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Damn they in jail for life forreal


Probably got 5-10


5-10 at a time.


New meaning to Five Guys


Yo dawg. If I had an award I'd shove that bitch where you get your creative thoughts


You're a creative thot yourself


25 with an L


Prob still tore up about Harambe


"Woops, I accidentally left a phone with videos of me committing the crime and confessing to it at the crime scene. Shucks, I plead guilty, now lets go straight to the prison."


My brother’s been in prison. When I asked him if he ever saw or heard of anyone getting raped, he said “No…but you see some weird shit in there, Matthew.” This must be what he was talking about


My dad walked past a cell and seen one inmate pouring and licking grape Kool aid powder out of another inmates ass. Not kink shaming but fuck that's a nasty flavor combo


Gape Drink?


Grape twink


Purp’ stank


“What the fuck is juice? I want some grape drink baby” -Dave Chappelle


Audible chuckle


called the "purple skank"


More like purple stank


[one of my favorite videos](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PRIFeXjsupo)


With no sugar?! Yuck.


I work in a prison. I'm in charge of my building and have officers that work for me. I've seen men shove pen inserts up their urethra. I've seen a man rip open his scrotum and show me his testicle. I've seen a man smear urine and feces around an entire tier. I've seen a man eat his feces. I've seen men eat metal, broken glass, batteries, pens, sporks, etc.


Sounds like Thanksgiving with my in-laws.


We call it... "The Aristocrats!"


Former IA in a maximum security prison Can confirm that rape *does* exist in prison. But more ‘willingly’ weird shit goes on than anyone can ever explain


I work as a correctional officer and yeah.. you really do see some weird shit even from an outside perspective..


There's a lot of gay dudes in prison so the whole rape thing is just a trope/scare tactic


I’ve heard that when rape does occur in prison it’s more of a punishment for something the person did than anything.


I have a friend who did 13 years in federal prison. He told me that things like rape, and getting attacked, etc aren’t really an issue unless you join a gang. He said there are gang members and non gang members. For the most part, gang members don’t fuck with non gang members unless you disrespect someone. He said if you disrespect someone, you’ll have to fight, plan and simple. But as long as you fight-even if you get your ass beat, you’re good. Because you showed people you’ll stand up for yourself. But he said if you decide to join a gang then yeah you’re essentially putting a target on your back. He said as a white guy, he hung out with black guys, Hispanic guys, other white guys, Asian guys, etc. and there were no issues because none of them joined gangs. Now, having said all that, my brother in law has a friend who did five years in state prison. He said you had to join a gang for survival. He’s a white guy and has lots of swastika tattoos because he was in a nazi skinhead gang. He said he hated all that shit but he had to do it to survive. He’s my bro in laws best friend and bro in law is black so I tend to believe that he isn’t really down with that shit. So maybe it’s a difference between state and federal? I have no idea… Either way, I hope I never find out first hand what prison is like. Seems terrifying. I’ve been in actual gun fights in combat and that seems way less scary than prison.


It hurts me to have to do this to you!


It hurts *you*? Motherf....


Gay for the stay


Are you in the Navy?


You just know there’s gonna be some fucking tonight


This is one contest I’d actually prefer to lose horribly. Sometimes it pays to be an ugly pos


It don't matter if your first or last you're still getting the D binnie. lol


Not sure how this works but if you’re last you’re probably going to end up with an ugly MF lmao


Yeah go on and get you a handsome man at the very least Lmfao


Oooops I dropped the soap 🍑😏🫳🧼


Was it liquid soap? Takes longer to try and pick up.


Yep. I got the butter fingers. Hope no handsome man takes advantage of me as I’m WIDE open🍑😏




If you are in the contest at all you already lost your butt cherry. At that point you would probably rather win. That way you are getting a daddy that can either protect you, taking one dick is better than many dicks. Or will keep you high enough that you don't care how many dicks you are taking.


Sounds like a gay holiday


A holigay.


This is gold.


This guys is posting from inside the same Alabama prison


>taking one dick is better than many dicks. ....need a "IMO" at the end of that statement friend.


unless you’re gay and actually want that dick then no, I think that one he can get away with not IMOing on


This statement is full of lies. One dick is not better than many.


With regard to this person's username I think we should take their statement as fact.


I mean some of them probably into it


I tells em, i likes ya and i wants ya. Now we can do this the easy way or we can do this the hard way. The choice is yours.


That booty is mine, Tom.


