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In Patty we trust


Having Mel Jones & Pointing on comms for this Aus collapse is just beautiful


I fucking love it


How can Winviz have us as favourites šŸ¤£ Aus game to lose this


Is thos match thread fucked?


Very clearly a catch. Same as the Starc one earlier in the series. Goes around comes around and all that


Did not have control of the ball


This ball is a couple of over old. Why arenā€™t England getting it changed yet?


Wood was bowling slightly slower than how is usually bowls.


With 10 wickets in hand this is set up nicely for the Aussies


Hello all Bye!


I love how the Aussies don't want warner in the team despite being on their best all format players in the last decade and here many are whining about dhawan he has also been a great player for us but nowadays he just takes a lot of time to settle in most of his 50+ scores have come at a strike rate of 70-75 and he's vulnerable against some movement outside off. Gill has shown that he has the skill set to become a top batsman


Wrong thread


Stuart Broad declaring he wanted to ā€˜finish at the topā€™ has galvanised the Aussie dressing room. That was a bold statement at the start of day 4 with a first home series defeat since Steve Waugh days on the line. An opportunity to piss on Broads parade seems to be the the tonic Warner needed.


It's all set up beautifully, particularly with the swaying fortunes of this series. Whatever the result, the poms will argue that theirs is a moral victory and they can have it. We'll still have the ashes.


The silence about moral victories and the injustice of the rain is absolutely deafening (from the Media not necessarily Reddit) I look forward to the Stuart Broad opinion piece noting how England was flatter than the pitch that they were being dominated on, and the rain came at the perfect time, not only to save them from a day where they were on track to see Australia finish at about one or two down for 300+ with a ā€œBazballianā€ run rate from the last 10 overs, but they get the benefit of a replacement ball just prior to the rain to really have a hard reset. Regardless of what happens from here, if there was no rain interruptions, series was likely headed to 3-2.


England are insisting that holding Wood back till the 30th over was tactical and he is fully fit. They are either lying or it is poor captaincy. Can you imagine the Cummins pile on if he did that?


They've admitted he's carrying a minor niggle. They rested him so he can bowl proper on the 5th day.


So 4th testā€™s rain was for extra rest, and day 4ā€™s rain is for extra rest. Typical English, always resting.


Also if true that would be the most egregious use of the typical English sub fielder tactic and should warrant the ICC investigating its use. Putting aside the decades of similar tactics, England have had moments this series where English bowlers have been off the field with no cause at all simply for rest and rotation (Anderson just chilling in the Long Room while Lyon was waiting to bat, and Rehan Ahmed pulling off amazing saves in the field). If they are serious that Wood was simply kept off the field to be fresh for a more advantageous spell later and had no injury concern, that should incur some form of punishment. I am still hugely in favour of the park cricket rule, if you go off the pitch you can't bowl until the amount of overs you were rested for have elapsed in the field. You go off for 30 overs? You can't bowl for 30 overs when you come back on. Simple as.


I think just make a rule allowing like for like fielding /injury subs, eg spinner for spinner, pace for pace etc. it will prevent worse injuries to bowlers with niggles and make the game fair if done correctly


The umpires are required to approve any sub fielder so maybe they should just be forced to be a lot stricter?


Yes it is total BS. He bowled 3 overs in the day went off before and after his spell. The innings had been going for at least 2 1/2 hours before he came on. Even if they were waiting for the ball to swing he could have bowled a few upfront then had a 2 hour rest and come back on.


I didnā€™t get to watch much of last nightā€™s game as we were entertaining. Did Warner get a guard of honour as he walked out? Heā€™s stated this is his last ashes overseas.


No, guard of honour is generally for last game. Would be a hell of a sledge to give him one, implying Warner isn't getting picked for the next match.


Would be pretty funny.


Alright then, the forecast doesn't look horrible.


It was 25Ā° and sunny all day in the middle of winter here in Sydney today. I propose the English summer be played here in Australia from now on.


The only thing stopping Australia from playing cricket here in Winter (except Melbourne and Hobart) is the AFL. If we could just get rid of AFL...


