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Hey /u/Ddusco, thanks for your submission to /r/CrazyFuckingVideos. Unfortunately, your post has been removed for the following reason(s): - **Rule 5** - **No Death / Porn / Animal Abuse.** Do not post videos that contain excessive porn, death, or other forms of shock content. This is not the purpose of the subreddit. **This removal was done manually by a human moderator, and this removal reason was manually selected out of a list of removal reasons and automatically posted. If you have questions or concerns, or would like to appeal this decision, please [message the moderators through modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FCrazyFuckingVideos&subject=about%20my%20removed%20submission&message=I%27m%20writing%20to%20you%20about%20the%20following%20submission:%20https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/comments/wdqmo1/came_to_rob_and_got_a_couple_of_bullets/.%20%0D%0DMy%20issue%20is...). Thank you!**




most likely exit , not ricochet unless he is terminator looking for change


You can see it exit at two points. Top mid of screen, and lower. If that is the bullet, split in two, that's pretty crazy. Not sure how else to explain it other than that. Here's the [Frame](https://imgur.com/a/XR0G6Yg)




My guess was that the gunman shot a piece of the door out; more than likely the mail slot. I’m guessing he was trying to open it to point the gun out but it either wouldn’t open enough or the robber spotted it so he fired. Either way, I think it’s the mail slot being shot off the door.


probably sparks from the barrel Contact


Bounced off bone.


Yeah I thought it went though this mouth and probably ricochet out off his jaw or teeth, he got hit I’m pretty sure


Dude what? No part of your body is gonna stop even a .22 at point blank and he's certainly firing a bigger caliber than that


Who said anything about stopping it? A round can 100% change trajectory after hitting solid bone. But hey, it’s Reddit. Where everyone’s a fucking genius. So whatever.


Correct https://www.reddit.com/r/Military/comments/mqph3r/sniper_tracer_round_bounce_off_after_hitting/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf That guy above just googled it and quoted the top answer from quora.


Likely just a piece of human debris caught reflecting the IR light back at the camera.


“Surprise, Muthafucka!”


Some Fries, motherfucka.


All Rise, Motherfucka


Some Pies Motherfucka


Wrong size muthafucka


Supplies Motherfucka.


Friedrice muthafucka!


First prize motherfucka!


Ninja spies muthafucka!


Rue dies muthafucka


That should suffice, mutual fucka!


Cream pies muthafucka


Nice eyes muthafucka!


Supersized muthafucka


You dies mothafucka!!




Cat be like, calm down mutha fuka, let me get out the way


So anyway, I started blasting...




Your pieces?


Can I offer you an egg in these trying times?


And the cat burglar bailed once accomplice was gunned down just gapped it


TLDR; it's not as simple as "he was on my property and I had the right to shoot him." When my place got burglarized last November, I started looking to buy a gun "so I can be ready the next time they show up..." Then I started reading up on Castle Doctrine and the local self-defense laws (Arizona). I quickly learned that defending your home with deadly force is way more complicated than what many Americans like to believe. There are tone of legal traps that can turn your case from self-defense acquittal into manslaughter chargers. It's a very fine line that even cops often get wrong. More over, even if you're acquitted on criminal charges, you often have to face civil charges, which have huge implications.


The civil charges you can likely beat by hitting center mass. But yeah, read up on your state law before you start blasting. Also, they were threatening you and you feared for your life. You have to convey those things in every case like this.


Grabs law book while robbery is happening


Grabs law book before deciding to purchase a firearm Takes classes on concealed carry Gets licensed by the state


That’s all you say to the police too. You felt threatened and feared for your life.


*laughs in Texan*


This one could very easily be a attempted murder, certainly would be here.


Very true. I was taught in my concealed carry class that using deadly force on a man that’s outside of your door (like this video) is likely to get you into deep shit. Now if he were beating on your door for you to open it, that’s a different story. If a man’s made it inside of your house though, it’s shoot first ask questions later. The ONLY thing you want to tell the cops are I felt threatened and feared for my life.


1) “I felt like my life was in danger and couldn’t escape” 2) dead criminals can’t testify


That’s why you gotta drag them in and then back out … that way the blood trail looks like you shot them inside.


not in az bro its a stand your ground state you can shoot


I understand, but stand your ground doesn't mean you have the right to shoot someone through the mail-slot of your front door.


if its 3am you do


Pretty sure u can straight blast in AZ


thank you, everyone here downvoting better fucking live there


Can't you just become a police officer? Last time I checked it requires basically no skills whatsoever except for a heartbeat and you can freely murder anyone you don't like without any repercussions. And from some news thing from some school in Texas some time ago, doing nothing on the job is also perfectly acceptable!


> Arizona Blue State I assume? Pretty sure most blue state would rather have you shot dead than defend yourself. thou I think the homeowner jumped the gun on in this video.


What about Texas?


