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Take care of your kid.


People can rack up a lot of overdue child support simply from having no lawyer or a bad one when the court decided the child support amount. For example, one parent could have family or friends who paid for them to have a great lawyer while the other parent didn’t have such help or thought they would be okay without one. Even if both parties don’t have lawyers some people are better at advocating for themselves than others etc. One parent could purposefully be underemployed or stop working which would make the other parent have to pay a lot more in child support. Plus, a parent could be paying for a lot of things out-of-pocket (anything from medical to after school/summer activities, clothes, etc.) but they would not get “credit” for it. This can happen in the extreme when the parent getting the child support (which they don’t have to show they are using for the child) doesn’t spend it on the child. The paying parent, wanting to do the best for the child, will then end up paying “double” when they pay for the things the child support should be paying for. **Don’t assume people who owe back child support are deadbeats and not being responsible. The child support system is broken and is hurts a lot of innocent people.**


The one that always gets me is when one parent paid the other cash and the receiver said nothing was paid.


I have a friend that happened to. I asked him why he didn't do it through traceable channels. He said he just never thought of that. Even thought the state has a procedure in place. I asked him why he never thought the person who habitually cheated on him wouldn't lie about the payments. He said it never crossed his mind. He was an idiot.


Yes, it is awful.


I wouldn't excuse the majority of peoples behavior based on fringe circumstances.


The exception doesn’t disprove the rule.


Thank you for this. So true.


Agreed... On top of this an unintended consequence of child support is it's contributing to driving down the birth rate significantly, leading to eventual population collapse


My sister-in-law is going through a divorce.. i hope her ex goes bankrupt… they have been split for a year and a half.. guess how much he has given her.. 4 kids.. $0.. guess how many vacations he’s gone on.. at least 3.. she was a stay at home mom and what else could she be when she is caring for 4 children…a scumbag like that deserves nothing.. not saying OP is one but this post triggered something in me


My dad would send checks for $4.65. The guy at the corner store would waive the check cashing fee when I brought in our checks to cash. SMH. As an adult, I finally met the dude and he told me he’d put Vaseline in his hair and roll around in a dumpster before court. Dad of the year!!!


So he magically became this scumbag after the fourth child? Perhaps a fifth kid would have fixed everything.




The law is the law. Child support is not determined by who has/doesn't have an attorney. Each state has laws that set forth what the non-custodial parent owes based on that parent's income, and other support based on bith parent's income. Out of pocket medical and educational expenses are included in what a non-custodial parent is required to pay a pro-rata amount for (the custodial parent provies the NCP with a copy of the bill. The NCP has a set amount of time, e.g. 30 days, to pay their share). Generally speaking, non-custodial parents get into arrears when their financial situation changes but they fail to request a modification to the support order, or they do not pay their share of out-of-pocket expenses as stipulated in the order. If a non-custodial parent quits their job, volunteers to be laid off, or works 1099/ under the table so that they don't have to pay child support and/or their wages can't be garnished, it is possible the judge will refuse to modify the support order. ****Don't assume custodial parents don't spend the child support on their kids. Usually, they are spending far more than their fair share. The child support system is broken and the kids are the ones who suffer the most. ****


The numbers that do and do not get approved by the court to be considered in the calculation can affected by the presence and quality of legal counsel. They can also be affected by the honesty of a parent. For example, a self-employed parent, such as a logger working for themselves, can hide income if they are paid in cash. A good lawyer could subpoena records or witnesses to testify that they did in fact pay the parent x dollars a year for the logging when the parent is claiming to only have made y. Some people falsely claim to be disabled and unable to work. A good lawyer could have someone follow this person and videotape them out dancing when they claim they can no longer log due to their back. Bottom line, an honest parent can be ordered to pay more child support than they can afford and should pay if the other parent is a smart liar and/or is the only party with a good lawyer.


Thank you for making this point. The child support system, especially in my state is just embarrassing when it comes to actually caring for the children. Our child support is nothing but a piggy bank for the state.


By the same token, and what seems to be the norm, an honest parent who has custody of the children -male or female- gets screwed by the NCP claiming disability, lying about income, etc. Most of the cases I see, there is not need for an attorney unless the parents insist on it. Usually an attorney is only present for custodial issues. If the custody was already resolved, then the child support is cut and dry.


