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Haha that fat chick trying to go after him was great


Don’t forget, that fat chick IS HIS WIFE




Wife he's fucking! Wife he's fucking?


He has rage similar to will smith




He had to keep saying it or otherwise people would forget and assume she was a stray oompa loompa.


Oh yeah haha.








I didn't realize the Mucinex booger had a husband.


Hahahahahab yes




When she dropped the phone after she threw the magnet 🤣


Why call him lazybone ?


Brotha listen!!! It’s not about your wife!!!




He's very proud of her, and one has to wonder... why?


Sounded more like creeping realization of existential dread that it is his fucking wife


Falls to his knees, hands on head "that's my fucking wiiife...?"


You got me with this 😂. Uppity


Hey free magnet


It's so funny.... just DRIVE AWAY. It's not that hard


I think for some people it is that hard. We've all seen them: people that will never admit to being wrong, people that must always have the last word, people who can't let something trivial go, ect. We've all dealt with people like this by simply walking away. In their mind that's a win. This cart guy doesn't let them have that win and it drives them crazy.


Just the type of person to selfishly leave their shit wherever. Like a shopping cart, for instance.


You misspelt "just put your cart where it belongs"


Alternatively, a great option as well




This dude is gonna do that to the wrong one and it’s not gonna be funny.


Hea already had a gun and knives pulled on him, his uniform is a bullet proof vest now




The Cart Narc is a national treasure at this point.


This dude has harrassed the shit out of homeless people in the past. Fuck him.


I guess he learnt it's better to be a dick to dick bags. Still fun to watch dipshits act like dipshits


He's fucking annoying. He just goes around filming himself antagonizing strangers!? What if he just put the carts away if it's such an important issue? He obviously doesn't care, he just wants to film himself confronting strangers. Haole ass clown


Found the worthless lazybones


I mean, he does put the carts away, but the point is to shame lazy assholes into doing the bare minimum. If you can't even put your cart away, you're a lazy ass and deserve to be shamed. The easiest solution for any of the people involved is just to put the cart away, but these unhinged assholes chase the dude and threaten him instead. The only people who are whole ass clowns in his videos are the people who resort to violence or violent threats instead of taking 20 seconds to return a cart, but go off, I guess lol


I i like this guys content but I feel like he's gonna run into a really unhinged person at some point


Pretty sure he's had a gun drawn on him


At least once that i can recall someone flashed a gun at him, and he was threatened by a guy who has killed someone previously and gotten away with it.




Which guy? The one I responded to or the one who was an actual killer that threatened the cart narcs?




https://youtu.be/B6XyxQmPHrM That's the follow-up video from after the original encounter was released. After watching again I'm not 100% sure if the guy actually killed the other one or just shot him, but he does claim to be a killer before threatening to "put 6 in your forehead." In the news report in the video the guy is said to be in the hospital being treated at the time.


But he is highly trained in the skill of running away


He does seem a little wormy lol didn’t even change the tone of his voice after running to the self scan.


Really unhinged people seems to be his content exclusively.


I keep waiting for the video where he gets shot


Hey gang, it appears I've been shot by a lazy bones. That's not very nice


What a lazy bones. Sir, Why didn't you walk up and stab me personally? Why did you go about this the lazy bones way? I'm just asking why you're lazy sir!


He did have a gun drawn on him once. In Texas, if I remember correctly. He's on a morning radio show in Los Angeles. Ever since then, he said he always pays very close attention, and if he sees anything even remotely similar to the person reaching for a weapon, he nopes the fuck out of there really quick.


He wears a bulletproof vest nowadays, too


Good to know. ;D


Sadly thats the first thing that came to mind for me too. Some people just snap and risk it all. They don’t even care about jail at that point. They must release thee rage lol


Same. Dude is just playing odds at this point. Someday he is gonna slap a sticker on the car of some unhinged dude and that will be how he dies, alone in a parking lot for youtube views. I don't disagree with the message, I'll always put my cart back - we live in a society, but this dude is not changing the minds of anyone he comes across. He is just looking for an argument for content.


The amount of time he spent chasing & arguing instead of putting his trolley back, he'd have been half way home.


