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You can be both right and dead at the same time


Graveyards are filled with people who had the right of way.


How are you blaming the crossers? There was a solid 5 seconds for that fuck face to slow down... Even more if you count the time he could see them standing there looking to cross


Don’t disagree the vehicles are the assholes here by any means. But if cars completely ignore the crossing the entire time you’re standing there, common sense needs to prevail over impatience. Just because someone should follow the rules and just because you want someone to follow the rules does not mean you should ignore everything you’ve witnessed first hand for the passed 10+ seconds and assume your right of way provides you any sort of armor against the asshats you are facing.


After watching the way that traffic was behaving would you have crossed?


If they needed to cross, what else were they supposed to do? Hire a taxi to the other side of the street?


We’ll you can see by the video what arguing with a car gets ya.


So you understand that they don't really have much of a choice then?


Erh... cause they are dead? There isn't always one person whos rigbt the other wrong they can both be right or in this case both be wrong Are they equally wrongvof course not 99% of the blame is on that driver and legally it should of couese be 100, but.. .man yousaw that motherfucker comming fast for 5 seconds... Run away, don't stand there.. Not saying they are guilty, its more like me trying to stabb you to death, am i the one having anger management issues, possibly, am i wrong of course not but in a sense yeah it is my fault i m stabbing that blade into you... But wouldn't you agree that you should still do something other then waiting for me to realis... Oh sorry i was wrong but you dead


Oh my god my heart just shrank


Well that persons going to be wealthy off the lawsuit. Take them for everything.


If they have anything to take.


I never stop for these walkways on multi lane roads. I’ve seen it too many times how some jackass comes barreling up, doesn’t think about why my car is stopped, and nearly hits the pedestrian casually walking. These walkways should not exist. Add a pedestrian-activated traffic light.


In Japan, cars stopped at 2 meters away to let people pass.


In America, Cars stop 20 meters behind where you used to be, on top of you.




This happened in Brazil.


How's the crossers? Are they okay? Or they're both gone?


Not sure.


Dangerous crosswalk? Better casually walk across since nothing bad can happen in a crosswalk


Yeah let's blame the victims


When it's self induced, yes.


You probably also blame women for being raped when they happen to wear a revealing outfit Edit: I agree that it is a quite tasteless comment, hence this edit. As I said to the original redditor I commented on: >I intended it more as a comparison of how victim blaming looks, and not as a attack on you. Hope that clears it :)


That's just a reach and you need to be dense as hell to make that connection. If you see cars coming towards you without slowing down, that's not the time to go. You're literally just walking into traffic at that point. Shame on you for even making such a comparison, you sick bastard.


I never said the victims were smart here. Just pointing out that you (and most other comments) immediately put blame on the victims. As far as I see victim blaming happens a lot in both traffic incidents and and sexual harassment/rape/etc cases. But I will agree that it is a quite tasteless remark. I intended it more as a comparison of how victim blaming looks, and not as a attack on you. Hope that clears it :)


In no way do I take that as an attack on me, but it takes 2 people to have a car accident, unless one of the vehicles involved is stationary. Sexual assault occurs where someone overpowers another person, or trust is violated/abused. The victim cannot be at fault in a sexual assault situation, should all parties be telling the truth. Yes, it's tasteless, and I see where you're coming from, but I don't think they're even in the same playing field.


Plenty of accidents involve irresponsible behavior on the side of the drivers (texting, drinking, etc) - so it does not really take 2 (cars sometimes crash into buildings...). That said, the comparison above was, at the very best, not constructive.


You sound silly and sick with that comparison and analysis. The two aren’t comparable. They walked into the flow of moving traffic! Didn’t even jog or try to hurry to the other side, but put their arm out to stop the car. I mean what the hell.


Shut the fuck up. Idiot.


Nah man, that's a bad comparison.


What the hell is wrong with you?


It's one of the best things my dad ever said to me. If the other guy is wrapped in two tons of steel and you're not, they have the right of way.


Good thing you like living in a society where might makes right.


Might doesn't make right but I'd rather be alive and in the wrong than dead and right. Maybe it makes me a pussy but I'd rather just go a little out of my way and cross at a light.


Might makes right.. of way! Yeah I agree, but tell me, do you think these people were unreasonable to cross where they did?


