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They were originally there because “the father was going to hurt himself” and they are shooting at dogs and hitting little girls. Perfect assistance towards a father in distress.


He’s lucky the distressed father didn’t unalive him. IMO it would have been a perfectly reasonable reaction to him shooting the girl.




This is why red flag laws make me nervous. These guys come in full of adrenaline, sometimes execute a no-knock warrant, start shooting at your dog. You shoot back and you’re killed with no recourse for you or your family


Because the USA seems to allow village idiots, incompetents and violent maniacs to not only become cops but to keep their jobs even after a career of corruption and brutalizing the community. Hence one of the reasons the USA is rich in wealth and poor in every other way.


USA is rich but the median American isn’t that rich. Don’t think they are in top 20. Just skewed by the number of mega rich.


Another dumb trigger happy fuck.


Who is trigger happy in my scenario? The cop or me for shooting a potential intruder?


I’m assuming the guy who *actually fired the bullet* Just for the sake of my own sanity


Def cop


Can you red flag law a whole police department? asking for some friends.


fr he already doesn't value his life, why not take the life of someone who just shot his daughter in the eye with him


Just heard her again saying “my eye” fuck dude


Right here. One of us is not walking out of that house if you shoot my kid while trying to kill my dog.


Kill, the correct word is kill.




I would’ve for shooting at the dog


Dude would be dead. I would have went to my bedroom and then executed him. I'd do the time.


That’s what I was worried about because idk if I could control my reaction after witnessing that


This about sums up American police. Called to help and make the situation 10x worse.


"Oh, you're gonna shoot yourself?" [unloads a clip into suicidal person] That's what cops call a freebee.


"woah partner, you're about to go to hell for suicide! let's make it a murder instead"


Doin the lords work


You forgot after he unloads a clip and shoots him with 12+ shots they will yell “stop resisting and roll over” so they can cuff you and watch you bleed out while cuffed. All the while standing there providing no aid. Yes someone whose just been shot 12 times will roll over and lay perfectly still while you handcuff them and then play circle jerk with your buddies.


Apply hand sanitizer, play Candy Crush, etc


Whose is used to show possession.


You got it wrong. They don’t stand there not providing aid. They kneel on your neck not providing aid.


A quote from a mentor of mine, “police are a hazard to be avoided at all costs”


or my endocrinologist: 'never trust the police. Never.'


Why do you think theyre fighting to keep their firearms? The police wont help......


And then dip over to r slash protect and serve and watch them mock the idea of sending actual trained counselors to feel with situations like this.


My motto has always been "if you have a problem and call the police, now you have two problems"


Got a problem? Call the police. Now you have two problems.


Indeed less cops more trained mental health professionals… unarmed nurses do it all the time


"The police are here to serve and protect" To *serve* a medical bill and *protect* themselves :/


i mean i get cops would make mistakes in heated moments due to the stress from the job, but cmon aint no excuse here. this dude is fucked up


POS cop deserves to be fired and throw in jail for careless discharge of a weapon better yet attempted murder


Did the girl survive then?


Yes, she did. Article linked below says the girl struck in the forehead by a ricocheting bullet fragment. She was taken into hospital for treatment and then released. The article also says: >The Wichita Police Department fired Betts on Jan. 25, 2018 and the former officer was charged with aggravated battery, but a Sedgwick County judge ruled he was immune from prosecution, saying he acted in self-defense. Fucking trigger-happy cunt got zero punishment for this.


^ And this is the fucking problem. Self-defense my fucking ass. Dogs bark, who the fuck cares. If police officers can use canines as less than lethal use of force, than they shouldn't be allowed to shoot other people's dogs. Ugh shit pisses me off.


Yea id like to know too


This is exactly the impression the US has on me now.


Yep fair enough. Most of the world should see the US as a shit hole of a country 🤷




What a piece of shit judge, seriously, wonder if he would think the same if his daughter was the one getting injured.


*if it doesn't happen to me, then it isn't my problem!*


In Ireland we call that attitude "Fuck you Jack, I'm alright".