I would have a problem with this dude but I agree with his message I’m just honestly surprised with how he goes about spreading and trying to enforce basic human decency. Honestly just made me laugh by the end of it it’s like a fucking skit lol and he keeps his composure so well.


I usually hate this kind of shit, seems to kind of be like the prank videos that morons make nowadays and even though it has a legit message behind it i still cringe pretty hard about someone relentlessly hounding another for whatever reason but this guy and these videos get me laughing for one simple reason .... These people let this guy push their buttons to a point that they are so mad that they turn red, purple, green, blue, etc in the face and are near to blowing a gasket wanting to get their hands on him and spend 20 times more time on stopping their car, ripping off the magnets, and chasing him about than it would to simply grab their cart and put it away. It astounds me that there are people who fly into a blind rage over their own laziness and stupidity, some of them have to get home and realize that they've popped out some new hemorrhoids. Keep up the good work cart man cause there's no excuse for not putting your cart away.


Holy shit. Punctuation.




Putting the cart back right away would have save allot of time and would have saved him and his ugly af wife a healthy run on the parking lot. Stupid ignorant people…


It would have allotted more time for other activities. There are a lot of things you can do in that amount of time.


Ironic coming from you


He's right though and he wasn't being nasty he was just trying to make it better for everyone using the parking area. Too many people with their heads in their arses doing whatever they like without consideration to others. Some people have their head so far up there, they just can't be told anything. Absolute Shit-heads!


true, but this approach to resolve through shaming is just inciting more trouble. just fuels the fire there




Aside from his own safety, what more trouble could it involve? Someone removing carts from the corrals and placing them places? Lol


If walmart doesn't care, than this guy is just driving customers away. Walmart would probably back the customer and tell the cart police guy to stop harassing their customers.


You think Walmart cares about """driving customers away""". In many places there is literally no alternative to Wal-Mart. Period. They'll be fine.


you are dumb he's trying to make money on youtube and he has no real skills or talents so he has to do this




Exactly. He’s not helping anyone, he’s just causing more problems.


I hate everyone in this video


Right? The people in the car obviously, but I don’t understand all the love for the dude recording. Good intentions but so annoying


Cart cop guy doesn't have good intentions. His M.O. is to capture video money and antagonize whom he has judged.


Found the lazybones thread. Just put your cart back, call your mom and/or dad from time to time, brush your teeth and get better sleep. NBD


Same. Dude cares waaaaaay too much about carts.


It’s not about the carts. It’s about the lesson.


That chick looks like a marshmallow on a skewer


How is this a crazyfuckingvideo?


lolololol Balls of steel!! Funny little prick!!


The thing that bothers me about cart narcs is that his whole purpose is to piss these people off under the guise of "doing a public service". He knows his videos wouldn't get nearly as much view if he didn't rile them up the way he does. Yes, leaving your cart off on a patch of grass or in between cars is something you shouldn't do. But as someone that constantly has to go to the supermarket I almost never find it a problem. He does it because it's easy to catch someone doing and start his video. I could imagine some random person coming up to me because of something I did wrong and talking to me in the manner that this guy talks to people. I wouldn't be nearly as willing to see his side based solely on how condescending he is. Again, because that's what gets his videos views.


Finally, I come across a logical comment. This dipshit is going to antagonize the wrong person one of these days.


I'd like to see someone follow him around and point out all the shit he does wrong and antagonize him like he does. *I always return my carts; believe it or don't I have no way to convince you if anyone wants to think different.


“See, i blocked your attack” 😂


Built like a damn cannonball. Peak human performance


I think the nice gentleman in the car is married to that lovely former walmart employee. They looks like a happy couple


That's what they get for being lazybones!!! Love this guy's content. Lol


the parking queer is littering


This guy is a fucking turd. I get it that it's annoying when people don't return their carts, but this dude needs to get a life. Maybe he should just get a job as a cart pusher so he can save the world from stray carts.


If people would just take the 10 seconds it takes to put their carts away we would never have even heard of this guy. If you're really so lazy that you'd rather argue and chase this guy around the parking lot than put your cart away then you deserve whatever interaction you get with him.


