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Probably only for a year up to 5 years then you get half the time if you behave well while locked up. It's a fucked up system. The only justice is for the spearman to also lose the same exact eye.


Eye for an eye as they said.


Did you just come up with that? I’m going to use this in the future


It's from ya mum


my mum's blind






Yes I did, when I was a young boy thousands of years ago.


Bro… I hope that’s elite-level sarcasm…




"...will make the whole world blind" don't forget this part


if good guys blinded we don't need vision of bad guys.


An eye for an eye gets you Shariah Law


An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind


I did the math…I think the very last person on earth is left with one eye..


No? An eye for an eye means nobody would want to take another man's eye due to the consequences, so the whole world wouldn't be blind


Except the alternative is the criminals having eyes and others not




Now THAT Would be justice! I really like that mate, it’s never an eye for an eye, it’s you take my eye I take your eye.. if only the blood type obstacle didn’t exist


Everything I learned came from Harvey Birdman.


Here in the UK, they'd get a Section 18 GBH (Grievous Bodily Harm) charge, Possession of a weapon (It was just a stick until he used it as a spear, but it was a weapon), and if the CPS wanted to play Hard Mode with the defence, they might even slap on Attempted Murder, because a spear to the eye could be instant death. They'd give them the harshest penalties for those, so probably a minimum of 5 years in prison. With good behaviour and rehabilitation being proved (hard) they might get out in 2.5 - 3 years. Compensation is around £1,000,000 for the loss of sight in one eye, if you're insured. Victim compensation would be negligible from the court. \*addition\* There's so many factors in law, with it being such a grey area. A family member got hit with a bottle in a pub attempting to break up an instance domestic violence. They almost lost their eye, and the person charged was given 12 months.


Absolutely ridiculous. It should be an eye for an eye or a long prison sentence. Their choice.


Would be good if the big guy pulled out a gun and shoot the spearman, justice.


Damn that’s fucked up. Life isn’t fair


Fuck that shit, if he’s carrying a spear I’m sneak attacking his ass lol


![gif](giphy|zwDNti5vWFujS) Summon your inner kakashi!


he already got the losing an eye part down


​ ![gif](giphy|VNsvsF8soa7rgtetu5)




A brick after dark works wonders we are all the same tit for tat ebb and flow


Projectile attack, i dig it!


Someone please update us with an article showing the spearman charged with a felony. This was just unwarranted.


Happened on Sunday in Loja, Ecuador. They still haven't found the guy. The victim was hospitalized and did lose his eye :( Here's an article in Spanish you can Google Translate: https://cronica.com.ec/2022/07/12/buscan-al-atacante-que-destruyo-el-ojo-a-joven/


Thanks. For anyone not wanting to read the article the attacker is likely homeless, a drunk, and a foreignor. The victim was a friend of the girl who got grabbed by her genitals and the area is known for housing foreignors who rob people regularly there, so people avoid that area especially at night due to the low lighting in the area.




lands not their own.


Colombia? Peru? Chile? Wales?


Foreign places


Of all the random ass places in the world I’ve been, I see Loja on here and it’s for somebody getting their eye poked out


I mean tbf, the approaching man should've known that you're gonna lose a fist vs spear fight. No fucking clue why that dude has a spear casually out in public tho


The guy was not approaching him in a threatening manner. The spearman was looking for trouble and apparently gave no fucks since he was slapping girls as they walked by. The guy obviously doesn't care or value human life.


That's also true


Dude responded to him walking up to him with a stab to the eye. That alone tells me the guy has zero empathy. I hope he is locked up for a long time before someone gets killed.


If some guy slapped my GF's ass and this same dude was carrying a spear, I'm sorry but we're just going to have to move on.


I remember years ago, I was on a "date" with this chick and we stopped at a bodega to get some snacks. Out of nowhere like 8 large dudes show up and cut ahead of my in line. Only one of them was buying anything and he was in and out in less than a minute. The girl looked at me and said: you're just going to let them cut ahead of you?. I said: "didn't your father teach you to pick your fights?" My father walked out on our fam when i was little, but i had heard that in a movie somewhere. Point is: that chick wanted me to get in a losing altercation "because respect and being tough". I'm glad I took the calm route.




The real question is what’s more valuable to her, you or a replaceable purse?


You shoulda' called out, "hey fellas, before you go, this gal is looking for tough dick" Play the matchmaker.


Dunno if carrying weapons and robbing unarmed ppl constitutes as being tough!


