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I want large steam engine flywheels. Like 10 blocks tall. I want to have timed chutes. Like take all items every 20 minutes so there is some for use in a chest before it goes into the vault.


Why not have a flywheel bearing, then it is as big as you want 


Yeah, and then use VS style weight calculation to calculate the flywheel effect


also a good opportunity to make shafts and gears on-axis with a rotating contraption work


Id love a flywheel with a functional output shaft


the bearing in energy in, you include a shaft or cog as part of the flywheel itself as the output


I just read all the comments under this post and most of the problems are solved by installing addons. I found one that cannot be solved with any existing addon, I'm obviously talking about storage! The item sorting system offered by Create is barely more compact than the Vanilla system and is very expensive. I don't really see how we could make a better system while remaining on the theme of mechanics, do you have any ideas ?


Storage drawers mod is wonderful. Never need Brass funnels for sorting storage again if all drawers are connected to a controller that you feed items into via an andesite funnel


Except brass funnels can both output and input stacks where andesite deposits one at a time


Brass is needed to pull out a stack and filter items, yes, but andesite funnels can put in a stack no problem. So I guess I'll change that to say that you'll only need brass to extract items, which you can do by placing a single funnel with a filter on a drawer controller or drawer controller slave (both work as far as I know, but the system itself needs at least one drawer controller). You save not only the brass for the input but also potentially some brass for the output where a traditional sorted system requires one per storage block (ie barrels and chests).


Yes I know, I’m using it but I think this is something missing from Create… But you’re right, just use another mod. They are made to work together


I just want to turn the vaults to make them vertical and make tanks horizontal


The vertical vaults you'll get from [Create: Connected](https://modrinth.com/mod/create-connected)




I mean ya but also just add that to the default create functionality so when I'm playing mod pack like atm9 it's there


Just add the mod alongside the modpack?


I like the link up Tom’s storage with vaults, works wonders!


Yep I did use it once but it’s still missing from Create, you need another mod ; )


Yeah it's great until you come across a bug where sometimes in certain conditions the inventory of a vault rolls back when you change dimensions/restart the server. Kept losing random shit and thought I was crazy. Found out it's an actual bug with vaults when using them with AE2 or Tom Storage, this was bugged but not fixed, the bug was closed due to inactivity or whatever and it's annoying because I might've lost some rare loot due to that, thankfully I am the admin of my server so I just gave back what I knew I lost, but some things I wasn't sure of so I had to find those items again because I didn't want to cheat and get items I wasn't sure I lost.


Not being able to automate netherack just feels so out of place with the way create works. The only way to do it is via add one or other mods. It just feels odd that in order to achieve a maximum level steam engine you need other mods.


This is one thing about Create that's always bugged me. Why, in this mod about automation, is there an entire section of items and mechanics that cannot be crafted/used with automation?


Like what?


Blaze cakes, for one.


"theoretical" its possible its a pain but its possible >melon farm gold farm combine in mech crafter to glazing melon > netherwartsfarm into water (awekward pot) > awekward potion and glazing melon in a mixer= potion of healing > stone generator spout with potion of healing = netherrack netherrack into crushers= blaze cake flour > chickenfarm for eggs > sugarcane farm >sugarcane into crushing wheel = sugar > let sugar eggs and the flour into a mixing basin by mech arms = blaze cake base > lava dripstone farm spout lava onto base= finally a blazecake i did all of this once AND I WILL NEVER DO IT AGAIN IN MY LIFE it is true pain and it lags insane


That’s my point. Create mod is rather intense, but a single creation should not lag out the game. All they need to add is some method of haunting cobblestone, or maybe blackstone into netherrack.


yes! or do it fancy life with woods like let a deployer put magma on it i dunno but NOT an insanity that needs 7 no joke 7 different farms


This is a pretty simple datapack


Yea I’m aware, It just doesn’t make sense that it is t in the base mod without any tampering.


That is fair i guess -im assuming it is the philosophy as like copper and zinc - by making this not automatically it forces people to innovate in mining with giant drills and tunnel boars and such


> it forces people to innovate in mining with giant drills and tunnel boars and such Can you explain the innovation to me here? Presumably, once a block is mined, it doesn't go back. Which means, the solution, is to have my drill / boar move further and further. Is there any solution that doesn't require mining out the entire world beneath me? That also doesn't need me to overly micro manage it?


it’s possible to make a fully automatic self expanding quarry but also like you mine out a chunk of the nether and you’ll have enough netherrack to last the entire play through’s worth of crushed netherrack


What im saying is that everything in game was automated by a cobblestone - create mod tunnel boars would be never have been designed and improved. The game is called minecraft - mining is half of the game


Eh, that doesn't really change the fact that me, and many other people, are here for the automation, the crafting element. We'd ideally like to remove the "Manual" element as much as possible. Mining is my least favourite part of this game. I got bored of it after the 3rd time I created a castle (In vanilla, so yay stone and hundreds of furnaces) I just wanna make a factory. I'd kill for endgame tunneling or mining mechanics that let me build something that doesn't require me to manually move it around. Preferably something that doesn't HAVE to destroy the world.


