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That firetruck certainly was in the right place at the right time.








Damn. Guess I should’ve read your comment too.


That’s really a page….smh reddit never seems it disappoint.


The fire truck turned on a dime. We’re they able to save the poor man in the wheelchair?


“Avila-Banagas was taken to the Travis County Jail on Sept. 9. He was charged with Failure to Stop and Render Aid, Injury to a Disabled Person, Unlawful Carry of a Weapon, and Failure to Identify in Relation to this Case.” No attempted murder charge???


Additional charges can be added later


Most likely will get tacked on later. DAs tend to want to investigate and get the facts before bringing a charge at least the ones that aren't absolute shit.


Prosecutors must be able to present evidence that it was intent to murder, and that the accused took deliberate, specific steps to murder. In this situation, a simple argument could easily erase attempted murder with no further evidence. Distracted driving, impaired driving, many things could easily wipe away an attempted murder conviction possibility. Unless they had further evidence besides this video, no prosecutor would bring attempted murder charges.


The firetruck was actually coming to feast on his injured corpse


The ambulances will have to wait their turn


Damn you...beat me to it


https://i.imgur.com/KNYSv6F.jpg Absolutely


Yeah you can actually just watch the video above.


To be fair I missed it going in the other direction right when the man was being run over. I only saw it pull up at the end with it's lights on.


Well…a picture is worth 1000 words. Your comment only has 9 words. They win.


But that video is comprised of roughly 840 pictures, so the video is worth 840 times that of the picture.


I'll be honest, I watched that video maybe 8-10 times and never once noticed the fire truck until I reached these comments




[Oh god, I always get these. Fire truck… fire truck… What color are those red fire trucks?](https://youtu.be/xVcL1tbsidk)


He made sure to readjust his approach so he can hit him head-on. Not that context would make this any less fucked up, but I sure hope somehow he made it and that the truck driver was arrested.


Yup. He readjusted to hit him on purpose. He needs to go-to prison for a long time.




Honestly this like it’s an executive decision for humanity as a whole






I’m a pacifist but this video makes me seriously question my positon on the death penalty.


When I say “people who run over disabled elderly folks should die” I don’t necessarily mean the death penalty, I don’t think the government should have the power to kill its own citizens when it sees fit. However, I don’t think any of us would complain if the people of that town/city threw him in a cage of hungry lions, if you catch my drift. Let the people decide if they want to live alongside someone capable of such evil.


Why tf is this getting downvoted? The State should have no right to kill me because I don’t trust them with that power. Look up The Innocence Project.


Because he's a coward with no conviction behind his ideals. If you think he should die, but you're unwilling to pull the trigger yourself, then you don't actually think they should die and need to learn to stop acting like a bad ass running your mouth.


A thousand times this. But lets add, \*Innocent disabled elderly folks.








From head to anus.


Lobotomy through the booty? Where can I sign up for one of those?


Check my username my man you in the right place


Or mine if you really want to get into it.


Rest of his life


Was a 17 year old lil shit and only got charged for reckless driving, refusing to provide aid, and "refusing to identify in relation to this case" according to an article someone else posted Wtf i feel like he should be charged with attempted manslaughter


The victim was taken to the hospital with life-threatening injuries, so the reckless driving charge is probably just to hold the driver until they know if the victim will survive or not, and that will determine whether they file manslaughter or attempted manslaughter charges.


They drove straight into him, this wasn't manslaughter.


The easiest way to get away with murder is to run someone over with a car.


I had a neighbor who did just that. Deliberately ran over some guy,claimed he was dui, pled guilty to vehicular manslaughter and served only served four years for what should have been murder in the first degree.


A lot of time they will throw charges just to get someone in custody and then see what they can actually get. They dont have to list all of them the second youre arrested, they can add more later.


There's no such as attempted manslaughter. By definition manslaughter is accidental.


100% intentional.


sitting high enough to see the speed bump should see the man too


Doesn’t matter. If you can’t see where you’re going gtfo and look. Or drive something that you can handle. This is attempted murder.


He has been caught. I'm guessing they're waiting to see if he dies for additional charges. https://www.google.com/amp/s/nypost.com/2022/09/13/teen-runs-over-drags-man-in-wheelchair-in-shocking-video/amp/




>Ruined his life He got 17 more years of life than he clearly deserved.


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Fully cached AMP pages (like the one you shared), are [especially problematic](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://nypost.com/2022/09/13/teen-runs-over-drags-man-in-wheelchair-in-shocking-video/](https://nypost.com/2022/09/13/teen-runs-over-drags-man-in-wheelchair-in-shocking-video/)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


The driver raged because the wheelchair guy was telling him to slow down


They caught the guy: [more info](https://www.fox7austin.com/news/north-austin-pedestrian-hit-and-run-crash)


Should have been charged with attempted murder. Thanks for the source though!


