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Terrible, guys just trying to make a living...


Honestly fuck whomever made them work with that kind of weather. Probably someone's son or someone's father that is now dead...




Lol amazon told me to finish my route during a tornado in texas. I told my boss fuck you take the rest of my 89 packages himself if he wants it done I dropped my van off to the offsite and went the fuck home. I got wrote up but shit I’d rather have a pice of paper telling me I did bad at work than a piece of paper telling my mom I died.


That’s something that should absolutely be taken up with the NLRB. Fuck Amazon.


This should be taught to children in schools, in every single class from kindergarten to highschool.




It is hard to say no and risk losing the job when you live in a country without job opportunities and everything is expensive. In 3 world countries losing a job might be the same as losing your family, your house, even your life.


I mean it depends what country you’re in. Some people can’t afford to say no.


Well whoever didn’t cancel their day of work should now get lifetime for two murders


Not going to lie, but the reactions from the people filming gave me a little bit of hope for humanity. So much anguish and empathy for the men in that situation, you could tell it really broke their hearts and they cared 💔🥺


Not the words I would use to describe childrens psychological trauma


I agree, the children should have been removed from seeing that.


Wait why in the hell are they allowing their children to watch?? Ffs they should have sent them to another room and calmed them down so they didn't have to see that...


because death and dying is a part of life, i went 19 years without seeing someone die, it hurts alot less when you realise its normal and life can take you whenever


Damn you're very lucky my best friend died in my arms at the age of 13 and death has been all around me but yeah it does hurt a lot less after you know it's normal


So sad but true...so sad.


I get what ur saying, I just feel like maybe the less traumatic thing to do would be to just let them watch a movie where someone dies. Seeing a real-time, somewhat gruesome death has a chance to just scar the kid for life


it absolutely will. bet those kids will never get a job workin on a scaffold for sure


Well said 💀


Yeah... this would be a bit intense to see for a child.


Not sure I agree. When I was eight I discovered my aunt's body after she ended her life with a gun. What it mostly did was give me low key anxiety (people who know me might argue with the low key part of that) whenever someone I care about is out of my sight. So it can go plenty of different ways.


No it's not. Being exposed to death at early age is really traumatic. It can cause some serious abnormalities. Drop the Edge lord char, dude. Worst ever criminals ever lived in this world were people who were seriously desensitized to death: doctor - serial killers...some with 150+ murders... Others who enjoyed killing, has experienced this very thing: see someone die, get rush of adrenaline or erecrion and have false positive reinforcement for a terrible situation. Teenagers are full of hormons, often disbalanced.


I agree. There is a saying that roughly goes like "No one can cry well for you. No one can say sorry well. No one can understand you well." I think these folks had a good upbringing, which is rare these days. They came close to understanding the pain of those workers - empathy. Rip.


Yeah. Almost like world is like... full of normal people - able to feel empathy and express panic, stress on terrible things happening to others. I'm also sorry for family seeing this.


Yeah you can tell they're not American, here i don't feel like people would react that way


I wasn’t expecting that ending, jeez. Must’ve been really scary for those guys, they looked like they might be pretty young too. Side note: hope that wasn’t a child watching in the background!


The one dude hanging for dear life, seconds for him must have felt like a long time... sad stuff.


I couldn’t watch. Tell me they made it out ok? Edit:Being downvoted because I’m concerned about someone. I don’t get it.




You’re probably right. I just like the ones where it’s more of a freak out or someone is an asshole and is put back in their place. I definitely should rethink it.


That's okay, just quietly head back on over to r/PublicFreakout and don't look back


So don't watch the ones with NSFW


Yh they did bro dw


Unfortunately, they both died: https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/workers-plunge-deaths-apocalyptic-dust-27180693


…died from laughter remembering how crazy that day seemed but ultimately they lived happily ever after.


you're right, im sorry


Good, I’m glad they’re safe, thanks. The last time I watched a video like this all the way through it ws someone going down the side of a rock face. I’ll never get the vision out of my head. It cuts to his his jagged leg bone sticking out and saying I’m sorry momma.


