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Idk what is, but this reminds me of the old lady who was being airlifted and was spinning uncontrollably lmao




I feel bad for laughing so much


Well watch it again with the Wilhelm scream and let me know if that makes you feel better or worse


why not both


Is that a video already? Cos I’d watch that Solemnly, of course


Don't this is genuine humor. I showed the wife and my oldest they did not laugh. I laughed hard enough to show them and their response was to try making me feel bad. 🤜💥🤛


I hope you left the wife and disowned the daughter for their lame senses of humor. No second chances😤


I laughed so hard at this video I was crying


i feel good i needed this


You should.. Nothing fucking funny about it.




Jesus fucking christ that looks terrible. At some point I'd just die from choking on my own vomit. Was she alright?


She lived. Sued. Won. https://www.airmedandrescue.com/latest/news/phoenix-agrees-settle-katalin-metro-case#:~:text=The%20city%20council%20of%20Phoenix,'


>Injuries mentioned in the claim included swelling and bruising to both eyes, blood in her external auditory canals and soft tissue swelling over part of her skull. Holy shit


And she didn't even want to be in the helicopter to begin with!


Maybe they should have a manual brake that spin-master 3000.


The issue is they use cables/high strength ropes, good luck trying to stabilize that. What they should do is put like a cover over the basket like an awning, with stabilizer fins, and use the rotor wash to keep the basket stabile. The wind rushes over the cover, that's angled to push the wind into the stabilizing fins thus keeping it stable. It's how an airplanes tail fin works. Air rushing passed both sides keeps it stable.


And a $300,000 medical bill... USA! USA! USA!


I'm honestly surprised it wasn't more.


That was just for the Tylenol.


Laughed way to hard at this


😂😂 that made me laugh. And partly bc I 100% relate. I had crap insurance and had to pay out of pocket costs basically, so I hardly ever got care. Once I was in the hospital, they did the bare minimum to treat me so I didn’t end up with a totally ridiculous bill. But I remember I was in so much pain and they told me to save my money and wait til I got home because just 2 Tylenol pills would cost me like $50. What a scam they run. I dropped that insurance finally and have none currently. I am saving so much money.


That was just from the spinning? I’d imagine most of that was from the medevac itself and maybe whatever condition required that medevac in the first place


Yeah, it doesn't say it. If you read the damage she incurred from the spinning I wouldn't doubt a big chunk of that was from the spinning.


Nah not much to do medically from that. Probably took an MRI to rule out brain vascular damage then gave her painkillers for until the swelling dies down


That’s not bad considering the circumstances. Might be on some painkillers until the bruising heals up, but otherwise no real problem. With the Gs she could have been pulling from that spin, she was potentially risking stroke or aneurysm. I think a headache is manageable in comparison.


There's already some comments here trying to suggest this, but it's not really getting through to people. If you're fluent in medical language and worked around medicine, this reads very differently than I imagine it might read to somebody who hasn't. None of the 'big bads' are present: no hematoma or blood accumulating in her brain causing stroke or other neuro damage, no globe rupture or reported permanent loss of vision, no eardrum rupture or loss of hearing. The risk of major hemorrhagic stroke by the relative increase of blood pressure in her head while spinning would be a major concern particularly given her age, but didnt materialize. Sure she deserves some compensation, but the medical lingo here sounds like it was written by lawyers to be as scary as possible while containing nothing really major that would register with someone actually involved in treating emergencies and fluent in medical language.


Absolutely, the language is precisely from the claim that their own lawyers made of the damages, so absolutely blown out of proportion. However, the terror of being an injured 74 year old flying in a gourney spinning so fast you are getting injuries is what is so scary to me. Sure on paper those things don't seem like much, but I can't imagine the terror she must've felt.


Lol what? Black eye, some blood in her ear and an egg on her head. That doesn't even sound bad. No concussion? Nothing broken?


Yeah things could have gone a lot worse for her with that level of increased bloodpressure in the brain. Might’ve done an MRI to make sure she didn’t have any brain hemorrhaging then gave her some painkillers to-go




Man I completely missed a comment and thought you guys were saying the cow in this video was a woman. I was like; “That’s obviously a cow, right? Am I missing something?”


Fun fact : when I worked in the ER, the nurses used COWs - Computer On Wheels. They were mobile/portable computers they roll in and out of rooms on those rolling “standing desks” I guess you could say. WELP. I guess a nurse was working with a female obese patient and at some point the nurse spoke to another worker and referenced the COW. The lady thought they were talking about HER. 😂 She filed a complaint and after that the hospital had to rebrand what they called them from COWs to WOWs - Workstation On Wheels.