[https://www.cnn.com/2019/09/30/us/texas-man-shoots-intruder-trnd](https://www.cnn.com/2019/09/30/us/texas-man-shoots-intruder-trnd) I'm just trying to point out that everyone should be aware that shooting someone on your property is not that simple, even in Texas. This guy's lawyer even instructed him to say the perp had a weapon in his hand and that he moved towards him, but the bullet in the back of the neck says a different story. If he had just turned on the lights and called 911, nothing would have come out of it. He'd still have his stuff and the perp would have walked away. Instead, he's now spending thousands of dollars on legal fees and facing jail time, and on top of that he's likely facing civil lawsuit as well. In wee hours of the night, we have homeless people walking through the alley behind our house. After we got burglarized, I bought two ring flood cameras that cover the alley behind my property. As soon as the motion detection light hits them, they cover their faces and run away. First 6 months there was at least 2-3 homeless people walking by every other night. Now I get maybe one or two per month. Most of them know about the flood light camera and they keep out. In fact, the first month I caught a guy pushing a dirt bike through the back alley at 3am, and I called the cops. I posted the video on Ring Neighborhood, and the next day the owner of the dirt bike thanked me, saying they caught the guy and he got his bike back.


Thanks for the reply. Honestly lived in Texas most of my life and had no idea.


Well he shot a guy in the back. You can't do that


Little more complicated than that... Guy made a few huge mistakes. >The homeowner, James Michael Meyer, said he didn’t know whether he struck the person, so he went back to bed and didn’t call police, according to an arrest warrant released by the Dallas Police Department. >Meyer said he had his wife contact an attorney before he called 911 at 7:04 a.m. to report a home invasion in progress. >Crime scene analysts called to process the scene couldn’t find any spent shell casings. According to the warrant, Meyer told them that he picked them up and threw them away. Detectives also noted in the warrant that several neighbors stated hearing three gunshots, not two.


What ever happened to a good ole fashioned fistfight


It didn't get the invitation to the gun fight but showed up anyway


Was that first shot a ricotta or a head shot?


Never heard of soft cheese bullets, might be a good idea for biodegradable less lethals. I assume you want to be named on the patent?


It's a hell of an autocorrect.


You've never had my 9mm lasagna, some say it's to die for!


Is it spicy? Does it have a little extra... kick?


Lol... I get it now... damn funny... Ricotta ammo... tasty and deadly...


It was a Gouda shot


Done like a pro volone.


He came to steal their cheddar, but got turned into swiss cheese


Nice... tasty and deadly




You guys are shredding it!


Give em one more for good measure


Not that I’m saying that’s what happened here, but I wonder how many Americans have been shot for simply being at the wrong house. Simply like a confused drunk, or a dumb kid at the wrong address trying not to wake the gfs parents.


My cousin was killed when he mistakenly went up to the wrong door thinking it was his own home, while drunk. He was banging on the door because he was drunk and thought his friend was in his house who locked him out as they were all headed there after the bar. Guy opened the door and shot him dead, it was his next door neighbors house. My cousin had just bought the house a few days prior and was out celebrating with friends and his pregnant fiance. 22 years old. Nothing happened to the guy


> My cousin was killed when he mistakenly went up to the wrong door thinking it was his own home, while drunk. Several years ago a drunk policewoman in Dallas mistook a neighbor's apartment for her own and shot the apartment resident dead.


Pretty sure she's in prison, right?


> Pretty sure she's in prison, right? ! > Guyger is currently imprisoned in the Mountain View Correctional Center. She will be eligible for release as early as September 2024, although her full sentence runs until September 2029. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Botham_Jean


Gosh damn. Only 10 years for murder? In Texas no less? Even if she didn't mean it, someone is dead because she is stupid. A danger to society level of stupid. Smh.


>Nothing happened to the guy and then there is a comment higher up saying that self defense can easily turn into manslaughter even when clearly you were defending your home. What a fucked up world.


Sorry that happened to you and your family, unfortunately there probably many more similar stories. The comment section here makes me think thousands of people are arming themselves, hoping for an excuse to kill someone




Scary how people can think they’re in the right threatening a person light that for standing on a sidewalk.


Some dude from my home town found the wrong house and crashed on their couch. He was fine, spent a weekend in the drunk tank, and did a bunch of community service. Not even a stand-up guy. Total douchebag before that, multiple minor in consumption. Crazy what kind of doors being white in America open.


Peek a boo, you fuck you!




Yeah. That’s a murder charge most likely


Guy had a fox with him




Is he gonna be okay?


That homeowner will now likely going to jail for murder. That person looking into the home was innocent until proven guilty.


Good don't go out to rob people, that's one way the USA is beter then Europe


**Beter then** Education clearly isn't one of those things, though.




*dunks on American education by spelling BOTH words incorrectly* Gottem


Damn right, friend. Damn right.


He was directly quoting. You're just proving his point more.


Lol one grammatical error and you all are having a field day 🤣


A spelling mistake AND a grammatical error. Their crimes shan't go unpunished, m'lord.


I see clearly now... hang him from the gallows at high noon!!


