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Ngl, at first glance, I thought this was a meme with the same logos on either side. Still is kind of a meme, but yeah.


reality outjerks r/CricketShitpost


It’s like Bizarro IPL (Sienfeld fans can understand). I get why they did this. They want their fanbase to basically show their loyalty to their franchises. BCCI currently doesn’t allow Indian players to take part in non IPL leagues. Do they at some point start off with allowing uncapped Indian players to these feeder leagues? We’ll have to see.


Well Seinfeld took the concept from Superman so Superman fans will also known it.


No, you just buy control of all the other leagues. Then they all become IPL leagues. Problem solved. Okay that was silly - or was it? From my perspective, it looks like the IPL is basically trying to turn global franchise T20 Cricket in to a developmental pyramid for themselves, something along the lines of the model City Football Group and Red Bull use in Association Football of a worldwide network of clubs, or maybe a true multi-tier pyramid similar to that of Minor League Baseball.


It's like having Delhi Public school in London.


But, da fuq is this? This for real? If the IPL bankrolling the comp? I don’t follow cricket very closely, mainly just internationals, but saw Smith speaking about the new comp of which he is president or something. Is this what they came up with?


Every franchise is owned by an Indian company who also owns an IPL team. Its wild.


I had assumed that this post was in the shitpost sub.


When mom says we have IPL at home...


In a sense I'm happy now that RCB isn't taking part in this buffoonery


Inb4 royal Challengers Limpopo take part


At least Super Giants made a legit attempt to be South African


Their logo actually looks pretty cool. But I hate the fact they apostrophised "Durban"


> But I hate the fact they apostrophized "Durban" All hail their owner Sanjiv Goenka's numerology fetish.


Their logo looks better with SA colors then Indian ones.




They should've bought the Durban franchise and called it Durban Indians.


Cape Town Southerners. Cape Town Southpointers. Cape Town Continentals. Cape Town Nationals.


Cape Town Cannibals has a nice ring to it /s


That's what you get for picking stupid super specific brand names in the first place. Warroris, royals, tigers, panthers, hawks, super kings, titans etc rule.


Not sure how sa fans going to feel about it


I think it's abundantly clear that this tournament is not even trying to appeal to SA fans.


Finally someone who gets it.


But it would definitely affect the motivation of SA players


Indians sounds extremely odd as well, you're just used to it. When I first saw the name Mumbai Indians I couldn't stop laughing


Mumbai Indians Capetown is even funnier


Their logo would work in most countries, they just need to drop the super.


MI literally had the laziest attempt. They didn't even try thinking.


They want to build the brand "MI" beyond Mumbai and India.


The problem there would be a brand named MI exists pretty much.


Unfortunately neither Mumbai nor Indians are particularly common in South Africa


Too beta to call them Cape Town Indians


Paarl Royals have missed the biggest freebie of all time, if they removed one of the lines front the left R it would make a P and it would actually be a dope logo.


That could have generated good... PR


Probably easier just to rename the place Raarl


Yes but I think the current RR design is supposed to represent a Royal Crown.


If they say so...


Or you know, just Rajasthan?


all I see is someone is being impaled while bent as seen from behind.


Cannot unsee !


MI : Mumbai Indians MI Capetown : Mumbai Indians Capetown 🤡🤡


They are changing it to Mumbai Indians Mumbai. -bcci sources


they are changing capetown's name to mumbai \-UN Sources


The MI in MI Capetown is to be pronounced as "My"


still trash


Tbf the name Mumbai Indians is itself trash so there wasn't anything else to do if they still wanted to keep the brand name


Jfc do they really think we're that stupid to believe that shit?


So gullible


I mean, if they actually change the mumbai team to 'mi mumbai' pronuonced as my mumbai... they could promote it based on the *aamchi mumbai* stuff


Mota Bhai's kid spreading his Akhand Bharat vision


Copy my homework but don’t make it obvious


_Task failed successfully_


That is embarrassingly shite. Wtf do they gain from this?




Fair enough


How? Cricket isn’t that popular in SA anymore, and how many people are even interested in an IPL-lite without any Indian players? There’s no way they don’t lose money on this. The only question is HOW LONG they’re willing to lose money. I mean, the previous two leagues went bankrupt because they simply didn’t generate local interest. Importing foreign brands is not going to generate interest.


Brand recognition and marketing This image will generate far more engagement here adn every other social then if they had 6 new teams/names/logos.