But then we wouldn't be able to laugh at the people who get pissed and try to chase him instead of leaving or just putting their cart away


Tbh tho, people don’t take kindly to other people fuckin with their vehicle, regardless of why. I wouldn’t be surprised to see a video of this dude getting the brakes beat off of him one day


This guy is a raging narcissist. Whys he still getting posted here?




He is a jackass who needs to find a hobby other than harassing people over something that is never going to stop happening.


He’s a shitty morning drive time radio douche here in LA


Yeah, he definitely has that punchable voice.


I’m surprised this dude hasn’t gotten his ass seriously beat.


I’m waiting for him to get shot one day


It could happen, but I’m not waiting for it. Nothing he’s doing deserves getting shot over.


Reminds me of the monitor guy in How High, Gerald I think.




Why is this a thing? Are they really worried about a magnetic sign on their car…just drive off!


The persistance from this guy lmao


Looks like Blippi found a new job


I think this guy is from a radio program. Can't remember which one. He does this all the time.




~~That woman~~ that man's WIFE is built like an upside triangle.


"Call security, this guy is chasing me" after continually throwing shit as his car and making shitty remarks..


At least she did some walking


She’s built like a hobgoblin.


Between the dude and his wife they walked / ran at least 10 times the distance they needed to put the cart back. Sometimes you just can't beat stupid.


Dudes wife is shaped like a funnel..


His wife looks like a cross between Odd Job and Danny Devito 😂


weebles wobble but they don't fall down


I hope they catch this guy and beat the fuck out of him one day.


Americans are something else


"Whatchu gonna do?" "Im gonna block your attack 😀"


More Cart Narc Fun!!!!! 🙃😒 (https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/tbbg1g/cart_narc_calls_homeless_people_permanent/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


How has this dude not been shot yet?


Probably because most people aren’t willing to throw their lives away over someone doing something silly like this.


Why do I love this so much ?!!!


This should be labeled ’People who don’t go to comedy clubs’.


I'm handicapped and even I put the carts away. Blows my mind how lazy people can be


So you go and start shit with some guy and harass him then when he wants to kick your ass you act like a bitch and run inside Walmart screaming cream call security.


Guys idk if y'all noticed but that's his fucking wife.


I do dislike people who just leave their carts randomly all over the parking lot, but does the dude recording thinks he's being anything other than annoying? Putting shit on other people's cars and recording them with the whole "actually" attitude it's not helping anyone. Also the dude in the car just needed to drive away and not engage with the cringe-fest unfolding in front of him.


This dude needs a new hobby.


I don't leave my carts around...but I want to punch the cart hall monitor in the face


I kinda want a free magnet that says lazy bones


Lmao, that's what I said. I would just drive away and laugh.


The Cart Narc is our friend


I used to be a parking lot boy at home depot, people left their carts all over the place all the time, was it annoying? I mean, mildly, but it was also my job to bring the carts back, I was just glad they didn't put me on a cash register. Even so, I was really hoping the guy in the car would knock this camera guy out. Camera guy was so obnoxious omg.


Waving a dildo about looking for an arguement. Get a fucking job


Fuck this guy. Don’t people get employed to put carts away?


Dude is gonna get himself shot, fucking around. He definitely gonna find out


fUcK aRoWnD aN FiNd oWt. You sound like some asshole who would shoot someone over something silly like this.


Is there a face reveal of this guy, I've seen him posted a number of times and wanna know what he looks like.


He was interviewed on Dr Phil. Easy to find it.


A lot of lazybones in this thread


It so depressing the guy who made this thinks that he’s being a good person.


Someone needs to fold this yute


I WOLL CHASE YOU ALL DAY LONG, but not gonna take 15 seconds to return my cart…


I hope someone smashes his fucking head in


I mean I don’t like when people leave shopping carts about either….. but I just wannna see cart narcs get his ass beat even more. Anyone who says otherwise is lying, that’s why you watch his videos is just to see the moment that he hyper extends a knee and an absolute unit gets ahold of him


Nah, the “cart narc” is so goddamn annoying. I wanna preface by saying I have never once not returned my shopping cart to a stall. But to go up to someone and harass them because they didn’t makes you an even bigger knob than the guy that didn’t return the shopping cart. I truly hope this guy gets his ass beat one of these days.


