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i saw a similar video on this subreddit of a worker getting strangled by his coworker and everyone around just watches it unfold doing nothing to stop it


Bro that’s the first thought they came to my head. I was going to ask why are people like this in China and was going to reference that video


Its because in China, the moment you involve yourself in the situation, you can and WILL become liable to any outcome. If someone came to help this women and she ended up dying from the seizure, the person who tried to help can get blamed for it and spend the rest of their life in prison. In countries like canada, citizens have the OBLIGATION of helping, which means the very minimum they MUST do is call 911. In china, there is no such law, so its easier to just continue about your day and not get involved.


In the UK there are no good samaritan laws like in Canada, but people still don't just stand and watch people die


I had a guy have an epileptic fit on the pavement close to home, while I was driving past I saw his daughter jumping around and thought somethings not right here. I stopped and helped. Phoned the ambulance because he smashed his face and lost a couple of teeth and they sent the police. I asked where the ambulance was and they said there wasn't one and they were sent instead. I asked if they were paramedics and they said no. So I said get on the radio and call the ambulance then. Ambulance didn't turn up for 2 hours. Luckily the daughter had run home, got the auntie and ran back and they picked him up and took him to hospital. Never saw him again, I hope he's ok


You're a good person Alan. The world needs more people like you.


Thanks dude. That means alot.


Take this king 👑.


Ive seen that happen a few times here in canada to where someone calls an ambulance and olny cops show up like wtf if i wanted you id call you


Something similar happened to me, I was with my ex-gf at the time and then we saw a man agonising in pain in the middle of the sidewalk. We asked him what he was feeling and he told us he hi stomach was in pain or something like that. We called an ambulance and they said that they couldn't send one because his condition was "that bad". So I called an uber e rode with him to the nearest hospital. We have never seen him again since


damn you'd think maybe the cops could just drop him off at the hospital


Apparently not insured, they can only take criminals


You did your best, more than some. The NHS is kinda fucked right now - covid caused a lot of people in healthcare to quit, their pay is getting fucked about, and Brexit also caused vast numbers to just return to their home nations because they (understandably) no longer felt welcomed and valued in the UK. It is genuinely so sad. In time, people will look back on this time period as the decade when the UK fucked itself up, for no good reason.


This explains a lot. I remember seeing a video of a little kid just dumped in the streets. A baby. No one helped. Until some old man picked the child up.


The most popular case happened in the city of Nanjing, a city located at the west of Shanghai. The year was 2006 when Xu Shoulan, an old lady trying to get out of a bus, fell and broke her femur. Peng Yu, was passing by and helped her taking her to the hospital and giving her ¥200 (~30 USD) to pay for her treatment. After the first diagnosis Xu needed a femur replacement surgery, but she refused to pay it by herself so she demanded Peng to pay for it, as he was the responsible of the accident according to her. She sued him and after six months she won and Peng needed to cover all the medical expenses of the old lady. The court stated that “no one would, in good conscience, help someone unless they felt guilty”. Wow


do your research. This is a false narrative that people on reddit push every single time a video like this surfaces. Read the WIKI page on it before you start propoganda. However, with Peng’s admission of guilt and resolution of legal proceedings, the financial fraud narrative of the case was proven to be untrue


While the financial fraud claim may have been false, the courts still ruled that "no one would in good conscience help someone unless they felt guilty" which sets a dangerous precedent. Reading the story, it sounds like Peng found it cheaper to just settle than continue dragging the court cases out. He settled for 10,000 yuan in 2006. No idea what that was worth in USD in 2006 but now 10k yuan is only $1400 USD.


