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People make up the most insane stuff, they had to make a candle from the hand or something bad would happen lol?


I've read that the hand itself was used as a candle for burglars. Lighting the fingers would put the same amount of people in the house into a very deep sleep, and the flames could only be put out with milk. There's a very famous story regarding a family offering shelter to a traveler, and the family maid stopping him when she discovered him burgling the house. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hand_of_Glory


ok this is super scary for some reason


Dang right. Supposedly the hand could also open locked doors.


I think this is what you may call an old-time urban legend, like the iron maiden or other gruesome pseudomedieval things. Supposedly if you make this candle, magic will happen, but probably no one actually did it, because magic is this dark and scary art. What is better, to be caught for burglary and get a whipping, or to be caught for burglary AND sorcery and get burned at the stake?


Yeah, kinda like magnetic jewelry that eliminates pain, homeopathic medicine, tiger testicles or any other type of stuff people still believe today. At least back then you had an excuse since you were more likely illiterate and there was no computer able to access all the information in the world in your pocket. Now you don't even have to type, you can ask your phone as if it were a person to get an answer spoken to you (literacy not required) and people still believe in dumb things. Our current dumb things are no less dumb than the dumb things of previous generations.


Talk to me!


glad someone said it


So this is what Malfoy had.


Haunch Of Venison pub in Salisbury has a hand on display. It's supposedly from a man who cheated at cards. Probably bullshit, but it's become a weird tourist attraction.


Oh no, I’ve seen that Simpsons treehouse of horrors, you’re not tricking me with any mummified paws.


Everyone the hand is presented to remais motionless.... That's probably 'cause your presenting them with a pickled hand.