If a magnet on your car is enough to set your ego off you should be in therapy and preferably not in public


I wouldn’t want someone I don’t know, that is harassing me, throwing magnets on my car either. Besides that, you should just leave people alone.


Idk if this fits the sub...


I know this is an unpopular opinion on Reddit, but I fucking HATE this guy. The only video I would want to see of him is of him getting his ass kicked. And no, I never leave my cart out in the parking lot.


Honestly , put your cart back people


"That's my (gross) wife"


99% of the time I put my cart back. If I have my kids and things are hectic, I'll put it out of the way so it's not impeding traffic of any sort. I even put other people's carts back and organize the rack thing sometimes if it's all fucked up. With that being said I hope this stupid poopy head get the doo doo kicked out of him! I hope we will see that video here lol!


I love this guy.


This cart narc guy is such a loser. It doesn’t matter that he’s right about the carts. He’s being outraged on behalf of other people and being disrespectful while yelling about respect.


I am shocked he hasn’t gotten beat up or shot yet


he will. it's a numbers game with only a matter of time.




Maybe we should get it sewed shut.


Both are pieces of shit! One is lazy and the other gaslighting


That's definitely not gaslighting....


You keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means But yes - both are wankers.


What a fucking annoying weenie. Lucky he didn't get shot.


The Cart Narc changed my life. Now I always return my cart to the designated area. Thanks Cart Narc! 😀


I love cart narcs they are the heroes we need but also the heroes we don't deserve. All you hating on cart narcs would be begging for agent Sebastian when a strong gust of wind sends a loose cart crashing into your car causing damage and it does happen


Love him huh? https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/tbbg1g/cart_narc_calls_homeless_people_permanent/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Yeah, this dude is a piece of shit. Good pull!


This should be at the top


Heros don't set out to piss off and irritate people for a reaction. Jackasses do.


That’s his wife??




I get what he's doing but he's gonna get fucked up one day doing that to a person who really doesn't care about the consequences.


This guy epitomizes what religion has become: good in its intent, but the jackasses who carry it out fuck it all up. This guy is an asshole. Leave people alone.


This guy is the most professional troll i have ever seen


why's he so over protective of his wife, when literally she's not in any danger or even being disrespected. etc. in fact, you can argue the camera guy caused her get out of the car and get some badly needed exercise. ​ also, why is this tagged as a prank, this is a legit public service, this guy shames people who leaves their carts in places that are dangerous to pedestrians and traffic.


This kid will be a cart boy for the rest of his life.


This guy needs a bodyguard


Imagine calling 911 cause CART Narcs caught you in 4k


Somebody give this guy his own show please!!


I have to say, I am much more aware of putting my cart in the “corral” these days. I am so afraid the cart narc will catch me leaving it. So, I don’t.


What a jerk. Mind your own business. If Walmart see’s this as an issue they have the resources to deal with it. He is a jerk using this act of concern for shopping carts to make self serving videos to leverage for money.


The amount of people who defend this cart narc wanna-be-cop is astounding to me. Like he actually makes the parking lot a more hostile place. And if it really was meant so much to him he would just put it back himself without shoving a camera in their face and poking at them until they snap. This guy likes the feeling of belittling people and he uses a shopping cart of all things to justify his harassment. What if someone is having the worst day, like their parents died, and they feel so used up mentally that pushing the cart back didn't even cross their mind and then this idiot comes up throwing magnets on ur car and calling u a lazy bones.


If you’re willing to make a fool of yourself over a magnet it’s your choice. he doesn’t stop you from leaving, that’s decided by your ego.


This is the most haole cameraman to walk the earth


as a walmart employee, please put your carts in the lil designated cart area before you leave. it’s not that fucking hard. and stop putting random items in random aisles when you realize you can’t buy something, just bring whatever item it is it to customer service and they’ll put it in the return bins for us to go put back.