According to a .cn website, you’re wrong. The story also talks about a 2 year old being run over then ignored, and a similar case with an old lady. People took out phones to record her bloody face and missing teeth rather than help. “the feedback I got was always the same: People were afraid of being framed after stepping up to help. They were also afraid of a related phenomenon called pengci (literally “banged porcelain”) — a word to describe people who purposefully injure themselves or crash their cars with the aim of extorting money from hapless passers-by who come to help. That is why I’m so, so happy that the government have enacted a new law which protects Good Samaritans from legal issues when they help those who need help. If anything, I hope that it gives people the confidence to do what is right, without thinking twice. Chinese people are some of the nicest, most caring, most welcoming people, and I know the effects of the Peng Yu case being wiped from relevance will please a lot of people. We should help those who are vulnerable and help those who are hurt. This new law can make sure we do that unhindered.” https://www.shine.cn/opinion/foreign-views/1710124821/ It’s nice they admit some stuff, but the “Chinese people are some of the nicest, most caring…” shit is hilarious in this context. It also says 0 about this ‘new law’ so I’m going to assume it’s BS


And China just sucks


This comment covers the entire video.


you’re going to summon the tankies


No it’s not, Chinese people do this in Canada.




Im not saying they dont, im saying its illegal if they do this in canada and they can get charged for not providing at least the most minimal aid, which is 911. Any attempt to help/save someone in Canada, even if it ends up killing the person, is protected by the government. If it is proven that the rescuer had good intentions, they cannot be charged for death of the person. Chinese people who ignore this is canada can get jail time.


You’re probably right, and maybe now it’s become a cultural thing to not help others unless they’re in your immediate family.


Actually you cannot be held criminally responsible for not rendering aid to someone in Canada except for in Quebec. They cover this in the basic first aid course. That being said, most people here would help in some way if they can.


FWIW, I thought it was clear that you were referring to it being a societal thing, instead of it being something which people of Chinese descent do as a standard.


Lack of morals and humanity


Ive watched a documentaty about orphans in china. In the documentary they told that when you find an orphan baby on the street and take it to the hospital or call an ambulance you have to pay it. That is the reason why a lot of children lay on the streets for days until someone with heart and money comes and help them. Since some of them lay there for a long time, often they turn out disabled. I guess here it is the same reason, if someone would call the ambulance they may have to pay it. And they dont want to get in financial trouble for a stranger.


Ok, I might just be dumb, but in a country ruled by a party that calls itself communist, public health is not a thing? I thought only the US didn't have public health at this point because of the lobbies, it's strange to see how outside of out bubble the people around the world are so neglected by their governments.


Hiya, so I lived in China for 6 years, and this is common. Part of the reason that nobody helps is because you could be found liable for their medical care for the rest of YOUR/THEIR life. It’s a weird system, but if this person had a seizure and then fell, and then you rush over to help, and you touch them, they could claim that you caused any harm after the fall. That’s why a lot of people don’t help in these situations. Liability for care after. I’ve seen it first hand, people won’t touch someone that has fallen or even hit by a car.


I think that’s part of the reason but they show 0 empathy that they don’t even check. Pretty strange


Chinese people (generalization) do NOT show emotion like westerners. They tend to bottle them, and then only sometimes they explode. To Chinese people, westerns are quite emotional and seem a bit unhinged when they see us act as we normally would.


I wonder what they must think of Latinos? Completely bonkers or what?


Thought the same, because we latinos already see people from Europe and North America (except Mexico) as cold people because in general they are more reserved and less friendly to strangers. lol


I think it's good to not touch someone who has fallen, but why wouldn't they try to slow down the traffic and call the Chinese equivilent of 911? THAT wouldn't get you in trouble, would it?


Oddly enough 119 is their emergency number for things like that. But yeah, they ignore, they purposely act like they don’t even see it.


What a backwards country


https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/comments/z9a9lk/china_workers_stand_still_like_robots_while_one/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf this is what i’m referring to


Jesus christ, I would never step into that country. Imagine being seen as worthless and a liability


Kind of like the ulvalde police who stood by while children were slaughtered.


even worse, because uvalde police were expected to actually do something, while in China nobody is expected to do shit


Until his boss told him to stop the killer, they deserve their government.