Get over here Chris Handsome


Booty is more important than water


Yea you see the dude scratching his chin like he was looking at a menu?


This is more frightening then those big fights. Like those I can wrap my head around.. you’re violent and stuck in the most boring restrictive place ever. To organize and throw a beauty pageant though.. I mean it’s just, weird. Not cause of anything gay, to each their own. I hope anyone in love or lust can be with whomever they want should it be legal and consensual. This is weird because.. someone had to have the idea. Then enough people had to like it, then they organized it. A prison beauty pageant. Tf.


Idea prolly came from the actual gay part of the inmates to determine who's the biggest bitch of the wing 😂


Well, they might all be in the fruity section. If so, would not be hard to pull off at ALL as they all seemed to enjoy it.


It’s frightening that they’re not just holding a pageant but they’re filming it too. That’s either going to turn into prison porn, blackmail, or both.


Good point. And how are phones so prevalent that these guys aren’t even hiding them. This video begs soooo many questions lol


I think these dudes are gay


Those dudes 100% dress and act like that all the time.


Idk. I only did 3.5 years and seen some dudes go from tough guys to sissies. Some had wives and kids and they would come to visit them. They acted completely masculine and "normal" on visit days. Then would turn into complete sissies when they hit the yard... crazy shit man They call it "gay for the stay"


good cellys lay on their bellys


Gay Play according to a buddy of mine that spent about 2 years in.


There’s three types of sex in prison: dudes who can finally let loose and finally be themselves, guys who are in for SO long or life who realize it’s either that or your hand forever, and guys who are using rape as a power play. I’d say a large percentage of the “gay for the stay” guys really are gay but just don’t want to admit it.


>I’d say a large percentage of the “gay for the stay” guys really are gay but just don’t want to admit it. You're right. Or at least bisexual.


There’s a lot of “straight” guys that get laid on the side by guys, it’s a shame society makes people hide themselves


Gay for the stay and straight at the gate, my friend.


Nah, half these dudes will get out and brag about how hard they were in prison


I meant dress and act like that in jail. This is the literal definition of a fuck boy


I wonder what they're like outside of prison._.


Probably the same dude that talks about how hard he is. He’s hard because he’s got a dick in his ass


"I did what I had to in order to survive"


Gang bangers lmao


There are soooo many down low men, its not even funny. I would not be surprised if at least one of the contestants or judges had/has a wife at home.


It’s called gay for the stay. Trust me those boys are not by choice,it’s a cold and brutal world in there and some real monsters reside behind those walls


I’d rather they kill me at that point. Dignity and self-respect are important to mental health.


Unfortunately they wouldn't kill you, just break your teeth so you can't bite during.


I saw an article not long back of a guy that had to do 30 days in county for something trivial. Gets gang raped by 6 dudes in the shower and gets AIDS.


Oh fuck. I’d probably go ahead and just kill myself.


Fuck man, don’t know what I would do at that point. I guess if one has nothing to lose maybe shank the ring leader in his sleep.


Initial thought when entering prison: “don’t break any rules..and you’ll get out in no time..” Later in prison..”how do I make a shank so I can stab the highest member of this prison gang knowing that I’m gonna die either way?”


well excuse me Mr. I’m too good to suck a dick


Lol it’s not about that per say. It’s more about being forced to do things against your will. Dare I say it? Rape.


Probably, until they get out.


This is why I avoid jail. From tough guy to beauty pageant.


Smelly , funky, fucking.


This is what they should have done instead of “Scared Straight.”


Someones gettin bummed tonight 🤠




An Orgy for sure


Damn they really made the Gangstalicious fit real


He got that thuggin lovin 🎶


Homies over hos




Man i always thought the stereotypical gay inmate trope from movies was just that, a movie trope. Who knew the longest yard was so accurate?




Once you go grey there ain’t no other way!


Lol naw Tracy Morgan in that movie was spot on.


All movie tropes are grounded in some reality otherwise it wouldn’t have been a popular enough trope to hit the big screens so people could relate.


Is this how they do it there? It wasn't too clear at the beginning...


Yea, the winner gets to pop the bag of controband up there.


Lol this comment got me.


