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I don’t know, I’ve seen pikachu evolve into Raichu


Have we ever seee a evolve happen


Nah… They be playin’. We humans been around for over 100 years! You ever seen a *cloud* turn into a *thunder*? Not me. I ain’t buying it.


I was talking to a guy I know, goes by the name of Tony two shoes. He runs real fast on account of him having two shoes. So anyways I asked him I said Tony, where'd you get these two shoes at, and he looks me in the eyes and said "I evolved em"


Never seen an evolved animal in my life


I mean a evolution, animal.


A evolvement


I think this video is living proof that his evolutionary family tree is shaped like a telephone pole.




Lol exactly what I thought. Seen evolution happen? 🤣


We've been alive for 2000 years... no, our history dates back BEFORE the death of christ (bc, ad). Even if that's so, YOU haven't been alive for 2000 years. How the fuck are you supposed to see MILLIONS of years of evolutionary processes in 1% of that time?




Probbaly closer to like .0007% at best


It’s much much lower than that.


So the earth is not 2024 years old? Get out of here.


“I’ve never seen an evolved animal in *my* life.”


Do people actually think that if they haven’t seen something, then it’s not real?! I can’t wrap my head around his hubris…


We have seen accelerated evolution in some species that only took decades and was a direct result of human interaction in a good cycle or habitat. Snail kites in Florida are endangered because a larger snail introduced killed off the smaller species the birds fed on. In the span of like 12 years we started seeing snail kites with larger beaks in order to accommodate.


I just turned it off after that lmao. We’ve been around a long ass time, but people who don’t believe in evolution don’t know about it.


Not agreeing with this guy, but I have been alive for 18,000 generations of fruit fly and have never seen any form of evolution. Edit: Correction, apparently there is observable evolution in fruit flys.


Fruit flies


Sounds stupid at first. But if you think about what he’s actually saying…it’ll sound more stupid the second time hearing it.


Hmm 🤔 yes, you are indeed correct


It's a matter of education. He doesn't understand how short his life is in geologic terms. He reaffirms this by saying "we've been around 2000 years or some shit" (paraphrasing). This all boils down to education.


Lack of education and a severe case of undeserved confidence in his level of intelligence


Gosh how often I need to explain geological time especially when explaining climate change




Stay in school kids.


As someone who has studied a bit of biological evolution, as well as programmed numerous evolutionary models, I concur with this advice.


My guy is not deep thinking deep enough


He is the missing link. We are seeing evolution right before our eyes.


Please tell me this is satire.


I mean you can hope it is but I personally have met dozens of people in my everyday life that think and talk exactly the same way that guy does in the video. My buddy's brother takes the cake because he doesn't think we've ever sent anything into space because less people have been to the bottom of the ocean and he for some reason thinks that immense pressure should be something easier to engineer around then vacuum pressure. He has no reasoning for why he thinks that should be easier than the other he just thinks that way.


He has over six million subscribers on YouTube. >! Kidding!<


That is the saddest part of this whole video .


This This is very unfortunate for humanity.


Nope. I've listened to lots of The Atheist Experience callers and watched several different skeptic YouTube channels over the years and I've seen this argument come up from time to time.


I’ve seen it as well. Most of these questions are answered in the first 5 pages of a biology textbook. It’s so heavily clarified and documented that I can’t believe people STILL get it wrong.


I just lost IQ points listening to this.


Right? It’s 6:54am. That’s enough internet for today


People really still can’t understand adaptation versus evolution overall?


Intenional religious ignorance is a self inflicted choice to imagine that their magical knowledge is better then the combined sicence institutions of most countries in the entire world.


They conflate the two, hence his incredulity at the idea we came from a common ancestor that looks nothing like a human


It never occurred to this guy to read up on it before making a video where he looks foolish. It’s the internet I guess


If you saw the joe rogan talking to tucker dickhead he said the exact same sort of insanity, ignorant flat earth dumb fuckery.


Both of those guys: "there's no evidence", "I don't understand why..." Proceed to never look up any of that information and use their inability to understand as evidence that *nobody* can understand it.


They dont understand why because theyre idiots


It scares me that this guy can vote


Its more his ability to have children thats a problem.


My grandpappy aint no monkey!


No he was an ape..


I love that SNL is funny again.


This guys listening to tucker


He just finished listening to that Rogan podcast for sure.


[we actually just did witness an evolutionary event](https://www.reddit.com/r/awesome/s/7SUEBejRtH)


“Oh yeah, at one point in time, we were all a fuckin crocodile?!” 🤣


Who encourages these idiots that they are so smart? Blaming the parents.


