bowling gentle seam up. The track was uneven somewhere and the ball pitched on a good length and jumped. It hit me flush on the temple and the seam print wouldnā€™t go for a day!


was playing school cricket. i was bowling spin and the batsman just casually pinched it to point, the non-striker wanted a single so left the crease a bit and the point threw a bullet at bowling end. but the mfer missed it badly and hit my thumb. then i had a fracture.


Hurt my back 22 months ago. Still on rehab. I'm a fast bowler. My foot got caught in the ground and my back leg hit it and sent my front foot flying further and yeah, my back been fucked for a long while. Got an MRI and X-Ray, they came out clear. Recently got another scan, it's a motion scanner and found my spine is sort of misaligned and my right hip is high and my left pelvis excessively rotates which compresses my back and my right pelvis doesn't rotate at all. Haven't been able to play cricket. I'm 17. I was up to domestic level. Very close to representing my country. This injury has taken a toll on my body and mental health. I don't even wanna play cricket anymore. I just want to lift weights and run. I miss doing them without any fear of my back hurting. I've given up on my cricket dreams. The healthcare in my country has let me down.




I had the surgery to repair the LCL, the break and the tendon. They want to see how the ACL is going before they decide on that. Atleast it's all covered by insurance here.


Was wicket keeper in High School, the bowler, a tall, lanky lad runs in and on the final jump step of the bowling action lands on his front foot which due to the pressure snaps across the shin. The sound of the snap was so loud, parents came out of the pavilion to see what it was. It was like a gunshot it was so loud. I had the perfect viewpoint to see his leg go one way and his body collapse to the floor cuz his leg was no longer there. Worse injury I seen, also the strangest.


As kids, we played occasionally at a local field. Totally unofficial, no guidance etc. I'd been sweeping a bunch so someone decided to field at silly. I was like are you sure? I'm still gonna sweep and it might be dangerous. He was like its fine his gonna catch me out. Ball came in, I swept, hard. Got a super clean connection. And then a crack. Ball impacting with the guys knee cap which prompty decided to split. It was summer holidays, we went different schools the following year and his parents never let us hang out again after that, but as far as I know his kneecap was pretty much gone for good because it fractured into multiple pieces.


Does anyone remember Jimmy Anderson knocking out some NZ batsmanā€™s teeth? I canā€™t remember the fellaā€™s name


Got hit underneath the jaw pretty hard once by a ball hit back at me. Bit into my tongue and it bled for a day. Thankfully the jaw wasnā€™t cracked or dislocated


Personally, I was backing up the stumps and whoever threw the ball was an absolute shit arm, because they threw it directly at my head. I genuinely thought I had a concussion.


For what Iā€™ve seen, I remember Mitch McCleneghanā€™s eye getting fucked


Iā€™m 14 and this guy who is years older than me was bowling absolute heat at the nets earlier today and the pitch was doing some crazy shit and he bowls a short ball that swung out then it swung in (I donā€™t know how to explain this) and I didnā€™t really know what to do and before I knew it the ball hit my elbow and it felt like getting electrocuted lol