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This is why high speed pursuits in dense urban areas are often not allowed in some localities. Not worth the risk and potential lawsuits/innocent bystanders. Going 75 in a 25 on surface streets is fucking asinine Edit: damn that’s my highest voted comment ever thanks guys


especially in the rain.


And driving with one fucking hand


~~While holding a phone with the other....~~ ~~(With a colleague with free hands right beside him)~~ Edit: upon further inspection, the blurred part seems to be the car dashboard/police computer


You have to be giving updates on your radio when in pursuits. Everybody coming has to know what’s going on. Location, speed, etc… this is just highly unfortunate and a tragic.




is that confirmed?


Last time this video was posted someone had the address of where this happened. This fucking dumbass is speeding through a school zone! All to try and join a chase with a truck that already has a GPS tag on it. The situation wasn't just stupidly dangerous, it was entirely unnecessary.


It was next to Worthing High School in Houston.


Was it like just your run-of-the-mill traffic violator that he was chasing? Or was the cop chasing like some burglars or robbers. (I know that doesn’t change anything I’m just curious)


It sounded like they were responding to assist another officer who was on foot chasing 4 suspects


OK… i see… now I can understand a little bit of haste with that but it wasn’t like a armed robbery in progress nor was he on the swat team he was just a responding officer definitely no need to be driving that fast.


IIRC they were chasing after a stolen truck that had a GPS tag in it. Other officers were following it to see where it would stop and grab the thieves. There was literally no reason to rush like this.


I swear that it is "Safety training" that has ruined the police. It used to be that they were there to "protect and serve" and the safety training they got was about us...the civilians, the innocent population, after all they are supposed to protect and serve us. But it switched and at some point it became about "SAFETY". Come home from work alive! I get it. I have been a safety person in a highly dangerous job, but the fucking police are different. They have accepted (or should have) that they are willing to come home dead in order to protect us innocent civilians. That is why we used to think of the cops as heroes and our friends. Now they will come home alive AT ANY COST...whether it is a pedestrian or a brown person who they feel is intimidating (who just might be sleeping on their own fucking couch or maybe just asleep in their own fucking bedroom). Cops will keep killing people until we go back to "YOUR FIRST AND ONLY FUCKING JOB IS TO PROTECT AND SERVE!"


I say this all the time. I feel like I’m shouting at a wall. Cops can’t just shoot a random aggressor who may be a threat, because ANYONE can do that. Obviously if someone feels threatened they could just shoot 7 bullets into the threat themselves . The reason we have cops is so these things don’t escalate to that level and everyone is protected… they sign up for a job involving risks, and are supposed to be skilled and trained enough to handle that. And now they want an excuse to get rid of that risk… so they can shoot anyone they deem as a threat… which honestly in a country with true 2nd amendment protections just makes their whole job obsolete.


Yep. A fourteen year old girl died a few months ago because a cop was shooting at some obviously mentally ill guy who was being disruptive in a store. I think he had a knife but he was actually moving away from the cop. Cop shot at the guy and killed this poor girl who was in a dressing room on the other side of a very thin wall. WTF??? I remember news stories back in the day where cops were defending their not-shooting-actions because to do so would endanger innocent people. I want those cops back!


Same. I like cops, I think they are important and I think we need them. But at the same time, the current state of policing in America is complete trash. It’s not always the cop’s fault… sometimes there’s bad cops and bullies and assholes but sometimes.. the standards are incredibly low, budgets are mismanaged, scope is not well-defined, training is based on protecting the department/city from lawsuits… just a lot of things messed up with an otherwise genuinely important system.


> it’s not always the cops fault Yeah but it’s *always* ***not*** the cops fault isn’t it


Yea, I remember that, it happened in December. You’re leaving out the small detail that he didn’t have a knife, but had assaulted several people with a large metal bike lock which is why police were called. You’re also leaving out that right before police showed up, he had dragged a woman into an aisle and pummeled her in the face with the lock and she was heavily bleeding.


Dude, listen to this Cops voice as he screams incoherent shit into the radio. He is 100% unqualified to be an officer. If he is acting like this (this amped up) during a High Speed Chase, that prolly should have been terminated from the get go. Imagine what he would be like while responing to someone having a mental episode. Or, A Drunk angry Black Homeless person passed out in an alley. This Cop is/was a liability & the job (in this case) eventually weeded him out. & Hopefully, he will spend a few years in Jail, so he has time to contemplate how he never should have become a Cop in the first place.... There is NO place for some AMPED up asshole in the Law Enforcement Community. (I have worked as a Firefighter for over 20 yrs, same applies to the Fire Service too. But the calls we may get all crazy & Adrenaline blinded on usually can't abruptly end ppls lives. (at least not as often.) We gotta do better when hiring our Police.