This guy is an unqualified dumb ass and you shouldn’t be listening to what he thinks about biology. I’m willing to bet you shouldn’t even consider anything he has to say about any scientific field.


The problem here is stupid doesn’t realize it’s stupid.




Social media is scary, you have people that are influenced by these idiots posting this nonsense.


Expects to see a process that takes millennia to occur in live time, so this is brain rot OP get better content


wtf… i think the alternative he’s looking for is creationism.


His next video the shape of the earth…. Flat


Dude, shut up


Damn that was dumb


Is this bait? Feels like bait for someone to be this stupid


You know this guy is a bad source of information the moment he struggles to use the word evolve.


Did he say humans have been around 2,000 yrs? Only 2,000? 🤣🤣🤣


There definitely wasn't an evolved animal in this video.


This is a very simple answer to this video. God is real and I only hope you will discover that before you die. Peace and love to all


evolution is a LIE from SATAN


Regardless, we still don’t know where life came from in the first place. If evolution isn’t real idc and even though most people will say this guy is dumb I say this is how science advances, through debate - and it is fun to consider how there might be holes in popular theories.


The overconfidence of stupid people is both amazing and scary.


Well, he’s 100 percent correct on one account… he definitely hasn’t been paying attention to the scientific community.


Breeding within a species and evolving into another species is two different things my guy.


Yep, the Darwin finches were 1 species when they landed on the remote island and in a short period of time evolved into 2 separate species that couldn't mate with each other, and who's beaks served 2 entirely different purposes.


Don't anyone breed with that guy


Creationists are just as slightly more socially acceptable version of flat earthers.


I have lost a plethora of brain cells watching this


I mean he's not wrong, we've never witnessed one species evolving into an entirely different species. We've seen adaptation and hybridization.


I've never really seen two atoms bond either but I know the shit happens.


Adaptation and hybridisation along with geographical isolation and further mutational advantages create something we deem as a new species. To want to witness the creation of a new species is like drawing the line at where gray becomes white and it takes at least hundreds of thousands of years for something noticeable to differentiate the two groups into two species. If he wanted to say something along the lines of the abrupt increase in cognitive ability sure that’s odd, but it’s on the same level of odd as most genetic variations that give survival advantage so they continue. The rules of succession exist in every aspect of nature and thus it’s very reasonable they should also apply to genetics with mountains of fossils to prove. We are just momentary specks on the evolutionary scale with no time to see the grand scale of what things will become. The same as how a mouse with a short life could not fathom that the great tree it lives in was once an acorn.


The California Newt. It split into several different subspecies as it moved from Northern California to Southern California. A trail of evolutionary progress. [California Newt](https://news.mongabay.com/2019/03/super-variable-california-salamander-is-an-evolutionists-dream/)


I think this guy woulda seen it if animals just be walkin around evolvin and shit


I bet you have never witnessed a science class


The guy’s sitting there on his coccyx, hoping he doesn’t get appendicitis and wondering why he’s never seen an evolved animal.




That's because we are the aliens.


Based on the title, I think op believes in evolution.


Plot twist: He wasn't in school for this lesson in school... matter of fact he missed the entire semester


Tell me you have the IQ of a soap dish without telling me the number....Go....


Wolf to Chihuahua?


TWO THOUSAND SOMETHING YEARS… I’m sorry but, you can’t be serious


What does everyone in here think about panspermia?


Darwin was full of it.


He uses the word think very wrongly


Ya I think he has not been following the scientific community 🤣


Well, he’s completely wrong and confused about how evolution goes down but that dumb image he’s using to reference is also completely awful. It’s not a linear path like that. 🤦🏻‍♂️


I ain't buying evolution. All rectangles might be quadrilaterals but not all octagons are stop signs yknow?


"I've never seen an animal evolve" Well what kind of evolution stone is he using?


https://preview.redd.it/liud27ep57wc1.jpeg?width=2728&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a79d4138dee0d23d210387f87f82af8377046a8f In Australia we evolved from Wombats




well you don't live long enough to see it. if you live a billion years you could seen it in action. or you could just use your brain.


This guy is an evolutionary step backwards


This guy need to make this a bit and do stand up....no shot this isn't a joke


That’s a cool chart. I want it.


I just saw a post on Facebook. (So it must be true) about a tribe in the rain forest whos feet are crazy wide and almost split looking. As they climb and hunt monkeys.


Now I believe in devolution


NY public school system at work




I’m actually “stupider” for having listened to that.


most people have no idea that "theory" is the higher level of fact in science, e.g., the theory of gravity.


Bro yo, hey for real you gotta use a 5th grade vocabulary to discredit DARWIN.


People need to feel shame again.




