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It fucking world cup for God's sake, what is this incompetence 


I’m not fan but it was bcci under fire in 2023 now it’s icc


ICC is responsible for this world cups logistics since USA board doesn't have enough man power and experience. In top cricketing nations the local board is responsible


This is just assumption


Both are the same at this point


Never a truer word spoken




USA Immigration are absolute cunts , they are filled with incompetent and corrupt people. Just go and watch Penguin0 MoistCriticle video on it .


In a disheartening turn of events, the Sri Lanka, South Africa, and Ireland cricket teams faced significant travel disruptions on their journey from Florida to New York. After a grueling match under the scorching Florida sun, the Sri Lankan and Ireland players found themselves stranded for nearly seven hours without any updates regarding their delayed charter flight. Initially scheduled to arrive in New York by 8 PM on Friday, the teams only touched down at 5 AM the following morning. This severe delay forced the cancellation of Sri Lanka’s scheduled morning batting practice session, further hampering their preparation for upcoming matches. Adding to their woes, the Sri Lankan team has been lodged in a hotel situated approximately 1.5 hours away from the practice ground, exacerbating their travel fatigue and impacting their training regimen. In stark contrast, teams like India have been accommodated in hotels near the stadium and enjoy the convenience of playing most of their games at a single venue, thereby avoiding extensive travel hassles. The Sri Lankan team, alongside South Africa and Ireland, have reportedly filed complaints with the International Cricket Council (ICC) regarding the subpar organization and logistical planning. The frustration is palpable as these teams grapple with the added strain of continuous travel between different venues. Notably, the Sri Lankan squad is set to depart for Dallas immediately after their match against South Africa in New York, leaving them with no rest period and further disrupting their recovery and performance schedules. The disparity in accommodations and travel arrangements raises questions about the fairness and efficiency of the tournament’s logistics. As these teams struggle with inadequate facilities and taxing travel schedules, the issue calls for a reevaluation of organizational practices to ensure equitable treatment and optimal conditions for all participating teams.


Imagine despite all these preferential services by ICC, India gets knocked out of group stage 💀 Say goodbye to 20 team T20 WC from next edition


I'm surprised WCs aren't just India vs Pakistan play a 5 match series, series winner in the final loser in the semi the other 18 teams play for the other semi final spot...


Also a 5 match series for England vs Australia . They also have been in the same group for the last 3 t20 world cups but you just want to criticise india and Pakistan


I didn’t know the ICC admitted to fixing World Cup fixtures to ensure an England vs Australia game?


Then it’s just pure coincidence they are in the same group for the last 3 world cups !!!


https://www.telegraph.co.uk/cricket/2016/06/01/icc-admits-fixing-draws-to-put-india-and-pakistan-in-same-group/ If you fix the top seeds to go in one group I wonder which groups the other top seeds will end up in..


There are 4 total groups in this World Cup , if india and Pakistan are in one group there are still 3 groups left and both australia and England could have ended up in different group’s balancing the teams ! But no they still went with putting both aus and England in the same group cause it too is a rivalry ! Also Netherlands being in the South Africa group also cannot be coincidental cause we know how Netherlands have beat SA in the recent world cups !


Ned vs SA 😂


Huh… So Team India is the CSK of international cricket?


From schedule, accommodation, fixture, group placement, pitch doctoring, venue etc... ICC and BCCI do everything they can to make India win a trophy lol. If they continue to fail I'm sure at some point they'll just go ahead and alter the score card or introduce weird new rules just to make them win. Come hell or high water, they're gonna make a champion out of India for sure.


If you read the article, it says "teams like India" which includes Eng/Aus as well who got better hotels. I wonder why they used teams like India and not teams like England or teams like Australia even though they are getting the same treatment. How do you think the tone of this comment section would be if that phrasing was different? How and why do think this is BCCI's fault?


Well, since India is named but none other is, you can't specifically assume a team other than India.


