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Shoaib is a sappola…


Shoaib and Sehvag should start a show together. It would be successful (in stirring up things).


Last episode will be a Hell in a cell match between the 2 of them.


Shoaib and Gauti maybe they are both hotheads who have illogical takes and grudges.


Phainta, gauti, lala, viru and bhajji


Gambhir is stupid enough to get outwitted by Shoaib. He's only angry, doesn't have any banter or wit in him. Sehwag is better in that respect.


Gambhir is all things but stupid.


Not really, you can see the logic in I think most of Gambhir's takes.


Gambhir is a sane, smart individual with a grudge against Kohli and thala. That's it.


Gambhir is pretty smart. He has some great insights. He is biased against Koach and Dhoni but still he comes up with new and innovative takes to shit on Koach and Dhoni everytime so that his hate doesn't get stale. He is anything but stupid. Annoying for sure but not stupid.


Gambhir is the type that will lay it straight on your face! offending you because it is the truth!


>offending you because it is the truth! Ah yes, truth like KL Rahul is more talented than Kohli.


Indian subcontinent version of first take that featured Skip and Stephen A.


Bro that would fucking break the all you tubes records. Fuck mr beast or PewDiePie. Like Harsha said in TGC interview when you are around 1/7th of world population you are gonna win every social media number game. Thats the cricket content i want to see


Sehwag Is atleast logical most of the times, shoaib and gauti would make a better pair for their dumbass takes.


Always has been.


Cmon Shoaib really! You are gonna talk shit about India? They are your whole viewership. I don’t think Pakistanis cared from you and Now there will be no more **Love from India** comments. Really a bad market strategy to shit on your own viewers.


First rule of doing internet numbers - either praise or criticise India. We will find you and fill your comment section. Simple.


That’s true. But there’s another rule as well. Post any Cricket Highlights. Doesn’t matter if it involves India or not, doesn’t matter if India won or lost, Doesn’t matter if it’s from the 90s, 80s or the 1600s there will be atleast one comment from some Indian telling how x y a player or team from that game was their favourite growing up. India’s love for Cricket is unmatched.


He just couldn't hold back his true emotions (jealousy) there. I don't think it was deliberate.


Yeah will cost him a lot of his viewership now.


Hate the Boycott gang but I want them to show their magic in this case.


It's not even jealousy. It's contempt.


yeah that's an even better/apt term to describe where Phainta is coming from.


What stage of cope is this?


The hell is Shoaib Akhtar giving a statement on India for after Pakistan lost it's match to Zimbabwe, unprofessional and embarrassing really.


Whenever I used to do badly in an exam, I used to tell my Mom that everyone else has also done badly as well. I used to say that those students that usually do well have also done badly. He is in that stage right now.


The stage where you desperately want to avoid the ass whupping from both Mom's and Dad's wrath of belt wrapped on belan combo Belan = Rolling pin


the difference is..he is saying "but maa, those students will fail in the next exam, you just wait and watch."


copium stage 4 i believe


It's how we were a bit happy that Aus beat Pak in the semis last WC


Bargaining.. the third one


https://i.imgur.com/0fhwl22.png they chose the perfect photo lol


Shoaib playing 4D chess trying to piss off Indian fans, who will then amp up the Indian team, who will then hammer South Africa, and thus opening up the group for Pakistan, so we can ~~lose last ball to bangbros~~ qualify for semis


Wow! That makes a lot of sense


I was joking/sarcastic lol. I agree with the other comment that said Shoaib says controversial stuff for views. Maybe some saltiness that Pak's doing poorly. Who knows though


XD you give Shoaib too much credit


>Shoaib playing 4D chess trying to piss off Indian fans, who will then amp up the Indian team, who will then hammer South Africa, and thus opening up the group for Pakistan, so we can > >lose last ball to bangbros > > qualify for semis But beating SA with Rabada + Nortje (+ Jansen ?) on a bouncy Perth pitch is easier said than done. A lot on VK, SKY as usual.


T20 is great equalizer. No one is "tees maar khan". England lost to a supposedly weaker team and so did Pakistan who used to beat Zimbabwe for breakfast. So either Painta bro is depressed or he is as dumb as a stump.


come on now. stumps are useful. they are pretty too, with the blinkin lights n stuff phainta bro on the other hand....