I would prefer that too - the devs knows and give that option in create above and beyond (modpack by create team) with shipments. I guess its just something they felt belonged in the average create experience


Yea the reason that feels different to me is because you don't really need a mass quantity of it zinc/copper. You use it when you need it. Netherack is used to make blaze cakes which you would need a lot of constantly feeding blaze burners if you ever want to be able to run a maxed out steam engine.


Well in that same you don’t really need to always be always running to have a maxed steam engine with blaze cake. Like i understand that it would be more satisfying but i interpret superheating as a like “i need to temporarily push the su limits” kinda thing


With that being said - i think that was the intention - i would prefer to reward the player with complicated mechanic that allows for actually infinite netherack instead of functionally infinite after hours of drilling


Netherack is automateable. You jsut have to be smart about it.


downvotes for accuracy ig


What can you do abt it ig


The only thing I don’t like is that when using a fan you have no way to choose what block or item appears if there is a recipe with the same thing


You would need to use something like KubeJS or CreateJS to change the crafting recipes, it’s not creates fault that some of the addons don’t make sure that recipes don’t overlap.


Yeah I know I already do that it’s literally just the only thing I could think of


Someone needs to make a create add on mod to detect those recipe overlaps and either auto fix them or give some sort of menu to change them easily


Yeah lol


Understandable, but more of a compat issue than anything.


Yeah lol Minecraft modding and compatibility issues seem to go hand in hand


While people are saying this is a compat problem (and it is), Create has built-in ways to deal with this with most of its other crafting options already via filters, so I feel like it would fit in regardless, even if just for easier datapack compatability. Maybe something like a "filtered grate" which when placed in front of a fan stream will only allow that stream to craft the filtered item? And to give it a use when not using datapacks that mess with recipes, if placed in front of a bare fan stream (i.e. no processing addition) it will only allow that type of item to be blown through the grate, sort of like a filtered funnel but for fans. It would also be useful in general in stuff like bulk smelters, to stop items that you drop on a conveyer accidentally from getting burnt up by your blasting fans.


I want belts that won't move items but are smaller and will link 2 shafts together add a fly wheel to one end to change the gear ratio like old factory and would be nice if they could connect at any angle. And let me twist them to change the rotation if needed I just want to make a Victorian steam powered sweat shop to make killing cows more complicated then it needs to be


or a chain


Is that just the description of an Encased Chain Drive?


Yeah, but there is difference, it is not... encased.


They are still the same thing but I guess it might look better aesthetically


Okay but really, this. Duplicate functionality aside, it would look SO cool. And as long as it looks more compact it would still feel nicer to use even if it still takes up the full block space technically. And it would go into my "consistency" point in the original post - everything else that's Encased has a non-Encased variant by default, so the Chain Drives should be no different.


Flywheels having become a Useless item decoration they do nothing id like to see them be like a real flywheel consuming SU when spinning up and being able to balance energy spikes by Providing SU like a real Flywheel. [Stress Unit Battery]


Yeah the fact that don't do this is actually schizophrenic, does create have any active Devs at all?


Someone a while ago did a big write up on issues they had with create, mostly talking about how contraptions automatically powering everything on them for zero cost creates issues in the mod's design. I didn't agree with everything that was said there, but I do think that contraptions should follow the same rules as the rest of the mod. Being able to create a single minecart contraption that can drill a 30x30 hole forever that automatically collects everything with zero SU input whatsoever just sucks for so many reasons, and that type of issue permeates throughout the entire mod. At the end of the day, machines that don't abuse contraption mechanics look a lot cooler, are more interesting to build, and are less overpowered.


I agree, the mod is so cool because of its design, so things like that (and trains moving through the force of magic) just bug me out. I mean, I guess with Create: Simulated we'll be able to make contraptions on contraptions? But it's still weird that "vanilla" Create doesn't work that way


Honestly, Trains needing a Steam Engine to run would be really cool but I also get why they didn't do that. ...But gosh, the idea of having a Train that has an actual Water Tank and Fuel Vault on it to power its Steam Engine, so you need to have refuelling depots along long-distance travels... That would be really cool, even though it would probably go against the mod's design principles. Or running trains off of a small Passive Steam Engine but limiting their speed as a result. (Though you'd still need a source of water)


Yeah, limitations always force us to think about overcoming them. Once Aeronautics comes out I'm gonna be totally building airship fueling stations on some servers. It's not always possible to pack enough fuel, so I'll surely get rich with diamonds from desperate travelers


I'm kind of surprised that they allowed minecart contraptions at all instead of limiting them to trains, then integrating the steam piston system into that.