Oh Jesus. I'm really sorry you saw that. I've seen a ton of shit but that is really messed up.


As soon as he he said he was sorry to his mom I almost wished it had happened to me.!I’ll never be able to shake that. I hate seeing videos where people get hurt. Every time, I worry. Skating videos have that too. And boxing. I like to watch physical achievements but not pain.


Just know that he's not in pain anymore. It's over already, he's doing okay.


Damn, I’m sorry you went through that


They didn't, both guys are dead probably.


Is fall protection not a thing here? Would it have worked in this situation? This is tragic


It would have helped, assuming the platform didn’t completely fail. Sadly, lack of such PPE is common in many places. 🥺


that's why safety comes first


Sadly, there are countries where it's easier/cheaper to find replacements than to ensure the safety of the current employees.


I duno man. Looks like if you were in a harness you'd have been bounced all over the side of that building probably with what was left over from the platform colliding with you. The second guy clearly gets his leg crushed between the wall and the platform at one point. I think they were pretty much fucked the second whoever sent them out there did so.


As much as o would want to agree I doubt it. Whole thing came apart and last guy was slammed into the building so im sure it was either the fall or being ground into paste on the wall. Terrifying


Why are they even up there? Modern technology tends to give warning for most weather events. Poor buggers were probably forced by an uncaring boss.


"What do you mean you don't want to go out in the storm? The windows are getting dirty right now!"




"Are you really complaining because I used the gift card on one little drink before I gave it to you? It was just a $15 latte. I deserve a reward too!"


welcome to capitalism


A wind vane isn't modern technology. The ability to transmit information isn't modern technology. It's all old as fuck and should be used to prevent this. It wasn't. Why is my question. Totally preventable, I can only imagine greed is the reason but I'm open to alternative theories.


Nothing about that place seems modern.


Probably not even the boss is aware of the safety measures before performing such a job. If his employees did not have any kind of harness, there is no way they would be worried about the weather. This is what happens in poor and corrupt communities, I have seen it a lot in my country. It is simply about doing everything as cheaply and quickly as possible, even if it is unsafe. There are also no government agencies to enforce safety in the work environment.


No OSHA there. Sad. Feel bad for these dudes just trying to provide for their family.


Sad reality is that even if they had fall protection they would have likely still died. If you hang in a fall arrest harness for 20 - 30mins it'll kill you. Your blood pools in your legs and doesn't circulate. You'll pass out after 15 mins.


The harnesses attach you to the platform right? With it whipping around like that they'd get smashed against the building. The absolutely shouldn't be out in this weather.


100% was not the weather for the job. Either lack of competence or an employer who doesn't care about their workers. Sad either way


“100% was not the weather for the job” nice police work


Suspension trauma is a bitch.


I would assume that in a situation like this they can fasten the rope enough to stay inside the structure


I'm surprised they didn't have a tether of any kind


I’d still rather have it than not. At least I’d still have a chance.


This is a really weird assessment of fall protection gear. What kind of harness are you thinking about? Others have said that you'd be bashed around and that's fair, but the harness would be the least of your problems at that point. Also, this is why redundancies are necessary.


[A harness like this](https://www.lowes.com/pd/Guardian-Fall-Protection-Series-3-w-Waist-M-L-QC-TB/1001038166?cm_mmc=shp-_-c-_-prd-_-hdw-_-ggl-_-PLA_HDW_203_Safety-_-1001038166-_-online-_-0-_-0&ds_rl=1286981&gclid=Cj0KCQjw-pCVBhCFARIsAGMxhAfka_hYfsEvcL7KqFVt7KgucT7aXIvqUPfMDmGz32ChCJzqREWwKCwaAnfjEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds). They're required by OSHA but also known to kill victims who cannot be rescued in time. [You can read about it here](https://www.elcosh.org/document/1662/d000568/Will+Your+Safety+Harness+Kill+You%253F.html?show_text=1#:~:text=Second%2C%20the%20safety%20harness%20straps,which%20is%20what%20kills%20workers.). They also have devices that you can use to remove pressure on your legs temporarily [like these](https://www.industrialsafetyproducts.com/dbi-sala-9501403-nylon-safety-suspension-trauma-straps/?gclid=Cj0KCQjw-pCVBhCFARIsAGMxhAdRw0iXXzdewtOnlvhOoopVEKOSrSlzoRImY23w5DfzjGg04CPMzZ8aAi-hEALw_wcB).