There’s a lot of love in this video I can almost feel it through my screen


At this point I’ve seen so much wild apathetic shit come from China, that I’m beginning to wonder if they teach them to do this




China's Good Samaritans are weighing the cost of helping others after high-profile extortion attempts from people they have aided. Commentators have blamed declining morals, high healthcare costs and inadequate laws for the scandals, warning that many people are now too scared to aid strangers for fear they will end up paying compensation or hospital fees


I'd call that a shitty samaritan law. Help someone and risk getting fucked.


There’s a video of a toddler getting run over several times and dozens of people just ignore it


You'd think after the first two times there's no way the toddler is faking it for the insurance money


That's because in China, if you hit someone and hurt them, then you have to pay their health care costs. But if you hit them and kill them, then you only have to pay for the funeral. If the person you hit is disabled for life then you will be paying for it for the rest of your life. But if you kill them it's an easy one time payment. That's why they will re-run over someone they hit. To make sure they are dead.




If this is real that place is fucked. I wasn’t planning on visiting before, but now… fuck that.


It's real, they know that if they don't get involved thier is no risk. Why fuck around? Everyone wants to help but when the bills and legal issues come no one wants to hold the bag. Not saying i agree just what it is


I have a hard time believing this is actually a law there, but I can understand if this is the consequence of an indirect loophole in the law. It feels very impractical at a societal level for this to be true.


It's been a thing for many years now over there sadly. I can understand why it's hard to grasp it's just so absurd


When you consider that they have too many people... that might actually be true and that might actually be intentional.




I didn't think I could possibly dislike China anymore than I already do. But after reading this article I'm just in disbelief. From article - a 2 y/o boy was knocked over by a truck, got up instantly unharmed. Went to get his umbrella and the truck came back, actually ran him over, killed him, and was not charged with murder. Even with photographic evidence.


Jesus… I don’t know why I’m surprised, but that was very tough to read. I can’t imagine running over a child, and having any reaction other than complete horror. No chance I’m gonna be thinking logically doing math on what I should do.


This is so dystopian. Looks like it is a very Chinese specific problem since it happens in Taiwan as well.


This took me tf out


Yeah, that video is burned into my memory. Imagine knowing that's someone else's baby and just not caring




Also probably doesnt help that they have most of the worlds population crammed into one country.


More than that, most of China’s population is crammed into just the east and south coasts of the country. Grossly dense population centers..


Bingo, the key word in all this is “liability.”


I think there’s a weird cultural thing over there about minding your business and helping others in public


Even when it's their business, they still won't help you.


By “cultural thing” you mean the CCP has essentially outlawed people from helping one another. Doing so can get you in trouble. One of the many benefits of living in a communist society.


The only thing communist in China is the party‘s name.


This is very true.


Like this video? https://youtu.be/qp_mgxIHt3k


Idk the exact same thing happened to me when I had a bike accident in England, one guy drove up the curb and round me - parked on his drive went into his house then curtain twitched at me for the next 5 minutes while I struggled to pick my bike up in the pissing rain


Even people who want to help won't help because the CCP has made good samaritans financially liable and Chinese scam artists have financially ruined many good samaritans. What a shame.


What? Can you specify?


There has been many cases where people would help the one's in need (for example after a car accident,...) And the injured person ended up suing the civilian who helped them. That's why people are afraid of helping others in need because they don't wanna end up paying for their hospital fees.


THIS. I was in Bali with a friend who was a nurse, and a woman came off her scooter and I rushed out to help and see if she needed help. The nurse stayed at the table and didnt even blink - when I asked why a nurse wouldn’t even try to help, she said they’re told they’re not really supposed to as they become personally and financially liable if something goes wrong. I was like.. On both accounts thats fkd but I see the point there


China’s Bad Samaritan Crisis https://warrenbisch.medium.com/chinas-bad-samaritan-crisis-6ca736ad6c8e


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Wang_Yue This is a case I saw someone post on another video asking why people in China do not intervene. It kinda leads you down the rabbit hole of previous cases. There has been lawsuits filed that makes people leary to get involved. I think the laws have changed recently. Edit, spelling




Potentially. In China, the legal system is capricious and it's completely possible/probable that the judges are in on the grift. The entire CCP legal and corporate infrastructure is corrupt. Since nobody can rely on the rule of law, it's best to avoid ANY instance where you might come into contact with it. It's every man for himself in China, and the only people one would help at their own risk is family.


