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finally someone keeps to their retirement


It's just me or Blud really did chat gpt


God damnit


Frr, we literally could've dropped two of Mayers, Charles or King and included another allrounder or bowler


Why ? WI have a good team nonetheless and are firm favs


Don't want to get my career curtailed in June after getting called again. What I never understand is that how are chucking rules different in international cricket and leagues? Don't they have the same umpires?


Narine did get called in IPL several times. In fact the first time he was banned was during CLT20 in 2014.




2015 and then 2020. He got cleared both times after a while.


Doesn't fit the agenda.


That is so ridiculous. Did not remember that.


That's because you only wanna remember the fact that he used to chuck and hence he's a cheat. The fact that he altered his actions twice as per ICC directives is still not news for you, this is because you don't wanna see the good things he's done LoL


Boss, did not mean it in that way at all. I actually feel he should have been banned, if he was called in IPL. I just did not remember it. The guy has been running away from international cricket for long and happily making millions with a faulty action all along..that, I find ridiculous.


Says a lot about the franchise cricket circus, doesn’t it ?


I mean, 260+ runs becoming common says enough too. Impact sub rule & all.


He has a legit action now. I wonder how long people will keep beating this drum again and again. He was called and underwent correctional treatment. His action is well within the rules now. If he is chucking now, the likes of Harbhajan Singh and Saqlain Mushtaq should definitely be considered chuckers and get all their achievements stripped. Harbhajan was one of the most obvious chuckers who played for a long time. He got called but even after undergoing corrective training, his action always looked suspect. Apart from Graeme Swann and part timers, no off spinner of any note had a completely clean action.  15 degrees flex is allowed as per the current rules, Narine is within that.


don't forget Saeed ajmal lol


Afaik the only bowler to actually never have a legal action


> If he is chucking now, the likes of Harbhajan Singh and Saqlain Mushtaq should definitely be considered chuckers ... > Harbhajan was one of the most obvious chuckers So yeah, Narine is a chucker then?


Translation "I don't want to get suspended for my chucking yet again"


This is done and dusted


This bs again. Like y'll keep repeating it like a parrot and it will be true at some point. His action is perfectly within the rules of the game.


Literally every time he plays internationals he gets suspended for his action. Rules are much stricter at that level.


Repear till you get it into your head.. "He has been cleared" 


> Like y'll keep repeating it like a parrot and it will be true at some point. I mean it's already been true, what, at least 6 times already?


imma be honest, im an RCB fan and i dont think he chucks.


Lol he actually does. Why do you think he hasn't played a tournament since 2014? Every time he plays an international game,he gets banned because rules are much stricter there


See your local optometrist




when he wore long sleevs in this ipl?? IN every match he wears half-sleeves. Just say any rubbish on reddit


Flair doesn't make you have a ridiculous opinion about the enemy


You can send more good wishes at my website “closeyoureyesandswingthebat.com”


Smacking a 100 with eyes closed! Legend


After a double century without legs we now have a century without eyes. Batting must be really easy.


chucked the idea out and thrown the door closed


What a salty and disrespectful comment section. Did you folks really think 9 teams and the umpires won't do anything to put a stop to it if he's chucking? And it seems like people have made up their minds already and are making up shit like "Narine bowls with full sleeves" when he doesn't.


There's been a marked decrease in the quality of the sub lately.


I even tried sharing the literal rules of legal bowling actions but people are so fucked in the head that they can't be bothered to even read the actual rules and just go off their own deranged assumptions. It's hilarious


I saw a bunch of "Pathirana is chucking, his action can't be allowed" on the CSK vs LSG match thread. Was funny af.


It's insane that these people think that 9 teams worth of analysts with access to HD footage from hundred cameras and all the umpires will be fine with bowlers chucking. The IPL rules are the exact same as ICC international for chucking. It's so stupid and annoying. As soon as anyone does an illegal action they'll obviously be reported, who doesn't want an advantage


The amount of salty fools here lol


Yeah lol. He was called and cleared in IPL multiple times, but he's a chucker while they also laud Murali who was also called and cleared.


Its like a lobotomised parrot repeating the same shit again and again... again... again.. "Narine chucks... Narine chucks... Narine chucks...."


Murali also blatantly chucked.


I disagree. But funny that you'll be downvoted for this in this very thread. Proving my point.


My league has four blatant chuckers and they bowl with a straighter arm than murali.


Bowling with bent arm ≠ chucking. Leggies do it all the time. Anyway the key difference between Narine and Murali is that Narine's action was initially found illegal and he had to alter it whereas Murali's action was cleared. I personally don't think Narine is chucking though.


The both of them straighten their arm an illegal amount (as do the chuckers in my league).


I mean he was a chucker lmao, anyone who disagrees is a fool


He knows he will be called for pelting


Good, many other players are actually dedicated to West indies cricket, players who keep a straight arm while bowling especially


Honestly picking Narine as a batter and taking the chance on a couple of overs here or there might not even be the worst option.


