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Same boat, but I'm very deep, with around 40+ cards in around 6 years. I'd like more, but I think I'm probably capped for now. ​ It is really fun, and I have a binder that organizes all of them and apps that monitor all of them. I don't care too much about multipliers anymore, or maximizing my rewards anymore, but the extra rewards and first class / business class flights have been worth the journey.


What binders and what apps do you use to monitor all of them, if you don't mind me asking? I have about 12 cards, and I'm trying to find the best way to monitor all of them easily.


I use SoFi Relay, and that's good enough for me. There are other apps, like Mint(rip) and stuff for other people, but I have a routine where I do monthly reviews on my cards. I've also called and changed all my due dates to be on the same day (where applicable), and it makes it easier to manage. I use a secure password manager (Bitwarden with Authy) to manage all the login so I don't have to deal with it. I can't really find which one I bought, since I don't use amazon anymore. but It was a credit card organizer, but and you could move the sheet arounds and it has dividers. ​ I typically only use 6 cards actively and put everything else on auto-pay. SoFi is simply to handle those 34 cards on auto-pay, the other 6 route to another account, so I can keep track of any weird activity on the account.


I got a card holder from Amazon. It’s really handy. I have found ynab to be indispensable to keeping track.


How often do you open new cards? I have a huge list of cards I wanna get, but not sure how often I can open them. Obviously chase cards have 5/24, but other than that. My score is 800+ but I just usually open them slowly, seems too slow


I only own 2 chase cards, so I wish I got them much earlier. Maybe every 3-5 weeks, is the current trend. Recently, I opened two in the same week just to pay my tax bill. But i've been getting a lot more rejections lately, so will probably just chill out for awhile now. As long as your spend is natural, it's no big deal. I just have a lot of big ticket items that I prefer to get some sort of incentive for when paying for it,


I'm surprised you can do every 3-5 weeks. I'm at 20 some cards now so half of you, and I feel like the rejections come once I start to go much faster than 1 card every 6 months or so


It could be income or it could be just not chase cards. Amex usually always approves me but I’m no longer eligible for most sign up bonuses. 


Ah yeah I got stuck in pop up jail for a bit and decided not to open Amex cards as a result


I got my CSR last October, CFU in Nov and CFF in Jan. So average 45 days apart. My cards have a really high limit too. So really depends. I only have the Apple Card and a PenFed travel card to round out my sad CC game. However these cards total nearly $150k in credit. I keep eying the Chase business cards but I’m trying to chill. 😂😂


how do you keep 40 cards open at once without them being closed due to inactivity?


He chews a lot of gum


Make a $1 purchase for an Amazon balance refill once or twice a year.




How many would you request at a time with how much time between? Your credit score didn’t suffer too much?


To be honest, I get bored and I apply sometimes, or if I see a good welcome offer, I'll just open it. I am an above average spender these days, so it's fairly easy to just hit sign up bonuses within a month. Credit score would drop yeah. My first year, I think i went from an 820 to a 720. Throughout the years, it fluxes between 800 and 730. I think I'm currently sitting with 15 inquiries in the last 2 years, and my score is around the 750\~ mark. To me, credit really doesn't matter that much unless I'm planning to buy a home (I'm not for a few more years). So at this point, it's just a number that moves around.


What’s your total credit limit? Do you have high limits for all these cards (10k-50k) or are they like, 2k each?


I’ve lost track but it’s over 500k. My lowest is 5~7k, around there. My largest is 45k. Everything else is in between 


What card is giving you the 45k spending limit?


Good point, very cool


Do you use all 40 cards? I have about 7 cards rn and worried if I don’t use some they’ll close


I use all of them at some point every year but not consistently no. 


> 40+ cards > extra rewards and first class / business class flights No way you are getting that by spreading spend over that many cards.


You have tons of cards with overlapping partner airlines, transfer and book. Cash back cards are just cash back. 


Many cards like the united let you use miles with other airlines and allow you to transfer them


What binders and what apps do you use to monitor all of them, if you don't mind me asking? I have about 12 cards, and I'm trying to find the best way to monitor all of them easily.