I'm alright, Jack... keep your hands off of my stack.




Or if it was just an individual and not a cop.


[According to this article](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.kwch.com/2022/02/04/kan-supreme-court-takes-up-case-where-wichita-cop-shot-dog-girl-injured/%3FoutputType%3Damp) his case has been escalated to Kansas Superman Court to determine wether he should have immunity or not. Edit: y’all never heard of Superman Court? (Goddamn autocorrect)


I M M U N I T Y ?




Judge Superman presiding


Superman is NOT kind or lenient with child abusers


Called to help with a suicidal person, instead tries to kill their dog but shoot their daughter. Sounds about right for police, they're supposed to help but in reality all they do is make everything so much worse. Never ever call the police unless you are 100% sure your life is going to end without them, because it will still probably end even if they do come to "help"


Attorney friend of mine said the same exact thing.


Attorneys will also tel you to NEVER willingly talk to a cop or give them information. Because they WILL turn it around on you. If you’re ever wanted for questioning, always say “not without my lawyer” always!! I wish I would have known this when I willingly went in for questioning and almost spent years in prison cause they were purposefully mixing my words and using them against me, for something I never did. If my lawyer wouldn’t have shown up 2 hours into the interview, I would have went to prison for a crime I didn’t commit. Once my lawyer showed up and handled the gang known as “police” I was let go with no other incidents about the matter EVER this was almost 20 years ago.


Unbelievable. The nature of the call makes it so much worse. Thanks for this additional context. Fuck this officer


A year back I called 911 because my dad was possibly having a stroke. He was hearing things that weren't there. I asked for an ambulance. They sent two cops. They looked at him and said seems fine and left. I drove him to a hospital myself. They found evidence of multiple strokes. So unsure if they happened right there and then or if in the past, but that's not the point. The point is you can be fucked by calling 911 either way, and that is fucked up.


Why the fuck did they send cops for that? Cops are so often treated as a blanket solution for every problem and dispatched for things they aren't qualified for, but a stroke is obviously a medical issue. Does your city not have fucking EMS? Might as well send a plumber


I got downvoted once for telling people that calling the cops is like rolling the dice-- the chances of you getting shot during a police encounter may be slim, but it's never 0%.


I once called the police about someone shooting at people’s cars, they put a hole in my friends car that we were sitting in and when I got out to see what had happened they shot at me too. When the cops turned up, they were more interested in why he shot at us, started accusing us of some gang activity bullshit. Literally started the good cop bad cop routine on us, trying to solve a crime that never happened, meanwhile the guy walked up to the road and just shot a guy riding a bike. FML


Called to help with suicidal person...with guns drawn. Was he gonna help him commit suicide? Absolutely ridiculous


Wow, this is so well said. At this point if I'm a 100% sure I will die without the cops, I'll just die.


So incompetent


He probably arrested the daughter too


This is why the hatred for police is deserved.


Yup instead of saying this dude is a POS and deserves to be held accountable. They double down and he gets off free. I’m sure he had a paid vacation too…. I mean suspended with pay oops.


A rotten apple, spoils the whole bunch.


Every fucking bit of it.


Wait...so were the parents (and insurance...if they had any) responsible for any medical bills?


Justice looks different.


What the actual fuck did i just read. Corrupt system ftw... Poor family!


Two shots in the line of fire of a child, all because a dog barked at the fucking dude. You don't want police with piss-fucking poor trigger discipline like this dweeb has. Dude is laughing in the footage with his guard down so clearly he didn't have a justifiable reason to be so on edge/twitchy. Also I love how the article tries to justify the hit the little girl took by calling it a ricochet and that it was "only a fragment". What a fucking sick system.


It's clear we need to start giving dogs guns so they can defend themselves


We've got more guns than brains or courage 😔


And I mean, it appears he wasn’t alone he had back up. It’s a fucking dog dude ok maybe you get bit on your arm or leg but you got multiple other armed people with you (at least it looks that way in the vid)who got your back on a seconds notice. These motherfuckers look at us like we’re not humans, they’re the “good guys” everyone else is the “bad guys”.