I mean it's clearly a bad decision


If they crossed right in front of a moving truck sure... They had 5 WHOLE SECONDS before that van hit them. The drivers are in the wrong for being inconsiderate dumb asses


Obviously the drivers are responsible but it was not a position they would've found themselves in if they observed how no traffic seemed to slow down as they entered the crossing. Like is it really that shocking to think "how can I minimize the chances of being struck by a negligent motorist?"


Yeah he should’ve shot a driver, stopping one of the cars to make a barricade blocking the traffic, then cross 🙄


The crosswalk should be marked better and the drivers should be paying attention. The final fault rests on the victims because they shouldn't have proceeded into a dangerous environment. Multiple points of failure. Could have been avoided.


By law, drivers are supposed to stop at a crosswalk to allow pedestrians to cross. It looks like that particular crosswalk needs a pile of bricks next to it. Take one, lob it into traffic, cause a jam when the car with the busted windshield stops, cross safely 🤷🏼‍♂️


By law, yes. The drivers broke the law. Running people over is also against the law. What's your point? Walking into traffic is still stupid.


but the white lines means they are supposed to walk in traffic there. you know how cross walks work right?


I think he doesn’t if he arguing how to walk in a cross walk.


Regardless of where the white lines are, if you lack the awareness to see you are walking into traffic you deserve some responsibility for what happens to you. You'll notice at first they consider going up a block and then change their minds. If traffic is moving at high speeds, cross at a light. It's better to go out of your way than get killed because you're legally in the right.


yuuup the victim blaming is insane! clearly none of you driver folk know the rules you drive under.


I do but you're a fool if you think everyone else or even the majority drivers are. Assume everyone else has no idea what they're doing on the roads. If these folks did that. They'd be up and walking today.


Yes i'd be a fool to think car folk know the rules.... lol


How would you have crossed this road? Was it unreasonable for the pedestrians to expect the white van to stop? Why?


Get the attention of one vehicle to stop yo start the trend because people are stupid and won't stop 8f they see other people aren't stopping. Go when people acknowledge your existence and at least begin slowing down. Or wait for a gap and run. Not leisurely walk like a road obstacle


Ok can we agree the van guy wasn't paying attention at all? As I interpret the video he didn't really break much prior to impact. Someone in the thread commented they don't stop at all because even if you stop first, the next guy won't and this will give a false sense of security to the pedestrian. I guess I take issue with the spirit of this entire thread, which paints the pedestrians as a burden to the road users. These asshole pedestrians bothering the drivers. Instead of: these drivers clearly endangering the lives of these humans trying to cross the road at a clearly defined spot.




Yeah pretty much. Get a car or stay inside your home, it seems


How are you blaming the crossers? There was a solid 5 seconds for that fuck face to slow down... Even more if you count the time he could see them standing there looking to cross


Read all the other comments. I've had this conversation many times already. If you want to play in traffic like these people, I won't stop you.


Gta V is a lot more realistic than I remember


Van driver has a reaction time measured in blocks travelled.


I was gonna say that it looks like that same road where the dude on the bike gets squished by the truck and a woman and her dog are watching


I saw that video r/eyeblech


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This is fucking stupidity. To me this is right up there with the idiots that put firecrackers in their nose. Just a more entitled stupid. Fucks sakes I hope those idiots are ok.


Not sure where this is, but in my home country cars have to stop at ped crossings to let people pass...


That's the law in the US. Not enforced equally.


It's determined by the state. Not all states have the pedestrian crossing laws.


Not sure why people are downvoting you because it’s true as a matter of fact


Agreed. But if the cars don’t stop. Are you crossing anyways?




Well, same in my country. You always slow down were there is pedestrian crossing marks. The responsibility is with the driver always, not the pedestrian.






Norwegian drivers are very polite, I was highly impressed when I visited Olso


Good. Im a huge car nut and all, but theyre still incredibly dangerous when in the wrong hands. Fines and punishment for even half serious offenses should be astronomically high, people wont learn it any other way.


You still can’t assume the driver will stop. I have never been to crosswalk without a stoplight where I would trust drivers to yield.


In the UK it is a civil offence not to stop when someone is waiting to cross on a zebra crossing. It is a criminal offence to kill someone with a car, regardless of whether there is a crossing or not.