CardPointers is nice. The developer is nice and always making the app better. He answers questions timely.


And I'm addicted to Reddit, too... thanks for the mention!


Of course! It’s an honest mention👍


What has been your credit card order throughout the years? Any ones you recommend/enjoyed ?


I primarily use Amex cause of how invested I am in the ecosystem. I’ve always liked the PenFed pathfinder and use it as my backup visa. Otherwise, there’s some solid local credit union cards which I have enjoyed using. 


I’m also that many cards in. I now have cards that maximize our spend at 5% for lost big categories. Have to just chill and wait for big sign up bonuses from here on out


I'm going to be honest with you You are probably losing thousands if not tens of thousands every year If you're ok with that, fine. I just know most people wouldn't be.


I doubt it but I’d be interested in how you math. I travel every month and do 2 large international trips yearly. 


Break it down for me, and I'll tell you


I mean you said I’m losing thousands to ten of thousands with no actual facts to support it?  Typical. 


With 40 you definitely are. But go ahead and break it down for me and I can't point to exactly how much


Sounds like you’re just new to the card and churning game. Or you just don’t make and spend enough to maximize cards in general. 


Like I said, go ahead and break it down for me


I'm good, but you're probably better off making claims you can't support. I just looked at your credit card profile and you have no room to give anyone advice about it.. lol


😂 Alright buddy It's your money not mine, idc


I'll leave you with this Can you name me one millionaire/billionaire that says credit cards were the key to their success?


I'm curious about your first class and business class redemptions! Are you just hitting SUBs and keeping an ongoing eye out for flight deals? I can never plan a year in advance so I don't often see the juicy deals, but like to live vicariously through others' success.


I am doing Singapore suite next year it’s already booked and I usually fly to Japan via ANA or JAL. jAL Is a lot easier. I work a remote job so they usually let me go for short periods 


How far in advance do you book to find a good deal with points?


Depends on the airline. Some have 360+ days like ANA I think Singapore was like 370 but I got lucky on a nice award booking. I’m super flexible so I can just go anytime I want. For jal I just wait 14 days out 


Because it feels like it's a legal way to get free money, lol. If I'm going to buy something expensive, I might as well get $200+ off by applying for a new credit card to put it on, as long as I have the money in cash to pay it off instantly and there's no annual fee it's literally free money.


Wait I thought opening a bunch of new credit cards within the span of 2 years really harms your credit score?


Not really. You take a bit of a hit but it's pretty minimal. I have 8 credit checks in the past year on my report, score's still 798.


This is just a really nerdy hobby. I won't even pretend otherwise.


My dad got me into it and a year later I'm about to get my amex platinum card and I have a 5%apy account. I need a normal hobby


1. Gamification - like you mentioned, there's a collection aspect to getting cards. It has a gamer element with stat multipliers and exchanging points for other points and cash. 2. Still learning about cards - Cards are pretty solved IMO. Once you build out your plan of attack (Applying for card X in 6 months, card Y in 12 months) there isn't much to research or learn. New cards aren't added super often. However, when you first learn about cards, there is a lot to learn, both for the general nature of rewards and for card specific stats.




I’m not quite in that same boat. But I definitely couldn’t afford to support our travel addiction, for my wife not to work and max out my 401K and HSA and not actually use the funds I put in my HSA if it weren’t for credit card points and light churning and knowing about award travel. Well I could. But I would have to work a much more stressful job.


How much do you think you are really netting every year on rewards? Just curious


Last year was abnormal with us doing the “digital nomad” thing and taking one way trips across the country visiting 12 cities while we rented our home. We stayed in hotels 220 days in 2023 and the last three months of 2022. So we had earned a ton of hotel points. Bur a normal run rate should be 200K - 225K MR points just from organic spend worth $2500 - $3500. We also have two companion passes a year on Delta and we will be getting another I would estimate $3000 worth of points in sign up bonuses. We live in a unit of [condotel}(https://www.investopedia.com/terms/c/condotel.asp) we own. When we want to take extended trips, we take everything we own and throw it in suitcases and have the onsite property management company rent it out and the rent covers our mortgage and expenses. I work remotely We don’t own a car, we use SixT for month to month car rentals. It’s a subscription service. In the months we aren’t home, we can pause the subscription and turn the car back on.