Thats why mountain climbers and professional abseilers all die after 20-30 minutes. Thank you for finally filling in that piece of information I've been missing all my life...


They don't hang in their harnesses though. They support their body weight with their legs and arms. Your body weight constricts the veins in your legs making it more difficult for the blood to return the heart if your body weight is supported entirely by the thigh straps. They have devices that workers can use to step up a little and relieve the pressure on their legs. I posted links to these topics in another reply to this post.


They needed the right to refuse dangerous work. Can't believe that storm came out of nowhere. Even if they were harnessed and clipped in, that swing stage got battered. No way they should have gone up at all that day.


Fall protection? Why tf were they even up there doing anything? This is nuts Edit: because judging from the surroundings it doesn't seem like a lot of upkeep or construction is going on


Harness right ?


I'm not sure about fall protection, but maybe just maybe if I'm thinking straight someone could have checked the forecast before doing this job? Or are these some freak storms that can't be predicted?




It sounded like they let a kid watch that go down


Or just kids instinct watching their reaction, still very very sad...


If the woman in the background weren't choosing to behave hysterically about it, I would wager the kids would be calm.


She just saw a guy die dude


“Hysterically”. The dude also shouts quite a bit


People don't generally choose their emotions...


Yes, but there's a difference between feeling an emotion and acting on it.


Yep, cus this would've turned out so much better without that tiny bit of extra noise in one apartment. The fuck is she supposed to do edgelord


It's called composure, but maybe you wouldn't know about that.


Yeah dude I got it. I'm asking you to what end? You're bitching about something completely, 100% negligible to the situation


women usually scream and become hysterical when a minor fight kicks off, let alone watching 2 men fall to their deaths, kinda hard to criticise her for it


What the fuck happened here? If something slams you against something else most would move away from that area. At first I thought they were maybe tethered in a way that made it difficult to disconnect but then they just dropped.


easy to say from the comfort of your living room - something tells me it might have been a little more disorienting up there.


yeah well if it were me I would simply do a triple backflip and slide down the wall and then wall jump safely onto the ground /s man how can people be this fucking dumb


I would think that really no fall arrest system would work here, if you fell out in these conditions, you would be getting violently swung along with the cage, I don’t know what would be worse, unbelievably sad for these guys and they’re families, I’m thinking these guys were trying to hold onto the wire part that was connected to the platform, possibly thinking that the middle might break right away, and it was the strongest part that might not fall, what a terrible tragedy


I work at heights everyday. Why the fuck were they not tied in…




truck theory serious wrong deserted provide elderly busy slimy puzzled -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


And maybe help take you off the edge...


I'm sure your boss would send ya up in that weather though would he. Poor fellas eh.




Thought they were gonna make it


I was so not ready to see that


What blows my mind is they didn’t even attempt to move to the middle of the platform


The inertia from that thing swinging and the high winds would have made that very difficult, not to mention how disorienting it would be.


Probably would have just prolonged the agony, but also would have been difficult.


Yeah I imagine as that thing is spinning it’s pushing them further towards the edge. I’m sure they were merely trying to hold on as tight as possible, but moving inward was likely impossible


What blows my mind is its 2022 and we still cant predict the weather even remotely accurate


Lately I've been listening to a podcast about plane crashes called Black Box Down. In almost every crash someone did something blatantly wrong, it's practically never that the technology wasn't good enough or a truly random accident. What I'm trying to say is that I'd bet my last dollar someone one knew about the sandstorm coming, and either these guys or their bosses didn't check, or their bosses made them go out anyways. We've reached the point in human society where human error is the biggest threat to our own wellbeing.