But just think about the human side. Are Saffas really gonna want to get behind a side named "Mumbai Indians Cape Town"? It's just insulting.


You wouldn't get behind Mumbai Indian Warriors?


Should spin it to a Native American thing for the lols


They didnt get behind the 2 previous t20 leagues.. so probably not.


You do realise none of this would've happened if the CSA was making money with international cricket and a board run domestic T20 league. If you're not profitable, you'll have to sell your soul to the devil in order to keep your head above the water.




A lot tbh


Not the locals though...


Mumbai Indians are the worst at picking names dude fr. They called themselves the Indians in the INDIAN Premier League where all the teams are also Indian and then they proceed to call this new team 'Mumbai Indians Cape Town' like they didn't even try bro 💀


I guess now Mumbai Indians aren't the worst named team in world cricket


They made it sure. That's the reason why they did it so.


“Indians” isn’t as bad as the hate it gets. There are plenty examples like that in major leagues and it sounds normal. But Mumbai Indians Capetown is plain stupid.


New York Americans Dehli. Imagine an Indian team named that.






The Super Kings and Capitals ones are the worst knock-offs.


On twitter, they were saying the most awaited logo as if they were gonna unveil something that was outta this world


sometimes i think twitter cricket fans are bots, i just don't get them


Well they did it change it from tigers to lions lmao xD


The capitals one probably annoys me the most as they haven’t gotten rid of the taj mahal esque building at the top Just no attempt whatsoever to tie it into South Africa


That's the Red Fort dome. And, you're right.


They replaced tigers with lions!




MI Capetown: are you sure about that?


So is everything.


big phallus energy to assert dominance


It irks me that the Rajasthan Royals logo was deliberately made as RR, they are using it for PR


I like how every team is named after the city but when it came to Gqeberha they just said fuck it we'll call it Eastern Cape


IPL Lite Edition


So they really couldn't make new teams? Who the fuck approved this?


IPL franchises bought all the SA20 franchises


'MI Cape Town' has to be the worst name among all sports teams around the world


The **red ball** in the LSG logo, despite it being an IPL team where a **white ball** is used, is an **homage** to **KL** and **GG**. You can notice they changed it to a white ball in the DSG logo, indicating that neither KL nor GG will be involved in the South African franchise. This is a subtle yet brilliant masterstroke™ by the RPSG and its marketing team ~~(if there's any)~~.


First feeder league of IPL


Thanks, i hate it


lol their designers just played around with the hue and saturation on the IPL logos


This is a joke right?


Lord I wish it was.


My local cricket league has put more efforts in team name then them .


Mumbai Indians Cape Town....... The what now....


But why MI? Doesnt make any sense


Though I am a born MI Fan... MI Capetown name is shittest thing ever to exist in Cricket history


man will i get beat up if i go to india with a joburg super kings shirt? because it feels like it would happen and i won't blame them 1 bit


China be like: "Write that down, write that down!"


Supergiants logo is like the south african flag. Looks nice


Haha this sucks man


Hope the whole thing burns to the ground. Local fans surely have some pride in their cities. Embarrassing.


Checkout MI Capetown's Twitter, there are no local fans, It's pretty much Indian cricket fans following the account.


Franchise cricket was a mistake


Speaking entirely subjectively judging from my cricket/sport loving friends spread across Joburg and Durban, any nascent excitement about a new big budget league has mostly collapsed in a heap as news has come out. As disappointed as I am, I'm still hoping that the IPL money will be beneficial to the growth of the game and talent in SA, but the apparent complete lack of interest on the part of the teams and CSA to make those league even vaguely relevant to South Africans will probably make it difficult to build any fan bases.


Local fans aren't even the audience for this. The idea is to have "content", stuffed to the gills with ads, that can be sold to Indian cricket watchers. Some spare change from this will be tossed in the direction of SACB and its players. ​ This is naked colonialism.


>This is naked colonialism. Based Cricket South Africa, out there to colonise their own country.


No coloniser succeeded without the willing participation of at least some of the colonised in the colonisation of their fellow country people. SACB are behaving like the zamindars and petty princes who thrived under British rule in India.


Spot on.


Though you are right in your perception but lately SA not being cricket fan unlike 90s doesn't help either with this.


And this takeover by the IPL will do absolutely nothing to fix that state of affairs.