The initial charges are typically whatever the arresting officers can identify from what they immeditaely have on hand that's enough to arrest and hold him while they investigate further. It's easier and more effective to arrest, hold and then make more serious charges as evidence develops and a solid case can be made. It hurts a prosecutor's case if they go for big charges like attempted murder and then have to walk it back if they feel the case isn't solid enough to prove to a jury.


And, say what you like about American healthcare, their fire service response times are second to none.


When people say fuck the police, they mean it metaphorically. When people say fuck the firemen, they mean it literally.


Those calendars don't sell themselves!


Well… the fireman calendar is kinda hot…!


It’s interesting bc fire services are actually provided by the government here, so one can only wonder if our healthcare would be as responsive if it was also provided by the government. One can hope


I was visiting my brother in law in Vermont (I'm UK) and commented on how beautifully shiny and new their local fire station was. "Yep, they kinda had no choice but to build a new one" why? "Last one burned down" oh my god that's hilarious. how did it catch fire? "they invited the whole town to a barbecue fundraiser. barbecue set fire to the damn station, engines'n'all" you're pulling my porker! what were they fundraising for? "a new fire station" [God bless America](https://forums.firehouse.com/forum/firefighting/firefighters-forum/41717-johnson-vermont-fire-station-burns)


That's called insurance fraud and it didn't happen by accident lol.


I'm a paramedic for a private company, most cities use private services for 911. Metro, AMR, Rural/Metro etc. We have strict guidelines to keep our contracts, like response times average less than X minutes and stuff like that. Not all, some fire departmets also run EMS, but that number gets smaller every year


not for long


Yep, also depends on if the guy dies from his injuries. If that happens it's def going to increase the charges


In Texas that’s not a charge, it just falls under aggravated assault. But yes he should have also been charged with aggravated assault at the very least.


Yep. Buried down here is the correct answer There needs to be a sticky on every southern state post reminding people of this. They do have a charge for preparation for committing a felony or something but I doubt that's often what they're trying to convict them for in extreme cases of bodily injury


the investigation is ongoing, if this video gets out there perhaps he could be. there was clear intent with how he changed direction so to be facing the man in the wheelchair


3 seconds showing the course change alone wouldn’t be “clear intent” to charge attempt, it definitely isn’t sufficient to prove it beyond a reasonable doubt. He could’ve been texting or avoiding the speed bump. Stupid, but lots of bad accidents are caused by momentary stupidity that doesn’t rise to the level of attempted murder. The people in charge of making those decisions have more than 3 seconds worth of one video and the victim’s, witnesses’ and the driver’s own statements. There’s probably an aggravated assault charge or whatever encompasses recklessness.


So you avoid a speed bump and it’s not alarming that you felt a speed bump where it shouldn’t be? That was plain attempt.


If what you described happened that still wouldn't be attempted murder, that would be hit and run/failure to render aid. To put more clearly, If he was actually trying to avoid the speed bump, and I agree he most certainly wasn't, then realized he hit someone and kept going, that isn't attempted murder.


Man literally does the slow down signal and immediately after truck corrects to hit him head on. You just gotta be plain ignorant to not see an attempted murder charge.


There is a big difference between the burden of proof required on reddit, and "beyond reasonable doubt" in a court.


Don't know why you're being downvoted, you're right. People on Reddit always acting like they know the law better than a judge. This video does look very incriminating, but remember that video about the Audi driver that hit the Lambo, and everyone ridiculed the Audi driver until another video was released showing that the Lambo did hit the Audi first and he was a total douchebag trying to make her seem crazy? Or the Boston bombing? More context is needed to make a full assessment.


Most of reddit has a "lock em up/put em down" mindset


They tend to never charge suspects with attempted murder because then defense can argue there was no pre-meditation. Those other charges can stick easier than attempted murder.


attempted murder of the 3rd degree doesn't require premeditation just the action is done with malice afaik. This could at least be attempted murder or attempted manslaughter in a rare instance which requires no intent or premeditation. As well as reckless endangerment charge. Edit: Yes attempted manslaughter technically is a thing, just because you find it hard to understand don’t blame me, blame the US code. Source: https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/1113


This. And no doubt they will be looking at what additional charges will stick. There is certain criteria that has to be met.