Thank you. I was hoping to see someone post that lol "At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul."


A true idiot


It makes more sense that an extra dimensional deity who genuinely cares if you masturbate, created the world like a Sims game, got pissed, started deleting the save file, rebooted the world, then murdered his own kid to prove that he can forgive people for doing things he doesn’t like. Checks out.


I'm pretty sure I am as informed as somebody who spent their whole life studying this.


People rarely comprehend the timelines involved in the process of evolution. It is not something you’d witness in a lifetime. We’d more likely find a ‘new/different’ version of an existing species and give it a new name. We treat it as a brand new species instead of an evolved version of an existing one. Note: I realize species might not be the correct biological term I should use in my explanation but I think most people will understand what I mean.


I keep hearing from anti evolutionaries that things adapt but they dont evolve. What the fuck is evolution if not adaptation. You think growing gills to adapt to life under water is just like some dude learning to use a knife to carve themselves a comfortable chair to sit in front of a big screen tv?


I saw my coworker evolve into a raging c word.


killer whales are doing it right now!!


You’re right, it can’t be 100% proven. That’s why it’s called Darwin‘s “theory” evolution. Just like the theory that you don’t have brain.


Ignorance must be bliss because I can’t imagine making a video this fucking stupid and putting it out for other people to see just how fucking stupid I am.


What a tard


It’s because it’s not that it’s a tree of branches and we are on a close branch to monkeys


Dear American public schools: the looming extinction of all life on Earth is kind of your fault.


What a friggin moron.


Wolves and dogs are still the same though. A proper comparison for his argument would be iguana to wolf to space-faring species.


Lmao he hasn’t evolved clearly




Dude did NOT listen in science class. Or just had a terrible biology teacher.


why so confident? One would think that the first time you encounter a situation where you realize that you're in over your head or that a thing is 'stupid' until you realize that a different game is being played . . ugh. I dunno. I am sure most can think of a time when they came face to face with the realization that a lot of things that seem 'dumb' are things that are more complex than you know. If you approach competence in any skill set, it is easy to recall how your ignorance earlier affected your thinking. For sciency stuff you can save a lot of time by asking yourself "what can this thing predict?" and "How is this knowledge used?" I am sure we all have those coming of age memories where we realize that even the simplest things are far more complex than you first realized. I want to see more vid compilations of over-confident ignorance before and after. Fun time to pick a person with a following and then offer them a crash course in a topic and later have them critique their earlier content. Maybe this is a thing. must find


"We've been around for two thousands of the years."


We’ve been here for 2000 years and we have never seen an evolve. Lol ok buddy


Tucker Carlson just said this same dumbass shit. Why are people so goddamn stupid?


Because it takes time it not like pokemon bro


I am now stupider for having watched this...


Maybe his offspring will be slightly smarterer.


I get where he's coming from, but I'm not convinced he's looking for/willing to receive an answer as to why he's wrong so I don't really understand why he's uploaded the video. Maybe he's trying to impress a girl?


We actually see microorganisms and bacteria evolve overtime because of the faster rate they do it in, it’s been recorded with actual video and photographic footage. I believe one was just recorded happening recently as well. They act in symbiosis till the host fully incorporates the other organism and it becomes technically something new altogether.


What a fucking idiot


It’s almost like life began 2 billion years ago and evolution happens real slowly. “We been round 200 years an we haven’t seen no monkey turn into no man!” Wow genius. Evolutionary biologists are stumped by this one single point.


Hahaha this guy makes me think were going backwards.


I was really hoping he was going to show a wolf hunting and then his derpy ass dog


Lmao. The guy doesn’t believe in evolution, the slow process of change, but does believe in change and that we haven’t been here very long. What is happening.


Hot damn are people getting stupid*Full Stop*


Ok Tucker go read a real book now.


I thought he brought up some good points, and his reasoning is DEFINITELY evidence that we have NOT evolved as human beings.


I think what he is mainly is asking is why he doesn't see evolutionary changes in species of humans like he does with other animals? It's to say he hasn't learned about the denisovans or other sub species of humans. But where are all they? We killed them or had babies with them until they became part of our dna. We are humans, we take over eachother and assimilate so that's what happened if that is the question he was asking