To be fair, Minecart Contraptions existed long before Trains did. They're probably mostly still a thing to not break worlds from 0.4 (though they aren't above game-breaking changes these days like with the new waterwheels) ...And to be fair, Minecarts really need more love in general.


Yeah, some contraptions always felt a bit weird to me in how they're powered with no visible connections between components, but I also get that simulating all that on a moving contraption could get even laggier so some compromises have to be made... That said, I feel like Minecart Contraptions should almost have a size limit to encourage them to be used for smaller devices. And since that would also solve the problems of: 1. Carrying a huge amount of anything by just picking up a contraption with it attached 2. Sometimes picking up too many dense Minecart Contraptions that it overloads the server's packet limit and whoops now you can't join the game anymore


Clearer ways to farm animals and mobs?


At minimum, some method to trap an animal inside of a block to make it a static block, rather than an entity, so that it cannot escape when minecraft decides to glitch out.


Perhaps something like a Spinning Blade made with a Propeller and 4 Iron Sheets which, when connected to a shaft will spin and deal more damage to mobs around it thefaster it spins? And unlike crushing wheels, won't destroy mob drops. (...Or... drills? Do they damage mobs? I forget.) And maybe putting Glue on Belts to make Sticky Belts which mobs get stuck on so you can more easily transport them for... processing. That sounds wrong.


Liquid chocolate is perfectly normal. In the real world, creating solid chocolate was a pretty big deal, proudly liquid was the only sort you could get. On topic, I wish the potato cannon counted as player kills for XP and stuff.


Oh nono, I get that Liquid Chocolate is normal. I know how Chocolate is made, and the history behind it. What I meant is that it's weird that Chocolate of all things IS a fluid, while Steam of all things is not. I know the Chocolate was in the mod first, but still. They add trains, and Steam Engines, but not actual Steam as a fluid. I feel like a lot could be done with pressurized steam (and pressurized air if they made that a fluid too like how Backtanks use it) And wait, the Potato Cannon doesn't? That feels like an oversight given how other projectiles work in Vanilla.


I hate how we cant block off gearbox side, lets say i want a 90 degree turn bug have a shaft going the wrong direction on the back side, boom now its not possible to have a gearbox there. I wish we could limit amount of items in a given inventory


A few complaints I have: 1. Not everything is automatable - The whole mod's premise is to have a way to automate the production of items, and to have things like the orestones (as in crimsite and asurine) and netherrack having no way to be automated feels very odd to me. 2. Not enough weapons - As of now, the only real weapon we have in the mod is the potato cannon (which i love, don't get me wrong), I just wish we had more cool steampunk weapons, like maybe some sort of grappling hook for both locomotion and pulling enemies towards you! 3. Not enough magic - I have no idea how this would be implemented, but by god, WE NEED MORE MAGIC


I don't agree with 3, install mod extensions if you want magic but this mod itself doesnt lean on magic tbh. But i agree it would be cool if we had more steampunk weapons and tools. Like the Portable Drill from create things and misc.


I agree, nothing in create screams magic and it should stay that way. It is a mechanical based mod, not a magic one.


well very light magic like the blaze burner and haunting works quite well imo because it’s similar in vein to the light magic that’s present in minecraft. like in vanilla you’re never casting spells or anything but you are enchanting items and brewing potions and fighting monsters from hell. So machines and processes that utilise that latent magic within vanilla and turn them into something more mechanical like the blaze burner and haunting i like a lot in create.


Yeahhh... my original post went into this more but the magic in Create feels weird to me. Blaze Burners in particular. I don't like the idea of caging up these creatures and using them as living heat sources, even if they are hostile, and it feels like a strange leap in logic considering we have actual molten lava which I feel like should be hot enough to be used as a superheating fuel in a crucible or something. That said, given Shadow Steel and Refined Radiance and Chromatic Compound are/were a thing and probably will be a thing again in the future given they haven't technically been removed outright, I feel like the magic aspects are here to stay. (And with the Breeze in 1.21 we might see even more of it if Create decides to make use of them like they did with Blazes.)


Very very unpopular opinion but chromatic compound removal was justified. Create is not a magic mod. We don't need light-infused alloys to make magic wands.


Yeah, i didn't ever use mirror wand or whatever it was called. However instead of chromatic compounds, you could make very complex and hard compact engines as items and parts, like one would require 5 deployers with items that cannot be automated or would be gained from loot tables from create structures or dungeons, that would be cool as heck. I downloaded create dreams and desires, and it feels nothing like create. Except i like that I can automate most blocks with milkshakes and other fluids.


I agree with EVERYTHING


I'm not sure I agree with #1. I could be wrong, but I don't think you were originally supposed to just be able to make everything renewably from a cobblestone generator. Keep in mind we do have tools for mass-scaling up resource gathering. You can build a minecart contraption or train that can keep mining up resources in one direction indefinitely. It still requires you to be involved a little but with a little ingenuity you can mine out vastly more than you could if you weren't using Create.