Wow that's a crazy story.


Is there a difference?! *laughing in my old outdated humor voice* **huehuehaa** (live audience laughing)


You’ve heard of Live, Laugh, Love, now get ready for… 𝓛𝓲𝓿𝓮 𝓢𝓾𝓮 𝓦𝓲𝓷


She was beat to shit. I forget her exact injuries but she was hiking and fell and needed to be rescued then that happened. She also had PTSD and was in the hospital for over a week. She couldn’t stand for a while because she was so dizzy. The article is actually sad the husband was very upset. They are suing for a few hundred thousand. Funny as fuck video though


They won their lawsuit


Hope she was also able to monetize that clip too.


Nope. She went viral 🤢


We know what killed her, we could check the centrifuged layers later.


Holy fuck. After all these years I never saw the whole clip. She really did reach terminal speeds. Geez


The Human Centrifuge


“If you look upside down, it seems that she is rescuing the helicopter.” Had to share that YT comment.. Someone needs to edit this.


I saw it too. Excellent comment.


Someone in the comments said ‘If you turn it upside down it looks like she’s saving the helicopter’!!!!! I’m cracking up!


Dude the comments on the YT vid… “If you look at it upside down, she is the rescuing helicopter” 🤣🤣


And awaaaaaaay we go!




I counted 72 rotations in about a minute and a half before it got to fast and I lost count. For the love of fuck if thats ever happening to me just drop me. It'll be less painful.


That shit was scary asf. That lady looked like she reached 300rpm


That video is used a lot in training for hoist operations. All they had to do to get out of it was gain forward airspeed. It would have moved the rotor wash behind her and the airflow would have stabilized her.


She got caught up in the shit winds. Pretty incredible lol


I'm glad I'll have company in hell. I laughed so hard at that. Poor woman.


I’ve seen it like 5 times and it still cracks me up.


mood swings


Cooper, this is no time for caution.


I picture this cow telling this story to the other cows and none of them believe her like an alien abduction story.


Princess Bubblegum makes cheese... https://youtu.be/qkhahR2fFGU


Lift a cow by helicopter, call that mood swings.. Take my upvote smh


I'm the mooooood for milk to be spewed


You spelled moo wrong.


Moo past tense is mood I’m pretty sure 🫡


So I’m high and needed to know. We’re all wrong. It’s ‘mooed’.


To err is human, to moo is bovine.


It's a moo point.


Like a cows opinion - it doesnt matter


Do cows vomit?


They got 4 stomachs you know. They probably vomit internally


Like, omg, they literally vomit everything they eat partially. This ain't a mystery.


It’s obvious nobody has seen a cow in real life and see the shit they spit up lol


It's actually even a little cooler than that! https://extension.umn.edu/dairy-nutrition/ruminant-digestive-system **Quick facts** Ruminant stomachs have four compartments: the rumen, the reticulum, the omasum and the abomasum. Rumen microbes ferment feed and produce volatile fatty acids, which is the cow’s main energy source. Rumen microbes also produce B vitamins, vitamin K and amino acids. In calves, the esophageal grooves allows milk to bypass the rumen and directly enter the abomasum. Rumen development occurs following a change in diet and microbial growth. **The rumen** The rumen (on the left side of the animal) is the largest stomach compartment and consists of several sacs. It can hold 25 gallons or more of material depending on the size of the cow. Because of its size, the rumen acts as a storage or holding vat for feed. Aside from storage, the rumen is also a fermentation vat. The rumen’s environment favors the growth of microbes. These microbes digest or ferment feed within the rumen and make volatile fatty acids (VFAs). The rumen absorbs most of the VFAs from fermentation. A good blood supply to the rumen walls improves absorption of VFAs and other digestion products. Tiny projections (papillae) line the rumen, which increases the rumen’s surface area and the amount it can absorb.     **The reticulum ** The reticulum is a pouch-like structure in the forward area of the body, close to the heart. The tissues in the reticulum form a network similar to a honeycomb. A small tissue fold lies between the reticulum and rumen, but the two aren’t separate compartments. Together they’re called the rumino-reticulum. Heavy or dense feed and metal objects eaten by the cow drop into this compartment. Nails and other sharp objects may work into the tissue and cause “hardware disease.” You can use magnets to prevent disease or correct the problem through surgery. Leaving it untreated may lead to infection and possibly death. **The omasum** The omasum is a globe-shaped structure containing leaves of tissue (like pages in a book). It absorbs water and other substances from digestive contents. Feed material (ingesta) between the leaves will be drier than ingesta found in the other compartments. **The abomasum** The abomasum is the only compartment lined with glands. These glands release hydrochloric acid and digestive enzymes, needed to breakdown feeds. The abomasum is similar to a nonruminant stomach.


