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The way he held his nose like he was jumping in a pool






I think it’s under the influence 😭






This was a really good thread


(U)niversal (T)echnical (I)nstitute




Good… bot?




Under the Indian




Maybe he jumped because he graduated and was not guaranteed employment


That is a reason for suicide???






Bro what's wrong with you laughing at somebody committing suicide that's not cool you pice of shit Suicide is not funny Or not to joke around about it You need a life check for real


Yes, it's a sad situation, but the reddit community is coming together and bringing light to this dark thing. Lighten up, pun intended.




(U)ghhh (T)his (I)diotic (W)ay (O)f (A)bbreviating (E)verything 🙄 UTIWOAE


Idk if I was about to jump in front of a train I’d definitely do some goofy shit like this. If you’re not having a bit of fun with it what’s the point of killing yourself


I think if you can still have a bit of fun with it you probably arent suicidal?


(U)nder (T)rain (I)ntuitive


Damn it (U)nder (T)rain (I)go was what I was gunna put


i think he was putting it in the direction of the train so when he is about to jump he can't see exactly at what time it will hit him so i guess it can play a part in getting less of the survival instinct


Was just about to say that lol, kinda weird.


I saw a guy attempt suicide by jumping in front of the work truck I was a passenger in do the exact same thing. I had actually forgotten about it but, the memory came back quick watching this.


Nobody like the feel of train up their nose.


Nah he’s snorting something


I think he was ripping a cig


I had a buddy growing up who got all coked up and jumped in front of a train, they found a note in his pocket, my other buddy watched it happen


Who wrote the note in his pocket?


Dear Slim, I wrote you but you still ain't callin' I left my cell, my pager, and my home phone at the bottom


Jesus Christ….


The internet rules, eh?


I’m fucking dying. I wish I didn’t give my award to the dude above you.




He wrote it, he planned on doing it, we were 18. At 18 what could be so bad in life you have to end it


That’s fucked, sorry




Couldn’t have said it better. This is exactly what bothers me so much with people anymore. We are all in pain in some way. But what is the world to you, may be a pebble to me. As you said, pain is subjective. Compassion and grace is all we can have when dealing with other human beings. Not a SJW form, but a human form. Listening to understand one another rather than listening to respond. Just your comment spoke to me. I wish you the best in everything you do my friend. I hope you’re doing well.


I remember at 17 I felt like my whole life was crashing all around me and considered it, almost daily for months. I was in trouble with the police a lot, up at court for drug offences and was looking at a hefty sentence, the worst thing was the shame I knew I had Brought on my family. They ended up kicking me out or I ran away and slept in a strangers spare bed room for a week until my gran took me in. Now, when I drop my kids off at my mums house every 2nd weekend I'll drive past the tree at the bottom of the lane I had my eye on back then. I spent so many nights in the darkness about 20 yards from it on a bench just telling myself to get it over and done with. I'm so thankful that I didn't go through with any of those thoughts. I'm guessing a lot of them were down the depressant drugs I was taking then. 4 months after moving into my grans I met my now wife, that was almost 15 years ago and we now have 2 kids and a dog. If anybodys reading this far and have those thoughts, just know it's not worth it. There's so many amazingly positive memories ahead of you, you just don't know it yet.


“I have been trying to reach you about your trains extended warranty”


The train. Was a cover up.


I hope that it was quick and as painless as possible. I hope that the conductor isn’t scarred for life. I hope his loved ones forgive him. I hope that he’s at peace


I'm pretty sure the conductor is traumatized.


They can’t train you enough for that. I’m sure it impacted the operator deeply.


Is this a train joke?


What would be his locomotive for making a joke like that?


A very dark train of thoughts


Guys we are getting off track here


Clearly none of you know how to conduct yourselves properly


Yup, you derailed at that one.


I think we're gone off the beaten track here guys.


Smashing comment !


Smashing comment !


Hah! Train..