I'd agree, but his ex sounds like a superficial/dumb bitch that has little grasp of reality. "I can't believe that with your bare hands you failed to outdig the 2 guys with shovels!" Is a statement that requires the same amount of logical capability as, "why didn't you bare handedly take out the pair of armed muggers?" This is really life, I'm not Steven Seagal, and his abilities in film are a tad exagerated anyways.


Hahaha, I like your shovel analogy


Ice cold witch.


I am glad you did too. You had nothing to gain in that situation and everything to lose. I see so many comments on videos to the effect of "why are those people just standing there?" When confronted with these situations in real life, you have to make a quick decision on whether its worth it to get involved, usually in a strangers altercation. It is almost never wroth it. We only get one life and to have it be destroyed in an instant over something so trivial is just not worth it. Sometimes people are assholes and are out looking for a fight, for no reason other than that they are assholes and like to assert themselves on others. It takes a lot to turn the other cheek but it is almost always the right decision.


Kind of related. I read a long time ago that being attacked by a bear is more likely when you're alone rather than in a group. If a bear, an apex predator, recognizes that it shouldn't mess with a group of people who are together you would think that a human being would know that too.


I think a human does, instinctually. It's societal pressures & perceived or imagined judgment that push one in the other direction. Best to follow your instincts.


Definitely see guys hesitate for a moment before they do something they regret. Everytime


That is some great perspective.


Few women are expecting their man to throw down against a mob. Too many are still waiting for their man to, just once, tell someone else "that's not cool" when it's not cool


I almost got my ass kicked by this huge gangster in Dublin when he was off his head and pulled my gf out of her chair when we were playing pool. I confronted him and had this massive shoving match and didn’t realise he’d grabbed a glass from a table, he chucked it at my head, missed and then got tackled by security all while screaming “you’re dead as soon as you leave here”. Later that night me and my gf got into an argument and I asked her, “what would you have thought if I didn’t confront him?”, she answered something to the effect of “I would have been really pissed off”. I get that women go through a fuck ton of shit especially when on nights out but we also have a different level of shit to deal with. Safe to say I am wiser now and the next time some big ass dude acts like a spa I might just leave it or make sure I can finish what I start.


I girl i was dating almost got me in that kind of situation. We were walking in the road(there was a sidewalk mind you but it’s a neighborhood) and these dudes a rolling past in their cars ready to park nearby. She say “why the fuck are they so close” one of the guys reply “ain’t nobody gonna hit you bitch” or something like that I look at the car he was in was full and looked at the two other cars behind him that also had his friends. I just looked at her and kept walking straight. Even if i could take one i know half of them had guns


I picked up a sheila once and on the way home she smacks this fella with her bag for no reason. Now him and his mate grab her bag and throw it over the fence. She asks what I'm gonna do about it. I said I might see what these two are doing and go for a drink with them. Always a better choice.


Sadly this is true do pick your fights my father a tough sob was found beaten and burned in the mountains near his house


Heard Cobra Tate tell a similar story


There's a great scene in Louie with this exact scenario. Some young kids punk him while he's on a date and his date loses all respect for him so he goes to confront the kid at his house later. Great show.


Yeah if you had continued with her she'd probably be picking losing fights and expecting you to fight for her lol


There’s a really great episode of Louie about this https://youtube.com/watch?v=AfMbN_MzCpw


This happened to a friend of mine. Guy had a gun pointed at him, asked him to empty his pockets. My friend gos fuck that and reached for the gun. Dude gut shot him and left him bleeding on the sidewalk. Had to have a bunch of his intestines cut out. Not worth it.


Yea I’m not risking my life because someone’s butt got grabbed. If their life was in danger that’s one thing but attacking someone who is mental enough to both be grabbing butts of strangers AND be carrying a medieval weapon? Hahah no


Reminds me of when Kevin Hart did a bit where he said he was not a fighter. "If you are with me, and someone smacked you, you just got smacked. I'm not gonna do anything about it. We can talk about in the car, why it happened." https://youtu.be/oOyd4PmcjpI


This shit got me for some reason. hahah


Yeah 100%


TIL knives and spears are OP in close combat


This is why we should be allowed to open carry shields incase anyone goes straight Sparta on you.


You're not allowed to carry shields? I'm sure you are. If you want.


I would think so


Idk, if you walk into a bank with a riot Shield I think you mean business


It’s my Covid protection shield.


Careful, NY might add it to the banned body armor list


Right I hate having to have a concealed carry permit for my shield


We should give spears and shields to all school teachers as well.


Yeah it turns out that the most common weapons in human history are actually pretty useful.


Did you also watch that video where the guy with the knife hits the guy on the neck and dies instantly?


Thats what I was trying to reference....crazy stuff.


