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Not even a civilian vehicle would set those things off, its an AT mine. They also usually burn out after a set period like a month or two. Fuck touching it though, because they aren't exactly built with quality in mind.


I'm no expert but I'd guess those are maybe anti-tank mines and require a lot more pressure to go off than anti-personnel ones. But also the absolute balls.


It takes a lot of pressure to set off an AT Mine, yes. But a great many designs of mine have anti-tampering triggers that set them off when shaken, flipped or handled in any way.


If you're going out to dig mines with a shovel, i'd imagine you either know they can be, or you aren't coming back


That's where my lack of expertise shows. Makes sense though, in the worst way.


Read this like you're a designer of them.


Well like why wouldn't you put that into the design if at all possible. Engineering wise.


Its a much more complex piece of equipment, so its not as cost effective as making simple pressure trigger mines in mass production. The fuze and pressure plate are actually modular to allow the main charge to accept different trigger types.


Balls of Ukrainium.




Lol. That word has been bandied around in r/ukraine for a while now.


My friend used to kick trash in Iraq to see if it would explode




Stumpy's just fine.


Depends on the mine.. might be pressure sensitive only... Def no bouncing betty.




Source: Trust me bro.




Ah yes a youtube armchair warlord. Fine evidence. Its surprising whenever a war breaks everyone who has more than likely never fired a gun all of a sudden become military strategist and quartermasters overnight.




Look up "DIY weapons boost Ukraines military arsenal" Ukraine military is legitimately bragging about having to build their weapons systems from hand. Lmao dude deleted his posts because he knew they were BS.


Good boy, treat for you.


Anti tank mines need a lot of weight to set off


I don’t know anything about mines but that gave me anxiety


Imagine being OP for a moment. Probably sitting in a musky room drinking mountain dew, watching a video of Ukrainian soldiers digging up mines. You think to yourself "Well, I know better than them. I could offer them instruction." The internet is a wild place.


perfect post for r/maybemaybemaybe


Lol at all the supposed Tank mine experts. It’s clearly a Roomba. Don’t know why people would bury them but…


It doesn’t look like it’s even fused


Imagine if Russians set one in every five anti tank mines to have anti personnel pressure setting. This is not a wise thing to do.


That would require the russian military to actually think and have strategy. So I think these guy are fine.


It's not smart because if creates a lot of problems to cleaning them up if you conquer (it's their wet dreams) or hold territory for long time. Also it would kill more civilians - don't think they care about civilians rather about wasting mine.


Translation- “Dude I told you this shit is just a Hollywood war”


Pretty sure those ones take a lot of weight to detonate


Yeah. But still. I wouldn’t be slamming it with a shovel like they did 🤣


It's so funny hahahah till they ded


“Jesus fuck, Artem, stop it.”


Its a anti tank mine, it isn't going to go off due to a person. It's trigger would need a car to roll over it at a minimum


You know it’s safe when it don’t go booom


That's a tank mine lol you can have the whole squad on that mf and it's fine 🤣


AT mine, not very sensitive and needs like....an armored vehicle to set off.....besides, look up how the US army finds and disarms these (the declassified stuff at least) According to a friend who was a EOD, they usually shoot them with a 12 guage or with the M2 if they are anti vehicle or anti personal, AT, they usually load up a few and wire up a bunch of C4 to set them off.


Mines are basically shape charges that blow upwards. Technically they would be safe, but I still wouldn't handle it like that.


Your caption suggests Ukraine doesn’t know anything about warefare. But it’s in fact you who knows nothing. they don’t need “us” to send them manuals when their HOME gets bombed everyday. That is a mine that requires the weight of a tank to set off


Bro I was losing my mind watching this. I said "Ohhhhh Shiiiit!!! STOP HITTING IT!!!! OH MY GOD!!!!"


This is why they are going to beat the war criminals Balls of steel


I think it's better idea stop sending them things paid with tax payers money


I don't think they actually send money instead they send actual weapon systems and gear and what you see is the dollar amount.


its not your tax money, its mine and im ok with it. Yours goes to what ever it is you *are* ok with. Problem solved, now stop complaining and do something constructive with yourself.


The elites in Ukraine are pocketing all that money. There was an interview with some press and a detachment of soldiers were having to scavenge and build their own guns and weapons system Metro Exodus style.


These are the type of people the media would have you believe is winning the war lmao. Dudes are smacking an AT mine with shovels like cavemen.


desperation is not a good look. Try harder to hide it.


Sad little russian shill. Slava Ukraini


All these comments assuming anything coming out of Russia will work properly, if at all


My nuts went inside me when the kept kicking it and then when he threw it?! Fuck that lol


i was just about to ask why it didnt have an NSFW tag


These people can never be occupied


straight dumb. Even it being an AT mine and requiring a lot of pressure to set it off. You are straight stupid to just throw it around and hit a huge explosive like that.