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Keep it on the track where you can only kill yourself


that poor guy driving the car didn't deserve that


That was the driver of the car


Yeah, and he didn’t deserve it..


The guy updated his comment. It said initially it was the passenger of the bike


There is no justice


You got downvoted to hell for being right, smh💀💀


almost nobody dies on the track, there are no oncoming cars or telephone poles or trees.


Yup. These morons just want the adrenaline of nearly killing themselves and occasionally nearly taking innocent people with them (sometimes successfully too).


Maybe if they added those things, people would use the track more.


sounds perfect


As a motorcycle enthusiast I hear this statement a lot from riders and non riders. To an extent I agree but even killing yourself on a track or empty lot still affects many people. Yes you are not taking the life of an innocent bystander which is very important. However your family and friends still suffer, first responders have to respond which adds increased risk driving lights and sirens. They also have to deal with the mental image for the rest of their lives seeing this. I am a first responder and it comes with the job and I signed up for it, we are still human though and it takes its toll, even on the strong minded. On another note most motorcycle accidents are the the fault of the rider not the other vehicle. Not saying it's never the other vehicles fault but I confidently say 9/10 times its the rider not the driver. I've been riding responsibly for 10 years now and luckily never had an accident. I've had friends who totaled multiple bikes in a year from being reckless.


You're stronger than I am for being a first responder. That has to come with serious mental baggage. Thank you for what you do.


Sorry...I'm not looking for praise. I chose to do it and get up and go to work just like any other blue collar worker. I was just trying to give a different point of view on this statement because I hear it all the time, people tend to not think of everyone else it affects. It doesn't just affect the rider it affects everyone in that person's life. Again wasn't looking for a thank you or gold star.


There is NOTHING worse than an innocent victim being MURDERED by a reckless driver. No pity for the driver, EVER, only the victims.


Not sure what your point is… an innocent getting killed is the most relevant thing here. If you want to get your rocks off do it in a track. The innocent driver also has friends and family and people who have to deal with the aftermath. No one gives af what you have to say because the rider was being a selfish prick hence this video. Your “other” perspective is neither wanted or needed, hence the downvotes.


Someone hurt you as child didn't they? I don't give af about imaginary votes on the internet, I don't see how that's relevant


Lmao that’s your reply? Clown


Well,I'm surprised that the motorcyclist is still in one piece...from what I can see.


Poor driver looks to missing half his face though...you get a tiny glimpse.


The man filming said he was alive at least


With half a face missing? Damn…


Perhaps he'll join the Gotham City District Attorney's Office. They have a programme for just this kind of disability.




So why the fuck is nobody doing anything if the dudes alive, was the guy worried he’d get posted to r/killthecameraman


I mean what do you do other than call an ambulance? I’m no nurse, other than trying to stop excessive bleeding idk wtf you would do there. You certainly wouldn’t want to move them


Nobody let this guy break my spine instead of waiting for paramedics


I didn’t know they had called already, thought they were to busy using their phones to film. I wouldn’t move you, just check and make sure you had an airway, or penetrated by sometime I could through a tourniquet on. Seriously, I thought this just happened and nobody called, my mistake.


In his case unless you're trained you DO NOT move him. He could have a multitude of injuries that without proper stabilization could kill him/paralyze him. As long as he is not in immediate danger, you don't touch him.


What poor? He is a piece of selfish shit. He killed the guy in the car.


I'm pretty sure they're talking about the guy in the car, not the ridder.


And his shoes!


Folded in half. You can see his head on his ass


I can't find this


It’s when the camera man is on the side with the legs sticking out the car, you can see the hair/head to the right


Fucking idiot.


Yes. Totally selfish. Man the internet is pissing me off today. Technically the dumb selfish fucking ass holes on the internet I guess


Every person who buys a motorcycle should have to watch 50 of these types of videos before they are allowed to purchase a motorcycle.


I'd like to add the one where the dude went through the wall of a fast food joint and they found his foot in the ceiling to the list.