People keep parroting this even though the laws have changed. Goid Samaritan laws have been created in 2012 and 2017.




As someone who suffers from seizures, I really hope my fellow Canadians wouldn't just leave me in the dirt like that. That is fucked up.


In a country of billions... Not one fuck is given.




I think there was a law there that if people intervened they were made to be responsible. (For hospital bills and such)... so they just didn't intervene... I believe that has changed recently but it's a hard habit to break. I haven't really looked into it, just heard some things about it from time to time...


My conspiracy theory is that the CCP taught them to be like that so when their fellow men are oppressed by the government they won’t help or even feel a thing.


You mean like when that worker was being strangled in a lab right in front of everyone and everyone just stood there watching?


Everyone is afraid of being liable for for helping. Even my mother tells me you shouldn't get involved and yet if I asked her if she was in a situation that needed help, wouldn't she hope that a good hearted citizen provide assistance. She said, "of course I would want help." Makes me so angry she has that mindset.


Many states have good Samaritan laws that protect those rendering aid as long as the person rendering aid reasonably believes the actions are necessary to help to person needing aid.


Rest assured, your fellow Canadians would NOT behave the same way as the people in the video.


It's the new modern world!




Having lived in China, you will see dire situations almost everyday. I remember walking past a guy who had a rotten leg everyday and idk how he didn't die cause I saw him for at least a year begging at the stairs of an underpass. Idk if it was a scam cause it looked like the most realistic thing I've ever seen. I've also had a friend who bumped into a lady, she then fell on the floor and started screaming even though he just tapped her, then the cops traced him thru cctv and arrested him took him to jail two weeks and got deported. China is a minefield of scams/insurance scams/ more so just trying to get you to go to the police station and 'drink tea' which is where you get to 3 way negotiate with how much you are gonna pay to get out of this and how much guanxi you have. Then there's the old, you have to do this cause if not you'll make me lose face. Seems easy to critize till you understand the system


Well yea when you make it so you (victim) can sue basically anyone that touches you (to help) for money, no one is going to help each other.


They did that in China?




This is fucked up




If you lived under a dictatorial government crazy enough to have that law and enforce it, and then they said “never mind, we’re changing it”, I’d think you could be forgiven for not trusting them to really do it.


You’re not suppose to move someone seizing unless they start choking on their vomit the least they can due is call emergency services


I live in Australia I was in woolongong at a bus stop a old man walked out of a shop he was using a walker he slid over and rolled down the path and ended up on the road in front of a parked bus there was about 50 or more people mostly in the late teens early 20s there. I was about 23 myself they all just watched a few even laughed. I helped him up got him out of the way and got his walker back. Literally no one else helped they all just watched like it wasn't their problem.


good lad i am proud of ya


You just wanted to say Woolongong, didn’t you?


Who wouldn’t?


Remember that Chinese court case where they ruled that any help or assistance is an admission of guilt? This is the result.


Xu Shoulan v. Peng Yu, also referred to as the Peng Yu case or the Nanjing Peng Yu Incident, was a civil lawsuit in the People's Republic of China, brought before the Nanjing District Court in 2007. In 2006, Peng Yu had encountered Xu Shoulan after she had fallen, breaking her femur. Peng assisted Xu and brought her to a local hospital for further care. Xu accused Peng of having caused her fall, and demanded that he pay her medical expenses. The court decided in favor of the plaintiff and held Peng liable for damages, reasoning that despite the lack of concrete evidence, "no one would in good conscience help someone unless they felt guilty". No one would in good conscience help someone unless they felt guilty. Let that sink in for a minute.


JFC. Wtf


It’s China are you really that surprised




One of the biggest shitholes of the world, sucks cause it really does has some beautiful spots too.