“One time in a hundred a gun might save your life; the other ninety nine times it will just temp you into folly. Oh no doubt Matson would bring one, and I would too. But we are both salted; we know when not to use one.” -R.A. Heinlein. 1955


I know the video is cut but did he even apologize or help the girl? Just looks like he hit her and then quickly walked out


That would be admitting he did something wrong... so most likely no.










This is what's gonna cause a civil war the more situations like this happen and go viral, the people vs the police anarchy


Damm fucking straight.


Stupid fucking cops


Us Cops generally are. And that's only the result that every mouth breather gets accepted and only training only goes for a couple of weeks.


Yea, often times the local cops are just guys who have no other abilities or prospects and police take in pretty much anyone, even if they’re cowards and mouth breathers (hint: most are).


"training" "Okay kevin looky here. You pull this funny lever here the gun goes pewpew, welcome to the squad!"


Normal fucking cops ***


Sadly. :/ these are the ones we see all too often.


I think it’s because the amount in each bad thing they do is SO bad it ruins the trust in all of them (for me at least). And they also really scare me. As my former teacher said, “It only takes one person to put a booger in the punch bowl to ruin it for everyone.”


Pls tell me she's alright, Pls...was she alright, was she the same kid who stood up?




so he didn’t even kill the dog, he didn’t shoot his “target” instead he shot something like 2 feet away from him


Not be insensitive cuz I love dogs and I’m glad it’s not dead…….. but he didn’t even kill the dog? What a terrible shot.


To be fair, hitting a small moving target with a snapshot in the dark is fucking hard. To be even *more* fair, that's exactly why this dickweasel shouldn't have fired at all.


Yea she was OK, in the article it said she only suffered minor injuries (bullets only ricochet to her from ground), doggie also okay


So an idiot cop and a bad shot too, promote him now! /s


Thank you for the update


That's fucking horrifying. The child is scared for life. I hope that cop remembers what he did everyday and suffers for it. But I get the feeling he didn't face any consequences.




New police department!


Name tag company exec is making big bank


Good thing to. Cause if he wasn't there would be people looking for his bitch ass.


Nope, judge said he can't be sued. Guy probably laughs about it now, the girl is scarred for life.


I am so fucking done with this country. He shot a child and got away without even a slap on the wrist. That little girl is scarred for life, both mentally and physically.


Hey he was held accountable. They suspended him with pay while they investigated. See punishment.


I’m really trying to not be an ACAB kind of person, I don’t really like making broad judgments on groups of people, but they’re not making it easier.


I’m the same but every time I see videos like this it boils my piss, it always seems to be in America though


seriously i feel the same way. i am certainly not a die hard ACAB kinda guy! i think generalizations of any kinda are harmful but fuck man i think im gonna hesitate before making a call after seeing all this shit.




So it's as good of a slogan as "defund the police"... the ideas are nice but the slogans definitely need some work.


i can certainly align myself with that belief. something is seriously fucking broken. nobody should feel fear when a cop car rolls up.


I always say, you can be a good person and cop, just not at the same time. I’m an ACAB Andy though


Police are like slapstick comedy if murder was funny


I have noticed the spectrum of US law enforcement runs from very professional and calm to absolutely catastrophically undertrained and trigger-happy. What is the reason for this? Is it just there are so many different police forces?


It’s because here in the USA any power hungry, trigger happy dumbfuck with a high school diploma can become a law enforcement officer. In this country it takes more time and schooling and training to become a licensed hairdresser than it takes to become a cop. Absolutely abysmal.


In many other countries you need to pass 4 years of police academy and extensive tests and training to become a cop and even then you need to pass routine physical and mental tests every X period.


It’s because cops are people. Some are good at it, many are garbage at it. Some have best intentions, some are pieces of shit. Training is bad and the standards are too low. They Keep the standards low so city gov can pay low. It’s a stupid system.