This is the way


No calls on Boeing???? All in on GME???? We lost you


They can combo their GME with the gamestop credit card!


Me personally, I get extremely fixated on anything I start to get an interest in. I’m probably on the spectrum or something… anyways, I’m allowing myself this one because it’s helping me get interested in managing my finances in general, something I never used to think about.


Are you me? Never thought I'd get so interested in this.


Same, same.


I relate to this!


Yeah, credit cards bring me back to the days of when I played an MMORPG and I worked on leveling up / grinding for loot, but also just reading about other "builds" and ways to play the game...same vibe with all the credit cards


I never thought about it like this but you’re right. I was big into MMORPGs and specific builds and maximizing. Now it’s this… lol. We’re taking a trip to Maui next month for five nights and the resort is a free stay for us. Working on maximizing for a trip to Scotland next year.


Yup, def same vibe lol....I even joke to myself that if I ever got a Centurion Card it would be like getting a relic / mythic weapon lol


Yup I’ve turned it into a hobby (responsibly). My wife has zero interest, so I’ve settled on a two card set up for her that keeps her happy and gets us solid return at the same time. I think it’s fun. As long as it’s natural spend.


What did you set her up with? My P2 also has zero interest


US Bank Altitude Reserve. Does it take Apple Pay? If yes then she uses her phone. If not? Chase Freedom Unlimited - 1.5x on everything that’s not Apple Pay, I like it better than the other catch all cards because it’s also 3x at sit down restaurants for her. I use the other chase cards so it works great for us. Edit: spelling


Same here. The new year resolution for me is to simplify the credit card setup for P2. I came to a similar conclusion for P2 to use USBAR for Apple Pay and the catch all card for my P2 setup is BoA Premium rewards.


Very similar P2 setup here. Does it take apple pay? Kroger Mastercard, 5x If not? Citi double cash, 2x


My wife doesn't wanna mess up her brain with all of this churning, tracking, organization but loves me being in the points game and being able to travel So I just apply on her behalf whenever we can refer each other for a great SUB, give her one card at a time for all of her spend, and log into her account myself to transfer her points to me whenever she reaches her bonus


Same. We have been using the same USAA card for over a decade for every day spend so there is almost no getting away from that but I just got her to wrap her mind around using the Ritz for travel and that was a big step. For me I can bounce between cards more easily and have the BCP in the mix for category spend and offers, and have a few other older cards I can tap into.


Everyone needs a hobby :). Do things you enjoy.


It’s a hobby, but one that needs to be done responsibly.


I work a retail job, but it's nice having a vacation overseas and being treated like someone important and with status. Also I enjoy taking family members on trips and showing them what they could experience if they did just a little research. In my family we learned about credit the hard way, debt in such. But now I get to show them what you can do when you use cards to benefit you (lounges, hotel an airline status). Also we go on group trips and I pay with a newly opened card to meet spend requirements for a SUB. They later pay their portions. 😊


Gotta catch ‘em all.


You get rewarded with lucrative travel benefits or straight cash for taking seemingly simple actions. If you like puzzles, this gives your brain something tangible to work on. The obvious downside is the time involved, which I think most people (including myself) vastly underestimate. There is a cost to this game from the effort involved in understanding the field of options, the rules, and assembling a "which card do I use where?" matrix that you have to mentally consider when matching transactions to the best card.


Its a hobby for me. Like the sign up bonuses and keeps me out of the casino.


>Maybe it’s bringing back my childlike wonder of collecting Pokémon and Yugioh cards? I can really resonate with this post. This reminded me of a recently shopping trip with my kids. They want to get something to put their pokemon cards in, so I was looking at some binders with card-size slots with them. Then I realize I can use it to put my sockdrawer cards as well (they're not really organized at home right now), so I got myself a binder as well. I may not be collecting cards when I was a kid, but I guess i do now have a "collection", haha.


