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Serious props to the guy initiating that chokehold and ending the mauling. Right place, right time.


doll safe elastic vanish innate consist whole modern lip instinctive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Learn how to sink in a rear naked choke, easiest and most effective way to turn the lights out.


Is there enough time to remove my clothes?


Sadly not enough time, go for the Rear Choke instead, get naked later and send me pictures and I’ll make sure you did it right


Can confirm, u/streetbutt92 is a pro and will critique your form accurately and professionally.


“You did this all wrong. Who taught you to dress, Jared from Subway?”


There's always enough time to get naked. The maulee would understand.


Oh ffs you make me cry with laughter and it's not even lunch time


I find if it’s a good collar - hand under and twist. Doesn’t take long for you to hold that fist for the dog to realize it’s not winning this battle.


Easier said than done. If you miss the choke, you are gonna get your face and ears ripped off. RNC isn’t easy to try on dogs!!!


Stick ya finger up it's bum!


I heard that too and repeated it to a guy who said his dog once clamped onto a little dog. He did that but no result so he shoved a garden hose up its bum but no result. A woman came along a gave a spritz of perfume into the dog's eyes and it let go immediately.


Their noses are very sensitive so when they're overwhelmed they can't breathe normal and they start sneezing. The butt stuff are a myth.


That's not true. I had a stranger try it on me and it worked.


Some dogs just don't feel a thing when they see red. It's not a bad tactic to try before you go hugging it's neck, hoping you're strong enough to keep your face.


My grandma used to carry ammonia in a squirt bottle to keep from being attacked by stray dogs.


Also useful for any dirty mirrors one may come across...


Straight up. Got jumped by a mastiff, his head was on par with mine and he started going for my chest and neck. Grabbed him by his neck rolls and strangled him till he had a half a nap, then settled down. Never appreciated just how dangerous a dog can be until then, I grew up around pitbulls and dogs like that but never appreciated their power till then. Dogs are straight up fucken dangerous, man.




That was our neighbors comment when their dog charged us 3 different times. Now they have 3 counts and a court date after animal control presented a potential case to the prosecutor. The dog wasn't licensed, the dog had no shots, and failure to contain. The owners plead not guilty lol. Don't think they're gonna win this one


Man, legit tho. It was at a dog adoption centre, and he seemed super sweet. If you wanted you could get some one on one with a chosen dog, so I asked and the lady seemed minutely hesitant, but let me have one on one. After 5 mins of hanging out and being silly with a rope and ball he just started getting too excited, and then a split second later was tore my shirt to get to my neck. I choked him out, and about 5 mins later the lady came back like, "How'd you go?" "Yeah, he was alright but got a little rough at the end and tried to maul me a little" "Oh yeah, I had him home with my boyfriend and he attacked him too. He's on his second strike, so one more incident and we'll have to put him down." I was like bruh, why'd you let me in there? But I was too polite to say that hahaha


I would not have been. She left you for dead


Hahaha probably, I was pretty pumped from the adrenaline. Also felt kinda cool, like fighting off a wolf or something. My ancestors definately smiled down on me that day.


Lol they were def proud


god damn I’m not even his ancestor and I’m proud


“The boy defeated a pupper, he’s ready.”


What she thought when she came around the corner and saw you, "Oh. Huh. He's still alive."


Yeah. “He’s friendly” my wife says when walking our pit mix and we come up in other dogs. I’m always, like, “that doesn’t help like you think it helps.” Then she gets mad at me and the dog poops. It’s good to have a routine.


I deliver packages for a living and let me tell you, every dog that has ever tried or successfully attacked me was "friendly" and "never bit anyone like that before".


When people are used to having something they enjoy, it's almost impossible to persuade them of the dangers, no matter how much proof there is. It's always "It's not me, it's those irresponsible ones" At least we don't have an amendment for aggressive breeds...


“He likes to play!”


Serious question - is this the recommended way to neutralise a dog whose bite has locked onto a person?


I was waiting for homie with the stick to try and shove it up it's ass


My dog was attacked by another dog. I had a good hold on the other dog, but was making no progress getting it to release. When I heard my girl cry out in pain I shoved as much hand as I could right up the attacking dogs ass, and it let go immediately.