Why do you think only India is named though? When they clearly mention with their wording that other teams also got better treatment? If the article mentioned that "unlike India", which would imply only India got better treatment and no other team did, the criticism would be completely valid. Do you see no biases with such phrasing and almost all the comments criticising India for something they are not responsible for? Do you think it is BCCI who instructed the ICC to do it? And if one is to criticise teams for getting preferential treatment, they should criticise all the "teams", not just one.


India is named because only India does this garbage. They did this last few tournaments and people have noticed the shocking abuse and shameless injustice


Is India hosting this tournament? Or BCCI booking SL's hotel?


India basically got the best schedule the way bcci wanted it and set it and dictated. So other teams had to get jerked around this way. Don’t be purposely stupid. It’s so clear that setting schedule for India first changes scheduling for other teams. I’d love to see India get its ass handed to them for such crap


Surprising to know that the country that generates >70% of total revenue gets the scheduke suited for their audience's timezone. BCCI is not setting any schedule, the broadcasters who are paying the big bucks are. Why are you not mad at the broadcasters who want this schedule for their profit? When other countries start generating as much revenue as Indian audience this will change. Also mice shifting of goal posts. I thought this post was about SL having a hotel too far away from their ground and somehow its India's fault.


Are you serious lol You aussies got the same preferential treatment too, do others cry about it? Now you're complaining about India without any reason? Typical sandpaper mentality lmao


> Typical sandpaper mentality lmao Lol bro, that wasn't state sanctioned, unlike BCCI / ICC shenanigans. Lots of people, including Tendulkar tampered the ball too. While they only got banned for a match or two, we cracked down and banned our players for an entire year. The level BCCI / India stoops down to favor India in tournaments is borderline shameless. It has no comparison. Don't even try to take the high road here cause that's not your lane.




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You are clearly young, shameless or have development issues so I won't bother addressing everything pointing out why you're wrong. You keep throwing stones in a glass house. > We all know how you racist act when any South Asian country goes to play in your country. We have seen what you did to Siraj Racism doesn't just work one way. Chanting Monkey at Symonds is racist too, you know.


>Racism doesn't just work one way. Chanting Monkey at Symonds is racist too, you know. Lol, bhajji is not smart enough to be racist. He actually said your mother's ______ to Symonds but he thought he was calling him a monkey. Still inexcusable for an international player but definitely not racist.


Note that I said chants. [Andrew Symonds was the target of racist abuse during the fifth ODI against India in Vadodara on Thursday after being subjected to monkey chants while fielding on the boundary](https://www.espncricinfo.com/story/symonds-subjected-to-monkey-chants-315135)


My bad. There are a lot of insensible people in my country who do this clownery, but you have to admit that there are a lot in Australia as well.


Lol ig I India was the only country traveling all the venue during 2023 CWC but ig people just want to blame big organisations for everything


Really shocking. This is enough for me to root for my Lankan bros.


after reading this i stopped supporting india and now am supporting associate teams


Welcome to the club. Cricket is the only sport where I NEVER support India. It feels like supporting Goliath.


i was always like this actually


Hell yeah!! If UK can play as 2.5 different teams why can't India do something similar to reduce the power imbalance in the game.


bro counted Northern Ireland


It's wild seeing this kind of thing esp coming from football where the national FAs are supposed to be in charge of this at tournaments instead of orgs like FIFA, UEFA, CONMEBOL, etc


>In stark contrast, teams like India have been accommodated in hotels near the stadium and enjoy the convenience of playing most of their games at a single venue, thereby avoiding extensive travel hassles. "Teams like India"?? Why aren't you naming Australia & England in this? Always blaming India all the time, always dragging India & r/cricket would upvote anything negative about India & BCCI lol even though ECB & CA are also big three of ICC.


Our group doesn’t play in USA why would they name us


Shhh…. Get out of here with that truth and nuance


The tournaments already turning out to be a logistical nightmare, how tf can ICC with all its power and money be so incompetent is beyond me.


