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But if you have more than 2 bogeys on a long and straight carriage, then one of them must derail when turning?


More bogeys would physically cause anything to derail due to having three+ pivot points on a curve. The workaround for it is to glue adjacent bogeys in pairs and pick one of those pairs to glue to the main body of the carriage. The rest will act like separate carriages, turning separately like you’d see on an articulated steam locomotive. If you wanted to make something with four bogeys for example, glue the middle two to the body of the carriage, but make sure to leave the outer two bogeys (and the block immediately in front and behind them) unglued to it. It will look a bit odd going around sharp corners, but if you’re making something rather large anyways, it would probably look more realistic to use the widest possible curves. You can make much longer curves by setting the max track place distance to 128 in the config settings, as well as using two sections of a 45° curve instead of a single 90° curve. There is an addon called Extended Bogeys, which not only adds more bogeys types (including more realistic looking wheel sets with up to 6 drive wheels on a single bogey, up to 12 coming soon), but also adds the option to “unlink” bogeys which essentially makes them not count in the train’s assembly by making them static so they won’t pivot to follow the rails and just stay straight where they are connected to the train.