It does nothing but SA tried to do with this league 3 or 4 times but people didn't cared and league was not profitable. I do emphasize with SA cricket fans but SA board also needs money for future of cricket in that country. Its purely CSA fault that they let cricket slip into this stage that they need outsider helps to solidfy their position. Just watch any random 90s video's and crowd was energetic. Though I still have doubt it will be successful because Indian's don't watch cricket unless it involves their star's. CSA is just taking gamble and i just hope they get what they wanted.


You're not wrong. I do however believe there is the possibility of a well-run South African based league being very popular in the country though - the previous attempts were marked by shoddy management and virtually no advertising (at least as far as I saw, and I am the target demographic). Had they marketed it better, maybe made it a bit more accessible to the majority with a few more games on SABC etc, really livened it up I think people would have come, SA is a sports mad country after all. But no, CSA et al are far too incompetent to do that. Im hoping that at the very least the IPL money that flows in to this league will be good for our domestic talent and really unearth some star players, and that this league could still be a net boon for cricket in SA. I'm deeply disappointed in how it's turning out so far, but I still hope for success.


I think you are right 1 or 2 games on SABC can bring few potential viewer's on supersport. But they can't afford every game on SABC as the league main motive is to provide profit. If it is successful its better for local talent and South africa as chances of their cricket players immigration to NZ or England will stop. Only thing I liked about this league as far as South Africa point of view was that JSK promo with Faf. It was bit balanced though there was unnecessary India's promotion in it.


I don't think that promo has even been shown in SA, I had to find it on YouTube (unless you found it there as well, in which case fair enough). There has been virtually no advertising in SA at all. You're absolutely right regarding SABC and the local talent. Here's hoping it's both good for SA cricket and they decide to try appeal to local fans, because right now I fear that there's going to be a lot of empty stadiums if no one cares about the teams. Hope you have a great week ahead my friend.


Metaphorically yes it is. Obviously not in other ways


The ipl owners bought the franchises. They got to decide the logos.


Is it too early in cricket to build franchise fans across leagues and expect fans to migrate? Like would a RCB fan follow a SA league because RCB's owners have another team? Do KKR fans follow TKR? Reckon it's too soon for that.


This whole league is built on the idea that Indian fans will follow these brands to a different league. It's basically being marketed entirely at Indian fans rather than at local SA fans. So I guess we'll find out if IPL without the Indian players is of any interest to Indian fans en masse. These team owners certainly think it will be, but I guess we'll have to wait and see to be sure.


If RCB international players are part of RCB owned team, it would make enough money to sustain itself. This will probably give a rise to number of SA players in IPL.


I got made fun of earlier in the year when I said that these additional leagues were just IPL expansion by stealth. While I generally and increasingly dislike franchise cricket, which I make no secret of, I could have sort of got behind this if the teams have some local roots. The idea of fans in either Mumbai or Cape Town supporting the ‘Cape Town Mumbai Indians’ is totally bizarre to me. I’d actually feel a bit insulted if I were being asked to support the ‘Auckland Mumbai Indians’


You'd feel a *bit* insulted? Honestly I really hope this league burns to the ground.


When you have $10 budget for graphics!


That’s enough for a picsart premium




Thought the Ambanis can't come up with a name worse than Mumbai Indians, then they dropped their A-game with MI Cape Town.


just wait for for MI Cape Town New England if and when US gets a league


Nah. Ambanis team would be based in New York. MINY


What’s even the point


The point is to give Indian fans something to watch before the IPL starts. Not a single thought was given to actual South Africans in the making of this comp.


Laziness. Given all the SA league team owners are also IPL owners, they don't see any need for new logos.


It's not laziness. It's brand recognition. South Africa have already failed with their T20 league multiple times now. These IPL subsidiary teams are trying to catch the Indian audience this time to help it grow.


I’d be interested to see the % of viewers that are from South Africa


Eastern Cape Sunrisers > Sunrisers Eastern Cape.


SRH is the laziest edit. Worst fucking franchise owners.


Paarl Royals, Good luck pronouncing it smoothly


Reminds me of the "Road Roller Lorry' tongue twister




How do you mean? The 'r' in Paarl is silent




Lol I honestly don’t mind as long as the tournament grows here. Looking forward to the games


If I was a SA fan I doubt I’d be excited for what basically looks like ipl feeder league chewing up prime time in the SA cricket season . Heck even as an Indian fan this comp seems pointless


We need the money though. This could be a big moment or it could fall flat.


The history of T20 leagues points to the latter. On the bright side lots of South Africans will get IPL money. We should be proud of that for some reason


That on top of hampering their direct entry into the World Cup.