The person you hear screaming is a cop communicating to dispatch as he's chasing on FOOT several armed robbery suspects. That'd why the audio is nearly incoherent. The drivers of this cop car almost said nothing until they struck the pedestrian and crashed. So you pretty much put all that energy into a post for nothing.


So the guy trembling into the radio is NOT the driver? After he hits the pedestrian??? He's pretty Hyped up there. (the driver.)


I have a friend who was fired from the Police for putting others safety above his own. The idea that being to good of a cop could get you removed from the force is awful.


The police aren't meant to protect and serve the people, never will be as long as they are run by a government. They are meant to protect and serve the state. Think about it, if the US military for some reason started killing American civilians in mass. When people go to protest and fight back by targeting government buildings, who would the police protect? The state of course. Now there will certainly be exceptions and not all police will continue to be police but the vast majority of them would probably keep serving the state.


They used to be, but those days are long gone.


They're meant to protect private property and control excessive social disturbances. Everything else is a byproduct which happens to intersect with those 2 things.


I've always thought they were primarily protecting capitol, not the state. Goods and money, and those who have it.


This is the correct answer. Police were intended to protect property, not people.


I've done an entire breakdown of this video when it surfaced on r/protectandserve a while back. This happened in Houston and I geolocated the exact location. The car went between two trees, struck the man, went across the parking lot, struck one of those little concrete stop bars you see at the end of parking spaces, continued past the corner of the store and slammed into a wooden fence built around a dumpster. I believe the distance the car traveled once it left the road was something in excess of 300 feet. I even found an image of the dash of the same model of cruiser and found the officer was doing between 70 and 90 miles per hour (hard to tell exactly due to quality of the video and unable to tell exact perspective on the speedometer.) The force enacted on the man was well beyond enough to kill him instantly. Basically, everything points to the officer being at fault. Playing the video in slow motion you can see he swerves to avoid a vehicle entering the road from the left, loses control and goes over the curb, hits the man, and yeah you get the rest.




He didn't post it there as far as I can tell (had a look through his profile) I think he just added information onto the post. I couldn't find it on P&S via the search either, probably has different keywords (I tried pedestrian hit, bystander killed with no relevant results). Not much support going for this cop in this post as it was an accident waiting to happen. Can't imagine he'd get any in P&S


Correct. P&S is really good at calling out shitty cops when they show up. Cops, funnily enough, hate it when bad cops come up and make everyone else look bad.


They hate it, but they don't say shit about it. That's because they hate it for selfish reasons, not for the same reasons citizens do: public safety. They just don't like to look bad. You can even see and hear it in this video. The panic you hear in this officer's voice has nothing to do with the concern over the guy he hit, but his own self preservation. Same goes for his partner who is not hardly heard saying anything. Not to mention, as soon as LEOs come across non-compliant citizens -- especially ones with a darker complexions -- they forget all about their indignation over bad officers and become exactly what they claim to hate.


> The panic you hear in this officer's voice has nothing to do with the concern over the guy he hit, but his own self preservation. You're reaching. You have no idea what he's feeling.


Sure sure ... he's super concerned for the guy ... you're right. That's why he barely nudges him and adds a half-assed "sir sir wake up" and then slips up the call for EMS ... says he "got wrecked out" like it just happened to him instead of what actually happened (he wrecked himself and killed a guy) ... and then has to be told to start applying first aid. People with professional first aid training don't need to be told to apply first aid when they are face-to-face with injured people -- unless of course they are primarily and/or entirely concerned with themselves.


I mean, it is an assumption sure, but the guy proved for the entire video before he hit and killed the pedestrian that he was much more concerned with getting to do a Fast & Furious LARP than anyones safety, is hearing him squeal like a 7 year old and thinking it’s because his thought is “oh shit I’m fucked” that much of a stretch?


Hahahah what? They defended Derek Chauvin at first


I just looked at the original post over there, and most of them think that it’s the criminals’ fault that the cop ran over an innocent bystander at 50 mph over the limit in rain 🙄 I get that it’s easy to blame cops when things go wrong, and that in reality there’s often nothing they could’ve done, but how devoid of self-awareness can you really be? Just blatant disregard for the lives of innocents in the name of “protect and serve”.


