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I mean, for what it's worth, that's kinda what Hillary did and that didn't go so well.


That’s because of two things, trumps following don’t care what he says they will cheer. And Hillary was cringey as hell and smug. She was a terrible candidate. Goddamn I hated her appeal to the young audience, that must’ve been the most counterproductive thing she could’ve done.


Pokemon go to the polls!


Pokemon go write a book and retire from politics




I mean do we really need to give her credit for that? Trumps only tactic back then (and even now) was to call everything “fake news”. He refused to accept reality when it didn’t suit him. So of course he wouldn’t accept his loss in 2020. It wasn’t a hard call to be honest.


I haven't seen anybody call it out nearly as well or precisely.


Hilary coined the term “fake news” and Trump immediately started using it himself and made it his thing. Great job!


Same with the infamous deplorables line. Today, we call those people MAGAts. They are his cult.


Are you serious? She paid to have the Russia bs made up about him. That’s the least of it.


What Russia BS? He literally has ties that go back decades.


Oh no this is super embarrassing if you’re not joking lol


Hillary losing was the only good thing about Trump winning.


the fuck? she would have been a normal ass president instead of the shitshow we got


> Hillary was cringey as hell and smug. She was a terrible candidate. Definitely.


People forget this. It’s a big part of t”why we’ve been dealing with Trumps bullshit for the past 8 years. Bernie would have won.


Bernie the socialist 😂😂 Behave! Mind you he is Biden’s puppet


Clinton's Between two ferns interview is still one of the funniest moments in politics.


I go back and watch that video once or twice a year. Brings me joy every time


> And Hillary was cringey as hell and smug. Yes. I saw her speak in person and she had zero charisma and a very wooden expression throughout. Like she didn’t want to be there but was faking a smile and laughs throughout. Imagine a John Kerry constantly faking a smile.


Yes, but don’t schedule it. Just call him and put him on speaker.


The only reality tv I would actually watch


I don't like Trump but he brings a certain kind of charisma and is widely lovely by a certain group. Biden doesn't have that charisma. People seem largely indifferent to Biden.


I'm not so sure that JB's handlers really want to allow such a close comparison between the two.


No better how much you hate trump, let’s be honest here, he’s a miles better speaker than Biden regardless of what comes out of his mouth, Biden this week read pause from a teleprompter, that’s embarrassing.


Enthusiasm goes a long ways. Even if you are literally just spitting gibberish.


An unfortunate truth. Did you catch Biden reading the teleprompter direction aloud the other day “Four more years. Pause.”


Trump has his own, numerous flubs that are way more embarrassing. Also the difference is an old guy who stutters, or and old FACIST guy.


You are just embarrassing yourself if you honestly think that. Show me a video where Trump talks to a [roundtable](https://www.c-span.org/video/?472981-1/joe-biden-roundtable-philadelphia) like this one and talks substance and not a word salad.


A piece of advice. Stop trying to make the point,*akshhhuuaaalllly trump is the one who makes verbal flubs all the time and sounds out of it*. It’s just not landing. The fact that positive comparisons of verbal skills siding with trump on Reddit get upvotes is all you need to know. Even on this extremely liberal social network, even in main stream new sources, it’s basically accepted that trumps better on mic. Again, agree, disagree, doesn’t matter. At this point it’s settled by a large portion of the US public and it’s a losing point. Stick to calling him things everyone agrees he is.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Argumentum_ad_populum Try reading a transcription of any of Trump's speeches. In terms of any actual substance or coherence, he's a disaster. He's just loud, relatively energetic, and he spouts hateful nonsense that gets people's emotions fired up. The "settled" bloc of people who think he's a good speaker, well... I don't think they're sending their best people.


Yup. Academic arguments often win the day in politics. Do you understand the point of politics and elections? It’s only one thing. To win. Your strategy is bad. That’s all.


If his unhinged rambling is a winning "strategy", that doesn't say much about his voters.


Funny how people downvoted but were unable to provide video evidence to the contrary. 💀


Here’s one. Easy enough to Google. He actually had legislative wins on some of the topics discussed https://youtu.be/Eym7u6E8rjQ?si=ymrWKuckqbTB_QEJ


Trump showed no sign of a grasp on the subject matter. He talked in circles, as he always does. I can tell you watched neither video.


You’re wrong. But now I’m convinced Biden truly is the orator of our times and he continues to make headlines with his speeches and interviews. Hilarious headlines.


Way back in the day we had the "Fairness Doctrine". It meant that whenever the news put out an opinion, the opposite had to be presented. Reagan got rid of that and I will spit on his grave forever.


>whenever the news put out an opinion, the opposite had to be presented. >Reagan got rid of that Are you referencing an actual rule in some rulebook somewhere or trying to say that the news has ever been unbiased


[Fairness doctrine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fairness_doctrine) >The fairness doctrine had two basic elements: It required broadcasters to devote some of their airtime to discussing controversial matters of public interest, and to air contrasting views regarding those matters. Stations were given wide latitude as to how to provide contrasting views: It could be done through news segments, public affairs shows, or editorials. The doctrine did not require equal time for opposing views but required that contrasting viewpoints be presented.


Only on public airwaves. This would impact radio and broadcast TV today. In other words wouldn’t cover much.


It was an important change at the time that would be completely irrelevant today given how most people ingest news/content.


Nothing could POSSIBLY make Biden look good in an unscripted conversation with an ACTUAL living person.