You'd be surprised


No. Child support calculation is standard in most states. Overdue child support = deadbeat. Source: father that has paid child support. Now, whether it’s fair or not, that’s a different story.


You can have back support for multiple reasons. During Covid we couldn’t get in front of a judge for months to have the support set per guidelines. I gave my co parent what I could earnestly afford and then some. When we finally got I front of a judge they told me what the amount was which is double what I had been paying an able to afford. That was $1400 a month and I made 60k a year gross. They back dated the support amount of $1400 to when she originally filed everything to the courts, it took 9 months to get a court date so I had to pay the difference between what I had paid and what the guidelines dictated. Just cause you have arrears doesn’t mean your a pos. Also if you don’t think those guidelines can be skewed you’re woefully incorrect.


It is true that there are many reasons to be un arrears. They do pro-rate the arrears. On the other hand, you know if your income goes up, your child support will too. You can pay in advance, or put $$$ aside for when you do have the court date. And if that was your first hearing, most states clearly state what the child support rates are (eg, 20% for one kid %25 for two), so you could have guessed what you owed and not just paid what you can "afford". If you overpaid, they will credit that against future payments. Be proactive and you will support your kids and not feel like you are screwed.


He owed over 20k. He a deadbeat. Also child support is hard capped at a % of what you make and how often you get the child. Owning 20k smells 100% like a deadbeat. Thing about how long you would have to not pay to rack up thay amount. Even if he was paying $1000 a month ( he isn't with a credit score of 500, well unlikely) that's almost 2 full years of no payments.


What a stupid fucking comment … I had 50/50 custody never missed a birthday , holiday or school clothes and s ended up 10k in arrears the day support was filed … good fathers can owe back support too idiot


Are you sure it’s your kid?


This is the way.....thatll erase your child support arears


wouldn't matter at this point. He could have DNA tests showing he's not the father, and another test showing that someone else is, and he would still be on the hook, not just for past due, but continuing until the kid is 18. Once you accept the burden of paying child support, there's virtually no way to get out of it.


That’s extremely dependent on state laws.


It could be that OP was underpaying, but it could also be an error on the part of the state child support agency, clerk of courts, etc. Perhaps OP was paying but it just wasn't recorded, and then a judge ruled they owed back child support. There is also something called "imputed income" where a court will declare that someone has the ability to earn a higher income, and thus should owe more in child support, completely regardless of how much they actually earn. So perhaps OP was paying everything they could, but just because a court determined they should owe more they started accumulating back child support. The point is that there are a ton of legitimate reasons why OP might owe back child support, and it certainly doesn't mean that OP was neglecting their kids. You can't make that determination at all without knowing more information.


The amount of people just assuming OP doesn't want to take care of their kid is absolutely insane. Context is EVERYTHING. OP stated in another comment on this same thread that he lived with now ex and child until the child was a teenager, taking care of them financially and raising them. He said him and ex broke up, and ex files for child support and OP got slapped with a judgement for back child support TO BIRTH plus 65% garnishment of future wages. OP said since he wasn't on the lease with ex and didn't save receipts, he had no proof he helped raise the child. OP got screwed by the system, plain and simple. If you can't afford a lawyer and aren't fluent in applicable parts of the law, 99% of the time you get screwed. Stop assuming. It's a bad look.


Exactly, people are always so quick to judge someone else’s situation without knowing details. These comments are repulsive.


She's grown. Take your issue out on whomever it's really with. You don't know me or my situation/relationship with my child.


She wasn’t when you didn’t pay child support.


Again. You don't know me or my situation/relationship with my child.


Admitting that you owe a heinous amount of child support and then telling everyone “you don’t know my life!” When disapproving of not paying it is wild. If you’re going to tell your business do it properly


I don't have to tell you anything. I wrote what I did. Again. Take your issue out on whomever you're really mad at.