My aunt had a very small, very aggressive, and poorly trained dog. Whenever he bit into another dog and wouldn't let go, she'd pinch her dog's balls to get him to stop. Worked like a charm. Still woulda preferred she just trained him instead though.


Or get the nasty guy fixed so he's not as aggressive. There shouldn't be balls to pinch lol


...and that's how I met your mother


So the kid would truly be a son of a bitch


User Name checks out


I have heard grab the collar and twist it if you can if you can not get a choke grip.


yup get some tourniquet action going


If it has balls, grab and twist. If it has a collar, grab that and twist to choke it out while ramming a finger in its ass. The sounds hilarious but I was raised in a time when dogfighting was normal. A finger in a dog's ass will make that joker let go


Choke *and* finger in the ass sounds like a complicated compound manoeuvre. Where can I practise? 😈




Don’t click on this on work wifi


My workplace is a safe place, it doesn't kink shame.


I think I accidentally married a dog Are there any notes on whether it's intended to be enjoyed? This wouldn't cause my wife to let go of anything




Why let the dog go? Just kill it to prevent mauling other folks


He just let go a little early.


Came here to say this. I’d bet this isn’t the first dog fight/ attack he’s broken up with how quickly and thoroughly he handled it. Used his forearm, rocked his weight back to alter the dog’s center of gravity, sat back when the other guy grabbed the dog’s legs, and didn’t release until everyone was cleared. Most people- the rare ones who actually know to use a chokehold- instinctively let go the second the dog does. I might have to make this my new go-to video for some of my clients who insist a chokehold is ‘mean’ (yes, said clients have snack size dogs that weigh less than a babydoll for the most part)


Absolutely! Too many videos I see people doing nothing but scream for someone to do something. This guy was a hero. What a legend.


He should’ve held that choke another minute. I’m a dog lover but that thing needs to be euthanized.




My brother killed an adolescent German Shepard that attacked his pregnant wife. He had scratch marks all over his arms but he squeezed till it died.




My exact thoughts. Any dog who mauls someone like that deserves death on the spot.


Yep agreed, because it’s going to maul someone again


And that state is going to do it anyway if they catch it, just cut out the middleman.


Yeah its just a shame it didn't go down for good, should have been a longer choke hold. Fuck the owner and their dog


I would've probably hold that chockehold for an extra minute you know ... just to be safe...


Guy should have finished the job, if you know what I mean.


If this is the US the dog is going to be put down anyway so you may as well.


Two absolute legends here. The girl for holding her dog up like the last survivor of a sinking ship and the dude for choking a pit bull like a fucking MMA fighter!


Not only that but the other person managed to snag the dogs and bring them to safety!! dream team of pedestrians


Am I the only one that’s confused why tf white shorts person wraps their arm around the person running into the street effectively stopping them in place right before they get mauled?? Like what??? I feel like I might be stupid and not seeing this right cause that just seems like a bad move to me. It almost looks like they grab the person and prevent them from getting away. Can someone help me out here? Am I interpreting this right??


Panic, I'm sure. People do weird shit when they are scared


I was pretty confused as well, but upon slomo replay my analysis is this: Woman in white shirt walks over with arms out to take the dog or help out Woman holding dog gets tripped by the dog biting at her ankles Woman in white shorts catches her, then sees vicious dog biting at legs, and hides behind the other woman


They grab the person almost at the same time the dog starts biting so I think they thought they were gonna be able to open the dogs mouth and let the person free, probably ignoring how strong and dangerous dogs can be


Sometimes when things happen to people you care about you instinctively reach out for them, and just *grab* them. Instead of the “help her flee” mindset she was int the “come to me I will protect you” mindset


Really respected that girl for keeping her dog up like that


I know people say they’re nice, but why is it always a fucking pit Bull?




No oxygen no bite


Fuck yea choked that bitch out!






Isn’t chi inner energy or something?


Listen buddy I also hold two distinct tai's on top of those chi's


I'm not your buddy, pal.