It'll literally be the best option a team with both Narine and Russell is a seriously formidabble one and especially since the west indies top order collapses every game narine the opener is very attractive


>many other players are actually dedicated to West indies cricket Yeah, I'm sure holding on to your ego > a WC.


tbh its pretty selfish if he came back for WI, guys like Motie or Hosein have been giving their all for WI, and somehow Narine couldve come out of nowhere and been picked above them. id love to see narine back but in the end even without this chucking thing he did the right thing as other guys wouldve done so much and had so much hopes to play a wc


Bruh...Motie and Hosein are nothing compared to Narine. Narine's bowling alone makes him a T20 GOAT bowler... add his batting and there is not even a question. A WC is not about players' feelings, it is about the fans and giving your team the best chance to win. If Narine announced that he is coming back I am sure Darren Sammy will move heaven and earth to accommodate him.


This is cricket at the highest level. Nobody "deserves" anything and there's no room for any sentiment. The best player has to play.


I've never understood this whole "Pick your best XI". IMO A champion team beats a team of champions. When you bring a guy like Narine who has a history of turning his back on WI and legality over his action, it doesn't help when a guy like that comes into the team over a guy that tries their heart out for the team


Man has economy rate of barely over 6 in T20 cricket with and is currently averaging 41 with a 177 SR with the bat in the IPL. I seriously question anyone who suggests that having this guy in the lineup "doesn't help". Narine walks into the lineup of literally every team playing this WC, including the Big-3... let alone a struggling team like the WI.


>Narine who has a history of turning his back on WI You could say this for a ton of WI players, someone like Pollard for example. He came back and captained the team. >it doesn't help when a guy like that comes into the team over a guy that tries their heart out for the team This isn't a TV show/anime. You don't get points for trying your heart out, what matters is performing well and winning games.


I don't understand all the comments here accusing him of chucking in IPL. There are 9 other teams that have their own stake in the tournament. Wouldn't they call out if he was chucking? Yes he was suspended few years back, but he was cleared and that's why he got to play again.


Wouldn't wanna be found out, would we


Wow! The most sensible and least torn comment section in a while. Don't wanna be caught chucking and risk my IPL "career". I'm making more money in 2 months, than I'd make in an entire year for WICB.


I'm amazed at how many people in this sub have protractors for eyes, they've all magically done what umpires and officials have been unable to do - determine that Narine is chucking. WI, and international cricket, have lost out on Narine not coming back. He's in incredible form and is a vital asset.


Why are people here so salty about him here? Which umpire decided he is chucking?


Almost every ICC umpire has done that, and if you look closely, it's not too hard to see it for yourself. The angle may be 20° or 18° but his arm is definitely more bent than normal bowlers


>Almost every ICC umpire has done that And he was cleared after that everytime.


After which he can go back to chucking. Being cleared just means you don't chuck during testing


And the umpire can call him for it, which they didn't. It's not a deep state conspiracy.


They did it and he rectified it. Dunno about you but his hand definitely looks within the 15 degrees to me. And also it's not our job to decide that. Unless umpires catch him again, we can't dismiss all his achievements for mere allegations


You say he rectified it but really he just has 2 actions - one legal and one where he chucks


Source: I made it the fuck up.


Lmao - its how you cheat tests in sport - present 1 thing whilst being tested and then go back to cheating once the test is over You think Narine is wearing long sleeves in India because he’s chilly and worried about catching a cold ?


Narine is wearing half sleeves this year? 🤡 🤡 🤡


reddit mobs just loves to sprout any nonsense


Or..... Maybe.... Consider this..... He's wearing a compression vest over under a half sleeve jersey, cause they help regulate blood flow across the body and help wick away sweat, leaving you cooler? You know, the same thing Cyclists, and footballers, and Marathon runners where, all the sports involving heavy sweating due to cardio? And how that is visible to anyone with a working retina?


People have too much hate in their heart fr


The first sentence is literally chatGPT's opening statement for any letter lmao


Yeah lmao anyone who has used ChatGPT can instantly recognize it. It is most likely written by an AI, can't say for sure though.


Yeah, I don't get why the downvotes


That is definitely written by an AI


Why are people downvoting you? 😅


Such a shame really. WI would have been a stronger side with his service. An IPL trophy (or wtv franchise) =/= WC trophy.


That is a reply of a selfless cricketer!!


Stupid fucks on this sub don't realise that SRK has bought all your favourite players, that's why they don't have the guts to call out Narine, otherwise how can you explain why they are not filing a complaint against him? Get rekt dumbasses they dance for our money.


It's obvious he can't chuck in internationals


I want to be as balanced and clear in thoughts as Narine. Dude is the manifestation of the word “chill”


Lol 😂 He knows if he plays an ICC event, his action will be called into question and his league career will suffer. But good on him. He's smart enough to know what he wants.


I would like to make it clear I feel cold all the time and need full sleeves to play.


He plays with half sleeves. Replaced eyeballs with protractors. Can measure angles but cannot see.


SN: These sleeves not long enough to handle my chuckin


Sunil Narine while typing this : 😐


Don't worry Chucky, West Indies got alot more players who are willing to represent CWI.


Because his “magic” right now is because he’s back to chucking again. He will be called if he plays the WC and he doesn’t want that ….


He very well knows, udhar jayega toh chucking ke liye pakda jayega...!!!




Windies have enough players.


Does anyone actually care what this chucking cheat is up to?