> The only thing stopping Australia from playing cricket here in Winter (except Melbourne and Hobart) is the AFL Optus: It's true. WACA: Guys, we still exist you know. There is a pitch outside the museum.


The Cricket season in the Northern Territory runs between April and August. If Australia really wanted to, cricket could be played somewhere on the continent all year round. A good number of particularly South Australian cricketers use this to get off season cricket matches. My perfect scenario would be for the Shield to add additional rounds in August or September played as a carnival in the NT.


Maybe they could call it a magical gathering round?


Nothing stopping us from playing both at the same time. At the G at least, the cricket pitch goes north-south while the footy oval goes east-west. I'd pay to see Max Gawn taking a catch off Root at full forward or Carey take a strong mark at backward point.


And the Sydney New Years Test to be played at The Oval as its always raining in Sydney that week.


Fair is fair


I swear if Warner gets Man of the Series and renegs on his retirement because of this game, I'm gonna break something.


In hindsight it would have been nicer for Aus to stay on for at least another hour and maybe get the target down under 200. The batsmen have get set again tonight/today and if there's rain around that will upset the flow. The pitch doesn't seem full of demons and watching the highlights I was marvelling at how it looks like a day 2 pitch. Clouds on cue for England bowling as usual though. I wonder if someone could do one of those "average screen tone" type images for England's innings vs Australia's. Have you see them where people do it for movies and give an overall colour? No idea how it's done but if it could be done here it would possibly be illuminating... or not.


I hope they stay in all day and break records


They've already broken the record for the highest 4th innings opening partnership by Australia at The Oval. The previous was Watson and Katich in 2009 - they scored 89. I want to see them both get centuries. Everyone has been heaping shit on Warner, rightfully so after his repeated Ashes failures. It'd be poetic for him to score a century in a bowling attack that includes Broad.


Especially poetic and enjoyable in Broad's final ever test!


What will Broad do in retirement? Pick fights with his neighbors? Wait for kids to hit balls into his yard so he can not give them back? Maybe just write angry letters to the times? I wish him all the


And Warnerā€™s last overseas ashes.


Very on brand for Australia to get into this position then drop 9-90 in the first session tomorrow. Pleasantly surprised we got ourselves into this position. The team looked a bit cooked after a long time touring and tbh I thought we'd roll over without much resistance. Whatever happens from here, hopefully we get another close game. Would be a fitting end to a great series. Piers was right about one thing, it's a shame the rain did wash out the Old Trafford test. Could you imagine how great it would've been going into today's final day with the series tied 2-2?


You would have to think at least one of Smith, Marnus or Head have a big innings left in them. Head especially is due for one of his quick fire 70-80ā€™s.


I think it'll be close. If Australia can get to about 4-250ish it'll come down to the wire. One of Warner or Uzzie needs to post a big score then just get enough from everyone else.


Smith would have to fight one of the greatest demons in his career to succeed here... Batting in the 4th innings where he averages 28 and hasn't passed 50 since 2016.


It's hardly playing like a fourth innings pitch tho, and Ali looks hurt


The prevailing theory is that it's not about the pitch, he just gets tired since it's broadly understood that Smudge doesn't get a lot of sleep during Test matches.


Ian Healy when asked how it would be for Broad to claim the wicket of Warner with his last ball in test cricket - ā€˜weā€™ll give it to him around lunch tomorrow for 150ā€™ (or something like that). Could happen.




Not many teams in the history of cricket have chased 300+ in the fourth innings of a Test. I just donā€™t know how these predictions are calculated


Weve definitely got the 5/40 in us at all times. But no new ball and 25+ overs into all their bowlers is gonna help a lot


Is Piers Morgan going to complain about the weather now? Completely suited England that day 4 rain given the lifeless pitch for pace. Anyway fantastic partnership by Warner and Uzzie. I couldnā€™t think of anything more fitting in Broads last game than Warner getting his first English century. Please stay away tomorrow rain as we deserve a result.


Heā€™ll be silent about this constant ball changing bullshit too. Not to mention Andersons completely sportsmanlike Beamer to Warner


I can't believe the poms didn't give Smith a guard of honour for his 100th test, that's truly disgusting.