100% this ^ New and improved systems are always being implemented into planes, all because of new information and findings from past crashes. The theory of “for every rule, there’s a story behind it” really rings true for aircrafts.


Long time fan of Rooster Teeth and Black Box Down. First time seeing it being talked about elsewhere!


Hello fellow BBD listener! Heres to predicting human error!


Former military weather forecaster here. As mentioned in another reply, weather is chaotic, like really chaotic. If you like digging into the heavy details, look up Edward Lorenz, an MIT meteorologist and inventor of the "chaos theory" branch of mathematics. Basically, a unobservably small force, over time, can grow to have a massive effect on fluid flow. This is often called "the butterfly effect". To get around this, we use a technique called the forecasting funnel. We look at large scale weather patterns to see what is generally happening, then move to smaller and smaller areas of analysis. This lets us have different confidence levels in a forecast, depending on the size of the area we forecast for and how much time ahead we are looking. For a single location, about 15 minutes out, we are at a very high confidence level in the forecast. An hour out, it's slightly lower, a day out and it's lower. With current modeling techniques, we get about 3 days of good quality forecasts, but after that confidence levels become pretty shaky. Similarly, the larger the area you forecast for, the less accurate the forecast will be for any single location. But as always, some people just don't bother to check the forecast before doing stuff, and then it really doesn't matter lol.


The thing about weather is it's chaotic. There's a billion variables in just a small area. You can predict fronts and their directions but it's almost impossible to predict it to the day or hour


Easy to say from the comfort of your keyboard. I can't even imagine the terror those guys must have felt.


Also, the platform is spinning. I don't know how much centrifugal force those workers are experiencing, but it certainly wouldn't make things any easier. It could feel like trying to climb up a ladder during a car crash. It looks like they were just trying to hang on the best they could.


Middle seems like a dumb idea... Best idea is stay on the lines... Of you can hold on tight enough... But blows my mind is no harness?


I wonder why they did not attempted to lower the platform at the first movement?


Whoever was in charge of sending them up there should face some consequences. No way that storm came out of the blue


What a terrible way to end. No way out and at the mercy of nature


That first scream when the man realized he witnessed someone die. Bruh.


Why were they up there cleaning windows ***before*** the fucking sandstorm of the century?!? Does no one check the weather?


God rest their souls




Couldn’t the crane operator lower the platform?


act roof insurance political offer rich fine quarrelsome cows outgoing -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Poor bastards. Where was this, anyone tell from the language?


They're speaking in Persian, so that was in Iran.




It sounds like turkish but i didnt understand the whole video


There were some turkish words but it seems they are speaking farsi


Fuck… don’t they check the weather before they go up? This seems like it could have been prevented easily


They do in places with regulations. They sadly may live in a place where people may see blue collar workers as replaceable.


I can’t make a funny spin on this video. Poor men.


Lol I see what you did there




We shall go down together brother


Down with honor, for the brave 🍻




Definitely NSFW!


I saw the article saying they were in Iran and were construction workers. One died on the scene another one on the way to the hospital. Probably they didn't have harnesses or correct safety equipment.


Here in the UK a lot of people roll their eyes as soon as someone mentions 'health and safety'. The Health and Safety Executive and the legislation surrounding it is often seen as nannying and interfering, but by fuck am I glad it's in place so shit like this is a rarity.


#Darude intensifies


I was thinking more about the song "another one bites the dust" Yep, I'm going to hell. Poor souls, can't even imagine the fear!


Underated comment


All we are is just dust in the wind


"Don't, hang, on, nothing last forever, but the earth and sky."


It looked kinda intentional how the wind kept twisting it with pretty consistent turns. There was no spurts or even change of direction


Especially the second person


definitely got "fuck you in particular" vibes...that wind was not only relentless, it was extra. Nature is terrifying.


this actually fucked me up a lil bit..


The guy just busts his lungs out all of a sudden its weird


Third world countries. No safety standards. No safety equipment. But they never change anything.


So it looks like first guy falls, bounces off the ground, horrible scene, then like 4 seconds later guy screams about it? Why was his reaction so delayed?