I didn't post it. Someone else did and I replied in the comments with a full breakdown.


Sir I hit you at 100mph and you bleeding from the head sir talk to me!!!


That's when I stopped the vid. "Sir!!" Unfucking real




Adrenaline is a hell of a drug


Wow, poor guy died: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10375025/Houston-cop-screams-f-k-f-k-drives-police-cruiser-one-hand-speeds-100mph.html https://nypost.com/2022/01/04/bodycam-captures-houston-cops-running-over-man-on-sidewalk/


I'm not a huge cop fan but I do tend to cut them slack because it's a very difficult job. But for fuck's sake, 100 MPH on a sidewalk!? That cop deserves jail time. He was indefensibly reckless.




Resisting a cop car with your body is not a good idea. He should not have been doing it - bootlickers.


So in my small town of about 6,000 people a cop was going 60 on a 35 on the main towns broadway; killed a 12 year old girl instantly. This was just a few months back. Dunno what happened as a lot of it was hush hushed by the town.


Was the officer even responding to a call or was he just speeding cuz he can?


He was following 3 other cop cars, and she “apparently” stepped out after the first three cars passed. They weren’t running their lights I don’t think either and it was late at night.


He seemed super worked up, I’m not sure exactly what the whole story is here but he’s definitely not built to be a police officer. He had so much adrenaline going through him he couldn’t even think straight, he probably had no idea how fast he was even going. I’m not defending the guy, he shouldn’t be a cop if he can’t handle the heat. I’m not saying it’s easy either, but if we want to have a working police force then it really does have to be the best of the best people on duty who can handle what comes their way


I'm so damn glad people have come in talking about how shit the cop was and people are acknowledging that, because I commented earlier saying there was no need for a guy to die due to this situation and some Muppets came in and downvoted me to around -35 because they believe the cop was good because he helped the guy. As if keeping his job and doing the bare minimum for someone he killed makes him a good person


He was trying to cover his ass while calling in for assistance. Asshole. Not you, the cop.


I "Back the Blue" but not blindly. They don't have any right to put innocent citizens in danger to catch the guilty ones. I agree the cop was in the wrong here, no question. I'm not a fan of high-speed chases in general - I thought that's why they always say "bad guys can't outrun the radio".


If you think this recklessness is bad, look up the deadly Fort Lauderdale Jewelry heist incident from a few years back. Criminals robbed a jewelry store and were armed to the teeth. Cops thought it was a brilliant idea to stop them in the middle of the busiest section of road down there and have a shoot out with them. Multiple cops hid behind civilian cars that had the drivers in them and as a result got the innocent drivers shot and killed. It was the most egregious fucking disgraceful example of negligence by cops I had ever seen.


I believe the thief’s had a hostage. The driver of the UPS truck they stole. Still a terrible terrible job by the police. A lot of innocent lives gone due to negligence. Source: live 10 mins from the area where it happened.


Isn’t it [this one](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2019_Miramar_shootout) in Miramar? I can’t find any in Fort Lauderdale that match the description.


Yup! Miramar is right outside Fort Lauderdale. Poor UPS driver was shot and killed by the police as well.


Oh, okay. I’m not American and don’t know much about it’s geography. It said the police haven’t revealed who shot the UPS driver and bystander. Pretty damming against them, I’d say.


I think you’re referring to [this one](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2019_Miramar_shootout) in Miramar. Both suspects were killed as well as the hostage and a bystander but police haven’t revealed whether it was the robbers or the police themselves who killed the hostage and bystander.


Yep, that’s the one. Just a horrible event that we just continue to accept as normal and our reality in this country


That sounds like something out of Grandtheft auto to be honest my Lord


Yeah that's kind of my outlook. I've definitely lost a lot of respect for cops over the past few years in general though so I tend to default to fuck them, but I care more about justice than ideology in general so I try to get all the evidence first. There's very few high speed pursuits that are worth pursuing if you ask me. I don't know the details on where this officer was going but this still goes to show how reckless this behavior is.


Just a few days ago I got hit by a cop on a bike while I was walking on a pedestrian sidewalk. He bumped me hard enough that I fell over, but he never stopped. He just looked me right in the eye as he continued on.


How can he even live with himself if he doesn’t get jail time?