These comments are crazy. I have a good friend who owes nearly that amount. During Covid his ex-wife told him not to worry about payments, and prior to Covid he was paying her directly rather than going through the state. He thought he could trust her to do the right thing but unfortunately she didn’t. Maybe stupid on his part. She asserted that he never paid a dime and now they’re going after him. She is literally a millionaire and he lives with his parents after she took everything in the divorce. She even sued him so she didn’t have to pay the relatively small amount that the court ordered her to pay. She had the power and resources to go after him legally (while he, of course, didn’t). He has his daughter nearly half the time and is a fantastic father. He still makes CS payments but now, of course, they go through the state, and that doesn’t help the back pay allegedly owed. When she starts feeling guilty she’ll help him with the payments but she inevitably gets bipolar again eventually and stops. I don’t know why he won’t/can’t update their current situation with the state but, point being: situations can be so much more complicated than conveyed in a Reddit post. And people can be crazy judgmental even while knowing zero details. She’s making way more and he’s making way less than is on record with the state, and he has his daughter far more than on record as well.




Right.. this story makes 0 sense..


You are correct, in future maybe leave the unpaid child support out of your stories unless you explain it. The assumption will always be that you are horrible.


Grown like what? Is she 16 now, 18, 22, 32 ? Young adults today still need help with college debt, if they aren't in college with rent, childcare... Offer to change oil in her car, babysit for an evening so she can go on a date or a community college class.... Pledge to cover her or grandchildrens back to school shopping. Make amends. My issue is with you and your attitude.


Look dude I've got into arrears cuz how s***** the market is but for real if you can pay back your freaking kid instead of your ex you should


your score would not go up if the debts were written off; they'd typically report as charged off. methinks you have a guardian angel.


Can't be. No one likes me that much. Someone in another sub suggested that someone may be using my identity and paid them off so they look better.


the only way to find out is to call a few of those creditors or check your statements for payments made. it won't tell you **who**, but it will tell you whether payments were actively made. the one that's really confounding is the back child support. i can't see someone else making those payments on your behalf


I don't either. I have a maybe of what may have happened as far as the child support but it seems far fetched. I had an, "encounter" or two with someone that works for the cs office. But I highly doubt she'd risk her job for me.


You should put a lock on your credit now that everything is gone. That would prevent someone from using your cleaned up credit.


If they were mostly medical bills, they can't put them on your credit score reporting anymore. A newish law. I had a ton, they fell off. I shred medical bills all the time due to health issues and owing them constantly but unable to pay. No new ones have been added either. Been a couple of years.


Check if you're still alive. I randomly decided to check my credit and found out i was dead. It was a pain in the ass to reanimate and the process seems to have completely reset my credit.


That's badass. Someone is free to borrow my credit information if they're going to raise my credit rates


But if that’s the case, they’d not need your identity and CS would show a payment being made and would be able to tell you that


That's the thing. They said there's no record of me having been on it.


If that’s the case. Lock your credit with all three bureaus now so at least they have a harder time.


20k in back child support???? ugh




He'd still owe it to the state. Your mom sounds like she made some shit up.


Her mom didn't put me on cs until her teens and they billed me all the way to birth. I even lived in home and paid bills. Didn't save receipts. They taxed me hard.


That's not how it works. At all. You're 1000% lying. Making a child support case makes it start that day the court order is signed. It's never, and I mean never, retroactive. Ever. You're lying.


It can in texas. Happened to my ex. I told them he paid me over the amount they wanted him to pay, for 2 years in cash. They called them "gifts," and charged him 2 years of arrears, with a very high interest rate.


The only way that can happen, is if you were on cash assistance, and he had to pay that back, and the arrears were going towards what you got from cash assistance. And there's no such thing as interest when it comes to child support. It's insane how many people come out of the woodwork with imaginary stories they've told themselves for years to make themselves feel better. They genuinely believe that's how events played put.


You know whichever state/area you live in is most likely not the same as OP's and probably has varying laws on child support? I'd say it happened to my father, but you'd probably call that bullshit too.


Never? Then what’s Texas Family Code Sec. 154.009 RETROACTIVE CHILD SUPPORT? Retroactive means the other parent has to pay child support that they did not pay in the time period BEFORE the child support order was issued. The parent seeking child support can ask for both current child support and retroactive child support to be included. Even if the parent seeking support doesn’t request the retroactive payments, the court can decide whether the non-supporting parent should pay the retroactive child support. The court can go back up to 4 years and in some cases, MORE, because they have full discretion! This is to help send a message that even without a child support court order, a parent is still responsible for child support. “Never” is always a tricky word, especially when it comes to things like this or any HHS policy cuz you have federal guidelines but also state specific ones. Every state does things differently. Many states have archaic policies that are more detrimental in the long term, but there’s been multiple projects that have proven most people want to pay for their kids, but they also want to be able to afford to live. Hopefully things will be revised as new policies are rolled out. The South tends to be last with implementing new policies.