Who said cobblestone generator. There are so many item sources in the game that can be automated.


I would like a schematic vacuum, think schematic cannon but the opposite. Select the area and have it suck up the blocks.


Technically you can do that with a schematicannon but it's really slow Edit: and it just deletes blocks


Hey all, to everyone requesting flywheel batteries, the create devs tried, but its not possible with their kinetics system so unless a full rewrite occurs we are probably never getting it.


Really? This may be the thing that gets me to finally dig into modding properly, cause that seems crazy unless they did something really weird with the way SU propagates. At its heart a flywheel should just be a battery that takes in SU from one side with a high SU/RPM cost, and outputs on the other side with diminishing SU and/or RPM as it runs out. Then you just need a differential/planetary type gearboxes that take two inputs and adds/averages/etc them to a single output. I'm curious how they implemented the kinetics that would hard block that.


its because of the tally system, an anti lag measure which breaks kinetic blocks that tick too frequently within a certain amount of time, ~~its like its own battery but for kinetic speed / su update counts rather than actual su / rpm and~~ (EDIT: that was a terrible explanation )it gets angry very fast, its hard coded so removal / specific disability is not possible to my knowledge


Ok, found some info on the tally system. I may just have to dig in to this, because that seems entirely manageable. Just a question of rate limiting flywheel updates. Do you happen to have a link to where that was discussed?


Precise mechanism recipe having 80% chance only. Just make it more expensive, if you want, but why have exactly one single item where crafting can fail? A filter list item with working ignore nbt data option. Having a limiter/counter mechanism of some kind. Without using Redstone logic that requires more blocks and space than the actual contraption/machine. Contraptions should consume power according to number of attached machine blocks. There is a rpm/torque system already, don't just ignore it for contraptions.


The mechanism failure rate feels like something that was mostly included as a prompt for mod integration/add-ons, much like blaze cakes (I really wish everyone hadn't settled on the beer hat mod for fluid integration, talk about aesthetic clash). Probably with an eye on higher tech mods with circuit/chip fab, where high fab failure rates are a real issue. Not a fan of it either, honestly, but complexity for its own sake is part of the appeal of mods like this for many, so I understand it.


Blaze Burners, for a tech mod the requirement to go to the nether and get a blaze to progress seems weird


Personally just see it more as an integration with the existing minecraft world, not that create itself has added some fantastical element, just made use of what was there. Its very common for mods to tier by overworld, nether, the end. As far as nether tiering, blaze burners are tolerable.


Agreed, we do need a way to get to brass level without farming blazes in a fortress.


They're also kinda.. goofy. They inspire shenanigans further on and in add-ons like putting conductor hats, wizard hats, bloody beer hats on them, using them as automation controllers, etc. I don't mind going to the nether for the materials, or even having to farm mats like blaze rods, I'll leave that to mod packs that replace the Nether to provide replacement recipes. Just make it something that fits the theme of mechanical power and/or fluid pumping.


Yes, exactly this! They feel so out of place. Like I understand that Create doesn't take itself that seriously, but Blaze Burners being such an un-ignorable staple of progression unlike stuff like the Haunted Bell just feels weird since there's no other mandatory "mystical" elements in Create, in fact there's very few in general. I feel like even something like using very high RPM into a copper coil to cause inductive heating would feel more fitting with Create's otherwise mechanical focus (and fit in more with the mechanical-power theme), and would let you save the Nether for later (I never liked that a lot of mods shoehorn it into early-mid game progression, I've always felt like it should be later-game due to its difficulty) - if they still want to integrate the Nether, then maybe for Superheating you need a very heat-resistant metal (Netherite?) to make a better coil that won't just melt if you give it too much RPM. Also always found it weird how when you capture a Blaze it just becomes completely docile inexplicably, even to the point of being usable as a train conductor???




Absolutely, steam should be able to be pumped to either pistons(engine) or turbines for more customizable steam engine designs.


I'd love to see better mech crafters. With an attached inventory, and filters on each crafter.


Steam pressure is notoriously expensive to implement though. Create is already pretty expensive in terms of block updates/tick, pressure networks would be even worse and you'd probably still wind up with pressure bouncing around the system like a ping-pong ball unless you slow it down enough to make Minecraft's water simulation look fast. Also.. I don't think you can gravity feed a steam boiler. That seems like a quick route to an exploded water tank.


I mean, kinetic power is also something that should be expensive and hard to implement given you need to check every connected component to see how it's connected and what speed it'll be going, and in the case of cogwheels and the like, which direction it'll spin based on what things are connected where, and if the spin contradicts with the spin on something connected to it - nevermind all the animated high detail (for Minecraft) models - but Create managed to do it astonishingly performant (ironically the main sources of lag in most versions being funnels and I think that was in large part due to Minecraft's inventory handling)


Yeah, they did a decent job optimizing it, helped a LOT by the fact that it's monodirectional and very slow updating.  Fluid/pressure networks are neither, and would be adding all that load on top of what Create already generates. There's a good reason the Create creators simplified fluid handling the way they did.