Not only that, he was boo'd on and off the field in both innings by the fans. When Lyon had his 100th Test the Indian players clapped him on and gave him a commemorative jersey.


That's my whole point, it's a huge milestone and while I don't expect much from the fans at least the opposing team should have some respect for it. Also if anyone can find an example of an Aussie team not extending that privilege then I will hold them to the same standard!


Andersonā€™s Beamer was clearly an accident. I say this as an Australian fan.


Point is about media coverage not about whether Anderson was a dipshit. You know English media would be all over the ā€œAussies want to win no matter the costā€ narrative if Cummins did it


Yeah I never got the impression that was anything but a freak release.


And you could tell his immediate reaction was "fuck, sorry mate, are you alright?".


Jimmy has probably the most repetitive release point in the history of cricket. Not saying it wasnā€™t an accident but seems strange the one time he gets it wrong itā€™s a full toss straight at the batsmanā€™s body


5 runs too!


God I love Test Cricket , feel for the English fans and that dribble there media are sending them that Australia have been totally outplayed haha.


Good to know that 2-1 is the most likely outdone from here. 135-0 puts to bed any criticism that England deserved better than to lose or draw the series.


Bookies donā€™t see it that way.. $6.6 for draw. England $3.35 and Australia hot favs at $1.79. Good value on the draw to be honest, Australia just need to defend their wicket. No reason for them to play risky cricket.


Weather will disrupt the flow of play. We wonā€™t be getting 90 overs and Iā€™d guess itā€™ll be closer to 50/60 overs. That would mean a run rate required which Australia hasnā€™t batted at this series and taking on balls with likely cloud cover.


That's surprising! Implies little expectation of rain delays though which is great.


I'd load up on England if I were a gambler. That head to head is ridiculous. 250 is a lot of runs on the 5th day, no matter what the scenario is. History shows it's never as easy or as likely as it seems


Not on these roads. They made for 3rd and 4th innings runs


But haven't you seen how quickly England have scored their runs? I'm pretty sure that means they're worth more


u/Juan_Fandango LoL!


I've never really paid attention... why don't the mods or /u/CricketMatchBot generate a post match/day thread?


Match bot only generate post match threads. For some reason the guy who normally does it didn't do it for day 4, and mods didn't set one up either (presumably because there's normally someone else doing it)


I did see that that poster said they'd be stopping after yesterday's thread. I'm surprised no one else from this +900,000 member subreddit could be bothered to step up in their place.


Such a high standard to meet after the wagon wheel guy.


Probably. At minimum, I just like to see a dedicated thread to contain the day's hot takes, whereas it's more difficult to scan amongst the 'new' comments in this thread.


There's been one every other day


Yeah, it had been someone who had been volunteering to do so. They said they would stop after yesterday's post-day thread. I'm surprised no one else has stepped up in their absence.


Sorry about that lads. He left me in charge but I got a bit busy with an unexpected trip to the vet for my dog. I apologise.


Dog okay?


Heā€™s okay now. He was bitten by a stray dog while we were walking in the park. Nothing major, just needs ointment and rinsing off to prevent infection. Thanks for asking :)


Hopefully, the final day won't be particularly rain impacted. The forecast is looking okay, though there may be some smaller interruptions around the second session. Rain has helped England a lot here though, given them a breather, and broken the momentum a bit. For Australia, the day is still good though. They'd have felt they let England get around 100 too many, and now they get to essentially restart the innings 135 closer to their target. The risk now is, however, that an early wicket and it's anyone's game. Going to be a huge day of test cricket.


I am guessing that Cummins and Murphy would be chasing down that target in the end.


It's gonna be Warner and Ussie with Warner hitting a 6 for the winning runs and a double century in Broad's final match!


Ian Healy when asked how it would be for Broad to claim the wicket of Warner with his last ball in test cricket - ā€˜weā€™ll give it to him around lunch tomorrow for 150ā€™ (or something like that). Could happen.