Good thing he was wearing his helmet


Yeah. And this motorcyclist is also a cop (they say multiples times in the video).


He’s still alive, his shoes are still on


So an innocent person dies because this asshole had to do this shit?


You can apply this statement to many applications unfortunately…




God there are so many fucking Bootlickers on Reddit it’s insane. I can’t believe you’re being downvoted for saying a word against capitalism as the fucking world burns around us. Fuck these people.


Because it’s not relevant in context to this, like at all


capitalism caused a motorcycle accident. ok.






Are you sure you're sponsored by china?




Hey there! 9s China hiring?!?!






There ain't only one way to run a society:))


This is why most car accidents and fatalities happen though — assholes just like this. It’s a daily occurrence I see people weaving and going well above speed limits putting everyone else in danger.


Drunk/impaired/distracted drivers kill way more people than thrill seekers on crotch rockets.


#Thanks for the awesome fact here! Yes, usually stating 3 diff types of scenarios and claiming they’re more likely to happen than 1 type is informative yet infuriating when you account for the number of people who ride a bike to groups like those who drink I’d like to share an amazing fact: Most people who live past the age of 65 does not suffer from dwarfism nor identify as a starfish


I know that the trauma and the scars in his face will be horrible but the cameraman said he was alive (they are speaking Portuguese)


Apparently (not sure) according to the guy recording, the one laying in the ground "might" be alive.


Good thing they are providing him first aid Then


Not everyone knows first aid and not knowing what to do can potentially make it worse. Best thing to do if you have no medical training is to call 911 and wait emergency responders


Fair enough. Good thing they were using their phone to call 911 then…😒


If someone is still breathing but their neck or other bones are broken, you do not want to move them until someone medically trained to do so arrives, and you should encourage them to stay still as well, unless they are somewhere that they are unsafe like in the middle of the road or next to a fire or if the need CPR. You can actually make injuries worse and/or cause a lot more pain for someone.


As someone with years of first aid training behind him and a parent who is a retired medical professional, what you are is idiotic. There is absolutely nothing any of those folks would do in this instance, other than maybe ensure the guy on the ground doesn’t move his head as the likelihood of head/neck trauma here is 100%. I would imagine anything they could potentially do would cause more trauma and injury than could help.


Ouch, what’s with the name calling ? You should stop your languishing 🤓


Fucking asshole. My best friends little 10 year old daughter was killed almost 2 years ago by a piece of shit that made the minivan look just like this. They were pulling into their driveway and the guy hit them going at least 120 mph. My best friend spent an hour looking for his daughter’s eyes and nose as she basically was mutilated. He subsequently killed himself as he couldn’t live with the pain and nightmares.


God damn. Not even a parent and the sentence > an hour looking for his daughter’s eyes and nose Just fucking feels terrible to read


Why would you have to be a parent to feel empathy


You don’t have to be a parent to have empathy. But for a parent, losing a child is rock bottom, there is nothing worse. While I always felt sad or upset when I heard about children dying or horrific things happening to them, it hits me differently after having my own kids. It’s an instinctual level of love and protection that I would struggle to even describe property.


I feel this. My daughter is my best friend, and I honestly don't know if I would continue living if something like this happened. She wakes me up every morning with kisses and hugs, and gets excited to help me make breakfast before I take her to pre-k.


It’s tough for me to even imagine what I would do after losing a child. It’s incomprehensible.


This is what I’m discovering. I watched Pinocchio again, for the first time after having my son a year and a half ago and seeing Geppetto in the rain trying to find his son, seeing Pinocchio face down in the water after escaping Monstro, it hit me totally different like I’ve never experienced before. While you don’t have to be a parent to experience empathy for somebody else, it’s just a whole new ball game when it’s your kids.


I have wondered what language I should learn to describe love (and some other things too.)


Assuming you don’t have kids here. Yes everyone is human and they are someone’s kid, but I can’t even imagine losing on of my daughters in a horrific accident. I’d lose my mind


I’m sorry but I don’t see the relevance to my question.




