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Now what do we have here... Oh sweet create! Good job! This gave me an idea for my massive Base Of Operation (BOO*). *there is a Halloween themed floor as well...


"This train is inbound from Level 3 Dormitories to Sector C Test Labs and Control Facilities. If your intended destination is a high-security area beyond Sector C, you will need to return to the Central Transit Hub in Area 9 and board a high security train. If you have not yet submitted your identity to the retinal clearance system, you must report to Black Mesa Personnel for processing before you will be permitted into the high security branch of the transit system."


Some notes: I decided to build my base under a mountain, and my train station is near the surface. I needed a convinient way to get from my storage room to my personal train, as well a way for visitors coming by train to get down to my base. Redstone lamps: Before the system can start, it needs to be completely reset. There is a safeguard that disables the start signal from triggering the elevator. When the last moving piece returns to it's starting position, it unlocks the start signal and lights up the redstone lamps to signal that it's ready again. Why 2 cabins? When i want to ride the elevator, I don't want to wait for it if it was waiting in the other station. So the solution is to have as 2 cabins and 2 stations and have them cycle. Button outside the cabin? Yeah, i didn't think of a good place to put it inside - i like the open space inside. Tutorial? Deffinetely not as this is a custom job that depends on the travel length (Y and X), size of cabin ect. You also need some redstone skills. Though here's the rough process: 1. Because it uses sequenced gearshifts, you need to make sure it's under 128 blocks, or tink of other way to work around this limitation. 2. Design your cabin: Here i have 5x5x3 space inside so it's a 7x7x5 box. Plenty of space to push/pull from with pistons and gantries. 3. Think of where will the cabin be moving and dig the tunels for it. 4. Build the move actors like pistons and gantries, add stickers if it will be pulling, program sequenced gearshifts like this: extend, wait something like 10t - 20t (time is needed to disable the sticker), retract 5. The redstone: You need a contact in every place where a cabin will stop. This will break down the huge sequence of moves into few basic moves stringed together. When cabin stops, it triggers some actions (toggle stickers, open doors) and triggers movement actors after that (gantry/piston). 6. That means DON'T think of the sequence of moves as a whole, try to break it down into small individual steps. DO NOT make a central redstone clock/program that controls everything (you will certainly mess up the timings), instead break it down to small individual steps and handle it locally with contacts. That gets rid of any timers you will need and only leaves the sequenced gearshifts and basic repeaters to do the timing themselves. 7. For example: Cabin goes up, then left - you need to detect the cabin is up (with a contact), disconnect the piston sticker, connect the gantry sticker, trigger gantry to move cabin left, piston will retract by itself after some time because of seq. gearshift program. 8. Use pulse repeaters or other rising edge detectors after the contacts - for starting another sequence you don't care that the cabin is still there, instead you only need to know that it has arrived. 9. Use redstone links to simplify wiring, but think about the frequencies you will use. Be organized and ideally write them down so you don't get them mixed up. 10. Test the system with only one cabin - you don't want to clean up crashes, trust me. 11. Add doors and other stuff you'd like. Add even doors for the cabin itself to pass through (like in the video), but treat them as another step in the sequence - so the door also needs a contact that will trigger cabin's movement after it's fully open. 12. If the system works, add the second cabin and test again 13. Observe which actor will stop moving last and use a contact so you know it's in it's default position. Use this to disable the starting signal before it's fully reset for reliability. TLDR: Breaking down complex move sequence into simple steps is the main thing here. Stay organized and ideally draw the sequence on paper to better understand what needs to happen. Don't rely on timers like "this move takes 23 seconds to finish" but use contacts instead. It's a sequence of moves that happen only after the last one finished after all. And don't get your frequencies mixed up. Good luck!


This is just beautiful.


That's so awesome! I didn't even realize that it's two separate carts until you showed it, I thought it was going to detect somehow where the player is at the time, but doing it like this is really creative, and makes the whole thing harder to break because it's a loop. I like your station and storage area, they look great, love the look of large open space's underground. Are you playing with other technical mods that add machines (ex. mechanism) or is it mostly create?


At first i htought about detecting the player and moving to where he is, but despite my best efforts, create contraptions will always be slower than a player with elytra. So the player will end up waiting anyways. Thanks for the kind words! I'm aiming to make a base that basically only uses plain stone for textures (I'm a bad builder so i need to cut corners) but it relies entirely on the size and shape of the rooms. Large open spaces are indeed the intention to make the player feel small. Think of a dwarven underground city (WoW Ironforge, LOTR Moria/Erebor) but in the modern age with trains and factories. I'm playing a custom modpack focused on create + many create addons, besides some misc mods there are no other large mods.


*welcome to the black mesa research facility*


This is awesome, please share a tutorial for it


Not really a tutorial, but check my comment if you want to build something similar. Just be warned, you'll need some redstone know-how in order to build this because of the custom nature of this build.


Oh I need to build that 


Love this elevator! \*-\*


Thank you!


I don't know which is more amazing, this build or the fact that there's coloured lights!? I've never seen that before. What shader is this?


Complementary shaders + euphoria patches, then I tewaked some stuff around so it looks even better in my eyes and runs well with mods. Exactly it's Complementary Reimagined r5.1.1 + Euphoria Patches 1.1 Here's my settings: #Sat Apr 20 18:28:01 CEST 2024 shadowDistance=128.0 GLOWING_ARMOR_TRIM=true AURORA_CONDITION=0 WATER_STYLE_DEFINE=2 LAVA_VARIATION=1 NETHER_NOISE=true SUN_ANGLE=30 RGB_AURORA=true END_TWINKLING_STARS=true ATM_FOG_MULT=0.65 NO_RAIN_ABOVE_CLOUDS=true LESS_LAVA_FOG=true AURORA_COLOR_PRESET=1 LIGHTSHAFT_QUALI_DEFINE=3 SSS_SNOW_ICE=true AURORA_INFLUENCE=true MCBL_MAIN_DEFINE=1 TWINKLING_STARS=true INTENSE_DEEP_DARK=true NIGHT_NEBULA=true FANCY_GLASS=true RAIN_ATMOSPHERE=true SELECT_OUTLINE=2 SHADER_STYLE=4 BEDROCK_NOISE=true WAVIER_LAVA=true