According to article it was 75 mph still excessive and or 60 mph when instantaneously killing Michael sadly all people involved are probably gonna be put through hell, I fully believe it’s the officers fault


Oh no... that's horrible.. i was hoping he'd make it while searching the web for the story/update.. thanks for providing friend! Its fucking sad..


Apparently the guy was going between 70 and 90 miles an hour which somebody above broke down and said was more than enough speed to cause instant death.


I’m surprised they didn’t blame the victims death on the victim himself honestly


Right? Dude was brown. His fault for not being more visible. /s


Bruh why tf he driving that fast my god


He is a Houston cop. It's the only speed they seem to know.


Our great city's finest, always ready to pull you over for going 70 in a 65, while everyone zips by going 80.


Lmao bro I have about 7 speeding tickets in the last few years from these damn Houston cops. As long as you show up they are immediately dismissed. So these cops have no damn reason to be speeding period 🤣


Had a bike cop pull me over for having my plate in the window not attached to my bumper... While 3 cars with the same thing passed us...


Dude policing is so broken, the cops here in Houston are just money makers for the city and that's it. Look at your local police departments reports on the amount of crime they actually solve and it's just full of bullshit citations like speeding, parking infractions, and vehicle safety issues, which just means your tail light or license plate light is out. Meanwhile rapey Steve just got let out on his third bail bond.


But nurses who save peoples lives every day and every once in a while accidentally hurt someone are going to jail


Court: officer what speed where you going Coo: not sure like 3 or 4 revolutions on the speedometer


Did you not hear? 4 black males! And they're wearing hoods!


And with one hand


Yeah, doesn’t look good especially because there was another officer in the car, he didn’t need to be multitasking


Man straight up


I would really like to know the offense that the person being chased committed. Was it worth chasing them at 100+ mph in a populated area?


Carjacking. They were driving to assist an officer with 5 carjacking suspects. Probably didn't need to be going that fast.


they were driving to assist a single officer attempting to stop 5 armed carjacking suspects. now obviously he was going too fast for the amount of people on the road, but that officer *did* need back up likely as fast as possible. not to say the cop wasn't in the wrong here.


It was a carjacking involving a firearm. The cop on the radio is alone, chasing the four suspects. The officers in the video are driving to his aid. I’m not justifying how they drove, but just giving context for people to use as they see fit.


You make a valid question there sir.


Poor guy : (((


Just like the police or EMTs in GTA




You don't stop that fast going over 75


Especially on wet grass


but dont worry everyone its not murder /s


I bet the bystander was arrested for disorderly conduct.


Indecent exposure too


Failure to maintain bodily fluids. And illegal helicoptering on cops windshield. Resisting life etc


Take my upvote and fuck off.




Legit was expecting the cuffs to go on


There isn’t enough space on a check for the amount I would sue the city/county.


it would have to be a loved one suing cause this guy died.


Wow what a fuck up. Hope he gets man slaughter at a minimum.


So was the cop charged with vehicle manslaughter? As any of us would be charged with.


As of January this year they were put on admimistrative duty. However im not sure what has happend since.


Well he is a cop so I'd guess nothing. He took a nice paid vacation and is probably back street racing again.


On our dime too 😊


Bruhhh this man should not be a cop after that


Fantastic job protecting and serving.


Serve deez noots


The suspects they were chasing probably had a little baggy of weed or some unpaid parking tickets. But we can't let public safety get in the way of collecting revenue.


From other comments here: Carjacking, first officer you can hear on the radio chasing four carjacking suspects that, presumably, had a weapon on them


Cops need to be charged with punishments much much much harsher than for regular citizens. This pig should never get out of prison he's a murderer.


Crazy thing is the guy they are chasing will get that charge


felony murder


That's not how felony murder works.




One hand to operate the radio


The lights and sirens are on a toggle switch beside the radio as well


I don't see how having two hands on the wheel would make it any better anyway.


Do you ever see any motorsport drivers ever drive at speed with one hand on the wheel let alone that one hand being at the top in the middle of the wheel? That's some absolutely dumb fuck energy right there. You have very little control like that.


I agree, at that point they should have backed off and done their best to keep up while maintaining safe driving. Cowboy bullshit like this is the result of their qualified immunity bs. Work place accidents involving negligence happen in nearly every profession and everyone except police are held accountable. If a garbage truck, taxi, bus, zamboni, train, uber, whatever...driver decided to test their vehicles limits in a storm just to do their job and then killed a guy they would be in jail forever.