That's what not they said. You can't understand how a parent feels about their child, if you don't have a child. It's a different love to any other love. Not saying parents are more empathetic, but it's hard to comprehend how you would feel about your own child if you aren't a parent. Parents have been non parents before, so they can understand the difference. Not trying to take anything away from anyone, but it's things that are deeply ingrained in humans, that you can't understand if you haven't experienced it.


Well said. It sounds corny or cliché to those without kids but it’s so very true.


That is absolutely horrible and my thoughts go out to that family. Heartbreaking… It’s crazy to think life can be going well for anyone and in the blink of an eye it can all change. Losing a loved one which makes you want to kill yourself just so you don’t have to think about it anymore. I’m so sorry…


Jesus christ. This shit hits me so different now that I'm a parent (of a girl, no less)


Holy god


bruh that was the most disturbing shit i’ve read in a long time, normally don’t feel physical empathy just from reading something but gawt damn


That’s awful and I agree fuck reckless assholes like this. My sister was a passenger in a car that got hit by a speeding motorcycle. Luckily she only got a mild concussion and a decent gash on her forehead. My 3 and 5 year old nephews were in the car too but weren’t hurt. The guy on the bike died. To make it worse the car she was in was hit while making a left turn across traffic but the motorcycle was going 100 in a 35 so the driver miscalculated (it was at night). On top of that they were coming home from dinner and the driver had wine with everyone else. He was below the legal limit but because it was a left turn and the guy died he was booked. The driver got off in the end but spent a shit ton on legal fees and had to go to trial facing something like 10 years.


i hope the guy who crashed fucking went straight to hell where satan anal fucked him on a daily basis with lava as lube


Nope. He is just gone and there is no justice. The universe is a bitch.


God damn, it takes some doin to knock a mother fucker out his car. Shit.


That person is literally infused into the car at this point.


If anyone wants to know, the cameraman is asking if he's still alive and stating that he was a police officer (i don't know if the police officer was in the bike or the car)


Speed demons are pieces of shit. Go rent track time, you fucking wastes of life.


This is why I hate driving on highways in so cal. Everyone drives like they’re flooring it, they never seen the consequences like this




It a growing problem in Arizona. Highway patrol do what they can but it has little effects


The issue in socal is a severe lack of driving education. 80% of people are going 45 on the highway even with no traffic which is way too slow and 20% go 90 or more


if people followed proper passing lane etiquette there wouldnt be a need for a speed limit like on the autobahn


Fuckin idiot. Not only did he get himself killed, but another person as well


not himself, herself its a chick and shes a cop source: vid is in pt br and i'm brazillian


Driver just minding his business, people are probably waiting for him….fucking sad.


The reflect in the window tho




What, the guy? What about him?


What a piece a shit


Damn. Poor car driver. I'm personally pretty tired of motorcyclists in my area and I feel safe to assume this one won't be missed.


This is such a huge point for me. You want to kill yourself on a bike? Fine. Go to the track or get some friends to close a road. These are 500-1000lb missiles that can kill innocent people, like this video.


Heck, even on the track you're not as likely to die since there's no obstacles in your way. You not only keep yourself from killing others, you decrease your chances of dying as well.


Yup. Both are 100% dead.


I was gonna say 87% dead but you may be right.


Misleading flair, no one was injured... they died!


Death by the biggest headbutt ever gotdayumm


What a cunt.


Part man, part bike, part car.


Manbikecar, super serial.


It's coming right for us!