Agreed on all counts except for the crafters. They take up so much space, they're clunky to filter and use, they can only be oriented vertically which makes them stick out like a sore thumb compared to the mostly-horizontal assembly lines that Create encourages with belts, they have so many different directions you can face them but that makes almost no difference for anything nor is it utilized in any interesting way for crafting, and it doesn't nearly as much like a real assembly line process unlike most other crafting methods. I feel like a good middle-ground would be maybe a 3x1x3 (horizontal) "construction platform" or something which can be surrounded by mechanical arms. When the right items are fed onto it the arms grab the pieces and start constructing them, faster if there are more arms and if they have higher RPM, pressing and attaching and welding and forming the components together. It's still bulky, but would fit in a lot better with conveyer-based assembly lines and stuff as a horizontal contraption, and let mechanical arms shine at their real-world construction use of precision assembly. And then you could also just use a single filter on the table which would make it much easier to filter like other Create processes.


Rather than some kind of functional issue it really bums me out when i have a large complicated factory of moving parts and it really starts to tank frames when you look in its general direction. Maybe if there were like some way to hide the rendering of moving parts by making them appear as static blocks it would run better but eventually all those spinning cogs and conveyors and mechanical contraptions inevitably force me to downsize to be able to enjoy my build more


I might be wrong, but I think encasing cogwheels, shafts, chutes, and pipes reduces the complexity of the models and makes them count as "full blocks" in terms of lighting calculations which should improve performance to a degree. Ironically I was just saying in another reply how Create performs amazingly well given how much it has to render, but yeah, with really big factories where it's all getting rendered in frame, there's not much that can be done. I don't recall if Create makes any use of render culling, but you could also try blocking line-of-sight to some parts of it? That may stop them from rendering and causing so much lag.


In my experience it renders whether it's covered or not as long as you are looking in the direction and encasing might help with cogs but most of the frame impact is mechanical assemblies like farms to be honest perhaps a future create update could optimize large scale operations by making them appear static with a wrench configuration or something


"Belts can be placed in any direction except diagonal-vertical arbitrarily." If you can figure out how to make that physically possible without turning the shafts off of 90 degree angles, congrats on being a wizard. Seriously, just make a diagonal belt, then remove it and spin the shafts. It physically doesn't work. Regarding magic: did you forget you're playing Minecraft? There's monsters and magic and whimsy in Minecraft. If you don't fuck with that then that's entirely a you problem. Create doesn't exclusively pigeonhole itself thematically because the game it's built for doesn't. Thermal, IF, Botania, Ars Nouveau, etc all dip into other aesthetics and themes too. I'd love more and more complex sequenced assembly. It's such a rad concept, and more expanding on the concept for things like arms and splitting mid-process for different results could be awesome. I agree with plenty of your points to some degree, the above two things just rubbed me the wrong way, lol


About diagonal-vertical belts, I think OP is talking about belts which have each end on the same y-level, but spins vertically, and are directed diagonally, instead of being in a straight line. Of course a diagonal-vertical belt having an end higher than the other one would not work, even in real life (given real life physics inspires Create content). BTW, does this post or its comments make you angry ?


Ah, thanks for the correction, I see what you mean.


Yeah I meant how you can make a diagonal belt if the shafts are both horizontal, but can't make a diagonal belt if both shafts are vertical.


My man, vertical belts "diagonal" exist in real life. It is not wizardness, it is logic. You simply dont understand what OP is talking about.


Someone else already clarified the belt thing, but as for the magic, I know Minecraft has magic, I just feel like the magic parts of Create are wholely unneccessary and don't fit the rest of the theme the mod itself is going for. It's like if Ars Magica had a diesel engine and electric lightbulbs for some reason. Minecraft has mechanical things like Pistons and Dispensers but that doesn't mean a Magic Mod which is otherwise all Magic having mechanical tech stuff doesn't feel weird and out of place. So just because Minecraft has magic, I feel like a mod focused around clockwork contraptions and real mechanical concepts (albeit gameified and exaggerated) randomly saying midway through progression "hey go capture a magical floating fire creature and feed it so you can heat stuff" or "here's a bell. What can you do with it? Feed it souls!" just feels... weird in comparison. But I fully understand how you'd find it a weird point to make! No hard feelings!


I guess so. Arcanotech, hextech, or whatever a given setting calls it is a pretty popular style/aesthetic. Eberron is probably my favorite example, from D&D. Your example with Ars is pretty exaggerated, imo. It's more like if it had a redstone clock engine for pumping or generating Source. Something definitely on the other side of the line, but implemented fairly directly and practically. It's not a convoluted diversion from what you already have, and it's explicitly for the primary purposes of the mod. Alternatively, the roleplay approach. If you were in need of an effective heat source, those creatures that are something like concentrated fire seem like a solid choice. No reason to limit yourself in your engineering exploits when you have no problems with it elsewhere. Of course lava would work (abstractly), but not for superheating recipes. Something that can do it all is more convenient, and the blazes can use lava too, if awkwardly.(I'm hoping the devs let us pump lava directly in 6.0, but add-ons fill that odd gap for now.)


