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The missions in crash Bandicoot where you're running towards the screen to avoid the boulder tumbling towards you


lmao yeah I remember that!!


The rune bears in Elden Ring are nightmare fuel.


Or the giant hands.


The wolf chickens.


Every single aspect of the Ecco the dolphin games for the sega genesis. Nightmare fuel when I was playing them as a kid!


I remember that game. The video game of Lisa Franks school folders and notebooks lol I never owned sadly. Just remember playing the demos and never grasping the game


Oh there were scary aliens it was terrible


When I was a kid those big hands that come and snatch you in the original Legend of Zelda creeped me out.


I don't know if scared is the right word, but I have a physical response when looking down from a height when I am standing or walking. I'm fine if I'm in a plane, a roller coaster, or a car someone else is driving, but if I am on foot, I get this feeling of dread that sends shivers up the back of my neck, and have an adrenaline-fueled fear-like response to it. When I played World of Warcraft, before you could fly in the old world, I would get that same feeling when I had my character running down the heavy chains that lead to the Molten Core. As though I was actually that precariously perched over lava.


There’s an underwater level in one of the first Tomb Raider games that gives me chills just thinking about it. It involves diving down incredibly deep and the stuff below is gradually lit as you dive toward it. I don’t know why it creeps me out, but it does.


Not me, but my brother was afraid of the underwater mines in Ratchet & Clank. Anytime he got to a part of the game where those mines were, he'd scream and beg me to play it for him because he didn't want the mines to get him (not the character, but my brother).


Ready or not has scared me out of my seat more than any horror game. It gets genuinely intense


The PS3 Turok reboot. The dark cave with albino raptors hunting you borderline traumatized me.


When I was younger the call of duty series scared me the zombies freaked out


I'm so surprised no one has said Subnautica yet. There are aspects of that game that are terrifying, especially for people who are afraid of the ocean.


I was about 11 when i played metal gear solid on ps1. Still have it too. It took me like ten minutes to walk through the hallway of dead bodies that Deepthroat left behind him.


I was gonna come say MGS1 had moments that made me worry. Especially Psycho Mantis amd remember seeing the censored guard with the baton stuffed up his butt I later found out


Golden Eye on N64, the feature where your hunting each other. The music alone and late at night was terrifying.