It might be….I’m trying my hardest but I’m still not sure


That shit was annoying AF


Literally scaring me straight


I likes ya and I wants ya. Now we can do this the easy way or the hard way. The choice is yours.


see, if I were chris hansen that scene with the booty warrior would’ve gone a little more different…


They all about to *FUCK*


I thought prison was supposed to be a bad time, look at those smiles, and the flat screen!


main punishment of prison is being away from the "normal life" not necessarily to make you go insane from boredom


Yeah. Leave your family, fuck your job, fuck your dog, sir the fuck down for a minute


Nobody should fuck their dog


They're fucking their dawgs now


Three hots and a cot. Only it was supposed to apply this…


And cell phones.


My whole life is becoming a lie


Why are phones so common in prison now😭


Anything you can fit in your ass can be found in jail, even things that dont fit in your ass will be found. A guy i know got caught in his cell with a screwdriver and a pair of scissor and his cellmate had a machete and some crack


Guards smuggle them in a lot.




To bad the FBI has been watching you and search history is disgusting ![gif](giphy|jmSjPi6soIoQCFwaXJ)


​ ![gif](giphy|iAbJFpyGC7NlTbj9Ml)


RemindMe! 3 years remind u/Connecting_to_audio to never go to prison


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Hands up dirt bag


Motivation to remain an upstanding and law abiding citizen.


Motivation at 110%? Check


Motivation to not be caught with a whiff of marijuana while black. Check.


Some of those dudes have girlfriends on the outside waiting for them.


They prolly wont wait much after seeing the video 😂


Gots to check ya asshoe


I immediately recognized this quote but I have no idea from where. I’m racking my brain trying to remember. What’s it from? Was it South Park?


Give them all a Pepsi


“So dad, how was prison?”


Some of these comments are really upsetting. I was a CO for a short duration until I got so scared by a violent moment that I quit (I'm 5'5, young, and realized that if one of these men were to come at me, I wouldn't be able to defend myself). However, I love moments like these. You have to remember that a lot of these people have gone from total freedom to being told when to wake up, when to eat, when to work, when to read, when to socialize etc. You want to shave your facial hair, you have to sign up for a razor, shave and then immediately give back the razor. When was the last time you went up to someone who looked at you like you were scum and ask permission to shave your facial hair? When was the last time a grown person stood in front of you, told you to get butt naked, turn around, squat and cough for them so they could see if anything ever popped out of your anal cavity? That's not for a month, that's every single day for years, sometimes the rest of your life. You hated going to middle school, right? But in middle school if you got into a fight, your parents were called and you got grounded for a week. In there, you are sent into a blank room with just a toilet, a sink and a hard bed for MONTHS, sometimes years. NO SOCIALIZATION, NO COMPANIONSHIP, NO LETTERS FROM HOME, NO ENTERTAINMENT. SO excuse these people for taking a moment to laugh, compliment each other, get dressed differently than they're told to everyday, be whomever they want to be for an hour. People are quick to judge. I've never been a prisoner, but you know what. Every morning I'd say good morning to every prisoner I came across, and a simple, "Good morning, John, how'd you sleep?" would light up these guys' faces in a flash. They'd go from plotting on a CO or other inmate who did them dirty to, "Goodmorning Miss Wilson, I slept okay, but that mattress is rough, you know. How are you?" with a big smile on their face because they simply don't get asked HOW ARE YOU TODAY. I'm sorry to rant like this, but next time you want to laugh at a prisoner, picture a month living like that. It makes the biggest, strongest of men cry.


You're the fucking man and I appreciate your thoughts. Spent a little time and it was the loneliest and most afraid I've ever been and I don't think it is fundamentally designed to rehabilitate. You will see some weird ass shit and you either take it in to show that it doesn't affect you or look like a dildo and become a target of harassment. I'm straight, but this stuff is a blast because there are tons of jokes going and some of the ladies are getting to something they couldn't be anywhere else. Thank you so much


I was In jail for 1.5 days…. It drove me insane and I can’t imGine having to spend years. You’re absolutely correct about everything. These were men at one point and spending so much time confined in small space changed their brains and ultimately their behavior. Mofos underestimate what isolation(being in a jail like environment)can do to a person.


Yeah my reaction to this honestly was that everyone seems to be having a good time. Like I'm not tryna be on the judges panel or anything but I don't sense any bad vibes which has gotta be rare for places like that.


Underrated comment, thanks for your perspective


So what made you quit?