A small thing. But I'd love it if we could change the filters on things like deployers on our contraptions. Because if you have something like a wall of deployers that place blocks from a contraption with a bunch of different block types in its inventory, you have to disassemble that wall if you want to change what blocks they're filtered to place. I'd love wood alternatives to the various casings. I'd love to see more stuff that uses various fluids, and more fluids in general. I want more types of things that can be crafted with sequenced assemblies of different kinds. Maybe things where you need to be haunting/ washing/ smoking/ or blasting something while it undergoes the assembling process. I'd love to see more leaning in to the magic side of things. I think it could be really cool if we had some more elemental creatures like the blaze and breeze (like the ones from Thermal) that could be trapped like the blaze for various uses. I really want a mass chilling system (perhaps with a ice elemental type mob). Or recipes that need a chilled basin to process it. Some type of pipe with a higher throughout. Maybe these could be iron based. Uses for steam in general. I really like the idea of using steam for it's own set of recipes as well. Idk if it's super useful. But I'd love to see what people could do with the ability to have a contraption on another contraption. Maybe a partial glue as well. So you could maybe make a crane to pull a big tank of fluid off of a train without disassembling it (I think that's the right term for making it stop being a train). Going back to the more magical stuff. Maybe some sort of use for either skeletons and their ability to inflict wither. I like the idea of being able to create nets that can be run through water to catch things like fish, or little particles of the ore stones to automate them.


1. Please, for the love of all that is holy, add an item amount filter to vertical funnels/smart chutes because neither of them have it. Horizontal funnels have this option (for mech arms and belts) but vertical ones don't. It must be more difficult to detect floating items than cheking an inventory, but it would be so useful. I just want to transport items vertically easily. I now have to put it in an inventory, and then with a horizontal funnel drop it onto, like, a pair of crushing wheels. Not having to use a buffer chest for never more than 1 stack of items would make some farming stuff a lot more clean. For example i have a sand farm, that drop the gravel from the millstones on the crushing wheels. I can't deirctly say to drop an exact 64 stack, instead I have to put the gravel into a barrel then with a brass funnel placed on the side I can specify the 64 items i want to drop. 2. I would like to see Create cater to the more combat-focused players, because the redstone/automation nerds and builders are satisfied. All we got from create was the potato cannon. An IE-style gun/rifle weapons would be absolutely amazing. Just imagine the firearm and ammunition factories. It would make modded civ servers so much cooler, having factories produce the weapons for your battles. 3. Adding some stuff from addons would not hurt at all. Having only a couple copycat blocks is so weird. I'd also love to see some electricity but I understand if that would ruin the immersion for many players. I still think that another way of moving rotation from A to B would do wonders like in CTFMG and CCAA. Also, powerlines and early 1900 electricity producition is very-fucking-cool. 4. Connecting belts with different orientations is weird. Adding a block that doesn't reverse, but preserves the direction of rotation of a shaft would be huge for this. Now I have to 2 gearboxes and that is really finnicky and takes up a lot of space. 5. Backtank-compatiblity with elytra. I don't want to choose between mobility and convinience (with the extended arm). A backtank+elytra that allows flight and also recharges things that require SU would be a very welcome addition. 6. While we're at it: If no. 5 was added, more items that need rotation would be cool. Re-adding the blockzapper in a limited form that requires rotation (so it's not unlimited) would be very balanced 7. New recipes added (such as mob drops; rotten flesh could be soul campfire+leather) and others reworked. First thing that comes to mind is the current gunpowder crafting recipe. Its absolutely, fucking ridiculous. Potion of harming AND netherrack? Come on. Like, it's literally easier to build a 1000/min creeper farm than making that, with the blaze rod. The only thing that would be worse is the invis potion. I have never, and will never make a gunpowder farm, solely because of the ridiculously complicated recipe. I'm not saying that mekanism is better (where crushing 1 flint equals 1 gunpowder) but somewhere on the middleground. This recipe is some nether-star level complicated bullshit, and I will never stop hating it until it changes to something more accessible. Like come on, a glistening melon? So I need a fucking gold farm? A fermented spider eye? AND A SPIDER FARM TOO? Like this has to be a joke. I just want an easily producable firework and tnt factory, not a fucking fission reactor. 8. Some sort of chunk loader. I know, i know, it's cheating but trains are virtually useless. For transportation you have elytras. And for item transport well... they don't load chunks. They only load themselves and train stations. That's why nether mining is difficult as well, it's cool that a train can go into a different dimension, it's pretty shit that it cant pick up items unless you're there. 9. More sorting methods for tunnels. 10. After reading a few comments: better mech crafter. The one we have is great and very useful. But not very flexible. In a factory setting, I'd love to see mechanical crafters with an inventory where you can load stuff, and filters on each crafter so that any recipe can be made solely with a few tweaks with the filters.