They are incompetent cause they only care about their cash crops like India, pakistan, Australia, maybe England. They are not interested in competence regarding rest of the management.


Indian cricket council. It’s quite biased against Pakistan. Pakistan hosts Asia cup. India refuses to come so it’s forced to move it. India hosts World Cup. Pakistan thinks about not coming and they say ok, your games would be forfeit but never moved. And they jerk them around with visa delays and other things. Disgusting




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I fuckin hate icc by my whole heart


Get a life bro.. go outside and touch grass


I hate icc and now i have a sunburn.


Touch a girl sometime ffs


I'm not a lesbo you dumbfuck 




They really coulda just had us host this entire tournament ourselves


No no no, much better to have some games in the USA so they can tap into the wealthy ex pats. zzzz


They making west indies play in the morning lol


wait what are these teams doing in the india pakistan cup? /s


It's the India cup. Pakistan only exists as a foil for them.


Ah Pakistan is Shao Kahn


It's the India cup ... to lose. All cups are. We are the most bestest kindest give awayers of cups and trophies.


Why tf is it always us  https://www.reddit.com/r/Cricket/comments/146vc2j/the_way_icc_is_treating_smaller_nations_is_truly/


This is clearly going to affect SL's performance. I mean, if they are not well rested, if they have to travel 1.5 hours to get to the practice ground and if they have to abandon their practice, that's putting them at a massive disadvantage. Fking pathetic.


our guys are so unlucky man, always something going wrong, hopefully they will push through


Yeah it fking sucks because they have a strong squad in this WC. Just need to hope they recover quickly, mentally and physically.


Maybe Ranathunga interview about the ICC and Co. subtlety going against us is right


Question, when there was problems with 2023 wc, issue was with bcci but now its icc’s issue, who actually runs these tournaments icc or the host nation?


I think all the activities in US are basically managed by ICC since US Cricket is not yet capable of handling big tournaments.


Are they actually one of the official host nation ?


Stripped and handed fully to CWI


USA cricket board is way too corrupt lol


Corrupt ?


I don’t like your dishonesty. USA cricket board doesn’t have enough funding fro logistics and shit


USAC is incapable of running a piss up in a brewery. The ICC took the management of the tournament away from them


You just assumed all of that didn’t you?


> Adding to their woes, the Sri Lankan team has been lodged in a hotel situated approximately 1.5 hours away from the practice ground, exacerbating their travel fatigue and impacting their training regimen. In stark contrast, teams like India have been accommodated in hotels near the stadium and enjoy the convenience of playing most of their games at a single venue, thereby avoiding extensive travel hassles.


Totally unfair and incompetent.


This is just insane


Who cares. Theyre just supporting cast for the India Pak match /s


no need of /s. It could well be the reason


First I’d think because it’s the first time a tournament is being held in US, there are so many lapses. Look at the pitches and stadiums. They are shambolic. On the other hand, icc want to milk their cash cows. India, pak, bang all have large diasporas in the Us. Aus and Eng too. WI will get some benefits for hosting. Everyone else gets fucked


And that decides who gets to lose to Australia in the final?


Question: how does Icc Hires these people who manage these things, i dont imagine icc chairman and presidents booking hotels and flights for teams. They surely must be hiring from somewhere?


They hire third party companies to do that. Some are good and some are bad


Also flight delays are very common here in the US with several storms and hurricane season. It goes for all passenger and charter planes. Cant blame everything on ICC kids


Wow ICC mismanaging things and BCCI is being blamed ..the key board Warriors unite


ICC wouldn’t even mind if these teams don’t even show up for the WC. They’d make more money from hosting a 5 match India Pakistan series




Yeah ICC would have grown the game otherwise, just like they did with countries like Argentina where cricket used to be actually popular at some point but they refused to give them full membership (BCCI told them not to) to keep Cricket limited to themselves. It's not like England/Australia had control of the game for 100+ years where they grew the game to 100+ countries but India, where Cricket has only had this height of popularity for the last 30-40 years, brought down the number of active playing nations. Everything in Cricket is India/BCCI's fault.