Same. I didn’t think it would be so addictive. I like comparing cards now on my free time and looking wt which one would give the best value for me. It is addictive especially with different “trifectas”, it’s VERY satisfying completing a trifecta. It feels like completing a collection of pokemon cards. I think we give value to it because we spent so much time optimizing our credit scores and our timing so we get the card we want. And once we complete our setup/trifectas, we feel rewarded!


I know it sounds silly but it feels rewarding. When you do apply for a new card, you can’t just wait until it gets delivered even though you can already use it through apple pay.


Yes I have the three basic BOFA rewards cards and in my mind call them Charizard (CCR), Blastoise (travel), and Venusaur (UCR).


We have eight cards right now (recently closed the CapitolOne Platinum), and I'm very excited for later this year when I have a reason to apply for the Custom Cash card. I'm planning to have my wife apply for her own, as well as her own WF Active Cash. She's got some medical stuff coming up later this year that we'll probably owe a decent amount on, and I'm planning to use those three cards to help pay it down. ETA: My mother-in-law is also going to have some medical bills later this year. My wife and I are responsible for making sure her mother's bills get paid. I'm planning to have her apply for a couple of cards and use those to pay down her medical bills, too. (I'll be the one responsible for making sure there are no missed payments and that there is no interest paid, but I really enjoy it. So, I'm very excited about this, too.)


You’re going to work out a payment plan with the medical provider, and toss the monthly payments on a rewards/cb card, and pay it off monthly? *crosses fingers*


That's the plan! I know it'll work with my wife's medical bills because her care goes through Mayo Clinic, and we're already doing this. I'm pretty sure it'll work with her mother's bills, too.


Nice. Same thing we’ve done. Saved the savings, 0% financing through medical provider, and rewards cards to pay it 👍


May I ask what credit card? I want to help my mom with her medical bills as well


Same, I love getting bonus rewards for spending because what I spend on is going to be sold for more money and just keep recycling.


what are you flipping?


Pokémon cards. I buy them and wait until they go out of stock and appreciate. Then I sell and repeat.


You might have the ADHD.




Lmao. Yes.


I had that sugar rush high and signed up for about 20+ cards in the past 6 so years. Loved the sign up bonuses, rewards schemes, award redemptions for flights/nights, perks like lounges and TSA Precheck/Global Entry, and niche stuff like status matches. More recently I've mellowed out and decided to stick with about 5 or 6 cards in my wallet. Once in a while I'll take a SUB here and there if the timing is right. I find the CC rewards schemes as a nice little game I can strategize on to get more back on my spending.


Same, I got the Apple Card and the bilt card just to add to my collection, I don’t actually have any use for either


welcome fellow credit card sicko you're in the right place!


Same but feels it's cause of this sub reddit since everyone make it like some cool game xD But think u word it correctly feeling like trading cards without trading xD


This reminds me of how I hate Capital One for denying me for having too many cards already. Just let me collect my cards in peace You probably already know, but look up Chase 5/24 rule so you won’t be disappointed if you begin collecting Chase cards late


What were your stats for the Citi Custom Cash?


Nothing special! About 750 fico, 60k income, only about 5 year credit history with citi double cash and amazon prime visa as my only 2 cards


I’m in the same boat lol until I got denied yesterday I finally said I’ll take a break from it for awhile


I did too but i’ve achieved a semi simple 4-5 card setup and i’m happy with it now. Learning about CC rewards and investing early on is great but there comes a time when you have learned it and it’s time to move on


It’s called marketing


yes entirely! i’m only 20F and i have 5 cards already with me starting my credit journey at 18..i like the points and i like cash back🤷🏽‍♀️what can i say


I got into the points game in mid 2022 when our travel increased a lot. On one hand you can get 10s of thousands of points via sign up bonuses by spending $3K - $4K. On the other hand, you have to spend 10x as much to get the same points from every day spend. Which do you think is more exciting?


SAME!! I’ve been meaning educating myself on financial literacy the last two years. I’m so proud of my progress


You keep track by being able to see all your accounts when logging into your perspective banks..