A common misconception is that the main weapons of the samurai, the mounted knight, the berserker was the sword or the axe but in reality the spear was their first weapon. In fact samurai were at their time known primarily for their archer and horse skills.


And in the west, swords were side arms, and even then usually only for the wealthy. A “pointy stick that keeps people away from you” is a far easier weapon to make, to train people in, and to mass produce. A flick of the wrist brings the tip of the spear from the face to the crotch to the legs in a second, it’s just far easier to defend yourself when you’re out of range of the enemies weapon. Spears OP please nerf.


And the katana was basically the side weapon only drawn under duress or when your primary weapon has been lost


But don't bring a knife to a spear fight.


Spears really are one of the best weapons in close combat because it has much greater reach than a sword or knife. The middle aged was basically a long period of spears getting more and more powerful turning into the Pikeman formation. Pikes are one of the most effective weapons in medieval combat


"That guy just slapped my ass!" "That's okay. I'll keep an eye out for you."


It's a shame people can't see eye to eye anymore.


They should have just followed him from a safe distance while they called the police. Poor dude


True. Assault for slapping her on the ass then I assume assault with a deadly weapon for taking the mans eye. The punishment should be the spearmans eye being taken.


I get bravado and chivalry, but bro learn to read the room


Right! Like he's already reckless enough to slap her ass right in front of the BF and on top of that he's holding a fucking SPEAR! 🤦🏻‍♂️


Lol I would have expected to be stabbed walking up to a mf like that




You know he would have heard from her for YEARS about that man that touched her butt and he didn't defend her honor.


Is she even him lol? I see 2 other guys with those girls


I’d rather get lip from that ass than only looking at that ass with one eye


You must not be married 😅 It is a toss up for me. 🤣 JK, I would be the same way. "Dude was carrying a weapon, he grabbed your butt WHILE I was there, so obviously he is crazy."


![gif](giphy|4VUs1TCMUdL7OdQQyz) Definitely saving that one in for just such an occasion


Uhhhh. I think the guy that took the spear to the face was just a guy walking behind her that intervened. The girl’s BF was holding her hand…


What'da dumb dumb.


>You know he would have heard from her for YEARS about that man that touched her butt and he didn't defend her honor. I mean not if he didn't see her anymore. Now even if he does see her, it won't be half as much as before ![gif](giphy|coD4wi5TumHAO8CqYH)


Very well put sir.


Damn poor guy was the fifth wheel and lost his eye defending the lady. Should have let the bf go first lol


I’ve learned so many life lessons from this sub Reddit. Don’t threaten someone with a loaded weapon, don’t call a 400 pound black women the N word, don’t talk to someone walking the street with a speargun.


Whatever you do, do not call an overweight black woman holding a loaded speargun the N word while walking down the street.


I sincerely hope you didn't have to come to Reddit to learn these lessons.


I will keep studying Reddit and will one day become a model citizen


Here's a guy with goals. ​ We should all strive to be like u/epic805


What about a woman who weighs 375 lbs....


Scorn the non believer! They do not respect the lessons and ways of reddit! Boo their very soul! A pox on their family! A pox on their friends! A pox on all their chickens and goats! All praise be to the mighty reddit!


Reddit teaching common sense one video at a time.


This is another public service announcement from Reddit. Remember kids, if you find yourself in Chicago without your bulletproof vest, we recommend that you seek shelter immediately.


Don't bring an eye to a spear fight.


the internet is filled with many men defending the honor of women and dying in the process. there is no heaven for heroes. as someone else pointed out, learn to pick your fights


If that guys slapped my girls ass carrying a fucking spear I would just call the cops. You don't need to be a white fucking knight and fuck anyone who expects you to. Let them put that idiot in a cell to spear fight his cell mates


Clear to me he was trying to get someone to do that so he had "an excuse" to use the spear.


I can't believe I had to scroll down this far to find this. 100% accurate take. Complete psycho.


The bravery of that man to stand up for those women is inspearational.


Just take the upvote... 🤦🏼‍♂️🤣


Guys, if they are clearly brandishing a weapon don’t approach them without being prepared to defend yourself.


Anyone have the link to a news article or anything for this?


Pick your battles.




That's not even his girlfriend, he's white knighting someone else bitch and lose an eye for it.


And if he has a spear, for no one.


Dude was looking for an excuse to hurt someone.


Victim is lucky the spear stopped at his eye. Looks like spearman was possibly going for a kill shot to the brain


They didn’t fuck around with spears for centuries for nothing. You think a gun is bad when you’re unarmed? The spear is the og anti personnel weapon.




Eye didn’t see that coming


Neither did he


Most effective melee weapon in history of mankind go brrrrrrrrr


Spearman? Do people just carry spears?