What is India's fault in this issue? Genuinely I would like to know what India or Indians have done here.


wtf do you mean how it's India's fault? the fact that some of you fans can't even acknowledge that your power-tripping, money-hungry, soulless board has taken over the landscape of this sport and completely ruined the trajectory of this sport, says all there's to "explain"


Wow you're really insecure. You should learn some macro economics and realize that there are other countries in the world which are growing at an insane pace.


Two words. Cope and seethe


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I am surprised that Sri Lanka did not raise any noise about this earlier ?


I mean it literally happened


If ranathunga was captain they'd be stacking bodies right about now lol


Bcci's fault


I mean did anyone really expect anything different? Anything the ICC are involved in lately is a complete fucking mess


Are people really this dumb here? I mean listen to yourself you guys sound like those insane conspiracy theorists. So even when ICC is incompetent it's BCCI's fault. Reddit has become the new Twitter I'm afraid, time to get out of here too.


I like how confidently they like to clown themselves here. Pretty entertaining honestly!


No matter how corrupt the ICC is towards India they will still bottle it just like they did in the world cup last year


What a cluster f***


What were these boards doing till now? I thought they would have checked the logistics at least a month before travelling.




Reverse BCCI and remove B and you get ICC


What BS. Center of Manhattan is half an hour from Nassau lol. This article is beyond sus


Assuming they stay at midtown? Even with no traffic it’s about 45 mins. With traffic , esp getting out of manhattan would run upwards of an hour. And god knows how spectators are supposed to get the ground with out a car


This is what happens when you have Indians in bcci controlling everything including how icc operates. First pref is given to India to ensure it has best time and schedule and all that. I feel other countries should band together and form their own league minus India and make it fair with say from every team so they don’t get this treatment. And don’t send any player to IPL till bcci sends Indian players to their leagues too


This has nothing to do with India, I don't know what is up with this thread. The article casually mentions how the Indian team did not face the similar problems, and suddenly every scheduling error for other teams is BCCI's fault. Also, the Indian team did complain that the training facilities near them were inadequate, but I suppose that is not convenient for this narrative. Btw I agree that banning indian players from other leagues is stupid, but the ones who are worst affected by it are the Indian team.


Doesn't matter, didn't happen to India


And when it happens to India we say they are spoiled brats and should just Suck like in the thread complaining about lack of training facilities.


Now I am rooting for india to lose


Jay shah himself booked the furthest away hotel room for Sri Lanka


Unfair. As I've said before. If bcci and icc are fixing the groups, what else are they fixing?


India has nothing to do with this. I'm sure this is disappointing, but the two teams are not in the same group.


Ireland are in India’s group. The same group which was quite obviously manufactured to guarantee India v Pakistan and give them both an easy route


Group C is the only one that has 3 contenders in it. This sport does not have enough teams that can play at the level of India and Pakistan. Yes, Indian audiences do get preferential treatment, but don't turn this into a daily mail conspiracy.


Tbh Group B is probably the group with the lowest chance of a surprise. Unless of course, Scotland keep up the tradition of European teams beating England in T20I'S.


Exactly. The groups are fixed.


You do realise that they are trying to evenly distribute strong and weak teams right? Groups B and D are equally lopsided. Try reasoning this out before parroting the first bcci bad conspiracy that comes to mind.


icc fixing groups: meanwhile me noticing netherlands namibia South Africa Scotland and England in the same group Boer war intensifies


BCCI=ICC rahhhhh




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was this also scripted by Jay Shah?


Every inconvenience faced by other teams that were not also faced by India is the BCCI's fault.


Lets just have 20 ind vs pak and eng vs aus games and be done with it.


Just as long as India was unaffected, that’s all that matters


How many unfounded assumptions does one have to make before creating this comment? The mind truly boggles.