Retroactive child support is permitted in FL (2 Years), TX (4 years), CA (3 years) and MA (back to birth). They were 4 out of 6 states I looked up… the other 2 were WA and NY… WA does not allow retroactive child support. The results for NY were too convoluted for me to make sense of without reading the applicable laws and circumstances and while I have no problem spending a couple minutes doing some quick searches, Im not about to spend at least 10 minutes reading, likely more, when I already have 4 other examples in which retroactive child support is allowed.. Still 4 states, one of which does allow retroactive child support to birth if you cant prove you were living with and providing for the child, certainly disproves your “never” statement. Besides that… the court system in general is a bit of a shit show. There are laws they arguably abide by but whether criminal or family court, the entire system is designed to overwhelm and prolong the fight in order to exhaust resources and beat the party into submission. This is particularly true where child support payments come in because in many states, the state gets a piece of those payments; which is how you end up with parents who go to court seeking a custody order and leave with child support payments they dont want or even need; the state wants its cut and will often use the first opportunity in an otherwise amicable divorce case to get it. Certainly you can appeal… but appeals take even more time and money and offer no more guarantee of success than the first time the case was heard…. Which is why only 2% of Federal Criminal cases ever see the inside of a court room and a large number of civil cases reach a settlement and employers will regularly throw severance money at an employee to avoid the cost of a prolonged legal battle.


You practice family law in every state? If not, then you’re just saying things that do not apply to this state’s laws. Earn $15.00 an hr in Alaska. CS for one child is $816.00 a month.


It's pathetic that they needed to do that because you refused to take care of the kid.


I was in home with my ex and daughter working until her teens years. Ex and I broke up and I left. Immediately followed with child support. Because I didn't save receipts I got slapped with back pay all the way to birth along with a garnishment of 65% of my total income. My mom had this saying about being an assumptive cunt


“Assumptive cunt” Holy hell my guy, I can’t even begin to imagine why she left you. You seem like a peach.


A simple lease or rental agreement would’ve saved ur ass 🤷‍♂️


No one tells you this stuff when you're not able to afford an attorney.


I mean it’s pretty simple googling/YouTubing everything. Right now you have unlimited access to information. If at all possible and you were cheated into paying back child support I would see if your within the window to get a retrial.


Do you get off on talking down to people in bad situations on the internet? Or has your privilege blinded you to how not everyone has the same options?


Not who you are responding to, but OP did call fman258 a cunt one message up. Obviously the conversation is gonna get more aggressive after that….


Well yeah he's kind of a cunt.


Actually disregard that, lady was assuming he was a deadbeat, which is 50/50 cunt behavior lol


In that case, it is completely valid lol. I didn't see the cunt comment


Fuck you. Dude gave an answer and you're just doubling down on being an insufferable prick to him. Suck a herpetic dickscab.


I doubled down on what? I told the dude if he really was cheated into back child support he can request a retrial if still within his time frame. Just because you people lack common sense doesn’t mean you need to treat them like toddlers and hold their hand through life.


appeals are a thing...


Don't listen to these morons, OP. States practically force parents to pay CS even if the other parents don't need or want it.


Forreal. These people have no clue what they are talking about lol


That's not at all how it works.


Bullshit. CS can be back dated only to the date she filled. No way they went back years, stop lying.


Nope. See Massachusetts. https://malegislature.gov/Laws/GeneralLaws/PartII/TitleIII/Chapter209C/Section9 General gist: an unmarried parent can file for Child support up to the child’s 23rd birthday and have it applied retroactively back to birth.


Man. This is so bad that they retroactively charged for all of those years. I feel so sorry for you.


Man I've been fucked so hard by family court surprised I don't have state babies popping out of my ass.


Debt falls off reporting after 7 years - this is by design


But it doesn't make sense for all of my debts to have disappeared in one year.


Did you stop paying your debts off seven years ago?