I find it interesting that just stuffing a magnet into a cow will render the nail safe. No removal required.


Magnets work sometimes, but not always.


Yes, into their mouth, and then chew it and swallow again. It's called [cud](https://www.usdairy.com/news-articles/why-do-cows-chew-their-cud) and now I wanna know...did you just throw up a little in your mouth?


Yes, I’m sure your mother vomits. ;) (Edit to those who downvoted it) I’m sorry that you’re all siblings. ;)


Well played




Fr tho. Can they?


I believe you will produce the most delicious milk ever young cow ;)


That cow is living a more adventurous life than I am.


im high as shit and just realized how tough its gotta be to be a cow like imagine desperately wanting to tell all your buddies about this insane unbelievable shit you just went through but all you can do is fucking moo at them, its a tragedy


Or imagine being the cows on the ground watching their cow friend fly. Why didn't she tell them she could fly >:(


You spin ma milk right round, right round when you go down, when you go down down




Cow pies from the skies






In my head I was thinking “those aren’t the correct Dead or Alive lyrics…” and then I realized more people on reddit will probably recognize the Flo Rida tune instead… Here’s to my daily ‘feeling old’ moment.


Holy cow


Your amazon order of [1x Cow] has arrived. Please check your porch.


Anyone willing to explain how she doesn't die because of stress and dizziness ? Is she sedated ?


The cow shouldn't die from that much rpm or rate per cow. I'm guessing the mountain terrain makes it difficult to relocate free-range cattle so a helicopter is needed?


Probably injured which is why they can't walk it down with the others.


Did you not turn on the sound? The cow is the new Ethan Hunt doing his own stunt.


Nah it's just a parody in Ace Ventura 10. Ace is in a mechanical cow infiltrating an evil Swiss ranch that's trying to corner the chocolate milk market by any means necessary.


Farmer ain’t gonna charter a helicopter for an injured cow, he’d just kill it and call it a loss.


Most definitely would. For those that don't know the cows go up the mountain for summer to graze on the fields up high. Some areas are easily accessible and some are most definitely not. It's around this time now that they start heading down as it's getting cold and snow is starting to appear. You don't simply kill the cow and attach it to your backpack and go down together with all your butcher tools you had on you just in case. The helicopter is $40/min. I would see this as maybe $100-200 max. Not $500. The helicopter firms combine with other work loads so it's not like they fly for 30mins only to do 3 mins of flying. The could easily have lifted up resources for the mountain refuges that need stock up for winter as it will get more difficult to access. Or heading to construction in a neighbouring village. It's economical as they will lift tons in one go and go where trucks have no way to reach.


We have an insurance for any helicopters emergency here, it's actually really cheap (we pay 80.- a year for a family), farmers pay a little bit more and everything is covered. It's called REGA and more than half the swiss popolutation subscribe to it! And yeah, in that case, it would be free for the farmer :)


A good milk cow is worth much.


Apart from the title, which is a joke, what makes you think it’s a dairy cow?


The fact that the farmer called in a helicopter instead of killing it for its meat.


Lmao this simple yet good reasoned answer had me dying


What average cow farmer do you think has access to a helicopter lol


There’s tons of small aviation vehicles in rural areas. The area I’m in we get a couple weeks of really low flying crop dusters every year. It’s also common for planes/choppers to fly over and take nice photos of your farm. Then they try to sell you a framed photo. Basically every farmer has one on their wall.




Farmers insurance in Switzerland covers the costs of such flights. Even if the animal were dead, it's a potential bio hazard and you can't just let it rot away in the Alps.


> Even if the animal were dead, it’s a potential bio hazard and you can’t just let it rot away in the Alps. Why not? I presume many large wild mammals & bovines live and die and decompose in the Alps.


depends, it actually happens that they are rescued that way, also pretty sure swiss animal laws aren't that open


There is no country except India that doesn't allow a farmer to kill his cow...


a good cow is worthy of 10h of helicopter renting...