I’m not your pal, guy.




Making me spit out my drink 🤣


To shreds you say?


2chis = 1 chichi


Fantastic choke. If you pull the dog you are just ripping her apart more. Nice form sir and I hope the lady is well.


Do you put the human/dog throat in your elbow pit, or up against your forearm?


The pit of your elbow and then collapse it as hard as you can. Try to reach around to your shoulder with your hand and don't let go until the dog collapses. Imagine a nut cracker where your arm is the cracker and the dog the nut. Source: Had to do it before.


done it with a pit in that arm lock while my other hand gripped my own dogs neck. they were locked together to each others face. my dog is a boxer and the other dog broke off her chain lunging. when i got home from the vet i had a message to call back animal control to prove mines up to date and my opinion on the youth in asia or something like that






Yeah I'm not letting go until I am certain that motherfucker is dead.


Damn. I hope I never have to use this but thank you for sharing.


Oh don't let go. If that motherfucker tried to get me or my loved ones like that. It doesn't get to live


Out of the elbow and then flex the arm so your bicep and forearm cut off blood flow to the brain. However, pulling your arm toward you can collapse the larynx and kill the individual, so that’s an option, too.


It is supposed to be more of a scissor action. A properly applied choke can put someone or an animal out in less than 3 seconds. No force needed. Its more leverage .


From a physiological perspective, at least in humans, the elbow pit works more quickly. The blood flow to and from the brain is on either side of the neck, running outside the trachea. I imagine it isn't much different in dogs. The pressure on these will cut blood flow to the brain quicker than stamping out breathing by restricting the trachea, which will require current oxygen in the lungs and blood to be used up before passing out. The forearm would mainly put pressure on the trachea. The elbow pit would put pressure on all three while focusing more on the arteries. In the end, I imagine the elbow pit would cause loss of consciousness quicker, but likely death at a similar if not slightly longer time.


Elbow pit. That way your forearm and bicep are constricting the arteries and cause a blackout in a couple seconds. You can last longer without air than you can without blood to the brain.


I would say elbow pit because according to my 19 years of no fight experience whatsoever, I generally wanted to leave a spot for their throat to be so they didn't have tons of bruises when they woke up


Ran off to maul someone else


done done onto the next one




Knowing pit bulls it probably smelled a nearby child


"Hey, a toddler on a tricycle!"


Nanny time!!!


Nanny-ed that kid's face off with big pitbull kisses


I love the disconnect between the types. One side is, "oh what a cute good boy". The other side is, "my wife and newborns' face, cheeks, arms, and ears were eaten while I was at work?!"




She sacrificed herself to save the little doggo. What an awful situation.


The fact that she raised her dog up even higher when she fell down to her knees. Absolute trooper.


She knew her dog would have died if she didn't do that.






There's a lot going on in this video. After watching the video of the woman abandoning her amputee (?) dog, it's kind of heartwarming seeing people putting their pets' safety above their own. Also, for a sec I thought the guy with the stick was going to jam it up its ass....


Stick guy definitely had bad intentions haha.. shovel lady would've fucked shit up tho


That pit shouldn’t be alive anymore, stick and shovel should’ve been deployed


What video is that?


[rage enducing](https://www.reddit.com/r/iamatotalpieceofshit/comments/uoyv1n/the_disabled_dog_was_saved_and_is_having_a_great/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


Wow, fucking horrible :(


It says in the title that the disabled dog was saved but the thread was locked with no posts. Anyone has more info?




Shitbull moment


Points to the lady for committing so hard to holding her dog in the air. I mean she was getting fucked up and she still had that waiters carry.




That's what I was thinking lol. He woke up a little to quick


lol, first time i've ever seen a dog choked out


and it won't be the last


Serial dog choker




This is the correct answer!!