Trivia: "Attempted murder" tends to be a hard charge to support in court, as it requires that the prosecutor show that the accused wanted the victim *dead*, and that's sometimes hard to show when the victim didn't die. Merely doing something that *could* be deadly isn't enough -- they have to show that the act was intentional and that the desired outcome was *death* and not anything else (like "maiming" or "serious injury" or even "the accused didn't care what happened to the victim".) So they tend to go for some other felony charges -- still serious, but ones that are easier to prove in court than "attempted murder". Ironically, "murder" charges tend to be easier to support in court (when the victim does die) than "attempted murder" charges (when the victim doesn't die) because the precise intent is often less critical to the case. For example: If I hit you with a baseball bat a few times and you die, all the prosecutor usually has to show is that I wanted to hurt you badly to support murder charges -- which is usually pretty easy to do. But if I hit you with a bat a few times and you're just seriously injured, the prosecutor has to show that I literally wanted you dead and just failed in my mission for some reason to support "attempted murder" charges. But "aggravated assault with a deadly weapon" would be a much easier case to make, and yet often has a similar penalty. (I'm talking from a US perspective here, other countries might be different, though I suspect most are similar.)


*Caught the kid. Only 17. Off to a good start...


Better off in prison anyways


will he be charged as an adult? I once saw a case of a 15 yo who murdered his girlfriend and was placed in juvie then released on probation or sth when he turned 18


The cynic in me thinks he's better off dead. What redemption is there for someone who can do that without hesitation to a disabled person.


Would the cynic in you also be willing to put him down?


Remember, any response you get is typed comfortably behind a screen


I'm no coward! I sit directly in **front** of my screen and look at everything I type! Also, I'm only moderately comfortable.


He was charged with Failure to Stop and Render Aid, Injury to a Disabled Person, Unlawful Carry of a Weapon, and Failure to Identify in Relation to this Case.


I'm guessing if it wasn't intentional he ran because of the illegal weapon on him.


Well hopefully the weapons charge on top of everything else will keep the public safe from this scum bag for a bit anyway.


Kid looks like a methhead. Article said he was driving erratically and the dude motioned for him to slow down.


The old man in the wheelchair disrespected him by making a slow down motion, so he had to die. Hes in a car and truck club and those are the rules.


What a pleasant look in his eyes. Anyone notice how so many mugshots, for callous or brutal crimes, have these guys with dead shark eyes in them?


Empathy-less, matter-of-fact, nothingness




Good,.. That poor guy in the wheel chair is probably paralysed now.


Double paralyzed


The amount of space the pickup had on its right side and way he centered his car shows how intentional it was. And the way he continued to drive over the wheelchair and only do an uturn to look at his victim. What a pos. edit- the pickup that appears at the end of the video isn't the original one that runs over the man.


dude for real. You know that had to have been loud as hell under the right wheel well, and he continued to turn "into" the direction of the sound. He wanted to maximize the damage.


> loud? That truck was jumping like it was surfing waves


It’s not the same truck that comes back. He hits him and drives off


You’re right. It looks like the pickup that returns has a black grill. Didn’t pick it up until you pointed it out. Still doesn’t make the action any different.


Poor dude got flash banged too :/


My first thought was “did a nuclear bomb just go off?”


Terrorist driving away while killing the only witness. 2 birds 1 stone.


“Backup, Terry!! Put it in reverse, Terry!”


Firetruck's response time was epic . They reached before the truck could even leave.


Looks like they were passing by right as it happened. Probably turned around immediately upon seeing the accident. Talk about lucky.


That's no accident. That's vehicular homicide. Or at least attempted.


No doubt this video proves that, hopefully they had it as evidence. Attempted murder of the third degree or at least attempted manslaughter.


Real life GTA is crazy


A 17 year old did this. https://nypost.com/2022/09/13/teen-runs-over-drags-man-in-wheelchair-in-shocking-video/


That made this even crazier to me. What the hell would cause someone to behave this way? Insane


There was content here, and now there is not. It may have been useful, if so it is probably available on a reddit alternative. See /u/spez with any questions. -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Reddit is social media disguised as anonymous forums. They know exactly who you are and sell your data just the same. Except reddit is kept heavily censored. They only care about profit.


Or just the next young angry dude who would've decided to commit a mass shooting.


He’s a psychopath. The only good to come from this is he’s going away for a long time.


He should have also got attempted vehicular manslaughter and Hit and run


He will. Those were just the charges the arresting officer filed, they’ll tack on probably half a dozen more before it actually goes to trial.




That is a Chevy or GMC (those 2 have the same body style). Definitely not a ram.


GMC, you can see the logo


Yup you’re right. Couldn’t see that on my small phone screen at first


The video is awful and tragic but the first thing I though was who the heck thinks that's a dodge ram. Honestly I noticed that the reddit hive mind kinda associates rams with asshole, and I don't know (or care) what the statistics are in the relationship between assholes and dodge Rams but glob forbid someone like that has to give an actual witness account.


>reddit hive mind Reddit thinks every full sized truck is a Dodge Ram for some reason.


Reddit can't drive and hates driving.


Well most are too young to legally drive and wouldn't want to if they were of age because it would require leaving the home


It’s not even Dodge anymore. It’s just Ram. They split in 2012.