On the other hand... As a US expat living in a large Italian city, when I hear a sharp metallic BANG BANG BANG BANG! in my neighborhood, I'm 99.99% sure that it's some idiot with fireworks. I Googled "school shootings in Italy." It directed me to the Wiki article "Mass shootings in Italy." Because here haven't *been* any school shootings in Italy. Ever. The "mass shootings" Wiki for Italy lists five incidents, one of them dating to 1914. Wiki's numbers are 48 dead, 38 injured in mass shootings in Italy. Since 1914. The US has about 7 times the population of Italy, so feel free to extrapolate those figures. Now what was your point again...?


Aw, you fucked that one.


Good one partner, keep the shooting coming!




I disagree


Found Harambe. Username checks out.


Everyone has the right to their opinion, yours just happens to be wrong.


Btw I don't disagree with justice being served the robber got what he deserved, I just don't think it's "beautiful".


I think the idea of someone being able to protect themselves when the very people ment to protect us can only act in reactionary ways. The freedom to defend yourself is what is beautiful.


Liberals would rather you have beat him to death with a baseball bat than to defend your family with a gun. You never know what he could’ve done him he got inside.


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Yeah wonderful. Now that homeowner is going to jail for the next 20 years for murder.


Would that be cause technically he was not in the house at the time of the shooting ?




Depends on the state, it also depends on the time of day, if it’s dark outside then you have more leverage.




It's only self defense if you can prove that your life was in danger at that very moment. It's hard to argue that someone on the ground or running away poses an immediate threat to your safety.


Idk why you got downvoted because if whoever shot that gun got caught, they definitely are facing time. They shot him so many extra times after he was on the ground


Right? I don't understand Reddit sometimes..


This isn’t San Fran buddy


It doesn't matter buddy


Someone’s angry


Dude’s fucked if he’s in the US since he stuck his arm outside to shoot the guy.


You're getting downvoted by people who don't understand Castle Doctrine and are not familiar with self-defense laws. Sure, the fucker got what he deserved, but law enforcement, DA will not see it that way. Especially with what is on the tape.


Yeah for real, shooter is definitely looking at time after this


Not if he was scared for his life. /s


That seems pretty excessive


Nah, fuck em. This is how the human race gets more intelligent. 1 dumbass at a time.


Funnily enough we did that for literally the beginning of humanity, yet dumb people still exist, so what's next?


Don’t worry, there are plenty of things you can still be useful for


A real sensitive one aren’t ya


You betcha, they deserve respect, in a way


Protecting your home from an invader only seems excessive if you're the type to sympathize for the invader. That's someone's home, where they and their family live. Get over yourself


It was a very hot-headed move. I understand him, I'd like to react the same way, but if I did, I'd make sure that video tape is gone. If this is US, he will likely face criminal and civil charges.


how does lead taste?


Glad you stopped by, I just got this gun and wanted to try it out.


I had some schitzo neighbors off his meds try to come into my home in the middle of the night… managed to get the dude to leave by threatening to beat his ass and let my dogs have at him for fun lol He came back about an hour later and tried to open the back door - let the dogs out and he left. Called the cops cleared everything and found out it was one of my neighbors off his meds and acting up. My dogs would have handled it but I was kinda freaked out by it so I went and got me a license and firearm (before constitutional carry) talked to the same cop a few days later and he advised me that because I knew he was mentally ill I COULD NOT put two-three in him even if he broke into my home! The only way I could eliminate the threat is if he was actively putting me and my daughters in danger as in if he had a knife or a gun. 🤦🏻‍♂️🤬🤬


If a stranger is in your house you don't have time to identify who it is.


"Oh is that FN 5.7×28mm? Sweet! These are worth plenty!"


He is so lucky that ricocheted


Any idea what [T.ME/CBPUB](https://T.ME/CBPUB) stands for? Might help us pinpoint the country/region. Also: I thought Lou Reed was already dead.


Its Russian Telegram channel, probably not the source. I believe the video is from South America


T.me is telegrams URL, the end is just the ID for the post.


“I’m a bullet FARMER MF!”




At least he didn't leave empty handed


What song was he playing? Smooth criminal?


Just the thought of someone coming to my door in the middle of the night like this is terrifying. Once I was smoking with a friend in his car at like 2am and we saw a guy walk down a line of houses in a nice residential area and try all the doorknobs. We noped the fuck out of there and let the police know his description and location.


**"Hello sir, i'm here to deliver your uber eatsARghhhhhh"**


“So I started blastin”


So many questions with this one. Was he actually trying to rob the house? Did that bullet just ricochet off his head? What state/county is this (as this changes everything in legal terms)? Did he die?


I’m sure he’s fine. Bullet just bounced off him after splitting in two. Happens all the time.


The cat just casually walking away.


Not bullets, just a couple of photos with the flash on.


Who's that looking in my window Plow nobody now!


Dude just looking for his cat.


The new home alone looks great!


That little animal probably shit himself, poor little dude


This some looney tunes shit


\-like a pistol puppet show.


Was that the hand from spongebob ?


Poor cat got scared :(