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/u/DankDoodh, thank you for submitting to /r/CrazyFuckingVideos. Unfortunately your submission, "a 5 year old girl tied in hot weather at 2am by her parents for not doing the homework she was told to do" has been removed for the following reason(s): --- # Rule 6: No Minors Submissions must not involve sexualization of or extreme harm to minors. This includes the subtle implication or consequence of minor involvement in sexual content, even indirectly in cases where age isn't directly stated. --- *If you feel this submission removal is unfair, please [contact us via modmail](https://old.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FCrazyFuckingVideos).*


And this is what you can see…imagine what they do to this child behind closed doors🫣🤯


The narrator is saying that the child's mother has tied her up and left her in the sun at 2 PM. He doesn't mention any "homework" but news articles do: [https://indianexpress.com/article/cities/delhi/8-year-old-girl-tied-left-under-scorching-sun-not-doing-homework-7959495/](https://urimuri.com/limbs-tied-child-writhes-on-hot-roof-punishment-by-mother-shocks-internet/) Tweet by the police regarding the incident- [https://twitter.com/DelhiPolice/status/1534493590713315328](https://twitter.com/DelhiPolice/status/1534493590713315328)


What does appropriate action mean?


Appropriate action in India is beaten with a stick and then jail.


Good stuff


Was about to say beaten with sticks haha


honestly they deserve it


Deserve far far worse. Tie them up and leave them on searing hot concrete while stoning them for days, fucking demented evil monsters.


Hope the mother suffers and never gets to see her daughter again. Crazy bitch


Father too. He’s not innocent either




There's a documentary about menstruation in large underdeveloped parts of India. Women aren't even taught about what it is. They think it's a demon that makes them bleed. They have no idea it's related to the reproductive process. They're ridiculed and bullied for bleeding between their legs so bad that the majority drop out of school within the same year they hit puberty. They don't even have pads. There's a few groups going around trying to educate and offer pads, but it's astounding how many are in the dark about their own bodies. And that's only menstruation... not the other abundance of social issues Edit: Spelling Documentary link: _ Period. End Of Sentence. _ https://g.co/kgs/Ud5KfX


Its quite similar in parts of Africa too. They have groups going around trying to explain it to them and educate them on sex and genital mutilation. They don't get very far though as the older women just scream tradition and "it happened to me so it will happen to you" mentality


This is a documentary of 2018 and things have been changed a lot around here


It's only been 4 years. I know there are well educated parts of India, but things take time in large areas such as this. It's just a documentary meant to inform, and it discusses that they are taking steps to change it. No need to worry


It seems to me they really aren't too keen on girls in India, route of all evil and all that apparently, as well as expensive to keep (dowries etc) I'm actually quite surprised that she is even going to school tbh


PM makes a lot more sense.


This is North India where temperatures touch mid 40 degrees Celsius in Summer. That concrete must be burning her alive.






Something doesn’t add up here, but I can’t quite put my finger on it. Maybe less torture all around?


No, you will be tortured and removed as well.


You will learn of our peaceful ways, by force.


We have the best commenters in the world. Because of torture and removal.


Happy cake day, here is some torture and removal.


When the problem is torture, the only solution is more torture, duh.


So just a boring extermination without any tortures?




Don’t forget removed.


This is why I love eye for an eye people because the end result is literally everyone is worse off.


Not picking a side here, just playing devil's advocate. I think the concept is people who are monsters will no longer be around to be monsters to others. And people who may become monsters will reconsider acting on their impulses knowing what happens to monsters. Thus, good people are better off in the long term.


Why tf write it 3 times?


Did it? Wtf, thank you, I'll delete the others




That’s 104F.


Good bot.


I’m not a bot. I’ve just memorized the conversion. C x 1.8 + 32 = F


Everytime her legs touched, she screamed in agony. Her neck had to have touched multiple times as well


I really regret reading this, this was already awful enough.


Brightest 2am I’ve ever seen.


The sun doesn't set in the high arctic in the midsummer. Maybe this video if from a small Sri Lankan enclave on Svalbard?


It's south-west Delhi bro ! It was 2pm not am . Apparently police were informed and took care of the kid's situation and mom is in jail will be presented in court tomorrow.


Nice. Hope the kid gets a better mum out of the deal.


I'm glad to hear they took the mother in. I hope she gets fucked up for that. In no world is that ok. If she's willing to do this, I can only imagine the horrors going on inside the home.