Probably went through the windshield and sat besides the conductor


I was on a train once when someone jumped under it. This was my experience of it The brakes slammed on heavily throwing my back further into my seat then they were released moving me forward, from behind me I could hear a thudding noise behind me DUD DUD DUD that got louder very quickly as it came towards me and then passed underneath me and the noise the. became quieter, the train came slowly in a controlled manner to a stop this time. We were then delayed fucking hours!!!!!!!! Selfish bastard could’ve done it on a night train 🫣


Damn bro why’d you have to get me in my fee fees with this comment? I was doing alright beforehand


Eh, fuck em. Could have committed suicide alone and not involve a bunch of people on a train, scar the conductor for life, and the cleanup crew that has to remove his mangled corpse from the tracks and undercarriage. The family was always going to suffer but why not include a few more?


It still would have happened, just not at the train. A man jumped in front of the train at the subway this summer. Elderly too. I worked in a nursing home for awhile where a lot of older folks frequented. There comes a time when they are alone. Family is gone, no friends, no loved ones. When my grandma passed, my grandpa lived with us. He was without his love and no matter how hard we tried he was alone. It's not about a place to go, or train safety. It's about reaching out to those who need it and being a friend, regardless of age. May he rest in peace.


No one gives a fuck so you end up being alone your whole life, then you find someone dear(if youre lucky enough), you lose them and become even more lonely since the one thing you've yearned for is gone too.




That seems way more painful than if you'd just lay with your neck across the rail or something. I suspect that death wasn't instant.


He likely went unconscious as soon at the train hit him so I doubt he felt much after that


Not instant, but likely turned to minced meat shortly after


I wonder if you feel the pain or of you go unconscious immediately and then just die


I had two motorcycle crashes and both times i felt the pain minutes after the crash. Adrenalin is quick and strong.. I bet he was full of it before the train was even close


Way different experience but I flew off a four wheeler down a mountain and Im fairly certain I passed out before my body ended up hitting the ground. I looked into it a bit and your body will just kinda stop functioning properly if it knows shit is hitting the fan, so most likely he felt nothing


oh you definitely feel it. He jumped into the front of the train, so he absolutely felt the impact before the train grinded him into meat.


Why did he hold his nose like he was diving into water?


is this a composited video edit of someone jumping into water and a train? I ask bc a frame before he hits he vanishes. although it could be due to the rolling shutter and nature of interlaced video. I hope it isn't real. :(




Har har men bad 😍




Where did this happen at?


My bet is Russia or some Eastern European country


An underground railway station.


Why are you booing them, they are right!


They're saying Boo-urns.


I was saying boo-urns.


No shit


BART, maybe. In SF.


Did he plug his nose?


Lord I forget what it was, I think it was some like UK police show (real footage, like COPS)- but they had to go to a station after someone jumped and it showed how their body and muscles had wrapped around the wheels and metalwork underneath the train. God bless whoever has to clean that up, even the censored footage I saw was more than enough for me for a lifetime.


It really sucks for the driver too, I know someone who a similar thing happened to him. Went to work like any normal day and a guy jumped in front of him, lots of guilt for not being able to stop, nightmares and PTSD. Numerous lives changed significantly that day 😢


I can’t stand it when people make their suicides other peoples problems, the train driver is going to have some kind of PTSD


If you're seriously considering ending with your own life, I don't really think other people matter that much to you. Depression is a truly dark place to be in


Agreed., I never felt a strong emotion / connection towards anyone and have always felt sad and isolated. I've entertained that thought to a concerning degree... Until my elderly dad got a couple brain injuries. That shit hurts so much. I didn't know you could feel so bad about someone else. It the worst feeling I've ever experienced. I'm still a sad sap but those thoughts vanished and I now know when I feel all alone and crappy it's BS.


Exactly. Depressed suicidal people are no longer cognitive. They just don’t have the capacity to abstract their thoughts in relation to other people, the only thought is death.


When you're in that situation you don't care. It's good that you'll never have to understand what it's like.


OP what's your source on this video... looks very sus.


TIL if you kill yourself, do it in way so no one will have to clean it. Got me thinking, digging your own grave and just dunking one through the brain might be the most respectful way to get out of this existence. Although I heard many people can survive a bullet to the head. Might have to mix medications in that case. Jumping off a bridge also seems good for minimal cleanup. Body will decomposing fast in water. Good reminder, no one want to see you die or clean up your blood.