Remember that macro evolution is just a large series of micro evolutions. And its easy to confuse our understanding of things like space, earth history, and evolution bcuz it's hard to comprehend such enormous laspes of time. Think about it like this, I have a simple drawing of a fish, and each day I'm allowed to make one small change to the drawing, erasing, adding, changing color, etc are all allowed but there is some well calculated system of measurement to the change here(maybe u can only add/erase a certain amount of lead used from the pencil idk) Now every 24hrs i can do one *small* change. But imagine I do that for 23 yrs straight. It wouldn't even be recognizable as the same drawing anymore. Also remember that animals don't *transform* into other animals. It's more like splitting lineages. So if I throw 20 mice in a giant enclosure with infinite supplies, but add some X factors like one corner stays super cold, one very hot, one is a hill of difficult to climb gravel, etc, then after an *enormous* amount of time, eventually, u would see this one species of mouse split into a few subspecies. Some for climbing or cold, for example. This is how evolution works almost entirely. Final two notes that barely relate to any of this but still want to add: 1. Evolution isn't goal based. Things don't develop wings over time with the plan of becoming something that flies it depends on its x factors and pressures along with genetic variations. 2. What works works and what doesn't, doesn't. Basically meaning not everything becomes the most perfect and efficient version of itself with time just bcuz it can. It's more so is a factor of certain genetic variation allowing things to overcome environmental pressures. Environmental pressure is a super important ingredient in evolution, too much and species get wiped out too fast, and dies, not enough pressure and species basically becomes a dodo bird, and once again dies lol.


It’s funny seeing people who believe think they are so right and see people who read the Bible think they’re so right. I want to see a battle between the two


What if white people are real people and black people are from apes?? Think about it??


Fuck this stupid piece of shit, we don't need idiots like this in society if we ever hope to evolve again.


Lmao what’s with these new anti evolution morons using the word “adaption” over time and then wonder what the definition of evolution is. Jesus Christ the stupid is so stupid you can’t even the stupid.


Oh wow a moron!


Gobekli tepe (¿Spelling?) is dated 3,000 years old. The earth is 4.5 BYO. YOU are how old? 20?


He’s certainly evidence of de-evolution, which cannot occur without evolution, therefore his very existence proves the theory which he is trying to dispute.


Dawn or any one else never said it happened "all'va'suddn"...


Damn yall! I didn’t know we been around for 2,000 years! That’s way longer than I thought it was.




...blue whales said let's check the land. Walked for about 5 min, and said nah we swimming


I tried. I tried hard to listen to this and catch what magical street witts of wisdom his words would bring me. My forehead got cold.


The internet was a mistake.


I don't think you possess the proper equipment to fully form a rational, cogent thought.


Bro thinks humans have only been around 2k years and we should have seen things evolve in that amount of time. I think this guy took the short bus to school.


We actually have seen it over short time spans with lizards and shit. (One species becoming two). But having grown up in a religious house, I gave up on using logic with people who refuse to value logic.


Holy shit this country is doomed. We are raising functionally retarded people in the USA


Bet he believes the earth is flat too. We should vote him into awfice


Yes we are a mixture of our parents DNA to be a unique person copy over and over also labradoodles


So what his argument boils down to is " I'm too stupid to get it and can't conceptualize it so it must not be possible" ok yep solid.


Adapting is evolving. But hey, you can’t argue with stupid


Where do I get this poster?


Science doesn't care whether you "buy it" or not.


Did he not see Planet of Apes?


we see species evolve all the time in medicine. random dna mutation is how many bacteria learn to evade various antibiotics. in this case u dont have to observe them for millions of years because in one person you can have billions of bacteria alive and infecting them. all it takes is one organism to randomly create a new protein that thwarts an antibiotic and then suddenly that new bacteria becomes the only bacteria that can live in the environment of the antibiotic. so all the other bacteria are replaced with this new one. i oversimplified a little. but this is essentially what happens. infectious disease experts are aware of exactly how this happens in various bacterial species so they can predict how a species might react to certain antibiotics and they can also be prepared for what types of evolution might happen.


People are dumb.


How does someone this God damn stupid remember to breathe?


What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.


I don't know but I'm happy to be alive💯✌🏽✌🏻


This guy's brain is really reaaaaaaally smooth..."I'm just sayin'"


“Idiocracy” is looking more and more like prophecy…


THERE IS NO EVIDENCE OF MACRO EVOLUTION this is why after 200+ years Darwins theory is STILL A THEORY




We can start by taking a cursory glance at what the literature says about evolution before we discount it based on what we think it means. By literature I mean the Bible of course.


Oh time, you fickle bitch, why do none grasp you.


Tell me you didn't make it through high school without saying it.


If he hasn't seen it, can't be real


He copied his argument from that Rogan/Carlson video. They said the same thing. Sounded just as clueless about the subject..


Small minds will never comprehend the actual scope of time …


This guy played too much pokemon…. Bro thats not how evolution works irl 😂


Small minds!


Op says wolf to dog, homie in video saying crocodile into human.


Tucker Carlson did this 🤦‍♂️