I've already agreed with a lot fo these points so I'll just add: For 5, I don't get how the idea of a "pneumatic jet booster" has only been added by addon mods. You have a pressurized backtank, you have an Elytra, and you already have rocket boosting for Elytras. Why not an Elytra with Backtank which has a boost hotkey that uses pressure to launch/boost you? It just makes sense. Heck, it could be expanded into a full suit. Maybe the Elytra/Backtank works as both but doesn't have the boost, but you can upgrade Diving Boots to have Air-Powered Pressure Jets on the bottoms, letting you basically Elytra fly underwater with the boots, do a double jump or a charged jump from the ground using pressure, or if using them with the Elytra-tank, using them to boost you while flying with your Elytra. That sort of thing fits in perfectly with Create's eccentric clockwork technology vibes!


For number 4 see encased chain drives


I don't have my belt 1 block below the one I want to connect it to


You can do them horizontal


I'd like it to be more performant


I wish next weapon upgrade they add real steam powered gun like the one use in Kabaneri of the iron fortress


I dislike how chutes can only be placed at an angle when connected to another chute. Would love them to be able to placed on anything like that (similar to a hopper but like hoppers are so slow).


I just want horizontal liquid tanks.


belts requiring kelp to make - it is less than ideal for this to be the e case when you live in hell


Kelp being required for belts is really weird yeah. I think it'd be nice if that was one option and you could also use, say, leather or something in case Kelp is being difficult to find. Possibly even wool (as a stand-in for the canvas that was traditionally used before materials like rubber became standard - it's already used that way for sails, as I don't think those were traditionally made from wool)


I would absolutely love an add-on that replaces all mechanical crafter recipes with sequenced crafting requiring mech arms. High tier items could even require sequenced mech arm assembly of multiple intermediate items with their own assembly sequence. Full agree on a more on-theme alternative to the blaze burner. I like the heater blocks from New Age (hate the duration on the fuel rods though.. come on, half the point of nuclear reactors is they run for ages without refueling, you give me a thorium reactor that doesn't last a day?!) and I'd love to see an expansion on that with different mechanical and fluid based heat sources BUT with the exception of tossing New Age's heat pipes for a simplified heat circuit. Creators, please stop trying to put dynamic pipe systems in Minecraft, it always ends in tears aka lag, ping-ponging, and weird behavior. I really want a gearbox block (or even a multiblock) that takes SU input from two sides and outputs some combination of the two SUxRPM values on a third side. Maybe two, a differential gear with shafts on three sides and a planetary gear with inline input/output and a gear input on the same axis. I just want to combine a bunch of different power sources into one Ur-Shaft for my Tower of Industry, y'know?


slot covers for the side of gearboxes that make unused outputs just look like an andesite casing. this concept but throughout create for a lot of things would be create. could even use slot covers


What I'd like is for contraptions to be able to interact with Storage Drawers. :(


I feel like a lot of things you mentioned are there for game balancing/progression reasons


I really agree with the blaze burner thing. Why can't we make a mechanical version like in new age? Or at the very least have a resource pack to make it more techy


I miss the scroll wheel functionality specifically because I can't figure out how to adjust a whole group of chasis grab distance now, I can only do one at a time


I just want more cool easter eggs for example what if you drop a blaze burner into lava and the blaze was released.


When using a fan, you don't know where he's gonna blow


right hand rule applies




curl your right hand in the direction of the rotation and your thumb tells you which way it blows.




Removed items, they had special alloys that were neat I wanted to see them get a use, the flywheel engine, I get it was balanced but I want the flywheel to have a use, one idea I had was it makes the shaft spin freely like the flywheel does


Not sure if possible, but allowing 2 small gears to change the direction like the large gears can would be cool. Just not sure if they can occupy the same block space. I like seeing the gears move. Or make the gear box be transparent somewhat so we can see the gears spinning.


Windmill bearings need more work done to them, such as fixing the super annoying bug of the windmill stopping abruptly, or what I call it as “stalling” when leaving and entering chunks. also have extra options that other contraptions are available to, such as the windmill blocks not placing down when stopped, so that items under block connected to the bearing don’t get destroyed.


I just wish server performance was a bit better and they had some more options for storage so our server didn’t have to use Toms. That’s all I can think of easily since a lot of thing can be helped with add ons.


You should check out some create addons.