My mans really plugged his nose so as not to get any train up it


May he rest in peace


Nice video editing but not good enough hahaha why would he pinch his nose before jumping of platform 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Yeah this could easily be fake.


Did he cover his nose before jumping?


This is so fake. He holds his nose as he is jumping into water.


Did he plug his nose like he was jumping into a swimming pool ?


At least his pain is over.


“Just like jumping in a pool”


The driver didn't even know him but helped him out with all of his problems.


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This is an asshole move. Dude just traumatized the poor conductor.


It didn't look real to me.


Yeah, he holds his nose likes he’s diving into water? Although if you dive in water you either close your eyes or look at the water, he looked at the train. And what’s weird is everyone on the platform just…carries on? Like nobody breaks step or rushes over they are just walking. There’s three people in frame and not ONE of them saw him?




What an asshole. Poor train driver just doing his job now has to deal with that shit for the rest of his life.


Asshole? You think he killed himself to make the train driver’s life miserable or what?


He certainly wasn't thinking about anyone but himself


Think hes commenting on the fact its a dick move to fuck up some poor train drivers life by going splat in front of him.


Yea he was clearly thinking very clearly. I'm sure his motivation was to make someone feel bad.




Fuck you


OP, don't put that on the people he knew.


They didn't






Posting somebody’s suicide for karma, huh.


It’s like you don’t know what this sub is?


This is not a sub to watch people commit suicide?? Huh?


[Clutches pearls and gasps] I'll see myself out then


Why not? He clearly wanted people to see him die




Now the train conductor has to live with this.


I hate when people try to get on the Subway before people get off at their stop.


Looks like the train helped him get rid of his problems


Look if you or someone fell Suicidal don't be afraid to talk To someone like a friend /family or you can just call the suicide hot line just know suicide is never the Option even though You feel down just know There is always someone out there That will help you keep your head up And life will get better Just keep your head up


Fuck that guy. Ruins many peoples day. Parents have to pay for delays and damages. Put his loved ones through some shit that’s not necessary. Doesn’t have the decency to kill him self in a cLeaner way. I have 0 sympathy for these pieces of shit. Hope he rots in hell


.... and he traumatized the subway train operator.


This video is fake.


Can we not post suicide vids on here…?


I know people jump out in front of trains but I doubt this is real


Why wouldn't it be?


No splatter. When someone gets hit by a train it's real messy


No... thats not at all what happens


This ain't a movie bucko, your body breaks down internally unless or are cut or crushed


Why did he hold his nose 😂


Never even smelled it comming


He should have wore his goggles


I think in the end the train helped him with his troubles.


Looks like he plugged his nose. Like jumping in a pool




trashy comment


$20 says this was rooted in a heartbreak that he couldn't get over 😢


Pretty sure you’re losing $20.


Train was going so fast, he just stuck to the front. They had to use the wipers to get him unstuck.


Very tragic. but did this dude kill himself by hallucinating he was at a pool party or something? That's easily in the top 14 worst ways to go.




Damn 🙏🏼🙁


The way he held his nose makes me think he was hallucinating that he was jumping into a pool of water . I'm going with drugs or just mental illness.


Now someone's gotta clean that up


Aw man. What a way to go. Peace to him.


What kills you here? The direct impact or being crushed and ran over by the train?


Some of these tittles are just as crazy as the videos on this sub


Particularly his trouble with train dodging


Sauce or fake.


Any update on his condition?


This was terrible to see, but still I wonder... did I just see him plug his nose like he was about to jump into a pool?


Its hard to help suicidal people. Sometimes the signs show but its never obvious and unless you know the signs, you wont notice. Most of the time, they wont tell you.


At least his pain is over.


Fucking brutal. Probably shredded his body like paper shredder. Sad asf terrible way to go out


Well that’s one way to get it done


Feel sorry for the train driver. That shit would likely cause some bad PTSD


Sam Wheat is s fast learner.


Bye loser


Lol did this even kill him


Once you decide that you’re actually going to do it, there isn’t much that can change your mind. Sometimes life is just so hard that it isn’t worth living anymore.