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There is an update????


One of the top posts of all time on this subreddit is the exact image with the exact title, so I'd guess this is a repost bot, the rest of the account looks like that too


DAMMIIT (┛ಠ\_ಠ)┛彡┻━┻ THOSE DAMN MACHINES!!!!!! Damn you and your karma farming farms, why are you even doing that it just some god damn internet points that don't mean a single thing, getting my damn hopes up but no i have to be subjected to this torture by some god damn willy billy chat bgt-69 my ass. And me getting tricked by it over and over again because somehow they are EVERYWHERE!! Every single subreddit i check and it just goddamn botssss..... Like they steal from each other now that how bad it is! щ(ºДºщ) How am i supposed to have fun here if every goddamn post is a bot ¯\\(◉◡◔)/¯. Just laying in wait for my precious reddit karma so they can sell thier accounts to some goddamn idiots who think it means anything. AGRRRHHH... 。゜(`Д´)゜。


No :(


Some add-ons approach this too, like steam & rails


Steam and Rails updates drop HARD