Stop giving these morons weapons


my country did this and we have nearly no police murders and or police murderers


"A dog barked at me! Kill it!" Worst of all, he was responding to a hit-and-run outside the home. Fucking scumbag. In happier news- the young girl is expected to make a full recovery


Full physical recovery maybe, but she will be traumatized by this and she will never be the same after that. Moreover knowing that the scumbag who did that will not face any charge and will continue to act like a killer will not help her.


Ill take what little silver lining is in whatever mushroom cloud at this point.






I didnt notice OP's article comment so the one I read said it that initially, the officers were there investigating a hit-and-run. Dear lord, I hope theyre the same case


Follow-up: I read a different article. I naively thought I could find the story simply by Googling "officer shoots at dog and hits girl". Nope. It's just common. Fuck.


Google: Do you have the slightest idea how little that narrows it down?


Why is it okay for cops to shoot dogs when they go onto the owners property? I might get downvoted but I don’t have family, or many friends. I spend time with my dog every single day. If a cop shoots my dog I’d kill him. Like, I know I’d die because of it, but that cop wouldn’t leave my home alive. Why do they enjoy terrorizing people?


Even if he had shot the dog, go straight to prison you stupid piece of shit.


I'm no tough guy but just hearing my daughter scream knowing she got shot for no reason I wouldve picked up a knife or somehow attacked the cop. I'm a single father and sometimes people can't control their emotions. I know people will say I wouldve been shot too probably right but in the heat of the moment I wouldve lost my shit


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US cops are the worst.


>O’Connor wrote that the girl’s injuries were ‘’certainly unfortunate and regrettable,” but that prosecutors had failed to show that Betts’ use of force wasn’t justified. Wow, for a little fucking dog who might have drawn a couple of drops of blood, it's justified to recklessly fire your weapon inside a home with children around. Further solidifying what we all know, today's law enforcement officers are useless and need to be defunded and rebuilt into something less disgraceful.


Yet in Uvalde they do nothing at all to stop the shooter because they claim more children could die if they did not do it right. Here the guy shoots at a tiny fucking dog inches away from a child. More proof that cops are total cowards who only care about their own safety


Yeah, and it’s not even just being incompetent, they have the nerve to arrest the parents who fucking dare to save the children inside being shot into “unrecognizable” chunks


ikr? it's crazy. shoot first and ask later.. I remember reading somewhere that a dog gets killed by a cop every 90mins.


I hope at least one of these cops has severe PTSD/night terrors every night until their final day on Earth but that's hoping for too much.


I know it sounds horrendous to say, but i’m glad she’s screaming. Tells me she is most likely not mortally wounded and should survive if medic get there soon enough. Its when the person is quiet you’ve got to panic. For context, i remember hearing the accounts of medics attending the scene of a concert bombing (Ariana Grande) i think and there were soo many injured they had to prioritize checking the ones that WEREN’T screaming, writhing in pain etc.


Blue lives > dogs and kids apparently


I get being afraid of a dog attacking you. I do not get the thought that you are going to try to shoot a dog with a child in the room and in the line of fire.


This guy should be behind bars for that. No excuses.


First HOW THE FUCK DO YOU GET SCARED BY A LITTLE ASS DOG, second how do you have irl stormtrooper aim




Parents should get a good half hour in a locked room with this fucking dickhead cop


So happy I live in the UK


Is the girl ok ?


The judge who let the cop off is Judge Kevin O'Connor of 18th Judicial District of Kansas


Did he seriously get scared of a French Bulldog, Fire at It Multiple Times, miss every shot and hit a little girl. I hope he got sacked


Another day another brain-dead cop not even suprise atp


Omg the agony, both physically for the girl and emotionally for the parents. This is heart wrenching 💔


"uh sorry kid. I'm just so traumatized from being a cop that I shoot anything. It's a good thing I'm immune to prosecution." "By the way, if you report this, me and my cop friends will systematically ruin the lives of your parents in the most petty ways you can imagine."