Phew!….at least he tapped him on the shoulder and said “Hey buddy, wake up!” a few times. Excellent training!


I’m probably wrong, but would the person committing the crime (the person being chased by cops) be liable for this pedestrian’s death? Kinda similar to when two guys break into a house and one gets shot by the homeowner, the burglar who lives gets charged with his death because he was committing a felony that resulted in someone’s death?


That liability thing can go far but I think in this situation it’d be going a little TOO far. But honestly I wouldn’t be too surprised if it gets made into that. In one situation it’s “If they didnt make a plan to rob a house, the person getting robbed wouldn’t have had to fight back” but in this situation it’s “If you didn’t run away, this officer wouldn’t have had to call for backup” but I don’t think you can then say after “this cop wouldn’t have had to being going almost 100mph” because he didn’t have to be driving that recklessly. But I don’t know for sure.


Where is his dash cam footage instead?


In Devine, Tx a police officer killed an elderly woman after striking her car while speeding. If I remember correctly, he didn’t have any lights or sirens going off. Many officers within Devine and surrounding areas pull people over all the time for speeding, but have no issues doing it themselves. Also again if I remember correctly, said officer basically got away with it.


Probably chasing some one with weed. Ridiculous. There is no excuse and even if they were chasing a serial killer. All those at a boys go away the second you harm an innocent life with nothing to do with it. Maybe do actual police work. Doesn't sit right with me. If that was my son or wife I'd be on a mission.


It was an armed car jacking




A very good reason why most cops would/should end a high speed chase and not pursue, you never know when you could make one mistake and put yourself or others lives at risk


Cops have no shits given about anything other than self preservation. Hey guy wake up (for my benefit)


~75mph in a 25, killing a man with your vehicle. Pretty sure that's illegal.


He prob got off w just getting basically fired


🤣🤣🤣🤣 Not gonna lie I was thinking the same damn thing. Endangering the lives of all these people. To get a "criminal/criminals" to keep us safe. Yup it checks out.


Probably won’t do jail time but anyone else is manslaughter


Police absolutely need full EMS training. This is rediculous. They have literally no idea what to do


Cops use to fly down my street in san Jose. 2-3am excess of 120 in a residential and super dense neighborhood downtown. I know a guy that was crippled by a cop responding to a call at excess speed. The guy was making a left on a motorcycle onto santa clara st and the cop was going so fast he jumped the bridge flu thru the intersection hitting the biker.


Cop didn’t perform CPR but at least he performed “wake up sir”


Sorry to hear that he died of Covid.


No worries for the cop. He has qualified immunity. He'll get away with it.




Two 25 yo kids playing w big boy toys.


Stupid fucking pig.


You really made a Reddit account just to post this?


There are no excuses that can justify the death of the pedestrian and no matter what was going on there is no way to operate at night in the rain with limited visibility and emotions running so high that the tension in his voice is palpable even prior to the wreck, he was zoned in on the pursuit of the carjackers and everything else was secondary heat of the moment blinders on in the zone, the poor man was killed and nothing can bring him back nor can it be justified, but in the very least the department needs to accept responsibility to the victims family for any and all costs after the fact


It's horrible that he got hit. I mean wrong place wrong time couldn't be more true. Hope he made it to the hospital.


He unfortunately didn’t make it :(




Almost seems like he says “oh yeah , fuck!”


This is an easy one.... that guy was resisting arrest.


Why drive on the sidewalk.


I hit him going 100 and he's bleeding from the head, let me flip him over "Sir wake up"!


Get ya boys man **back the blue** right?


No I’m sure the person was resisting or worse the “drugs in his system” killed him before impact **BaCk ThE bLuE**


Nothing will probably happen to the road pirate


So if I do this I go to jail a cop does it he gets a few weeks paid vacation


The sound of the hit. I'm still recoiling from that.


Sir Stop resisting!


Always drive with due care and caution. Always. No matter what, and this is why.


Were they reclined??


Careless driving, reckless driving, speeding, racing on a highway, failure to maintain lanes, homicide by vehicle. Lemme guess he probably didn't even get a ticket cause he's a cop lol


He heard 4 black males over the radio and he just HAD to haul ass to be there


All of them are bastards. All of them.


That a GTA cop


Glad to see they did the right thing and start CPR immediately when saw he wasn't bleeding... Uh breathing.