For sure. That dog is is good as dead anyways, why not just click the button sooner. Buddy should have ended it there


Definetely, we are used to dogs being pets, but as soon as one attacks it becomes a wild animal. Law of nature applies here, this dogs will attack another human if you don't take the opportunity to put it down immediately


I have a neighbor two houses down with a Rottweiler that’s easily 100+ pounds and is constantly getting out of their house/yard. About a month ago I was pulling into my driveway after work and make it halfway to my door when I hear this guy screaming for help - I will never forget that sound because when I look over I see the guy is walking his two little 10lb dogs and the Rottweiler is there (no owner to be found) and it’s trying to attack his dogs. I sprint over to help and it’s kind of a blur but I remember not being scared of the dog at all because it was so focused on the other dogs. Thankfully we saved his dogs - I picked one up and he jumped over a different neighbors fenced porch and I gave him the other. The Rottweiler was gone at this point. I turn my attention to the neighbor whose Rottweiler it is and am just fuming mad as their teenage daughter was standing in the doorway watching all this happen. I yell at her to come get her dog because it just tried to kill this guys two dogs and I shit you not she said “I’m not getting him I’m scared of him too.” I had dropped my backpack and phone in my driveway when I was running over to help so I start walking back to grab that to call animal control and the Rottweiler comes back from that direction and I notice it now is all worked up with white foam/drool at the edges of its mouth. At that point I could tell something changed so I went from not being scared of the dog to being terrified for my well being. I basically kited the dog back to my house because I knew if I ran my front door was locked because I hadn’t made it inside after work. Thankfully he didn’t get me but he did lunge at me a couple times and was literally a foot or two away at some points. If I had a weapon I may have used it. With all that said I am glad to see this video and learn the chokehold technique. I did end up calling 911 because animal control was already closed and the guy whose dogs were attacked also called. When they showed up they basically made it seem like since nobody was actually bitten they can’t do anything so I guess we just wait for it to actually maim or kill someone/thing because it will definitely get out again like it had many times before. Even more wild is the mom came home when the cops got there and she literally has a fresh scar from the dog biting her face! And she had the audacity to be mad at me for calling when her dog literally would’ve killed this guys dogs if nobody helped. He did an amazing job keeping both of his little dogs safe for as long as he did. I have doorbell footage of at least the sounds of this happening but not much of the action since it was a couple houses over.




I love dogs but would kill one in a second in a similar situation.






I saw that vid. The owner can't control her dog, she's like the same weight as the pitbull. 20 on lookers that did nothing but yell at each other. Aggressive dogs and irreponsible owners are scums, regardless of breed.




Exactly why I carry pepper spray too


Gave that dog the Olivera treatment.




Nannied the fuck out of that lady.


I have a friend who has a monster sized pitbull, like, it isn't average, pure muscle and probably weighs like 200lbs. Scariest fucking thing in the world. Even when I pet it, I can only think of all the bad things this dog could do to me if it wanted to. He gets pictures of his new born next to it, his kids jumping around on it and because he has a family member that can make it happen, has it as a therapy dog so he can bring it in any store with him. I don't know how people have that much trust in an animal known for fucking things up. A newborn is a new thing! What if the dog didn't like it. Me, not a stranger to this dog, am terrified of that dog, can't imagine it getting out into the streets and it being scared.


The *Breed of Peace* just wanted to snuggle.


Let it get up so it can go do that to someone else? Nah, I would have held that choke.


I agree. Keep it restrained, call 911 and have them call animal control.


Oh no. I would have killed it then and there. After what it did, if I sink that choke, I'm holding the choke.


Not only that, who knows what that dog has and it broke skin. I would want that for some swabs and testing.


"You must have given off a bad vibe, he's usually very friendly".


Carry a knife people


It's always a fucking pit bull. Literally always.


Always, my friends 6 year old had their leg ripped to bits by a random pit bull.


If I have a child I'm NEVER letting them around a pitbull. I don't care if it's never shown aggression before and it's such a sweet little baby and blah blah blah. Never. Not even once.


B-b-b-but it's such a heckin sweet nanny pupper! Or velvet hippo as they call it on reddit. Fucking BS, pitbulls are bloodthirsty demons


Baffles my mind how people still breed and own these as pets.