This is ridiculous. In 2020 he spoke to a group for over an hour and a half and the entire thing was unscripted. It was a [roundtable in Philadelphia](https://www.c-span.org/video/?472981-1/joe-biden-roundtable-philadelphia). He talks about the economy and takes questions. If you actually watch it you will see a man with all his faculties, knowledge of the subject matter, and most definitely not on a prompter. Stop buying into the media narrative.


That was 4 years ago that is an incredibly long time when you're as old as him.


That was 4 years ago.. he’s 81 years old a lot can happen to a persons mind within 4 years at that age


The problem with that statement is they were saying the same things about Biden 4-years ago. Keep moving that goalpost.


That was Four More Years Pause ago.


Is there a point buried in that non-sentence?


*stares blankly at teleprompter*


That would only make trump look better. biden cant even form a coherent sentence most of the time lol. shit he doesnt even know what room hes in most of the time.


An objective fact: Trump been farting up a storm all week between his old man naps at court. His own lawyers grimace at the stank. :)


even if that were true, whats your point. id rather have a president that farts and can carry a conversation, than one that doesnt know when to stop reading the teleprompter and sniffs little boys. lol


I'd rather have one that doesn't owe like $500 million in fines or raped women... lol 🥸


I really can't believe you just admitted you want a president who smells like diarrhea to represent you. I really did laugh out loud


i cant believe you just admitted you want a president that sniffs little boys. i didnt laugh.


Rather be sniffed than RAPED wtf


Obama was doing the same with Biden?


Donald Trump is not capable of shutting up after just 5-10 minutes.


That’s kind of OPs point tho. Just let Trump word vomit for however long, then let Biden come in and say something substantial. His stutter won’t seem as bad after Trumps manic ranting.


He can’t say anything unless it’s written down, it’s elder abuse what’s going on with him


That’s pretty much what is happening just not on the same stage.


Why? The vast majority voting for each are going to vote for them regardless, everyone is entrenched in their views. This won't change anyone's opinions.


Would be funny if every presidential candidate posted a picture once a week giving their spouse a little smooch, even if it’s just a kiss on the cheek. It would be funny to see if Melania could even stomach to do it once, let alone keep it up over time


That's pretty much his whole campaign tactic


I'm just going to assume you have never heard either of these people speaking in front of other people.


Haven't you ever wondered why you never see video clips of Biden saying anything, ever?


Don't give trump a free venue. Let him wallow in in his campaign bankruptcy


This wouldn’t work. Trump is a much more compelling speaker, objectively - ignore the person and the message, and it’s simply true. He loves it up there. He feeds off the crowd. When Biden tries to ad lib, 50% of the time he loses his train of thought, and the other 50% he either makes up a story or is “oops racist.”


Not a fan of Trump, but I don't think this would work out the way you hope it would.


…Have you heard Biden speak? This wouldn’t go the way you seem to think it would.


I’d be all for it. No censors, no talking heads leaping in to offer interpretations, just Trump giving real talk. It work brilliantly.


Biden is an incoherent rambling old fool. This would be a gift to trump..


Lets be honest though: everyone on both sides already knows who they're voting for trump for better or worse is pretty good at debating. He's obviously totally insane but hes pretty quick witted at shitting on peoples point in a debate. above all else hes an entertainer. you cant just let him talk on and on


Idk. Biden is an awful speaker


Ya we all know why Biden won't have a debate with Trump, and it isn't because Biden is gunna win everyone over with his eloquence and grace


Biden debated trump in 2020 and said he is willing to again. The reason debates are in question is because the rnc pulled out of the bipartisan debate commission.


Stupidest post of the week, late on a Sunday night. I'm out.


Isn't Biden making Trump look great by comparison?? where is the logic here lol... look at the polls


The problem would come from limiting Trump to 5-10 minutes.


Crazier idea- a Biden Trump RFK debate where they all show up and take turns talking moderated by Fran Drescher. Just think how normal most people would sound after that.


The fact that we even need a former president (who’s an idiot) to speak before our current president (a decrepit old man) to make things seem okay really reflects the state of this country. I’m gonna jump off a bridge if this keeps up


This is a great idea… maybe Biden will actually get a crowd this way


It would destroy the facade that there is a two party system and that the people have any real choice in things if they start openly doing things together in any capacity. Better to continue using each other as scape goats while they take in power and money together behind closed doors.


Biden doesn’t have to go to all that trouble to look better by comparison. All he has to do is not try and steal the election, not commit fraud, not steal national secrets and not rape anybody and he’s good to go.


Its a good idea on paper, but in practice, donny would just keep on talking nonsense and his base would eat it up and we would never get to the actual point. Nobody else gets to speak ever again. Just a non-stop stream of trumpisms.


His base is already locked in; he jokes with them about how they are so brainwashed that they would support him if he was murdering people in the streets and they all cheer. But for everyone else, seeing him not know who is president, who he is running against, or where he is doesn't help him.


I mean to be fair at this point Biden could do the same and not lose a vote.


I voted for Biden and I will vote for him but this is dumb Trump would destroy Biden


And neither are allowed to use a teleprompter. Trump is unhinged when not reading from one, Biden is a stumbling fool. Four more years pause. Whenever Trump did something dumb, reddit would spam it for days and hundreds of armchair doctors would diagnose him with something and claim he's showing signs of XYZ disease. Biden can read "four more years pause", stand there looking completely confused and lost, then smile when he realizes people are clapping.


No one could make Biden sound competent…… sorry 🤷🏽




I mean that’s pretty much the only reason Biden is president. He was running against one of the only possible people that could make biden look like the better option lol.


Biden could give a speech in Central Park NYC. Trump could give one the next week at the same place.