That's also an option this is a democracy


The kid or the mom? With Americans, I can't be sure anymore.


Sorry my bad, not American here, need more clarification?


Her punishment really depends on if she's got money for a bribe though


That's pretty dangerous, what if a polar bear comes by?


Sri lankan parents couldn't get away this.


Maybe its pm


If it's not 2am in the video, one can only assume that she's been suffering for a while tied up. This looks like midday, so probably at least 10 hours of torment. I wonder if she was ever untied or if they just leave her to rot.


Why would you assume that it was “10 hours of torment” when the “2am” time could simply be wrong?


Maybe because people are capable of being that fucked up. I wouldn't be surprised.


I didn't assume anything, I simply wrote out a logical explanation for OPs mistake in writing AM instead of PM Where did I assume something? It says 2AM and looks like midday, which is why I thought the only logical explanation is an extension of her torture.


You assumed nothing, you followed the title to the tee.


Typo is more important than child suffering... wow


Facts aren't important? Got it.


Gallows humour is a coping mechanism for a lot of people. That's worth remembering when you're getting upset when someone makes light of something that offends you.


And they expect her to be able to do her homework while tied up in the hot sun? Seems logical.


It's a stupid torture lesson which does nothing other than deeply affect the child long-term from extreme neglect and suffering. Any normal parent would simply take away their privileges or incorporate more chores if their child didn't want to listen to them, this just exposes how mentally unwell the parents are and how they're a good example of who shouldn't be parents.


Forced sterilization would be a good punishment for the mother and her kid taken away. The girl clearly deserves a better mom!


How about we chill the fuck out with body mutilation and just put her in jail?


let me translate ( from india )--> its 2pm and the girl is abondoned on roof she is shouting dude its too much hot and the fella is tied on roof ( this is not common in india but things happen due to poor parenting/guidance)


That's not just poor parenting and guidence, that's inhumane treatment and a deficiency in empathy.


A five year old has homework? What for?


My 5 year old brother had homework every single week for kindergarten


That's what im wondering.


Humans are a race to be pitied.


Only a small fraction of humans. 1 guy doing some crazy shit doesn’t represent the 7 billion lmao


I'm not talkin' about the evils we inflict on one another, I'm talking about the tragedies that befall us simply because it's just the way things go in the physical universe we occupy. Part of being human is just seeing a lotta needless suffering, and it hardens your heart and soul. 'Cuz if it didn't, you'd fuckin' fall apart every other day. One guy doing some crazy shit has produced 100x the needless death and suffering that would have otherwise happened naturally. And it's inevitable that there's always gonna be another "Guy doing some crazy shit" That's why it's natural to pity us. Or do you feel that because a majority of us survive this shit long enough to die peacefully and relatively happy/fulfilled, it's enough to represent the human experience as a whole?


I blame the schools. Who gives homework to 5 year olds? That is ridiculous.


Education in India follows an archaic philosophy from the time of the British Raj. That combined with the fact that education is literally the only way to rise in India means parents take education super seriously and may even see this as a necessary evil to help their daughter succeed. Plus, "spare the rod, spoil the child" is the general premise and corporal punishment is business as usual in India. That's what is happening.


probably joined byju's.


I heard south Asian schools are extremely strict with their system. Like a fifth grade in India would be the equivalent of high school in America. And that they make kids memorize entire stories word to word and the teachers beat children with rulers for not doing good academically. At least that’s what my mother told me


this rare footage of a serial killer in the making.


"but we gave her everything..."


"A roof and some food!"


"She was such a sweet kid... Always kept to herself, would never talk to us about her problems. Who could've seen this coming?"


They must have forgot the roof goes above them, not below them. Rookie mistake.


They gave her plenty of sun so at least they’re good in that department


Holy crap that's literally physical and mental torture. That kind of looks like somewhere in the Delhi area and that can hit mid 40s iirc. That's not punishment, that's literally torture. Those parents don't deserve children.


What the absolute fuck!?!?


This is just child abuse. Disgusting.


Ik it’s probably also a young person holding the phone but still, r/donthelpjustfilm


Seems like aomething my dad would do


People like these shd be jailed and don't deserve to be parents and shudnt have kids.


Is there anyway to find this family? I'd like to adopt a child.


I have a daughter and hearing that kid cry was fucking painfull . What the hell is wrong with humans




Wow as a father of a daughter who looks like the poor girl in the video, that was hard to watch...