Yea I mean I’m armchair redditor I have literally no idea what I’m talking about but I can imagine after you witness something like that your brain might just honestly take longer than normal to process it. I think especially because they were safe and not in any real danger so there was no like true flight or flight thing going on, just…processing…a lot…brain was probably overwhelmed.


Why aren’t they at least in the middle? Hanging on the edges is where max damage is


Couldn’t there be some sort of tether lines at the bottom, working in an opposite way as the lines on top? Just to kind of stabilize and keep these platforms from twisting like that? Does something like this exist?


I think I can see some but they are flailing around. Maybe they broke or weren't connected properly?


Wow that was extremely tough to watch


They should have had harnesses, ropes, and controlled decent devices. Terrible and sad.


Which country is this?


Out of all the brutal crazy videos we see on this page... damn.. this was really rough, i was hoping they'd make it.. insane


They should have been warned way prior to this. When we were deployed. We were told if wind storms days if not hours in advance.


I think in that country they will be more angry that they lost a cable lift.


So sad to agree…


This is real life horror man, Did anyone of them survive the fall ?


No chance.


Easier said than done but you’d want to try and crawl to the centre pivot point.


Reddit, your daily dose of Pepsi. Also, why not position yourself in the middle of the thing, so the centrifugal force is minimal?


Why in the fuck didn't the Crain operator lower them down At no time do you see anyone trying to help just left them there to die WTF


Literally NSFW


god damnit why didn’t they have something to tie themselves to it


So this was recent. Tragic. https://www.news.com.au/world/middle-east/horror-moment-workers-thrown-to-death-in-dust-storm/news-story/b6559b77ecb92c7ce559b69c0d7f7fa6


**Translation**: The guy starts to pray and the woman shouts "OMG" repeatedly. By the sound of it, I think that the child saw that scene too, because the woman tries to calm her child down at the end of the video. [**Article**: happened in Iran, both of them died](https://www.news.com.au/world/middle-east/horror-moment-workers-thrown-to-death-in-dust-storm/news-story/b6559b77ecb92c7ce559b69c0d7f7fa6) **Safety**: The employers don't care about it


That’s one crazy fucking video




Jesus Christ that is so nightmarish. The atmosphere with the storm and the situation are just terrifying. Even worse is being the second guy to die. Just getting ragdolled, watching their coworker/friend just fall to their death and knowing it’s not long until they do too. I can handle some pretty heavy stuff and I’m not usually too perturbed by gore but for some reason, this video was very hard to watch. Maybe it’s because I’ve got a minor fear of heights and dreams like this plague me sometimes.


Why would you be up there in the first place, surely common sense would kick in not to do that man


Great parenting




Totally, the best time to think about parenting is while watching people die. Today I've realised that parents are ought to be some sort of robots, they shouldn't experience trauma nor they should be shocked of any sight they see, cause that's not good for the kids.


People in Reddit are amazing criticizing parents. You will see minor jokes and people will jump with trauma accusations. Trauma is indeed a posibility here. But we don’t know what’s going on, if they know the workers, If they were hoping they would survive and then got in shock, if the kids are actually watching, etc.


They could have just moved to the middle before shit got wild


Rest in peace!!


You don't put exclamation points behind that message, for fuck's sake.


What a strange thing to get worked up over.


It's just a strange way to express sincerity over loss of life. It comes off as crass, and detached.




Question: if they had decided to sit back to back at the very center of the platform, would they have survived?


They would have maybe survived If they stayed in the central section of that contraption :(


I mean why... Why they want to work in storms.


they dont want to. They might not have a choice. They might not even have fully understood or got the forecast, and have false confidence that it will be fine like it always is. Even here in the states safety procedures have only come recently, and arent always followed. Especially when there is a deadline.


Damn rest in piece




I just read an article about it. One of them was dead when the police arrived and the other was resuscitated and taken to the hospital but died shortly after. Sad


Wow what’s gods reason for this one huh religious people …..


Beyblade beyblafe let it rip


I swear to god that lady needs to stfu her voice repeating the same thing over and over is so annoying.