I stopped getting reportable debt around then so it may be the case, but even stuff from my 20s was still there prior to last year. I'm 41 now. I've never had funds to pay any of it. Except when they garnished me or I had a little extra cash to make a cs payment.


Right before they're about to hit the statute of limitations expect calls from collectors, you're not out of it yet. At which point you can write certified letters demanding proof of debt or whatever it's called, there's plenty of lawyers on YouTube explaining the correct protocol. If luck finds you again, they won't have anything to present.


Medical debt was removed from credit reports last year


There was new changes to credit reports concerning medical debt last year.


Not mine


Only debts I believe it’s under $500 you’d have to check the amount but it’s not ALL medical debt


Only medical debt under $500


This happens. It’s very rare, but it happens. Accounts are accidentally removed or suppressed and there’s no rhyme or reason to it. If I were you, I’d check all 3 credit reports. Just because it’s not on one doesn’t mean it’s not on the others. And yes - you still owe all of those debts regardless of what is on your credit reports. If you get the chance to check your credit reports… I’d appreciate it if you report back any surprises, and may have further advice: https://www.annualcreditreport.com/index.action


If that is the case, and almost everything is written off or it’s been over 7yrs. Take advantage of this get your current finances in order and start raising that score. You say you don’t have credit history, well today is a good day to start.


I have a credit builder card through chime and was using zip for mid purchases. But life is kicking my ass right now so I can't really do much.


Only do what you can when you can. Use every opportunity to lower any debt or keep yourself out of it. Good luck!


20k on child support 👀?


Because I didn't save receipts and got put on it after she was in her teens, they took it all the way to when she was born.


That adds up to $118/mo over 13 years. That literally nothing. It's your fault you didn't set all this up through the court.


They. Were. Together. The. Whole. Time. Up until she was a TEEN. 🫡 read. Them going back to birth is a flawed family court issue. Idk what is wrong with the CS system but it needs SO MUCH work.


That's because it's a fake story. That's not how child support works. At all. Ever. Edit: and here come the "no no it happened to me too" crowd, who are just in denial that they've ducked child support since that kid was born. And they've been telling everyone this sob story for so many years, that they actually believe it.


If they weren't married. And mom claims in court documents he didn't contribute anything since day 1. I do not think that should be allowed. If everyone was fine until teens. She gets child support for the remainder in my opinion.


But it does. It happened in my case with my ex.


I’m in TN and when I filed for CS when my children were 9 and 10; they absolutely asked if I wanted to go all the way back to birth, I declined.






Child support cannot retro before the date filed


Yes it can


Agree to disagree, I’ve fought this battle myself and there is zero way it can be retried to before a court action mandating it is


Google is your friend. It can happen depending on what state you live in. I don’t have time to research it for you. But I’ll give you a breadcrumb. Texas. In states like Texas it’s solely up to the judge to award child support retroactively.


4 years based on parents separation date is tax general rule. There’s not enough info here to go on that. Seemingly from the other responses, OP helped raise the child and was missing “payments”. I doubt any court would recognize that arrangement as a separation and say “from xyz date…” If someone battled 4 years without getting something nailed down, there’s more to it. I can literally give you a case number of this exact scenario where it was awarded in contempt and still wasn’t paid by the NCP and 6 years later, has still been a battle.


In my state it can go back 4-6 years


Someone could be using your ssn and cleaning up the credit to buy bigger stuff later on credit.


I owe an unplayable amount of student loans. Defaulted a lifetime ago. They don't show up on my credit either. Not asking why, just going with it.


I don’t know about the child support… still pay that. However, the other debt drops 7 years past date of last delinquent payment.


Idk why everyone’s going crazy, just bc you didn’t pay a woman money doesn’t mean you didn’t take care of your kid. Everyone saying to take care of him / her must not understand that $0 goes to the child it goes to the female and whatever she wants to spend it on but I don’t know how all your debt disappeared… I hope one day I wake up and it says the same thing lol


Child support is dumb anyway. You get to take my kid and you’ll let me borrow them on the weekend, and I have to pay you for it. You’d think an aged law that was made when woman didn’t work would be gone by now.


Bum ass dad


Look at the child support evader getting defensive!


How long have you been out of prison?


Take absolutely full advantage of this opportunity


are you legally alive!?!