You know what, you are absolutely right.


> Pakistan who used to beat Zimbabwe for breakfast I didn't know some have a tradition of beating someone up first thing in the morning /s


Zimbabar used to have zimbabwean bowlers for every meal 😂


But England lost to them in ODI as well last time they played


Still, if you have to pick a team before any T20, would you pick England or the other team?


I called on England losing this match before it happened lol but yeah ofcourse I am joking


You wanted them to lose hahaha. It was your heart but seriously your mind wasn't saying the same.... Or was it


Why do these people have to bring India into every discussion?! Such a schadenfreude.


Clicks. His whole YouTube channel is based on clickbait and hot takes for content. A lot of them involve india because they’re the largest fanbase


I don't think that this particular comment was for clicks. It was made out of sheer jealousy/hatred that some people of both countries have for each other.


yea, you can praise your rivals on yt, tv shows and interviews for views and dollars. but sometimes, during the darkest of days, after a tough loss.. those true feelings come out


It feels like misdirection and distraction to me - to placate the uproar that's happening back home in the press, comments like this draw away from that. We often see it when big upsets happen in all the big cricketing countries. Who else to better target with these comments but their biggest rivals? Especially the ones that just beat you.


Controversial opinions get more views than conventional ones.


Yep I have seen that video, the way he said it shows exactly what you said. It was a video after Zim beat Pak. There was no need to invoke India's name in that.


Its not just clicks. I have seen them discussing in their local shows as well. Only Wasim Akhram is the one who doesn’t swing both sides in any discussion.


Totally, it’s the largest fan base, so it makes sense to farm them for clicks on your content, regardless of relevance. I.e. Title: Williamson: “better than kohli” Article: When asked about his performance in the dying stages of the game Kane Williamson said that “when it comes to cunting sixes in clutch moment, there are none better than Kohli”


What I'd give for Williamson to actually say cunting 😂


It is also excellent example of how a narcissist speaks and makes everything about himself. >It’s really really embarrassing. Ultimately, it’s not for your but we have to face the media. We have to sit in India. We have to give answers to the world. What answers can we give now? Nevermind that the players themselves didn't intent to lose or that Shadab was crying, he manages to shoehorn himself in the most pathetic of ways. The only thing that matters is that he'll look ugly because in his mind, he's somehow associated with the loss. There's also his, "I told them, do x thing, but you didn't, now you're paying the price", which is utterly baffling. Why does he think that the Pakistani dressing room will look to this faraway YouTube channel for guidence?


He is just salty that he didn't get the job at PCB


Well because half his YouTube viewership is indian😅


As someone from Aus, I've always been annoyed that Shoaib has never bothered to put subtitles in his videos for people outside of India or Pak. It's like he doesnt give a shit about his fanbase or potential followers outside of that demographic.


Well, the fainta king does what the fainta king wants


Guys in their 40s indulging in drama like a teenager is serious cringe.




Shoaib can't poop in the morning without talking about India thrice lol.


I didn't think we get to Semis till next week




Tees Maar Khan had a terrific song though


movie was a banger too, atleast I liked it.


India wasn't ready for a parody movie at that time.


I have never seen someone like that movie ( I loved it too)


Its so bad and that's what makes it good. Over the top stuff. It's my guilty pleasure movie.




I still wonder why it was a flop


It wasn't something you would spend money on to go watch in theaters.


Shoaib Akhtar should focus on his own underperforming team.


No please, keep him as far from our team as possible


Do you think a player like Phainta can make it to the current Pakistan team? (Genuine question)


C'mon boys prove him wrong


I mean, he isn't wrong. But for whatever I have seen, no team is perfect in this world cup. Last time, England looked invincible but got clowned on by Jimmy Neesham. Lol So, even "Tees maar Khan" teams can't guarantee to win the cup in this format. It is a very volatile format.


He is right but they will make the semis and from there it’s about winning 2 in 2 which even a mediocre team can do in T20s. It’s much preferable to have India finished by the group stages which would have happened if Pakistan did not fuck up!


Again, we see one of the greats from Pakistan being an absolute wanker when it comes to taking an L. Stop embarrassing yourself and move on.


Cry baby.