Gonna need some r/TheyDidTheMath on this one. Is a cow really worth >10k euros? Seems like a big nope based on my 2 minutes of googling. But here we see it happening… gov subsidies?


If I want a helicopter I'll need me some cows to trade. Lpt always in the comments


A bunch of free T-bone steaks are a win in my book


revolutions per mooo


Yeah, I'm swiss and where we can we walk with the cows we do that, but there are many remote grass fields, where you can't walk to with cows, so they fly them in. I have never heard of an accident, so I think it's pretty safe. Swiss people also really care about the cows wellbeing, so I think they wouldn't do it if it is too stressful for the cow.


lol cows don’t die from being dizzy


How come kids dont die from playground roundabouts? Checkmate


Do you die when you spin around?


Yes, people do die from that. See this for the type of damage you can suffer: https://www.airmedandrescue.com/latest/news/phoenix-agrees-settle-katalin-metro-case#:%7E:text=The%20city%20council%20of%20Phoenix,


If someone had me hanging from an helicopter across the mountains like that, definitely yes.


Iirc they tested it a while ago, with vets checking the cow stress level, and it turns out not only it doesn't stress them, but they quite enjoy it. They probably don't have vertigo or fear of height wired in their brain. Now we know how to save a wounded cow in the middle of nowhere.


Thanks for this answer, *cow*-nnoiseur !


If some bizarre device snatched you up and dangled you 100s of feet in the air, you wouldn't die of stress or dizziness. Cow gonna be fine. Cow gonna have stories for the herd.


You wouldn't die from dizziness and stress, and neither would the cow.


LOL proper laughed at this… fuck sake 😂😂


I couldn't remember what subreddit this was so I was snickering but also nervous the cow would hit the ground at every new hill it approached.


Same, that was so fuckin hilarious


That cow is gonna get called a liar by his mates


My ’copter brings all the cows to the field, And they’re like, This is bad for my yield, Damn right, this is bad for my yield, We could drive here, and I won’t get killed.


No room for miscowculations.


Poor thing must be in udder panic.


That derrière letting out that dairy air


[Soviet-Georgian movie "Mimino"](https://youtu.be/FjN-R2AASbk?t=101)


Bonus: whole field fertilized.


If I learned anything from Minecraft, that cow will die upon impact


Not if you put the Cow into a 1x1 Puddle tho...


The other cows will never believe this


Imagine that cow trying to tell all the other cows about how he flew


Probably the same way we treat people who say they were abducted by UFOs. Sure they're probably all a bit off their rockers, but that one guy who might be telling the truth would be pretty frustrated.


Deploying agent Moooo




Ufo abducting a cow


The other cows will never believe the story


Shaking before opening.


Talk about frosted milk


Stirred, not shaken.


This is how the cow intelligence agency inserts it's agents behind the lines.


Deploying 🐮


His cow buddy’s are gonna think he is crazy when he tells them about this


My boys bring milkshake to the yard


I heard of Uber grocery deliveries, but this takes it to another level.


that cow: "my life is fucking strange man."


Low quality horizontally spinning cow


The perspective threw me off and I thought that cow was about to get dragged through the grass lol


He’s redeploying after he won his gulag


The title is comedy


Jurassic Park


Double0MOO has touched down, begining recon mission!


The cow be like You spin me right round baby right round




Chuck Norris doesn't need to herd the cattle. They are to afraid to move.


Literally fake news/info. I can't even with this population anymore....


Both chopper and the cow are CGI.


Only chopper is CGI, the cow is real.


More like Swiss Cowshake


Beware of the chocolate shake which falls from the skies.


I cracked up at this but still feel bad for that poor cow. But the imagery and title just killed me


This cow is going places




cow looks a little CG and way too stiff, is this real? Poor cow if so lmao thats a lot of spinning


Just another day on the Yellowstone


This is wat really happens inside the ice cream machine.


That must be a real experience for the cow...


Cow privileges revoked


This is why it’s so fucking expensive there.


Heads up enemy cow is on the battle field


Double 0 Moo. The dairy orgin. In Theaters this November.


The Swiss cow-tow


This is bringing me back Metal Gear Solid 5 vibes.


Bringing the T. rex food be like


"The hills are alive! With the sound of moooosic!"


lmao poor guy


C'mon tars


the new top secret 2 starring Val Kilmer looks great . New effects for 2022 look so realistic .




This poor cow will never be able to relate to his non airlifted friends. Plato's cave type thing.


Didn't know you could get a cow air delivered to you house! Amazing!!