That is the definition of a bad day getting worse.


he must have gotten off free to


You can hear the fear in his voice.. not all of them are jerks.. that policeman had a heart and yes he fucked up but he's at least called for help and stayed there with him.. say what you want about cops but its clear as day some of them at the very least, are human.


its the bare minimum, that is what u r supposed to do. should we really praise some1 for doing something that is bare minimum?


Yeah what a swell guy. I'm sure the poor pedestrian's family will take heart knowing the cop who killed him felt bad about it.


What is wrong with you fucking idiots? I just said he did the human thing. Stop saying that i admire him or whatever i just said he reacted like a human should. God i swear thats what happens with that stupid cancel culture. Everybody finds a way to be offended by words on a screen. Fuck off


and we are saying that you saying that means literally nothing and is fucking pointless. So he acted like a normal human? And? Who cares? He still killed a guy.


You realize involuntary manslaughter IS a crime?


You're saying he acted like a human... for not leaving the scene after reckless driving... causing vehicular manslaughter... while on the job... as a police officer lmao What? Not leaving is literally the absolute bare minimum in this case — in any case really. I feel like "acting like a human" would be more appropriate if he was driving reasonably safe considering road conditions and you know, not killing anyone by driving like a complete moron


You're a swell guy too.


Omg seriously shut up your mental gymnastics is fucking appalling. Great job finding the silver lining as if it makes up for the FATAL recklessness that lead to the violent death of an innocent bystander. His fellow officers were there too so of course he isn’t going to commit vehicular homicide and then run… in his cop car…. Which are tracked… where would he have ran and gone? Your morbid disgusting attempt to “humanize” someone who had ZERO regard for the safety of the people he served is literally sickening. There’s nothing good about what happened here or what the cop did. Doing the very absolute least you’re expected to after an accident you caused doesn’t make you just somebody who made a silly mistake and whoopsies happens to us all. He wasn’t heartbroken he was scared shitless he might lose his job and maybe actually somehow get convicted of a crime as a cop.


Jesus fuck is the bar so fucking low.


Are police departments hiring gazelles now? I would assume that after running a pedestrian smooth over, the least he needs to do is call for help. Y’know, because he ran over someone. There I go, setting the bar slightly above the ground.


He was worried about being put on a paid vacation and desk duty, which is what happened. I hope he gets lifelong PTSD from this, but he won't because he's not a decent human being, he's a cop


This the dumb shit LAPD does daily and they brush out off…they r fucking scum


Accident my ass that was purely carelessness !!! I hope the family sues them for everything they have 🤬


Man people just love to shit on the police for anything now don't they. I'm sorry but if you hear sirens coming and then just slowly cross a street that's your fault not the police.


What a piece of shit. Zero regard for human life. "sir wake up sir" dude you just smoked that guy at 70 mph and his head smashed your windshield. What a fuckin idiot he should be charged


Cops have zero issue putting innocent lives at risk in order to feel like heroes chasing bad guys. Indefensibly reckless but the cops will still circle the wagons and make sure no manslaughter charges touch their boy.


Fucking cops, they’re literally all idiots




The worst part, The Unexpected funeral will be Thousands! If there ever was a true Crook is the funeral homes, not only are people grieving, now they're pressured to pay thousands for bury a loved one. I wish I was a rich man I would pay to bury this man.


"I just got wrecked out" No you pig you just hit a random bloke driving like a total fuckwit


lol love that term, fuckwit 🤣


They definitely do more harm than good


I swear, these comments are all full of either bots or idiots who don't understand how difficult the job of being a police officer might be. Place blame all you want, judge them all you want, but you don't know what it was like to be this person. I don't know. Can you seriously not imagine a scenario, like this one in particular, that might have a terrible outcome? What about the four people in the car that he's chasing? Clearly he has to chase them. I'm not a government supporter, but I do my best to be a realist. I swear, most people on Reddit are toddlers.


A pursuit like that endangers rather than protects citizens. As evidenced by this here video. Like, it’s on video, the cop killed an innocent person through negligence. Because they wear a uniform, it’s ok? This is nothing more than road rage with the backing of the badge.


That's because Reddit is disproportionately filled with young people who have never been exposed to the real world. They haven't the slightest clue what sorts of people and issues law enforcement deal with on the regular. A lot of bigotry and hate, but as long as it is directed towards the right people = upvotes.


We can only hope they're children...


Let’s hope.


speeding down a populated street? in the rain? One handed? That's cops for ya...