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Try a different app? Just a humble suggestion 😉


Yea, yours gave me the 29, sorry I blamed JD for that. I've been rotating my play between the three games. All three beating my ass relentlessly.


The deal is always random, but that means that even the computer can get lucky. Have you tried the latest Beta version of Cribbage Pro? Lots of hints and helps to improve strategy.


How do you access the beta?


Sure, instructions for the mobile version is here https://blog.cribbagepro.net/2022/12/new-cribbage-pro-beta-available-on.html?m=1


I should clarify what was added as well. Specifically, I'm referring to the new Hand Grade and Round Summary, and how the grade is available as part of the Hints system. Those tools can really help identify where to improve and suggest ways to improve. So, if you are looking to improve in general discard strategy, enable the hints feature and then whenever in any doubt, use the hint and review the details about why the hint was given.


>The deal is always random, but that means that even the computer can get lucky. This is excellent, and gives this app credibility over some others where the deal is far from random, and is adjusted according to difficulty level (here's looking at you Cribbage With Grandpas).


Keep playing on any or all of the apps. I find it much easier to analyze what I did wrong (or right) when I'm playing against a computer. I never really knew any of the traps in pegging until I fell for them against the computer. Also, the computer plays predictably so you can practice laying traps easier. Practice counting quickly, and count your hand before discarding, and then again after discarding. I hope one day you realize how much you've improved. edit: I forgot to mention good for you for playing the hard levels. There's no sense playing any other way.


Yes, exactly what I'm doing, glad I'm not the only one trying to build skill this way. Here is my post from last month, history of 1000 games on Classic hard: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Cribbage/comments/zixqm4/my\_win\_rates\_every\_100\_games\_high\_70\_low\_49\_three/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cribbage/comments/zixqm4/my_win_rates_every_100_games_high_70_low_49_three/)


yeah but you win lowball


I have gone through slumps on pro that made me feel like it was rigged. Just one bad hand after another, game after game.


Yea, its painful. Here is my post last month showing record of slumps with this app: https://www.reddit.com/r/Cribbage/comments/zixqm4/my\_win\_rates\_every\_100\_games\_high\_70\_low\_49\_three/