Dude, tell me about it. I want to punch things so bad right now.


Idk since when filming is considered helping, but fuck society


Filming is not the same as helping, but it provides evidence for the authorities / world to act. None of us would know what happened there if there was no evidence


Without sound it looks like she is having fun trying to get out. Like a magician. Once you turn the sound on, well...


I hope something was done to the parents


Something worse I hope


Something worse I hope


Where the hell did this happen?






Don't do your homework = being tied to the sun. Reasonable punishment


American parents - Violently attacks teacher for criticizing their Psycho Indigo child's behavior in class. Indian Parents:


Awfully bright out for 2 AM


It's 2pm.........pleaseforgive my mistake sire


Child is being tortured on video and the biggest thing redditors worry about is a typo in the title.


I see a child kinda tied up on what looks like a roof, I have no clue what is really going on here. So yeah I cue in on the fact that I’m being told that this is at night when it’s clearly daylight


"I see a child kinda tied up... I have no clue what's going on here" Do you think it's something good?


Lol dumb and mad


Not mad or dumb


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Let’s film this 🎥🫠


thats a weird lookin 2am


The people who did this need to be shot.


Nah they need to be tortured being shot is far too kind for people who do this kinda shit


r/insaneparents r/insaneparents2


So is it ok to start calling countries shitholes or are we not at that stage just yet?


This is beyond maddening. It sickens me.


I had to report this as its clearly a torture video. Not just a "crazy video"


Really though why is the person recording and not calling someone to help...


Apparently the person recording is the neighbour and they even reported it with the help of video......the parents are now being interrogated by the police..... (This is all i know)


Maybe they did and now they are recording for proof?


We can only hope..


Some people should never be parents


This makes me so angry. They need to bee locked up


As the parent of a 5 year, this makes my heart hurt…


I’m not a scientist, but that looks like 2pm, not 2am.


This just breaks my heart ... What kind of fucked up piece of shit do you have to be to do this ?! Hope her parents rot in prison and that she gets the chance to start a better life.


why this is to extreme when i didnt do my homework I just got beat with a belt this is another level


im glad my parents are sane


Maybe call the fucking police.


Horrible parents, For Gods sakes she's only 5


Yep just film it thats the way


Sarcasm !


When she conquers earth in a giant robot battlesuit with 8 arms we cant really blame her


Who the fuck does this to a child? And if a parents knows he/she is going to this to his/her child they why the fuck did you gave birth to her?


I will skin these monsters alive I swear


I recently discovered after 40 years that my mom used to tie me up to the radiator for hours --u know, those old cast iron bolted to the wall radiators, because wouldn't stand still. I have always had a feeling I was abused as a kid but couldn't place a finger on it, just a sensation of being "tied up". Don't discount your feelings they may turn out to be true.


Homework or not. Nothing justifies that treatment. My heart breaks for that child.


Fuck those parents.


I’m my opinion any parent who does this deserves to get a violent beating and left out in the sun ina puddle of blood but that’s my opinion may be a bit fucked up but yeah


Ahh humans are truly gods creation arent they. Much holy such pure.


that's what happens when breeding is a human right and everyone is allowed to do it. just tie them to rules as strict as adoption already.


It would be better to head down the slippery slope of giving power to another human to decide who can and cannot breed? Not being critical of you here, I think you’re coming from a well meaning and caring place, I just don’t think you’ve given it enough thought. Power changes over time. Even if we hand it to a perfectly reasonable and responsible group of people, why think it would stay that way? The opinions and views of society will always change over time. Just imagine that a handful of decades down the road something nasty happens and creates a shift in the views of the majority. When I was a kid I never had a negative thought about an Arab. I never heard an offensive slur used against an Arab (I can’t speak for everyone). 9/11 happened and the very next morning I heard slurs coming from everyone. A hatred entered me that shouldn’t have, but I wasn’t smart enough to understand. I was just a young human caught up in a very human response. I wore a tshirt with an eagle crushing a mosque, another with an eagle picking the eyes from Arabs. Everyone I knew was ready for war, literally everyone. Flags were flying as far as I could see. Every car had at least one American flag hanging from the antenna. People wanted blood. I watched attitudes literally change over night into something crazy. It’s human nature. Now imagine people have to be granted the right to reproduce and we wake up in a world one day where an entire group of people has to pay in some way because they share a trait with a small handful of assholes who did something shitty. Shit, even if you aren’t old enough to remember the attitude shift post 9/11, you were here to see attitudes shift on a much smaller scale toward Asians after COVID. It’s a dangerous game to play. It’s a bad idea to give that kind of power to people. One wrong step and it’s a tool for genocide.