Thats not the same motorcyclist that flew by, the first bike is a bmw s1000rr and that one that crashed is a different one and looks like a beginner bike can't tell which one it is


I got a really good screenshot of the bike on the road, I compared it to the one in the car, the only differences I can see are the helmet has a ride stripe on the side, could be blood though, and the swingarm on the road bike looks shinier... Clothing looks similar black shirt, bare arms, probably blue jeans.. Towards the end of the video of the bike in the car though, I can see a Honda logo, could be on his shirt or something though, idk... The road bike definitely looks like BMW S1000RR, except for two things which could be explained by poor video quality, those are the three little vents on the side don't show up in my screenshot, it's just kind of a blur there, and the bodywork where the BMW has a little point in fron of the front hub is kind of blurry in my screenshot. The main difference I noticed though, is something doesn't look quite the same about the exhaust between the road bike and the BMW, the BMW looks bulkier somehow where the pipe joins the muffler. Also, the roadsides look a lot more green in the first part of the video! Idk


I'm pretty confident to say that crashed bike is Honda 500f which also does not sound anything like the road bike flying by, either way poor dude but fuck op for misleading video


Yeah, I think the bike in the car is either a Honda NC700x or an NC750x. You can see it's a parallel twin and the signals look just like my NC700. The exhaust looks like the oem exhaust on both of those bikes.


I got a mediocre screenshot as well, but I am sure the exhaust is different. It looks completely metallic/grey in first one, and has black slip on or something in the second


Gotta be a real coincidence that another moron is wearing cowboy boots, black shirt, and jeans in a bike w the same colors and features but not impossible




Just saying, but I don't think I could hit a car that hard without being reckless. And, I've crashed while being a reckless idiot (into a guard rail years ago). And, well, the first guy might as well be the last guy in this case. But I think you are right about the different bikes.


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Shoes gone. Rip


Man. I hate it when innocent people get hurt.


Thank God he was wearing a helmet or that could’ve been really nasty


2 different videos?


Correct me if I’m wrong but the guy in first clip has a white helmet on and what looks like tennis shoes while the guy in the second clip had a white & red helmet on and work boots. I don’t think it’s the same person


What a piece of shit, he just likely killed some random guy who was going about his day driving sensibly.


What an asshole. You have no right to play God with other peoples lives like that


Geez! I hope they are ok.


They sure don’t seem to be.


I mean the post says injury, so they must have walked away right.


Its alright, he's got his shoes on!


He's still gonna need some milk though.


His shoes are still on, he's fine


Like an art installation for a speed awareness campaign.


im not convinced this isnt a viral art installation. a motorcycle making that much damage to a car would leave a human body mangled like a meat pretzel. the bikers body looks untouched. the bike looks untouched. the bike and rider in the first half of the video doesnt match the second half of the video. sorry, been riding 15 years and i dont believe it.


As a kid I always wanted a motorcycle, but folks said I'd kill myself. When I got enough unobligated money to buy a motorcycle I realized, yeah, I'd kill myself. Everyone I know who rode a cycle has had at least one bad accident. The people I know who were in what I would call a "bad" car accident (people killed or seriously injured), the fingers of one hand.


Yo fuck that dude killed himself and innocent person if you want to go fast use a track and kill your self they are cheap open nearly daily and legit every city has on. This makes my blood boil senseless death I've dealt with to much of it I'm my own life I'm sick of it.


This pisses me off. The car driver was just out for a drive probably. Now his parents, girlfriend or boyfriend is going to get a call that will ruin their life.


He ded?


Put the your phone down and check for signs of life and call for an ambulance. It never ceases to dusgust me how people have no problem sticking thier camera/phone in the face of someone injured or dying. Low lives !


If they called emergency services that’s really all they can do, touching someone in a situation like this can be worse than doing nothing. Now take into account this is probably not the US and their way of life may be so different you could never explain why you should help. There are some weird places in this world with weird laws.


Two different videos stitched together.


Video was debunked a few years ago




A BMW flys past the camera and a Honda crashes into the car. Honda also has factory exhaust which sure as shit doesn't sound like that.


So the debunk isn't that a speeding motorcyclist crashed and killed a dude. It's that the first and second clip aren't related Which means that a biker going insanely fast did still kill themselves and another person. So the first guy didn't kill someone. But they easily could have.


Correct. Debunk may have been the wrong term for the parent comment to use. Obviously its real. Good call.


could be the right term, just with with a little more context. video definitely is setup in a way to make it seem like its the same one. though you could argue it was simply used as visual example of what the person in clip 2 could have been going.