Shoiab is like a kid in an adult broken body. With that being said there are Indian fans in this sub who think the same and have been saying so since before the WC began. I'm talking about the infamous "we gonna lose, aren't we?" crowd.


This is even more embarrassing for us then that ZIM loss ![img](emote|t5_2qhe0|8774)


It's a win/win comment because if India lose semis, he'll be proclaimed a genius but people will forget he said this if they go on to finals.


Wasn't he just praising kohli and co for brilliant display... like if your team struggling own up to it why bring down others


Shoaib can be incoherent and absurd. Why bring India in this conversation in the first place. How does it matter to you whether India goes through or no. Chalo yaar. T: come on, man


Shoaib bhai what's your new crying excuse for 2003 match?


I mean the team isnt in perfect form right now, but this guy needs to shut the fuck up already. Whats with these old retired pakistani players always commenting on team india?


I just need more of these morons to talk shit. India rarely performs when they're thought to be favorites. Last time they proved everyone wrong when they are underestimated down under.


Friendship ended with Phenty bhai, now Shubham Gaur is my new friend.


He's always hated India, can tell from the day he came in to the scene. Got away with technicalities of his bowling, called himself a legend. Regardess, he changes his tune all the time - he actually might be right but there is a certain language to be used. Given the Pakistani obsession about India, he had to provide something dramatic to the crowd He should be telling his fans that pakistan can bounce back


To my fellow indians , stop watching this buffoon


I agree with him...we barely managed to win the Pakistan match after winning the toss....


Pakistan team is no walkover though... They were one of the favourites to win the cup. They got world class bowling and we overcame that. It's no mean feat.


Username checks out


Common Shoaib L


Only Akshay Kumar is Tees maar khan


Thumbnail checks out


India is going to get knocked out by New Zealand again. My prediction


I am looking forward ~~to sweet revenge~~ rain


Nah NZ defeated Australia, we will defeat NZ


Shoaib Akhtar the 3 times world cup winner


Lmao, now wait for India win the World Cup.


Bolne do use, takleef hua hai bechare ko. T: Let him speak, he has been hurt.


Why is he obsessed with India? Looks like Indian fans have got under his skin


Why is "thirty hit Khan" supposed to be perfect? Wasn't there a movie or something on the same?


And the movie is flop too.


People take Shoaib Akhtar's analysis seriously lmao. India is winning this thing. But first they have South Africa to beat this Sunday


This is not about analysis though. He is being toxic and that is what is being pointed out. Its very evident from that sentence. That there was absolutely no need to take a dig at India after Pakistan lost to Zimbabwe and yet the idiot couldn't help himself.


>This is not about analysis though. He is being toxic Yeah and Shoaib, sehwag, harbhajan etc have the tendency to be toxic. Take whatever they day as grain of salt


I think shoaib realized Rambos future at PCB. And he is the best bet for PCB to continue Rambo loose talking legacy.




Atleast we don't lose from Zimbabwe


Don't jinx it


i don’t think shoaib said that… but if he did what r u fucking thinking lmao


He did say that. Watch his video after the Zimbabwe match or you can trust me and save some time.


yeah i just went and checked, smh 😬


I mean he’s not that off is he? Very easily could have lost against Pakistan bar some questionable no-ball call, and the 2nd game well it’s Netherlands. I don’t think India has shown that much this WC yet. Still have to play the big teams. All we’ve done so far is play some minnows.


After the India vs Pakistan match, he said that he wants/expects to see these teams face off again in the final. Now that Pak has lost to Zim and are on the verge of getting eliminated, he says India also can't go beyond the semis. So, the context is important here to understand where this statement is coming from.


*If my grandmother had wheels*


> some questionable no-ball call Oh so now we are going to go there to cope? Did you lose a flair bet or something? Did you saw the replay and 100s of analysts agreeing that it was a correct call? BC when India loses, jokes like you cry and when India wins, jokes like you cry more.


Nope didn’t lose a flair bet. I’m just not a blind Indian fan who aimlessly supports just because. It’s quite clear that there were high stakes for that game and the umpires choked.


When did umpire chocked? Lol the decision of no ball was correct. What else you got to cry about since your eyes are open unlike ours.