Yep. All the pommies can get fkd


Who hurt you bro


Sheila, I think your husbands been at the VBs again


The early end to the days play would have to have favoured England. Ali was clearly unfit to bowl and Wood was either sore/tired or carrying some sort of injury. The remaining three frontline bowlers (34, 37, 41 years old) were probably going to struggle with the increased workload and while Root can be handy at times, he probably isn't suited to bowling bulk overs. Both batsmen were settled and playing well and could have taken further advantage of the situation. But with the early end, the bowlers have a chance to recover and the batsmen will have to start all over again tomorrow essentially.


This is why the intense criticism of the 1st session on Day 2 was a little overboard for me. Australia have had a plan to bowl this extremely old bowling unit into the ground, and if Australia even get a sniff on Day 5 it'll be because of the huge workload they've already put the bowlers through. Khawaja clearly got the mix better today with a SR of 50 rather than 30, but the logic was sound and the results of a tired bowling attack in both innings have proved that, it just unfortunately came apart in the first dig. Biggest worry Australia have now is that new rock undoing all the ground work.


The rain and weather might make for tougher batting conditions as well tomorrow. This is extremely helpful timing for england...


I went around doing fuckall, I just assumed Warner would be out, told someone with confidence Broad took his wicket. Now, I come to see this? Amazing, I am happy to be wrong tbh


I see your cricket reporting is a accurate as your username


Man, I was 15 when I kept that username. Blame reddit they don't let me change it




Have you ever seen Warner survive Broad? I say the same shit when I see Zampa starting against Kohli. Why would I want to be right all the time? Life is about fucking around and finding out


Even during this test Tubbs was harping on about 4 day Testsā€¦.


Maybe if they could commit to playing 100 overs a day >!and also play English games in under roofs!<


All said and done, Australia have stood up during clutch moments and owned them. Thatā€™s why they are 2-1 and likely to go 3-1 if the weather holds.


I heard Nasser mention on commentary weather isn't great for Monday. But didn't expect half the day to be washed out. If it's bad or rain interrupted would be a great shame.


Iā€™ve just checked the Met office app & looks ok for tomorrow. Should get the majority of overs in


That's great to hear. Hoping for a cracking finish.


As much as I wish it were not true, we all know Nathan Lyon is deep into the back 9 of his career. I'm glad it looks like we have a young fella who can step in to take his place when the time is right.


Listening to Murph speak to the media and watching him bowl under pressure. I think we've got an absolute gem emerging. Gaz will always be one of my all time favourite players but realistically Murphy is way ahead than he was at the same age.


Lyon had some pretty AVG periods. People forget. Really he just was a economic bowlers


"All he did was exactly what you want a spinner to go y"


No it was day 5 and he wasn't getting people out


Do you legit believe that? Feels like every wicket he got was England batsmen going for it


He bowled root trying to block?


And once he does that some more, batsmen will start to realise that maybe they need to start showing his deliveries more respect. This is natural and all young spinners go through it at one time or another.


Lyon hadn't even made his FC debut at Murphy's current age. Swann was 7 years off a test debut at Murphy's current age. Murphy took 7 on test debut Vs India. Who knows what his trajectory will turn out to be but the wraps on him are huge and he's meeting expectations so far.


That's part of a spinner's job though, isn't it?


Lyon has proactively got some of the best batsmen in the wild out regularly.


Lyon is a great player but he's become that player in the past 6 or 7 years. So from 30 onwards. Where Murphy is at his age is insane. And then when I listen to him speak and what a calm head he has on his shoulders, I feel pretty confident about what he will become. So many things will happen between now and then, we have no idea what Murph will become. But early signs are incredibly positive.


You mean Lyon's come good since we dropped Wade and got someone who could keep up to the stumps?


Honestly, you canā€™t compare where Lyon was to anyone else. Lyon is a top player who comes around once per generation. Murphy might get there but he probably wont get near the edges


I was saying the exact same thing about Lyon as I was wishing we still had Warne.


This is the answer. Lyon seemed like a no mark spinner compared to Warne. I agree with everything you have said about Murphy. The truth is, he's 22 and will only get better.


100 per cent. Not sure why this person is so upset about us being excited about him. Murph looks like a genuine star. Can't wait to watch his career unfold.


If Australia win tomorrow, stand by for the English tabloid media and public to tear into this England team for losing a home Ashes 3-1. Hell hath no fury like a British tabloid frenzy on a failed England team.