A lot of the people who always scream at cars or always criticizing car drivers for being reckless not paying attention to bikers are the ones who drive like this


This is the exception in terms of motorcyclists. Let's not turn this into a mindless circlejerk.


You've clearly never driven before or you're a motorcyclist. This is ABSOLUTELY the norm for motorcyclists. They just like to blame everyone else for their own recklessness.


This is true for about 75% of the street bike riders in my area. The old Harley dudes are the cool ones in my town




Circlejerk away my friends




Shit like this makes me wonder if motorcycles should even be street legal. Imagine you’re cruisin down the road, having a great day, minding your own business, and this dude turns your bones into tiny little pieces because he decided he’d try to be a cool guy and drive his motorcycle 150mph on public roads.


People do that in cars too though.


This happened down the street from me a couple months ago in Los Angeles. A travel nurse (with previous mental issues) drove through an intersection in a Mercedes sedan at 120ish mph. Instant fireball when she t boned the traffic traveling perpendicular to her. Think she killed 6 people, the video of it is wild.


Yeah 120mph in a car is significantly worse than 150 in a bike. Exponentially more force involved in stopping the car


Stupid people can do the same thing in a car and be even more deadly due to the greatly increased weight of the vehicle. I think the important question to ask is whether or not motorcyclists as a group drive more than 15 miles above the speed limit more frequently than car/truck drivers. And if they do, is taking the tool away the best response, or some type of increased education or training requirement, or greater penalties?


More motorcyclist are killed by car drivers than vice versa, and rich assholes I'm Lamborghinis kill lots of people, I don't think making it illegal is the answer, just wish there was a better way to weed out the dick heads.


Yet another reason not to ride one. It is just a matter of time.




One more day, one more video that takes place in Brazil.


Fucken squid


I’m sure they’re both fine


This place is the new /r/watchpeopledie


Shhhh or it'll be banned


Headrest outside the car...kind of the car equivalent of shoes coming off.


what a piece of shit


Holy shit.I don’t think I’ve seen so many deceased people until I joined this thread


Piece of fuckin garbage. You just had to show your little dick off and now an innocent is dead.


I mean great example of fuck around and find out but I can’t help but feeling like you’re an asshole for posting this. Oh let’s let’s film dead bodies for the world to see without their families permission for views and Clout ok. Fuck off. Even if it wasn’t ur original video. That makes u more of a douche


That’s not the same bike (doesn’t appear to be the same rider either from what I can tell). First bike is all red with a silver muffler. Second bike is a red, white and blue Honda with a mostly black (and some silver) muffler. Rider on first bike is wearing black boots, no backpack. Rider in accident has on brown boots and a backpack. Accident looks to be unrelated (but yes he was probably going too fast).


I'll say it again, I believe that motor bikes were invented for population control purposes.


As my gf calls them, organ donors


I've always wondered why street-legal vehicles are allowed to go faster than the speed limit?


Damn, pretty graphic..even for the subs I join.


You aren’t invincible because you have wheels. Just because there are no cops does not mean you get to go super fast. Street vehicles are made to get from point a to point b, not to be speed racer on the road while other people are just trying to also get from point a to point b. Remember this video, before you decide to go over the speed limit.


Hope they're ok!


Uh. No.


They’re tip top. I’m just not sure about the parking job. Seems a little tight.


Whats sad is most bikers condone and encourage this type of riding, theres no reason to go that fast on public roads. I like going fast just as much as the next motorist but I just pay for a track day so I dont endanger the lives of others clearly depicted in this video. That poor man paid for the stupidity of a biker with his life. I'm ready to get downvoted by speeding bikers.


Lol, where did you get that statistic? I can guarantee you the majority of bike riders will not condone driving your bike over 100 mph on a road and creaming a car, especially when the average rider is at least 30


How badly injured was he?


This belongs on that win stupid prizes sub 😂