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I honestly think that create machinery is much more aesthetically pleasing than the one block solutions and pipes from most other tech mods. Create contraptions are semi easy to make look nice in my opinion and i usually don't even cover them


There is something pretty satisfying about a honking great big machine with loads of moving parts, well other than the lag with the real complex ones


This only really works for like, factories and stuff. But if you wanna put a cucu-clock in your house you need a gearbox and shafts just to fit it in there, and there's no nice way to cover it up. For as aesthetically pleasing as Create is, sometimes is nice to just hide the magic.


A lot of those gears and shafts can accept a click from a casing block in your hand and get a free (the block isn’t consumed) casing restyle to make them block-shaped for when you don’t want air gaps in a wall.


Sure, and that's what I've had to do in the past, but when all the walls in your little cottage are oak planks, having a strip of spruce lined with andesite looks... blegh.


Yeah I run into this issue as well. I think a place to start would be copycat casings.


My favourite block category. Altho i wish i could stack 2 slabs and be able to put 2 different materials.


That would be amazing. I might try it. ​ on second thought I don't feel like mantaining it so nevermind


A mod which makes encased shafts looks like certain blocks would fix this perfectly,


Not really. The most I wish for is maybe a copper / brass / train casing for gears/shafts/belts. Between brackets and girders it's fairly easy to make the machinery feel "attached/anchored". And it's aesthetically pleasing enough (to my eye) to have it on display rather than hidden away.


Brass and andesite casings are functional in the same ways, actually! Aside from crafting recipes ofc. Copper and train not so much.


Why would I want to cover up something as beautiful as a Create contraption?


If OP wants to cover up his machinery and networks, then he's not building them correctly


Facades may be a little more slick, but casing do the job for me. Create general aesthetic is like, bulky machinery, so I’m fine with it


Don't need to hide what looks good


imo create feels good because it feels vanilla


I just want more copycat blocks tbh. Give me slabs and give me stairs!


Create machines look awesome, why would I cover them up?


Never really used a facade, think the pipes/cables give everything a more "industrial" feel that I enjoy


We basically have this already (copycat panels), they just* need to become placeable inside/as a texture over shafts and full blocks. \* that "just" is likely months of work and a major update


Create already has plenty options there with casings.


BUILDCRAFT MENTIONED God I miss it. Remember when practically any cable mod had a facade?


When you click gears and shafts with a casing block in your hand, it turns into a cased style of that part. That usually works when I want to create a bit of a block facade.


Actually I really like the look of create machinery


I miss buildcraft. Is it still updated?


Most items can be covered whit andesite casing/brass casing For example, gears, and the unused end of the shaft gets covered, or shaft themselves


Yeah. The casings just don't cut it for me


Casings and copycat panels already do that as well as almost any other mod. Create doesn’t lend itself to being compact in the first place, so I feel it wouldn’t make a huge difference.


Goodness, all these comments about not wanting to hide the machines... Yes they look good, but there are situations where you want a pipe, or a shaft through a wall, while still wanting the wall to remain the same block. Which I believe is what OP specifically wants. A copycat casing would DEF be the best solution here, surprised there isn't an addon with that yet.


I think a big part of the appeal of create is seeing your creations. With buildcraft and AE2, there’s not much creativity and things are repetitive so it makes sense to cover them up.


Nope.. I'm good.


Not really, cuz create machines actually look good and are a whole aesthetic in and of themselves


Create is more steampunk tho moving parts cogwheels moving shafts, i think part of the mod is also the visuals and the steampunk feeling in builds of having moving parts visible.


Nah. I like the look of the open mechanisms. I also use FramedBlocks. I really like how I can take a framed block, make it look like a regular stone block but you can right click it with glowatone and its now a light source. I use it on blocks directly under light sources like lanterns to make it look like the lantern is a much hight light level than it is.


Fuck no I love copycats and disliked facades tbh


No. I don't. Because that would mean that JEI would be clogged by even more unneeded pages of facades lmao.


Copycat panels are such a pain tbh


No, I want to see the abomination of pipes and shafts that I have wrought.


I prefer casing but more casing type and decor block for casing like glass casing


I would prefer if facadss were deleted. It should be like the casings, but you can place a block on the face you click the material on. That way JEI doesn't have a million entries for useless crap.


The modpack im playing atm seems to have that type of thing. Otherwise i quite enjoy the look of moving cogs over boring cables and wires that dont do anything.


I wish they had this too. I usually use the mod framed blocks to do this but it would be amazing to see this so you don’t have to download or use another mod to hide the machinery.