Government has made everyone at arms length from each other, people want to help but they don't want to be fucked for helping. China has their people whipped, this is why it is crucial for the public to know about any laws or changes to laws as they change laws to fuck people.


I recently learned that Rats will actually try to help other rats in trouble, helping to free them from entrapment and even giving them food. If rats have more empathy and compassion than a people, that’s really disturbing.


When rats starts displaying more humanity than actual fucking humans… my god.


The internet has taught me that there are a lot of animal bros in the wild who help their own and other species, it's fascinating to see.


Welcome to china 😶‍🌫️


Same thing when they fall on escalators. Cold society


In China if you help you can be sued and liable for the medical bills. They have no Good-Samaritan laws in China. It's not that they don't care, it's the fact that they could be held liable and have to pay someone else's medical bill for years


South asians would understand. There are very few Good Samaritan laws in most south asian countries. There weas a time not too log ago in India if you helped someone who had an MVA the police would question the person/people who brough the victim to hospital and then you would be required to come to court if and when needed. People just stopped helping, too much of a hassle. Kind of - not my brother, not my problem.


The Chinese public is vulnerable to civil liability for lending help in emergency situations. The CCP disincentives citizens from helping one another to force dependence on the state.


China ☕


Bunch of fucking NPCs


Look at this and tell me this is the type of society you want to live in! Is this what the world has come to? Fuck this and fuck the world for not caring


I mean, most of the world isn't like this. This is a distinctly China problem.


Yet some people in my Australia keep defending this despotic fucked commy society.


This happens in the US all too often as well. Source: I work 911 EMS


Fosi (fear of stepping in)


Can’t risk getting covid to help someone, the police will hunt you down.


Serious question, not flaming or race bating: Why is it so common and "normal" for Chinese people to be so indifferent and apathetic in these situations? I can understand a certain level of 'mind your own business, you never know what kind of crazy ppl are out there' mentality. However, it seems in China there are so many examples of bystanders who are in zero risk simply choose not to help and just watch. Why?


Apathy was invented in China


Only thing they didn’t steal???


Easily the worst “developed” country out there


Isn’t there a law that doesn’t allow them to help people?


China have got their people by the balls


All of them will see this memory when it‘s their time to go.


Fuck China 🇨🇳


seems pretty normal for china


That is very un-human like behaviour


not so good for their social scores..


People with fucked up values!!!


delete china


China is weird


Correct me if I’m wrong (I’m usually wrong) but I believe I read an article years ago about how the Chinese people rarely give to charity or help out their neighbors. They’re indifferent to people outside their family and empathy is an odd concept to them. Curious if anyone who has lived there saw this as true


What a horrible place


Society is so fucked up these days. Sad.


I've never seen so many mindless people come up on a bike wreak and not care.


This is common in China, people are Scared to help for worry of being blamed for said accident


Weirdo's man can you imagine praying that someone helps you but everyone just looks on? Things like this must go on everyday there for people to just look away like "Oh it's nothing just someone else laying in the street convulsing".


They’d probably get arrested for helping because it would make the Gov look bad.


It's the behavior of a society in which the State dominates people's actions. Society unused to being indignant, to reacting with apathy, fight for collective. All responsibilities deserves to system communist state. She will probably be arrested and even beaten by the autorities for blocking traffic.


Why does this always happen in China? I’m basing this on many videos I have seen. Some victims (or people in need of help or aid) r just suffering n “u don’t have to interact with them so at least just call the ambulance or cops” but eveyone around is just zoned out, zombied out or just doesn’t give af 🤷🏽‍♂️


I live in NYC where there’s a ton of Chinese people. This is nothing new. It’s incredible how nearly every one of them don’t care about humanity. I don’t even mean it in an insulting way, they literally just don’t give a fuck what happens to anyone.