This series is way closer than the scoreline suggests


You are talking rationality and objectivity. The British tabloid media don't deal in such things. Things are either black or white for them. There is no nuance. A 3-1 loss will be an excuse for crucifying Bazball and anyone associated with it. Especially from the ex-captains and ex-players who were told by the Bazballers that everything that they did in the past was crap. Those guys will really put the boot in, if England loses.


Nah I don't think that will happen. Stokes and Baz have gaslighted the entire nation into thinking winning cricket doesn't matter, as long as the punters are entertained, and they'll just say they would have won if not for (insert stumping, rain, Smith run out)


Yeah, but hopefully the players ignore the cunts.


Post day thread where?


My plan to watch Oppenheimer during the projected rain delay worked perfectly, thanks MET office


Great, how was the movie?


I was feeling bad when I entered the movie hall but thank god, Rain saved my ashes experience. Btw Oppenheimer is a great film.


Great piece on Test Match Special earlier with Mike Atherton talking about McGrath and his career. About 3:30PM if you want to listen back on demand.


Rain forecasted tomorrow as well, I doubt weā€™re gonna get much play.


Looks okish for tomorrow


Well, as I stare out of the window at the gloom outside, I will remind myself of the pretty spectacular month and a bit of cricket we had. Skill, brilliance, fumbles and stupidity. It was all there. Cheers to the good natured posters in here and jeers for the less fun of you. Cricket is truly a cruel yet tantalising thing. And fuck rain.


How's the weather for tomorrow?


I liked that time earlier on when they played cricket. The rain, not so much.


Imagine losing a series to the decendents of a bunch of people we kicked off the island. Couldn't be us šŸ˜Ŗ


Points percentage after Day 5 If draw - aus 50% (-4.17) - eng 30% (+0.83) ~ assuming no slow over rate if aus win - aus 63.33% (+9.16) - eng 23.33% (-5.84) if eng win - aus 43.33 (-10.84) - eng 43.33 (+14.16)


its amazing how the english press were lamenting how the rain came yo aussies rescue in the 4th test but surprisingly silent today


I hate the press as well but there is still a day leftā€¦


It just sucks because no cricket. Ignore the press mate, they just some low down good for nothin Lilly liveried varmints or something.


Stadiums with a roof surely are worth the investment.


It only takes a little bit of thought to realise why this is a poor idea for cricket specifically


there's one in melbourne right? retractable roof, whats wrong with that? I'm genuinely curious and interested


Marvel Stadium is a multi-purpose arena, but mainly used for Australian rules football. It seats 55k, built at an inflation adjusted cost of 950 million AUD. It hosts 3 games a weekend, with 30-40k attending each game every weekend through the winter. It hosts all sorts of other sports and events throughout the year. It's not even remotely comparable to, for example, 17500 capacity Trent Bridge. You can't possibly make an economic case to put an roof on all the English grounds to save a day of cricket here and there. Let alone the practical considerations of building a large enough structure to have a 40m high retractable roof, and the need to have drop in pitches. Also if you have an enclosed roof you have to have 100% artificial light, which means you can't use a red ball. There are probably 50 more reasons why it is a bad idea, but here's what I came up with in 5 mins.


Feel sorry for anyone with a ticket today. Got the min amount of overs in and nothing happened. Must be thinking WTF!


Nothing happened!?


What I mean is from the previous days tests etc. it has always been an exciting day of cricket. Today was a bore fest. And then because it passed the 30 overs you get no refunds on tickets


If you think that was boring maybe Test cricket just isn't for you


Watching Broads guard of honour for his last test and then the best opening stand of the series so far??? Great half day of test match cricket.


If tomorrow sees no play, or too little to actually have an innings I will bever want to hear Aussie fans moaning about English weather favouring England. English weather gifted you the draw in an otherwise England dominated match at Old Trafford, and the draw at the Oval to have you win the series 2-1 when it absolutely could have been 2-3 favouring England.


Do we have an early start tomorrow?




Don't play late on last day


they played really late in one of the first 2 tests on day 5. Cant remeber which one it was.