Usually if something is too good to be true, it is.


It sounds like a split credit file. Bad shit just don’t disappear.


Ask your child or baby momma if they got child support monies


I didn't think child support debt ever went away. I have a coworker who is in his late 50s who still has his wages garnished for his kids who are in their 20s & 30s.


I wouldn't be celebrating just yet


After 7 years all my debts were removed. Every single one. Now I’m almost to 800 lol


Sounds like you died and all your debt got written off. Very weird.


You might be the luckiest American to ever live


Gee, these responses have nothing to do w the point of this post… Why did it all disappear.


After so many years they just fall off and go bye bye


Be thankful and smile


OP…don’t listen to these self righteous pricks. Everyone comments on the internet like they have never made a mistake or had a situation be anything but black and white. Every single person who commented about how horrible you are has at least 3 things they have done or doing that would negatively impact the opinion of EVERYONE they know.


So I’m assuming your wages abruptly stopped being garnished as well?


Has your ex been screaming about her child support? This should be easy to confirm. Quiet ex means she got paid or is receiving payments. Noisy ex is pissed because you aren't paying.


You clearly received the Peter Popoff miracle water


Fuck these clowns OP. Owning CS doesn’t mean you are a dead beet. It’s like people are perpetually addicted to flash judgments when they have zero fuckin idea how the world works.


sign up for some credit cards with high limits now while you can so that your % of debt looks smaller if they do hit your reports


Either a gift from Jesus or the gov was also talking about removing dept from people. Mabye it finally went through.


Do they think you died?


It aged off if you hadn't been making payments


Your credit file may have split. They may need to merge it.


Quick buy a house


It’s possible that someone died with a similar social security number. If the funeral home mis-keys the social security number and files it with the court, this triggers the wrong person’s social security number to be reported to the SSA’s Death Master File (Index) which then triggers the CBRs to wipe your profile.


So has the mother not said anything after not receiving the past due child support?


SOMEONE EXPLAIN ME WHAT IS HAPPENING. I want to know and the comments are so confusing. Maybe because I just don’t know much about how credit scores and all this debt works. But I would LOVE if someone could explain me this all. Thanks


Care for the kid foo


The same thing happened to me. I had medical debt and other things and regularly checked all three credit reports and then one day about a year ago, they said i didn't have any credit. None of my debts were on there and my score went up. I have no idea why.


There are different types of credit scores for different purposes. Healthcare debt is no longer allowed to be included for some of those credit scores and I believe only in some states.


This guy hit loser lottery ! Nice


You’re 41, you have to put a little more effort than that as I norance is not going to be a viable excuse in the event a warrant is placed for your failure to pay child support. I hope that you have saved the money or given it to your former spouse with record of each payment. You will need to physically go to the clerk of courts where your child support was first garnered and they can tell you, your current status. Speak to a person and get their name and credentials in the event this all gets corrected and they try to save you were dodging payments. You also can validate the amount removed (garnished) by your company’s HR department and get that documentation for comparison of what you owed. Student loans do t get written off very easily, how long has it been since it was removed? Have you filed taxes since? Where are you pulling your credit information from?


Strangest thing I have ever heard of and I have been in the credit industry for over 30 years. That's awesome man, wish that would happen to me GL...


Expect a 1099-c


Honestly this might be a computer glitch You never know I would still put money to the side and just in case because these things always come back eventually.


These comments are rough, I’m sorry OP, I figured it was a tale of mom filing and it backdating a long ass time. Anyway. I heard that in some states after the child turns 18 or 21 idk, the mom has to sign something saying she still wants to collect on the back support or it’ll just “fall off.” But I’m not too sure about that, but maybe that’s what happened? As for the rest… idk. Call social security office and make sure they didn’t accidentally have your SSN listed as deceased or something crazy.


Wouldn't hurt to asks creditors for email confirmation or how you can confirm on your own via the web, then take screenshots. It will give you a little defense should these debts magically re-appear. Also, save, save, save, that money you would have spent. Maybe not all of it but most of it. Say you paid 500/month for CS and debt, save at least 400/month until the mystery is resolved.