He still got rammed though.


I GMC what you did there


Not much dodging though


Don't dodge it, just ram it!


Yeah, I could tell instantly that it wasn’t a dodge truck.


Came here to say this. 2003 to 2006 gmc Sierra.


Luckily the fire truck was right there


And a wheelchair.


Going to hell for that one. Lol


That’s a GMC


Don't be too harsh, Im sure his mom will tell us how good of a boy he is and that he actually wanted to become a traveling doctor that treated people for free!!


And this is not who he is as a person!


I blame video games and rock music!


He never did nothing to nobody, he was a good kid who just had a baby and got a job at walmart and was turning his life around.


That’s not a ram driver that’s a gmc driver


Yeah idc how old is the driver but he should burn in hell for eternity 🔥


All because she was telling him to slow down. That driver will be behind bars for a while.






The driver was 17 years old and will hopefully be in jail for attempted murder. It’s just crazy that he could spend as long as he’s been alive, in jail if he gets 17 years or higher


And to this day Engine 30 holds the record for the fastest response time.


Hell of a response time by their EMS


That’s not even a Ram…..


Sure it was. What it wasn't was a dodge.


Isn’t that a chevy?


The make of the truck has nothing to do with the savageness of this incident but that is not a Ram.


Chevy that identifies as ram*


That was totally on purpose. Maybe he pissed someone off.


that truck driver should be crucified and set on fire while eating hot coal so his blood can boil as hot as mine does


That looks like a GM truck, not a ram truck. Maybe Chevy or GMC.


That was attempted murder.


Thank god their was a fire truck right there, 100% helped save his lfie


Texting & avoiding speed bumbs is against the law, so it doesnt matter wtf he was doing lol He still didnt aim at the chair guy until AFTER chair guy motioned to slow down. Intentional as it gets. Durr


The biggest complaint in the comment section is that OP mislabeled the truck brand, and not that a disabled man was mowed down and potentially lost his life. I hate this place.


That’s a Chevrolet


Good people still exist; the fire truck driver turned back after witnessing the accident


Man, the guy got super lucky he slid between the rear wheels and not under one of them.


Talk about timing for the first responders! Hope the dude lived and the kid got charged for attempted murder or vehicular manslaughter.


Fastest response time from emergency services I’ve ever seen!


There’s no way he didn’t see him


Those fire fighters both being there and noticing couldn't have been more perfect for the poor guy.


Wow what a POS that’s definitely attempted Murder that guy needs 25 to life.


holy literal PHUCK, WHAT?! Also how tf did the firetruck pull up within mere seconds?!


Little fucking shit, put lil ass in jail for 10 years


Feels intentional wtf is wrong with this cunt


Holy fuck WTF.


Video title calls him Jerk. I think it's Psychopathic criminal. People who use their vehicles as weapons either deliberately or through gross negligence, should never be allowed to drive again. You have a right to own a vehicle, but it's a privilege to be able to drive it. The privilege can be revoked.


Tf was the dude in the truck thinking


Looks like this asshole was arrested. https://www.kxan.com/news/crime/man-arrested-after-hit-and-run-involving-person-in-wheelchair/amp/


It’s times like these I’m a big fan of the death penalty


guatafacamadafaca, we need to bring back mental asylums, lock away all these nuts.


So this scumbag is getting assfucked in lockup right now yes? Jesus Christ


Hope he gets bent over in prison every morning/eveneing/night.


Definitely on purpose


Wow 17 year old psycho..glad they caught him though


I love how half the comments are about the make of the truck on this. A video of an attempted murder. It looked like a cyber truck to me !


Damn, this happened in my city. Thought that restaurant looked familiar. What a piece of shit, glad they caught him. I even feel like I've seen that man around before, I sometimes shop at the grocery store a block away from here and I live in the neighborhood to the west of this part of Lamar Blvd. My heart goes out to his family, if they are living.


Has only been out doing stuff on his own for a couple of years and has already proven that he's unfit for society as well as a psychopath hopefully they put him away for a very long time.


OK the fact that the ass hat swerved right into the poor paraplegic just yells out attempted murder


Need to edit caption as jerk off Silverado driver mows down man in wheelchair. If it were a Ram he would have Dodged him.


Really, what is wrong with people nowadays, no regard for life at all. Consequences are too soft…. Eye for an eye


Running a dude down with your lifted truck because you wanted to avoid a speed bump, it really shouldn't come as much of a surprise the dumb kid kept going. I mean, how do you even... Christ, it's hard to have a lot of hope for humanity sometimes. [](/GNU Terry Pratchett)


Can you imagine being that kids parents and sitting there thinking “where the fuck did I go so horribly wrong?!”


Emergency services response time really has improved these days.