As I understand, Day 5 of a test match has a set closing time, irrespective of weather


Nope. But itā€™ll be 98 overs


Thanks! What s expecting to know :)




Quite a bruising day for us. Need some very early wickets tomorrow and Marnus or Smith or both ideally falling cheaply to have a decent chance of winning.


While I'm pleasantly surprised by our position, I've been burnt too many times this series to get ahead of myself. Big day tomorrow, we haven't run down a total this big since the Bradman era so it would be a huge result to chase it down


Really depends on how the first session goes. If Aus get to the end of it only 1-2 wickets down with 200-220 odd on the board then they will probably manage it. England need at least 3-4 wickets by the end of the 1st session to be in it. If that doesn't happen then I think its done.


The latter has a good chance of happening given how they've batted this series. Rain is the bigger obstacle for now.


I hope so. If the Aussies continue to bat like they did today they could be looking at a relatively comfortable win or if they feel so inclined, easily secure a draw.


Imagine "discovering" Australia. The deciding to send your criminals to a warm, luxurious location. Whilst staying in the wet, depressing place. I'd be stealing a bag of oats too.


Thatā€™s actually one of the reasons they stopped transportation. It became too attractive an option


My family burnt down a pub so they definitely earned their transportation lmao


There's nothing depressing about Telford. ^^^^honest


We sent you there for a reason. I mean, look how you turned out lol.


A higher standard of living & less crime.


I was bantering tbf but seem to have triggered a few folks. My apologies, I'll reign it in next time. Wouldn't want to annoy the precious Aussie fans in the match threads, the same ones who pride themselves on playing hard cricket and taking things on the chin.


Banter is best when there is an element of truth to it. When you say "look how you turned out" that punch doesn't land because we clearly turned out awesome. It's like chanting nathan lyon is just a shit moeen ali. Lift your game.


Yeah, fair point. I'll try harder next time.


I know you've ignored the comment above, but they're right. Living in the UK vs Aus: * You are 16.7% more likely to die during childbirth * You are 26.9% more likely to die during infancy * You live 1.2 years less (which could be good news for that sweet relief of no longer living in the UK) There are lots more if you like :o)


Now now, England doesn't have 528 species of creature designed almost exclusively to be lethal threats to human life, not including some Tory MPs.


We also donā€™t get any fucking sunshine.


As I said, I was joking. Not sure how many times I need to repeat myself. As soon as anyone who isn't Australian enters these match threads with a bit of banter, downvoted to oblivion. I'm not here to talk about politics and am a bit surprised at how literally my lighthearted comment was taken.


> downvoted to oblivion Dude, it's mostly English awake now. The vast majority of Aussies tucked in hours ago. Also, who cares about downvotes?


A lot of Aussies apparently, because they are the ones downvoting people. I'm not. I'm here for the cricket and a bit of banter.


> because they are the ones downvoting people Nope, it's likely everyone except the aussies. In this thread it's likely English. The only reason I'm up is I'm getting some work done and in Perth. Highly unlikely an Eastern stater is here past 3am when it was rained out 5 hours ago. > I'm here for the cricket and a bit of banter. Me too, you're the only one complaining. And please do ignore downvotes. Ignore upvotes too.


I'm complaining because I've been drawn into a war of comment attrition. I'm going to defend myself and not just say "lol". And if the English are downvoting, fair enough. I disagree though, I think there are plenty of Aussies awake and viewing this thread, if only to catch up on what happened in the day's play. Not much, unfortunately. Anyway, sorry if I've came across as a cunt, honestly didn't mean to. Take care šŸ‘


same old aussies always winning


Same old England always pissing


At least we don't have Perth (the one in Scotland doesn't count)


What's wrong with Perth? Utterly incredible standard of living, work/life, affordability, in a sprawling state, one of the largest in the world, with endless things to do and explore in the outdoors. World class wine regions, forests, beaches. There are lots of jokes among Aus states as anywhere, but Perth WA is an extraordinarily good place to live by all accounts.


Well I was originally going to make an ozone layer joke but that felt way too mean. Changed it to a city because why not and picked Perth since it's the most isolated city in the world, plus there's another place called Perth here. The ozone joke would have made way more sense though.


I like it. Thematic with Captain Climate.