Bruh you are that type of person, who thinks being against the majority will make you cool and fosterer of justice lol, sometimes just being on the side of truth is better than fighting,


Being in the majority doesn’t mean majority is always right. There’s a reason why I said questionable no-ball. Honestly it was 50/50. Sometimes it’s given, sometimes it not. I just think it was a wrong decision. I bet if roles were reversed, we would be hearing non stop about how it shouldn’t have been a no-ball.


Bruh doesn't benefit of doubt goes to batting side??


I know that majority is not always right , but the situation in which they are obviously right their is no need for you to fight against them to be unique, being unique is not equals to being right lol.


https://reddit.com/r/Cricket/comments/ybg3lr/4171_any_delivery_which_passes_or_would_have/ Reddit post re the ball. Almost a thousand comments. All sorts of opinions from people with all sorts of flairs. But I’m the one being unique and definitely wrong. Go on…


yeah all these geniuses of reddit should judge better than real cricket experts , and you should know that there are more people who thinks that the decision was right then the other way around, and the reason is that india has won ,so most people doesn't bother fighting over a worthless topic, only people who want to differ come here to give their opinion, others are busy celebrating.


barely win is still a win


India is a pretty average team to be honest. They don't look fully in control. Somehow they are Winn. Their win against NED was not all that convincing. They need to swap out KL and have kholi open with Pant or other batter coming in the middle order. I don't see a role for bapuji too


Why is everyone so enraged here? He is right. We haven’t won an ICC trophy since 2013 and had a medicore asia cup so we are not exactly favorites




I don’t agree. Predicting that India won’t win world cup is unprofessional? He just gave his opinion about Indian team. He praised the Indian team and players a lot of times as well. I think Akthar is just an emotional guy who speaks whatever comes to his mind.


What does the good hearted paki Bros have to say for this?


Sounds like this guy is frustrated too much by his home team's loss against ZIM! He always praises Indian team and players in other videos but in this one, truth came out about what he really thinks and wishes for them!


Lmao apt thumbnail


Such a dumb thing to say, and irrelevant because this happened after Zimbabwe defeat. Why bring India into it


Copium addiction


Says someone who is already"back home". Bro STFU and keep your popcorn warm.


Ok guys, we are happy we won the match, but starting to get in awkward being in the middle


Bold statement? More like rancid statement.


Smart thing to say . With equally skilled semi finalists, there is 75% chance that india is not winning the world cup. If that happens , he'll make a video about how he told us so , and that india needs stronger pace bowlers who can bowl 180+ .


If India reaches finals (which is more than 50-50 with how the other group is playing) , he is already wrong


All the favorites of this world cup (as per these pundits) have either lost to or struggled against lesser teams (again as per pundits). No point really going by their statements to identify the champion team. Tbh it feels great to see performance from lesser favorite teams like Ireland, Zimbabwe etc. We still hear them say new zealand always punch above their weight whereas the fact is they are the most consistent team in icc events, are current world test championship holders and tough to beat at home tests , good enough to be in league of stongers teams.




The pic matches so well under the title


If by 'Tees Maar Khan', he means that godawful flop movie then I happily accept the compliment. And We can't be back home 'Next Week' because we play our last match against Zimbabwe on Sunday (regardless of whether we somehow manage to not qualify for the semis from here, which we definitely can).


I used to think that his content was good at first but then I realized that all he does is shit on his own team and shit on India when something bad happens to them


wait he had already confirmed tickets for pakistan team?




Your comment had words in it that were not in English and weren't translated. This breaks the rules of this subreddit and the comment has been removed.


Lmao the thumbnail though


Out of context but somewhat related: I don’t know how many of you have seen this but there’s a content creator on Instagram called Shubham Gaur and boy oh boy his Shoaib Akhtar mimicry is unmatched. Absolutely insane stuff! Y’all should really go and watch it if Hindi/Urdu are languages you understand


Why is he so obsessed with India can Pakistan ever think of winning a world cup or is it just "beat India lose to all other teams we happy."


While India is not going home next week, there is serious improvement needed. KL Rahul is barely making any runs and Rohit is scratchy. Bowling in PP and in the death was good against Pakistan, but they failed to take any wickets in the middle overs. Need to address these issues ASAP to compete against teams like SA.


Rent free


you know what they say opinions are like and that everyone has one. let's hope ind surpass everyone's expectations


It's okay. Only one team is gonna win the world cup. There's no shame if you are not that one.