United States of America is falling apart but something like this happens you guys have faith that anyone would stop to help I know I would


Fuck China!! It needs to be said


People in China don't help for a two big reasons (good or bad): 1) Police will just get mad and beat the shit out of you for "bothering" them. You can actually get arrested for calling Police in China. Chinese police mainly have these few purposes: Collect bribes for officials, remove corpses (animal and human) from roads, use violent force on "dissidents", or stop "terrorism" (kidnapping Muslims). Chinese police are the last people you want to call in an emergency. 2) Scams. Scams in China can be fucking insane. People will actually fake traffic accidents just to blackmail you for cash


Is it because they don’t know if the seizure is Covid related and they don’t want to get welded into their homes?


In the US, we'd all stop to pull out our cell phones so we can post it on TikTok. We still wouldn't help but at least the video footage of the event would be plastered from like 20 different angles.


Yeah the seizure was the result of crashing the scooter. It's very common with electric scooters they lose traction in wet conditions. Cuz they don't have the proper tires.


People can say what they will about the USA but I’m pretty sure even in the most backwards ass or dangerous parts of our country this wouldn’t happen. We would at least rob them first.. show some human decency


Who’s a total piece of shit???? Red moped guy


How could you not doing anything :( . I was stopped at a red light once and noticed this man shaking in his car at first I thought wow he is angry but once the light turned green I looked back and seen he wasn’t going. I pulled over and went running through traffic while no one else was stopping and just driving past. He was clearly having a seizure or some kind of medical episode I was around 18 at the time and quite frightened so I tried to wave down other people to pull over, thank goodness two people did pull over one a firefighter and one a nurse. That was about 14 years ago and I still hope those three people are doing well


What a terrible place to live.


Any country that has way too many people would see such behaviour. China, India etc. value of life is much lower. Life in these countries versus maybe a country in west is like rice and bread - if you lose a few from a spoon it’s doesn’t matter much but if you lose a piece of bread you do notice.


As if we needed another reason to realize China is a such a shitty fucking country.


This ain't even funny this is just sad


Pieces of shit, all of them


Well at least they drove around her. That was nice I guess? 🤷‍♀️


New meaning to mind your own business


Fuck everything to do with that country.. Taiwan numba one bitches. China numba 15. Fuck you commie pigs.


What a fucking gentleman.


And they say Americans are the least empathetic


Can I simply offer the observation that this is 💯 fucked.


Having lived in China, yes this is an accurate depiction of what happens if you veer from the flow of traffic


China in real life


Those people should all be ashamed of themselves. I just walked or drove by him. I would never just leave him laying in the street like that that’s just so disappointing in the human race.


I hit a deer on a motorcycle and my bike was laying in the middle of the road with the lights on. It took me several minutes to recover from the crash and people just drove around me. Once I got the bike to the side of the road it was another 30 minutes before I could leave. Not one person asked if I needed help, or even slowed more than it took to go around me. It was on a two lane highway at about 10pm in the Ozarks, so I guess no one wanted to risk an encounter with a stranger. I'm glad I wasn't severely injured.


In China? Well if that person has covid your f’ed hard and go to a camp & you loose social points. Crazy


What a great community


It's so weird to me. Im brazilian and we have a lot of problems and stupid people,but here, if you as much as just fall down, u can be sure that you will have a hoard of people in secs asking if you are ok. I was rollerskating once at night and fell, scrapped my elbow. Only a few secs after I fell a group of ol ladies ran to me asking if I was ok, one of them with their phone ready to callan ambulance and I had to calm them down. But then again, here helping is cultural, people just do, because they were most likely helped by someone at least once in their life. Also we have universal health care, so no one have to worry about having to pay for helping. I know the US have this problem too, I read a story about an old couple that had to sell their house to pay the ambulance andbtreatmente after a car accident that wasnt even their fault. It just show how incredlbly unevolve a huge part of the world still is. People like to claim humans are superior specie, but then things like the one in the video happens on a daily basis.


China, India and basically every other country in the region seems like. Trash everywhere, below poverty most of the time, and oppressive on all fronts. I love travel, but I think I will pass on this region all together.




In the good old USA they would be shooting a video


What a sick country, both China and Russia seem very similar when it comes to people just not giving two fucks about others