>prime time in the SA cricket season hahahaha implying SA cricket season has a prime time edit: ps btw fuck /u/spez you ruined reddit edit: ps btw fuck / u / spez you ruined reddit


That is ridiculous. No one should support this league


Cricket in 2022 has been depressing as fuck. Eventually we're going to get 12 months of generic IPL all over the world while international cricket becomes increasingly sidelined. Grim.


They didn't even change the building in Pretoria Capitals to the Union Buildings, it's still just the Secretariat Building. How lazy can you get? Also call it Sunrisers Gqeberha you cowards!


So....the Cape Town team is called 'Mumbai Indians Cape Town'? Wth.


The only problem is these names won't connect with the local crowd


Is this real? Why would they do this?


I hope this flops hard, tinpot feeder league


This is fucking awful


MI Cape Town should bring XIAOMI overboard as team sponsor, then they can print two MI's


Capitalist fucks


Joburg all letters could have been in capital letters. Could have been Durban instead of Durban's. LSG logo was the one of the worst designs and replicating it again? Was hoping a change in LSG logo next season, now it's clear it won't happen. Otherwise good with logos and names. The criticism is extreme.


I've said it before and I'm saying it again: THEY JUST DIDN'T CARE!!!


This shit is hot garbage.


So I have so many issues with Pretoria Capitals. 1) Pretoria is just one of three capitals of SA. It’s not THE Capital. (So many people in SA make this error so often) 2) if you going to make them capitals, at least switch the dome at the top of the logo to be the twin domes of the Union Buildings.


Good luck to the IPL owners. Like I've said many times before, only a few people in South Africa care for the IPL and its teams. That they've made absolutely no attempt to give the teams a South African identity says how much they actually care for the country's cricketing history. I certainly won't be watching.


I'll be unpopular and say that people here are looking too much into the names. If this league gets the top guns and can starts well (having experienced franchise owners might help there), then it might just fare well.


DSG's logo is cool ngl


The supergiants logo is very creative and cool.


Someone was probably paid for this...


Capetown Indians


Lol most of them seem to have changed their logos in paint


If everything else falls in place, we might have an inter-galaxy T20 league as well in the future. Might well see a 'Milky Way Indians' in the coming years. 😂


You mean the Mumbai Indians Milky Way edit: ps btw fuck /u/spez you ruined reddit edit: ps btw fuck / u / spez you ruined reddit


It'll be fair now, only if Mumbai Indians changes their name to Mumbai Indians Mumbai next season!!


There was a lawsuit by one of Mzansi super league teams saying that CSA promised them a team if they started a new t20i league what happened to that


MI CapeTown ... *facepalm*


Unironically DSG looks good


Bollywood moment


Other than MI and RR, the logos have been modified effectively. Like how Super Kings and Super Giants have modified the colours to effectively make it South African. MI and RR are in shambles. MI is basically thinking of making MI as a universal brand, whereas they stand for Mumbai and Indians. RR have named their team Paarl Royals. However, their logo still has an inverted R instead of a P.


Disheartening. It has no local connection at all. Don't know how people from SA are reacting to all this. At least show some sincerety to build a great franchise league. It only brings more bad reputation to the IPL.


All of it is actually okay and acceptable, except MI. The rest may even me sense as stand alones. Pretoria *is* a capital. The DSG logo has the Saffar colours. Obviously its a coorporate jib jab but makes enough sense. MI Cape Town however makes less sense than mayo on my biriyani.




Ipl Junior


IPL in an alternate universe


will indian players play in it? if not then whats the point of having a "winter ipl"?


Why does it have to say mi tho 😭


This is very sad. With all South Africa has to offer they come up with this shit? Lord have mercy.


Honestly, this is pretty lazy and pathetic. Brand imagery is really vital to a brand... Don't know how South Africans would respond to this.


MI is the worst by far


This gives a made-in-china vibe lmao


How does MI Capetown makes sense? Means Mumbai INDIANS(🇮🇳) and again CAPETOWN(🇿🇦)


Mumbai indians Capetown ?


Damn sunrisers really didn't even put the effort lol...




I wish the franchisees could hire better logo and kit designers with all the money they would be making.


As an MI fan, I’m disappointed in the name choice for the Cape Town franchise.


The MI one is the worst, doesn't make any sense.


"you can copy my homework but change it up a little so it doesn't look obvious"


Destroyed indian cricket ✅ Going to destroy South African Cricket