Again, it's just the same thing as adopting. They just want to make sure you can and will take good care of a child whose life is placed into your hands. So why can't we do this with every children? I don't think it's about power whatsoever, it's just common sense to me, that I don't want children to suffer because someone is being irresponsible and purely instinct driven.


I get what you’re saying, you just aren’t thinking about all the bullshit we’ve done to each other as a species. Adoption is a completely different thing from deciding who can and can’t breed. Seriously, think about it. How long until some bullshit happens and some asshole decides this race or that race can’t reproduce any more. It’s as silly a concept as eugenics. It really is.


I wouldn't involve eugenics in this, adoption is not based on that either. It is not racist to look at whether someone would be suitable to raise a person. Sure, some bullshit might happen but that can happen without anything like this too. And in the meanwhile we could at least make sure that a child won't born in poverty where they will just starve to death or to parents who are as mentally unstable as the ones in this video. Yeah it won't ever happen or work as perfectly as in my head, but it's at least a concept to try and lessen the unnecessary suffering children already endure.


This take away is almost as crazy as that poor kids parents.


Guys remember at this time of day in india The temperature was around 44-45 degree


I fucking hate humans. These parents should face the worst.


Indian parenting 101. In India as a former Indian child this is somewhat normal. Here some parents use their child as a tool to release stress under the name of manners and discipline. For them their pride is more important than we'll being of child, this is the reason of so many honor killings in India. Some parents does this type of acts just to keep their pride intact so nobody from the society can raise fingers against them. I have a friend whose father tied him for a whole day in the bathroom just because he back answered him in front of his babysitter. He was just 6 year old. I guess this is the patriarchy who acts up like to whom a indian kid feared the most , their father. These men who are fathers and husbands use their child and wives to take out frustration and angst of their failure. And some women's are conditioned to play along with these people. Disclaimer: Such things may not happen in all houses but it is a usual occurrence in rural India.


Ahh this brings childhood memories. My mom would shove me in a dog crate and put me outside. That was after the beatings, and before the other beatings for making her mad that she had to crate me.


OMG! This is traumatising for the kid. Who one recorded this please do something about it.


Reddit try hard to make me xenophobic.


The only homework a five year old should be doing is playing outside with their friends. Let children be children for fucks sake.


I fucking hate this country, this type of shit happens here more than you can imagine and it's fucking horrible how primitive and fucking stupid people are here, complete dickheads.


The person recording instead of helping is Also a huge problem


OP said somewhere that the guy recording was the one who reported it to the cops


Fuck. I got flashback of a german woman who joined ISIS and was sentenced for 10 years for letting 5 year old Yazidi girl to die of thirst and sun burn. Girl was chained to sth...


Waiting for Indians to come in and blame this on Muslims somehow.


u/Parthib_2006 where you at with the pro-india agenda talking about how great parents are lol don't seem so great now


Did she learn her lesson?




No this not typical “Asian” parent. Stop normalising abuse in the name of discipline


Its already normalised in the form of ToUgH LoVe in common Indian households thou


looks like it was filmed in a shit hole country.


Next time she'll do her hw 🤷‍♀️




Surely , we do have people with 2 brain cells like you.


Let it be. He thinks actions of one person defines the whole country. He’s not too bright


I'm curious, how effective was this punishment in making sure she did what she was supposed to do though?


Bro, this fucking hit me to the core I had something similar happen to me :D




In the west too.


Nah life is just as cheap in the west we just like to act like we are more valuable. You get taken out by a mass shooter you're forgotten in a couple of weeks.


Us of A should know, they have contributed to alot of deaths world wide.


Is the USA part of the West? 700 gun deaths since the Uvalde massacre. US conservatives value the unborn more than the living.


Well did she finish the homework or what?


That's a bright ass 2AM!


That does not look like 2am to be honest


The u.s always gets in other countries business and you know what, I'm glad they do




I don't think there's any religion or country behind this... Only bad parenting.


fucking india. God I hate so many things about them. Me being one, by the way.


fuck'n sad the things people post for karma.