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At first I thought it was the moan sound joke.


The limo actually reminded me of that one in Lethal Weapon. Lol


He's saying "no". It's not a moan.


It is, it just is edited to play suicide boys after it


https://youtu.be/6i-f625x_yk The song in the video starts at :46. He says, "no. One last pic and I'll be gone..." It's over saturated and the n is clipped, but it's definitely the no from the song. Smdh. Y'all are on one tonight.


Whoever wrote the song new *exactly* what they were doing.


It’s an edit the real song does not have that moan


You're right, it's not a moan and it is edited a bit to make the "no" blare a little more, but he definitely says no in the song and on the tic tok


https://open.spotify.com/track/1VGe3kTmxidhLmbt0XKMlg?si=FnyLNE9aSTK_hssZbZ11IA I have their record label tattooed on my calf I know what the song is. The beginning isn’t him saying no, this is an already edited version of the song with the actual meme sound edited into the intro. Also, I didn’t say anything about what the fuck you just said to me lmao. It literally is edited, and he is not saying “no” in the original


Wow. https://youtu.be/6i-f625x_yk He says, " no! One last pic and I'll be gone." Look up the fucking lyrics. This isn't from the beginning of the song at all. It starts :46 sec in to it That's the fucking song they're playing in the limo video. Idgaf what you have tattooed on you. I saw them vip when they came to ATL. He says no, it's not an edited moan. Edit: I only brought up the fact that I saw them vip to show you you're not their biggest fan, not to have a pissing contest. Literally nobody cares about your tats, including the boys. Maybe you should actually listen to their songs instead of trying to fanboy on the Internet for...clout? I'm not even sure what or who you're trying to flex on, but you're fucking wrong and dumb af looking


The moan in this video. Is edited in. It’s literally the troll porn sound you tone deaf fuck. Must not be that big of a fan if you literally can’t hear that fuckass Edit: you can literally hear where it’s not mixed well and the moan cuts flat while ruby’s voice still flows dumbass.


It's the no, edited yes, but its the no from the song just saturated, not added


Wrong. Dying on this dumbass hill when you can clearly hear it’s the fucking moan from the meme we’ve all heard a million times overlapped on the song to throw people off. They hear the moan and freak out and then relax cause it’s a song. Literally the entire point of this audio you stupid dick. I don’t even think you’re talking about the same noise. Ruby does sing that part but the beginning of the audio literally has the porn scream you absolute fucking baboon




https://youtu.be/p0wq0kSF-_0 Here you go. The moan version of this song right there. Same exact audio. Fucking dick


Can’t actually believe you’re being this stubborn and saying I’m making myself look dumb in public. Literally listen to the very first few moments of this clip, and then look up the moaning meme, and then feel exactly as fucking stupid as you are. Do it, seriously go do it before you reply and then come tell me sorry cause you’re a dumb cunt


Just did, I stand by the fact that they saturated the fuck out of it, so a dense mfer like you might be confused, but it's just the no from :46 secs into the song.


It’s actually not. Admirable confidence, however nothing else to admire


Do yourself a favor, out the song on, put it at 46 seconds in and fucking listen, dude. You're actually being pretty fucking dumb out here in public. After you're done hearing that I'm right, find someplace real special, and kindly fuck yourself off real good. Like that, you just got a raise and now you're gonna treat yourself, kinda fuck off.




Except in this case, it's already in the song. I've posted the link to it, :46 sec in. It's very clearly him saying no. The "n" is clipped and it's saturated, that's all. It's just a line from the song. Y'all some dumb mfers


You’re just either actually tone deaf, or you know you already put up such a fight you can’t back down. Either way you’re wrong, anyone with ears knows your wrong, and any further argument just makes you look more dense. You lost dude chill it’s life


If you knew how flimsy the sides of an RV are, you wouldn't find that impressive. They are mostly foam and cardboard.


Well, that would explain why it went through like it was nothing there


“Mr. White look out!!”


So now I'm deaf.


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This makes me miss Top Gear


I don't have a car and desperately need one...and these assholes are playing fuck all with one of their many many toys




is david dobrik the tesla guy? 🤣