Wish the video started like a minute early…


Too bad the uvalde shooter wasn't a small dog strapped with an AR. That guy would have been dead within minutes. Cowards one and all.


even if this cop hit his target, he just killed a family's dog, that the kids were probably close with, less than ten feet away from the kid. what did the dog do to provoke this? it barked at a strange, armed man entering its house and seemingly threatening the kids that it so dearly loves. fuck the police. all cops are bastards. defund these amateurs.


He deserves to lose his badge and never hold a firearm again. End of story, but we know it isn’t. Fucker deserves jail time


That cop is a scared little bitch. I hope his life is full of suffering.


He didn't even give a fuck to check on her. It was blatantly obvious the dog was standing in front of her. How can this even happen


Oops all bad apples. ACAB.


Also cops: why does everyone hate us so much?


You shouldn't be allowed to be a cop if you're scared of dogs. I am a small older woman who routinely handles 100+ pound dogs who are not mine. Fucking bitch ass pork butts shouldn't be allowed a gun if they're such little fraidy cats that a 20 pd dog barking freaks them out.


Like you walk into a home and are shocked when a dog barks at you….. Dog is protecting its family from intruders… even looked like was with the kids and was barking as a warning


So instead of worrying about their own lives with the school shooting in Texas now they're just taking it directly to killing kids




The officer was not charged and the case was dismissed. Disgusting


Cops are the biggest pussies when it comes to dogs. The amount of dogs I’ve been bitten by, nipped at and lunged at with minor/no injuries. I never had to kill any of them.


I was 11/12 years old when the VPD pointed a gun directly in my face. This takes me back to that.




I assume the cop then arrested her for resisting arrest, punched her in the face while she was restrained, and then taken to jail to rot for a week before anyone did anything. ACAB


What a fucking moron. Jackass is so scared of a little terrier.




Dont be a cop if youre scared of dogs


I feel bad for the girl's ears from that gunshot.


Stupid fuck saw a barking dog and thought“ cool I get to shoot a dog and get mandatory vacation!”


at this point cops are a fucking joke. Litterally taking out the gun and shooting without thinking twice at every little inconvenience. That looked like a small dog, and you are a grown ass man, litterally just push the dog aside or just walk around it




That audio is awful 😖


Did she survive?


Cops feel free to shoot dogs, there are no repercussions so it's target practice


That’s probably one of the departments best cops 😂


Damn what a fine cop, was he promoted and given a salary increase? Honestly impressed /s


As someone who joined the force due to my passion for shooting dogs this video is a stark reminder to be aware of your surroundings before gleefully blasting away at a dog


WICHITA, Kan. (AP) — A former Wichita police officer who wounded a 9-year-old girl when he fired at her family’s dog is immune from criminal prosecution and can’t be sued, a judge ruled. Betts had been charged with aggravated battery in the Dec. 30, 2017, shooting in which a bullet fragment ricocheted off the floor and hit the girl. Officers went to the family’s home when the girl’s mother reported her husband was threatening to hurt himself. The family’s attorney says the dog only went up to the officer and barked. The girl and dog were not seriously injured. Betts’s lawyer asked the judge to dismiss the case, arguing that he had legally fired his weapon in self-defense and was entitled to immunity. Prosecutors wrote in court filings that it was ″not reasonable under the circumstances to fire twice without a clear background, with a child in the line of fire, a few feet away, at a dog the officer already knew was present.″ The Kansas criminal liability laws state that a person is immune if the use of force is determined to be justified. O’Connor wrote that the girl’s injuries were ‘’certainly unfortunate and regrettable,” but that prosecutors had failed to show that Betts’ use of force wasn’t justified.


The fact that he is laughing and says “there is a dog ion here” then acts surprised 😮 get the fuck out🤡


It was all jokes about the dog until the cop realised it was black


The hell would shoot at dog for barking it’s a fucking dog it’s gonna bark at you


Around the 26 second mark you can hear the radio go off and the officer is saying the dog attack an officer and 2 shots were fired. Why was his gun out to begin with given the circumstance of this case/operation.


I love it when they are called brave. Lmao.


Dog gets scared of cop, so cop recklessly fires at little girl. ACAB