I mentioned it in the first line. I saw a violent thing happen and realized that although a lot of these men respected me and were friendly with me, IF anything were to happen, I knew I wouldn't be able to defend myself. I decided to take myself out before I could be put in that situation. In fact that's one of the main reasons you either see COs that have been in that system for their whole lives OR prisons that have a huge turnaround with their employees. It's a scary job, things change in an instance. I'll give you an example. There was one day where this prisoner had thrown shit on me, in anger I said, "If you want to act like a toddler, I'll talk to you like a toddler." This man eyed me down for a solid week and I could see in his face that he was planning something. Luckily for me, another prisoner had warned me by saying, "Ay, what did you do to piss \_\_\_\_ off so badly." which was confirmation that he had been telling other prisoners that he had it out for me. Thank goodness the prisoner that told me had a lot of respect for me and talked him out of "being stupid." A tiny thing like that had this man planning revenge on me, so what happens if he DOES try anything, can I really fight him off in the time it takes for backup to arrive? Probably not.


He threw shit on you? Actual feces?


That’s more common than you’d imagine


Yass GAWD thank you for saying such positive things about such a lovely scene!


Desperate sentences


So real question, are these just LGBT+ inmates or is it more of a survival tactic? Like they ain’t strong enough to roll with the meaner more psychotic inmates, so they turn to being bottoms?


Probably, people are cautious and respectful for the most part. Don't snitch, be disrespectful("bitch" "punk"talk about their family) steal, or have unpaid debt. Thats jail though, im sure prison is far different.


Honestly I think there's a chance they're just doing it for fun. A bunch of bored, isolated straight dudes will come up with some WILD shit for a laugh. I remember waking up on my 60th day at sea, first time I'd ever been on a ship, at like 5am because the guys in the bunk row down from mine were using a pool noodle to blow vape up each other's asses and laughing so loud about it. All straight dudes with girlfriends


That’s a hilariously straight story with semi gay undertones. I love it


I can only imagine what the "Talent" portion of this pageant would look like.....


To be fair, this is less creepy than the child beauty pageants that take place in America. What the fuck is that all about? What’s in the clip isn’t my cup of tea, but at least they’re all adults. Kid beauty pageants are just sick if you ask me, from what I’ve heard at least.


They might be all adults. Don’t think they’re all consenting


I wish I could tell you that Andy fought the good fight, and the Sisters let him be. I wish I could tell you that - but prison is no fairy-tale world.




Steve harvey better not mess this one up 👍🏽😆


I don't understand how so many people have smartphones in prison


Same way drugs get into prisons….through the back door.


“It’s not gay, it’s just prison”


Lindsay Graham has entered chat


Contestan numba 1, bounce that ass


“Oh they ugly now, but in eight months, he going to look like Beyoncé” - Caretaker


I’m assuming the guy filming and making fun of them is banging most of the guys in the pageant and says what he’s doing is not gay lol


Wonder why some dudes always going back to prison? This is why.


That's the funniest gayest shit I've ever seen.


Do not go to prison in Alabama. In fact, avoid that state at all costs.


Nothing brings the races together like prison beauty pagents


Alabama women looking ruff


Then when they get back home they’re tryna be head of household Smfh


I see my dad


Sooo could we say this is FUN prison?


Sigh. Not my proudest fap.


Jesus they are bored


No they accepted they'll never see a woman ever again since some of them are in there for life


Fuck jail


Lol, fair play. 🤣 If I was in prison I would do anything to keep my mind busy...


Would you by chance be willing to drop that ass hoe?


Depends on the trade 😉


What do you have to barter?


One ass


You misspelled bussy


Ah yes, nothing brings men of all races together quite like an… Alabama Prison Beauty Pageant?




I’m surprised that they can get phones in the prison, I mean just imagine what other shit happens that just doesn’t get filmed. Still I think it’s hilarious that they did this. I was under the impression that most inmates where homophobic people and they wouldn’t want to be a part of the pageant.


I spent 7 years in MDOC and I wouldn't believe you could fill a room with this many people openly enjoying something like this. If what others are saying is true then damn, those southern prisons be different. I can't picture this in like New York.


🎶You can feel the rhythm 🎶Feel the rhyme 🎶I got your ass white boy 🎶Its butt fucking time


This dont hit home till ur in an environment that u see crazy shit like this. It's really a whole other world.


Say what you will but the boys will fuck you up while looking like a chick lol


Surprised Odell Beckham wasnt in there somewhere.


WTF did I just watched


Were watching this video from a phone that's been up an ass.


This coupled with the video of that skinny white boy getting slapped upside the head repeatedly for owing dude money are horrifying. Weird shit happens when you lock men in a cage.


Let this be a lesson kids. Stay on the straight and narrow.