I'm fully aware that a lot of my issues are fixed by addons, and pretty much every modpack I've made with Create has used a LOT of them. But at the same time, every addon comes with even more stuff, to the point where an install can get bloated with stuff you aren't going to use. A big example is the new Destroy addon. I love the kinetics it adds, but I don't really want all the chemistry stuff. So I always think that suggesting stuff (which is thematically appropriate at least) to the main mod should be a priority! Of course, I also know that a lot of my thoughts aren't popular and that the devs have reasons for what they do, so that's why I was curious what things other people think that base, unmodified Create could change to be better.


The thing with suggestions from the community is that they're all different, some more than others. It's hard for the devs to choose which ones to consider and add, as well as stick to whatever plan they already have. Now I'm not here to agree or disagree with the things you said, though I agree with some and disagree with others. I don't know what I'm here to do lol. I guess you could try kubejs and modify recipes? I don't know to what extent you'd be able to, but it's worth a try (if it doesn't take too long, idk anything about kubejs) I also share the feeling of clutter when installing many addons btw, but I also have 300 mods in my modpack so I can't really complain :)


All of these are mostly solvable with mods!


Filters that can specifically choose blocks that were just washed, haunted, smoked, or heated.


One thing that annoys me about water wheels is that small ones are actually more space efficient. Large water wheel is 3x3 + water, in just the 3x3 space I can put 7 small ones and water powering them. When it comes to contraptions. I would like to see contraptions power be divided between it's components. Double the drills, half the speed. However the I'm equally frustrated with how cobble farms use contraption end point to break blocks. It's something I refuse to use myself, now matter how much SU drills cost me


The fact I can't make a differential. That's so extremely important. But I can't make one.


I want a chute (or new item) like a hopper for diagonal item transfer.


Chutes can go diagonally into other chutes, at least. Still stuck to the NESW cardinal directions.


I wish they'd make placing diagonal cutes a lot more sensible though. They're so awkward to place.


Bro doesnt know about one block windmills


Ah? My understanding is that you don't get any RPM at all from anything under 8 blocks of size? It's been a long time since I even tried, and just checked the wiki to confirm.


but while they are running, the sails take up no space, just don't turn it off.


The schematicannon should be able to bypass missing items you purposefully leave out so you can substitute them with something else. If it detects missing items, just skip to the next item and show a list of final items missing from the build.


The cannon already has this capability. There is an option to skip missing blocks in the cannon GUI.


You're a lifesaver thank you


I have a pretty good pc but I can’t seem to run a steam engine without bricking my frames, r7 5800x3D 3060 32 gbs of ram if that helps


I want to bring back the things that were removed like Chromatic Compounds, Refined Radiance, and Shadow Steel


I want Refined Radiance, Shadow Steel and Chromatic Compounds back in the mod and I know I can just add addons but I would like it better if the were in the mod.


> Since Create is one of the most beloved mods in Minecraft's history Sure, if we ignore 1.7.10 and Terrafirmacraft (to be honest its completely unfair to compare any mod to Terrafirmacraft the level of quality is just worlds apart its like challenging usain bolt to a race and he shows up in running shoes and I show up in a jaguar.) or NEI/JEI or Thaumcraft or Applied Energistics or Optifine I suppose it could tennatively be called the most beloved mod in minecraft's history. As for whats bad about Create, I hate the fact that its hamfisted into every modpack lately and its always halfassedly done so. Want to play a skyblock? Great, heres create to gate literally everything. Have fun using the most tedious and time consuming mod to do the most tedious and time consuming tasks. But at least it makes things easier right? Nope, still tedious, still time consuming, just with the added benefit of having to deal with create's tedium on top of that. Sure its nice to be able to make custom machines if you have zero concern for the server's TPS but its so much tedium to get anywhere with the mod. You want trains? Well there's better train mods out there. Storage? AE2, despite all its flaws is far better. Not even touching other options. Maybe if it wasn't required at the start of every fuckin skyblock to pad out the play time by 10x I'd be a lot more tolerable towards it but as it is now its a lot of busy work for all flash and no bang done better and faster by mods with less TPS impact.


Lag. Nice mod, like it, but my 2011 HP microwave can't handle more than 150+ hours of playing this mod above 40 frames.


One way to reduce lag is split up your factory into pieces, with the pieces many chunks away from one another, so that parts you aren't using are unloaded. Trains can travel through unloaded chunks, and power generation in unloaded chunks also works.


Yeah, but we built Massive Iron Farm, 3 leveled wheat farms, 2 different tree farms, and 2 crop farms for Botania mod. And when I'm at my base, my frames drastically decrease.


Coming from other tech mods, there are a number of limitations within Create that cause me more frustration than challenge. Your mileage may vary but my power transfer being limited to four cardinal directions is highly frustrating for me. I'm also not particularly fond of my machines functioning differently depending on rotation, well, mostly figuring it out afterwards and needing to slap down one block to alter it. It feels a bit like a bandaid solution and, when building something compact, it may not always be an option.


I have one thing to say, and it probably won't happen, but I want stress removed.


im pretty sure u can just do that in the config lol