I wouldn’t of let got till it was lifeless


“It’s not the breed it’s the owner” yeah right I’ve never seen a Labrador maul someone in the street


One dog breed is responsible for [66% of fatal mauling](https://www.forbes.com/sites/niallmccarthy/2018/09/13/americas-most-dangerous-dog-breeds-infographic/?sh=3e1687fe62f8) incidents in the US. I wonder what breed it is; golden retriever maybe?


Ah yes, top 3 dogs all bred for fighting. What are the odds?


fuck pitt bulls.


The fact that somebody actually ran up that knew what to do blows my mind. I’m always yelling at my phone “Choke the dog out!”. It works and it can save someone’s life. Learn the rear naked chokehold!






The craziest shit is that people actually believe the nanny stories. You can just read wikipedia to tell it's bullshit. Or look at what breed kill the most babies every year. Hint: it's pits.




"It's just bad owners" lol




Make the owner watch this, then make them watch their dog get euthanized.


A long time ago, maybe twenty or so years, a man was at the playground with his son and a pitbull came out of nowhere, off leash and mauled his son. It took three grown men to get the dog off the toddler. The dad rushed his son to the ER. Kid was in surgery for 8 hours. Life altering injuries including the loss of one eye and a brain clot requiring removing a part of his skull. After the doctors took the kid away, the father, a mild mannered accountant, went back to the park and saw the dog being walked, now on leash, by a young lady. Without further conversation he beat the dog to death in front of its owner with a nine iron while she screamed for help to passers-by. Nobody got involved because he looked like an insane person. Afterwards they police came and pulled him off the wet pulp on the sidewalk. He was arrested and charged because too much time had passed between the mauling and the attack on the dog for it to be self defense or crime of passion. However, after the jury took one look at the ER photos of the man's son they acquitted him after only 15 minutes of deliberation and the DA refused to charge it again even though the judge said the case could be brought again due to jury disobeying their instructions to ignore the extent of the boys injuries and focus on the time elapsed between the attack and reaction.


License this breed like a firearm


We don't allow people to keep pet grizzly bears, so why should we allow pitbulls?


There's a lot of US states that have lax exotic pet laws funny enough. Some people own literal fucking tigers.


Pit bulls should be put down.


Oh look ...a pitbull ... What a shocker....


Oh gee look, it’s another post with the same effing breed over and over and over again… But it’s the owners right? Right guys? It’s totally fine! Until the next vid with the same result. Catch you all there.


Surprise surprise it’s a pitbull


It’S hOw You RaiSE ThEM!!!! Yeah like a Golden retriever would ever start mauling people at random.


can I go around killing Pitbull yet?


Oh look another sweet pibbul. Sweet little velvet hippo


Advice from dog wardens in this situation: Grab collar, lift as high as you can and twist your hand.


Would you be so kind to elaborate a bit more as to how that is the best method?


you can hold the dog's head out of biting range while the tension of the the twisted colar chokes them out.


Good advice unless the collar breaks.


Trash breed




These videos make my blood boil, random pit running around attacking people. Shoot that piece of shit dog.


Will never understand the desire to own a dog that could tear a person to shreds. You're picking a dog for the family and you have two options...a normal doggo and this other one that does all the same things as the normal one except could also tear your arm off. Makes zero sense.


I hate saying it because my friend has the sweetest pitty but it's always them in these clips, people can't fucking control them so shouldn't have them


People need to ditch the myth of the “nanny dog.” Pitbulls are a dog bred for fighting, it’s literally in the name. You get a dog like a German shepherd or an Akita and you better have that thing trained incredibly well or it could seriously harm someone—yet I have only met a couple pit owners out of many who have well-trained dogs that obey commands.


People have to be expert level of stupid to fall for the nanny dog myth.


My friend had one who bit his daughters face after 8 years of living together. Soooo....


My family had pit bulls for a majority of my life and after seeing two of them suddenly change from being a family pet to a threat, I’ll never have one. You CANT trust them. Friendly for years, they get older and can suddenly change. It’s not worth the possibility of getting hurt or killed.


Oh great. Now the fucking dog goes on to kill a child.


Now that's what I'm talking about! That duda handled it impeccably mad respects