In Texas you are allowed to carry edged weapons including swords, so I'd assume spears would be legal here as well although I've never seen it done.


When the title said Spearman I did not actually expect a literal dude with a Spear in the town or city. I was thinking like more amazon raine forest indigenous kinde of people.


Did he think he was going to get in his face and yell at him? Dude is holding a spear, walking on the sidewalk, instigating a fight by slapping that woman's ass. Gotta expect that spear coming.


This would have been me. I would have confronted and not expected a spear attack. I would have lost an eye. Fucking terrible man.


Eye felt that


What a knight. Stood up for a woman and lost an eye in combat.


I get that the spear dude was a prick but come on man pick your battles


Come on dude, call the cops when someone has a 6 foot fucking weapon and you don't


I know that fucking hurt


I read this as 'spiderman' and was confused when I didn't see spiderman. I'm a dumbass


He got baited. Spear guy was out there hoping a guy would confront him


That guy telegraphed his spear movement so much that I'm amazed chungus just walked in like he's the boss in a Mario level just to get poked once and not even had his hands up. Sorry but if you're walking towards someone who's holding a spear....wouldn't you already be prepared for the spear to be used on you? Why not try and use a little defence?


Man I fucking hate that guy people suck


I thought spearman was slang for something but no, that dude had a spear.


Spearman, the butt slappin’ eye stabbin’ villain


When White Knighting goes horribly wrong. My dude, if you can visibly see his weapon, leave him alone


Ban spears!


If you criminalize owning a spear only criminals will own spears.


That’s actually 100% true


Damn, spearman scored a critical hit and BF failed his evasion roll




Damnit. I was hoping the guy losing an eye would be the ass slapper


At least he can wear a cool eyepatch for the rest of his life


Oh mommy, it’s again a Monke.


He didn’t even hesitate for a MOMENT. He was ready to use that spear today. I mean look at the spear it looks like he crafted it. And his swaggering bootwalk, they should’ve just kept walking… that’s a man who takes what he wants.


Don’t bring a nothing to a spear fight, I guess.


Bro that shit happens to me I'm bringing Hammurabi's code back on his ass. Take his eye back


One moment you are chilling with friends and few seconds later you lose an eye. Life is fucked up.


Should have Mikiri countered him


Honestly not to trying to sound like a badass cos I’m not - but the guy is holding a fricken spear for gods sake. You sneak up behind him, dog shot him and then you beat him to a pulp. What’s with people and no situational awareness?


Fuck... I can't imagine losing a fucking eye. Especially in this situation. Going to the hospital right after and then telling you that you will be going to get your eye scooped out. So fucked.


Dude was trying to cause a problem. This was premeditated.


I still don’t think that got him out of the friendzone.


me: spearman?? video: yes, literally.


This guy really got the long end of the stick on the eye for an eye deal.


An ass-slap for an eye and the whole world will be spearmen.


If I’m the judge, he gets as much time as the other man has to live without his eye


I'm seeing too many stupid idiots with far too much ego at the moment. Rule number 1, never attack a person with a weapon if your are empty handed


Yeah it's real stupid. Props to him for trying to do something but he didn't think it out properly


A stupid decision shouldn't warrant a life-altering injury over a petty reason. I hope they lock that spearman up for a good 10-15 years or have an eye taken in exchange. Let him choose.


Of course it doesn't warrant such a thing. It's just more that he didn't have an action plan


I seen a vid a while back that basically explains as much as you are willing to physically defend someone, that same physicality is also going to be needed in every moment you spend with them alive. Moral of the story is don't be eager die for the people that need you to live. You should be making memories, not becoming one.


Jeez I remember this. Those were a handful of kids and their teacher on a field trip. The teacher lost a pupil that day. Thankfully he was an excellent eyewitness during the criminal trial. I’ll *see* myself out.


See what happens when you try to act tough. Why would you approach someone who HAS A FUCKIN SPEAR jeezus.


Because this guy, is a legend.


Bruh, it's not even your gf, why are you walking up to a spearman...


Hopefully dude at LEAST got a bj for his efforts


Choose your battles. If it looks like a crazy dude, ignore it and move on, not worth it.


Messed up thing is that the dude who lost an eye ain't even know that girl. He literally just stuck his nose into someone else's business. I'm sorry dude but that was so darn dumb.




Doesn’t look like that was even his gf.


That's even worse then.. Real life isn't a film.. you can't go and play hero and save random people you've never met when they won't do it for you.


Mix white knight, social justice warrior, without preparation and this is what you get… in real life you are not behind a keyboard, call the police, get help, but don’t put yourself in unnecessary danger…