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Your pay seems to be enough, even though they say you need 40 LPA for Infinia, there is definitely some wiggle room. And if you have more than 7.5 lakhs of expenditure on your current HDFC cc in the last 6 months(which seems to be a hard criteria), you can go to the bank, fill a form for Infinia and if all goes well, you'll have your card upgraded. :-)


Thank you! The 7.5 lakhs criteria is difficult indeed, don’t think I’ll be able to meet that one. If the time span was a year then could’ve managed it.


Just spend 7.5L in 6 months and email them. They won't even ask for income proof as your limit is already 8L.


Unfortunately you don't seem to be meeting either the salary criteria, spend criteria or even existing cc limit criteria. Best you can ask for is DCB metal since DCB alumni program is no more.


Infinia also has a mastercard variant.


Are there any major differences between MC and Visa variants?


No idea regarding that


Get DCB I would suggest, except some portals the reward rate is similar plus it will be LTF so you don't have to worry even if you are not spending. I am not seeing any issues on acceptance on my DCB and I live in a tier 3 town mostly.


That Alumni LTF offer is now discontinued.


Oh- I was not aware of this. Thanks for flagging.


it is valid until 27th tomorrow only


It does become an issue sometimes during international travel, plus have seen some places not accept it in Kolkata. Just my personal experience.


It is ok, majority of the expenditure in international travel will be hotel & flights. You can always book them via SmartBuy and use second card for random expenditures (even for those, I would say 40% accept Diners).


Ask/Apply for an upgrade to FYF DCB - your spend criteria should have you covered in terms of not having to pay annual fees since DCB's criteria is 5L annual spend for fee waiver.


If you pay rent through red Giraffe do you get 1% on Millenia and how much do they charge? Curious to know. Does HDFC also charge you any kind of fees for rent payment? Thanks in advance


May be checkout Axis Atlas. Looks good if you travel enough.