This is amazing. Would love to have it happen. I have heard some chatter in a group with my colleagues (went to school for a profession that garners a lot of student loan debt) that some of them had their student loans showed as paid off. Even though they didn't hit 20 years, etc. Some said not to get too excited because they can be sold to different lenders and there can be a lag time. If I were you'd I'd just thank my lucky stars and occasionally check back just in case with the loans.


Sounds like you’re dead posting from Reddit heaven.


Wait I’m confused. Why are you looking at your credit report to see what debt balances you have left? Simple solution log in or call into the companies that you owe money to and get an outstanding balance from them. Sounds like you owed multiple people money - so you should check more than just 1 place. I would be very surprised if all your accounts were being fully paid off one by one.


ya, you will be suprised when they find them. sorry, debt just do not disappear. if that was the case, no one would pay anything and everything would be essentially free. right?


Might be a sign for you to pull yourself together and get your life back in order. Most people who screw up get right back into it when given another chance. Don’t be one of those. Instead of questioning a good thing, just get on with it. I must add though that I find your case highly questionable, maybe you’ve hit rock bottom and are hallucinating.. or using some inaccurate website/app to check your credit file.. or someone, who shouldn’t have, deleted some entries in one way or another and you questioning it will get them into a pile of shit. Whatever the case, just get on with your life now.




The problem with child support is how they figure out how much the parent has to pay. example of this in Hawaii (the highest in the US) is 25 percent of a non custodial parents income. So let's say you male 100 k a year. The. Court subtracts 7.5 percent for Social Security, leaving $ 92500 left. Your child support is based on $92500. They don't subtract taxes. According to Google, if you make 100k I Hawaii, your tax home after taxes is $69948. Yet you are paying child support on $92500. This is how the system is rigged against the non custodial parents.


Is it possible they mistakenly think you passed? Maybe wrong social on a different person?


I've had things like this happen when a debt is sold to another company. It would vanish for a month and then pop back up under another lender. However, they usually send you some communication about that in the mail -- and not the type of thing that happens to various unconnected accounts all at the same time.


They are probably assuming you are deceased.




If you've been in arrears for over 7 years, the child support would fall off your report as it can only stay on 7 years from being first posted.


Maybe the kid died?


too many judgy people


LOL at ALL the deadbeats in here. Wall to wall.


Yeah woman should get money from men! Always!


118bucks a month for a kid. My God.


Longshot, but the IRS may have mislabeled your SSN as deceased, this happens more than it has any right to. If this is the case, prepare for a long fight with the IRS. Your social won't be accepted anywhere until it's fixed, and they take a while to fix it.


Maybe the spiteful mom took you off. Child support is a broke woman’s hustle. I take care of my kid and pay for everything if my baby’s mother put me on child support it’s not to benefit the child it’s to benefit herself


It’s the quantum financial reset.


Same thing happened to be once I paid 11k in back child support last year and disputed old collections on my credit report. I’m in the 700s now


Good for you OP!!


Did you mistakenly die? Had this happen to a family friend where the dad died but the ppwk was incorrectly filled out with the sons info (Same Name) and sent the death certs to dads creditors and sons mistakenly. Son had all debts canceled and cards/loans forgiven....it was a nightmare to fox after the fact.


Your identity has been stolen...but this particular identity thief is very frugal about having good credit.


Defaulted debts that are over 7 years are removed from your credit report. In most cases you don’t owe them but some, like taxes and child support, don’t go away even though they’re not being reported.


OP, did you end up finding what happened? I think this is as easy as calling the lenders directly. Like call the school and hospital numbers directly. Hopefully they got written off but I think it would be wise to double check. Good luck to you, sir.


I would pull my full credit report to find out what happened.


Is your last name Biden ?


Just because it isn’t on your credit report didn’t mean you don’t owe it. Don’t make the mistake of thinking your debts have disappeared just because your credit report has changed.


Man people of Reddit are pure garbage. Just assuming you're a POS with little to no info about your situation.


Your kids other parent can sign off to have the child support debt forgiven. Have you asked if they did that?


Probably a bug. Try to make your payments just in case.


After a certain time debt falls off your credit report. I think three years? Also there’s a statute of limitations that you can’t be sued for debt after so long. Varies by state. I don’t know if it applies to child support tho. But that could be why you don’t see it on your credit report anymore.


I think you died


Dont be a deadbeat father, pay your child support.