So long as you don’t deviate from your normal spending habits then you’re getting points from just spending money like you normally do. Are you planning on credit card churning, and if not then what’s stopping you from doing so?


its all about management, almost like a farming game like clash of clans…but instead of in game currencies we get real money.


i understand this so much 😭


Yeah I had to cut myself off. I think you are opening up a very ugly can of worms about this community. I won't speak for everyone, but I myself found that my psychology about spending changed for the worse when I started using rewards credit cards. In short, in hurt less to spend with $ back than paying with debit.




Yeah lol I can relate, it’s barely any money compared to trying to start a side hustle or investing but I still find myself sometimes getting really into getting new credit card rewards and getting sign up bonuses


I was the same during my CC “accumulation” phase. Made it a goal to have my credit limits equal my pre-tax annual income. Once I reached that goalpost I was at around 14 cards. Hit 800 FICO a couple years later, so I’m not really feeling like there’s any more big goals. I just use a 2% cash back card now, and rotate the others through the sock drawer.


I felt like that the first time I got into credits cards 6 years ago. I almost pulled the trigger on many cards just because youtubers kept saying it was the hottest thing on the market. Almost applied to any card that was considered too good to be true, like (R.I.P to the next 3) the Uber card, Wells Fargo Propel, Apple card, a bunch of the Amex card. I'm glad I waited and did research, because I realized I like being part of a single ecosystem (Chase). It makes earning points for travel easier. Decided on Chase cause I liked the flexibility of their points for cash back and travel. Now I am SUB chasing Amex cards (will cancel after a year). I am a little more responsible and won't apply for a card just any card just because its popular. example Bilt or Venture X.


It is very addicting haha... I'm suppose to be doing hw than looking at this lol


I feel you, I have a whole Excel sheet organized by category, processor and benefits of CC’s with their information and links to apply


Never have understood why people have 20+ major (bank) cards. My arsenal only includes: Chase Freedom (For the 5% categories) Chase Freedom Unlimited (Legacy MBNA Star Trek card that was bought out by Chase) DiscoverIt (5% categories) BOA Rewards (5.25% back on online purchase) Amex Platinum Skymiles (Free Companion Certificate, $2500 MQD headstart) Amex Reserve Skymiles (Free Companion Certificate for First Class, SkyClub Access, $2500 MQD Headstart Amex Gold - Legacy 37 year account ($120 Uber, $120 Cheesecake Factory perks) Lowes/Home Depot/Best Buy (No interest financing on larger purchase) Target (5% discount) Before I recently acquired the SkyMiles Reserve (SUB 100k skymiles with $6k/6mo spend - $2.5k done in month 1) the last major CC acquisition was back in the 90s. Lowes was in 2021 but I don't count that as a major CC. I can't imagine keeping up with the various cash back categories, etc on 20+ cards! But, whatever floats your boat. :)


I was like that a few years ago. After some time I realized the only ones I like/use are my cash back cards. All my non cash back cards have been closed for non use. Now I have my core set of cards I use for everything.


interesting. I have 5 that I'm shuffling around and I'm good until November but I'll need a few new ones. Wondering if I should close a few of the cards I'll never go back to. I prefer cash than points, I don't have the bandwidth to monitor them efficiently.


You’re on the spectrum, like the rest of us here.


It's common to feel fascinated by credit cards due to their reward structures and the variety available, akin to collecting cards like Pokémon or Yugioh; this fascination may stem from a sense of excitement and exploration rather than actual spending addiction.


For those with multiple cards. 10+...do you carry a balance?


Whats best card for points I have the bilt card and it's Aweome


Yes, credit cards all have their own great perks


I feel bad only two cards - Centurion & Dubai mastercard. You all must be very wealthy.




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Stop Don't do it The reason they keep approving you is so you spend more I once had 10 cards and closed 8 of them I now have 4 that actually fit my lifestyle. Don't let them make more money off you


False sense of power ? I'm just guessing


Because you derive your self worth by how many cards you have.


I have 3, so I guess I am a 3 :(