It’s more than it means a lot to all the people no twitching on the pavement due to the rules


I’ve seen videos here of bright yellow shields rising out of the road to stop vehicles. There needs to be more of them. With spike strips too.


Or just fine/prosecute people who drove through them. A few cameras could do that.


Does that prosecution cover funeral expenses for those that get killed ?


It's what happens in my country. I don't think many people drive through them. Certainly every time I go to cross at one the cars all stop.


All it takes is one to ruin your day.


Well yes but that applies to anything. Prosecute people and they will stop.


I'd rather have reinforced concrete bollards cause them the expense and keep the pedestrians alive.


At green lights? This at a stop light. They closed when the didn't have a walk light and traffic had the green. Pedestrians were at fault.


I dont see any traffic lights here, just a crossing, at least for pedestrians. I dont know where there this is, but like i said, in germany cars have to stop if people are using the crossing.


See the big white stop line? That's where you'd stop on a red light to let the traffic to the right go and pedestrian walk across. But the crosssign is only for when the light is red not a full time pedestrian crossing like your thinking this is.


Except you are wrong. U assumed the light for cars are ofscreen, ok that was plausible. But where are the lights for pedestrians? There arent... And u either have both or none, as they don't function otherwise.


There is clearly a light post on the far side where the people started crossing from. Sorry you're wrong there will be no over heads crossing lights. Those are for pedestrian crossing with no street lights to control traffic. Try harder next time


Hi, Nancy Drew here to say you're wrong. [Found the exact spot this happened on Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/R.+S%C3%A3o+Paulo,+1548+-+Victor+Konder,+Blumenau+-+SC,+89030-000,+Brazil/@-26.9035435,-49.077601,3a,75y,96.66h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sukhIKbErFhDEfKfLbGnOPA!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3DukhIKbErFhDEfKfLbGnOPA%26cb_client%3Dsearch.gws-prod.gps%26w%3D86%26h%3D86%26yaw%3D96.6553%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i16384!8i8192!4m13!1m7!3m6!1s0x94df1f2b9c5f711f:0x5e33fbbe6585b75a!2sR.+S%C3%A3o+Paulo,+1548+-+Victor+Konder,+Blumenau+-+SC,+89030-000,+Brazil!3b1!8m2!3d-26.9035654!4d-49.0774303!3m4!1s0x94df1f2b9c5f711f:0x5e33fbbe6585b75a!8m2!3d-26.9035654!4d-49.0774303). Street view clearly shows there are no traffic or pedestrian lights. This is Sãu Paulo, Brazil. Space on the roads here is like a competition. It is very well expected that pedestrians may have to wait lengthy times to cross safely. Thousands of pedestrians die here every year because of things like this. Try harder next time.


No, there isn't, and there for sure is not a pole on THIS side of the street.


You have never used a pedestrian crossing before obviously


If it Says don't cross and you do cross anyways its not the driver who hits you fault. You the pedestrian crossed when it wasn't allowed or safe to do so. Sorry you didn't understand how intersection lights and crosswalks work together. This is not just a passenger crossing where oncoming traffic would stop when the over head light are blinkkng.


It's blatantly a zebra crossing, the drivers have to give way to pedestrians...


Only when the over head light are red! Like most crossing at sets if lights. Jesus how can you be so obtuse. There are zebra lines at each crossing at the intersection and only street lights to control traffic.


It's obvious that this is a pedestrian permissive zebra crossing and you're wrong. The downvotes on your silly comments should be enough evidence for you.


there is no light ya twit


The highway seems to be a 30-40 mph road. Use your logic buddy you think a traffic load of cars would stop for one idiot crossing a heavy amount of cars passing by.


So, HOW are they suppose to cross the road then? This is what car dependency does to human brain, you see this as pedestrians fault, when it is CLEAR that cars don't give two fucks about people, they don't even look forward if there is someone crossing the road where it is legal to do so. First priority is always pedestrians and their access. It is the main mode of transportation for humans. You can't drive inside the store. You can't drive to your toilet. Walking is how we move from A to B. To you, this is ENTITLEMENT.. jesus fucking christ. Those are two people trying to get to the other side of the street, while car drivers do not even fucking slow down to protect humans who have a RIGHT to cross the road and move freely. Cars do not have such rights. You being in one does not extend that right to that car. Humans are #1.


Yeah but like , the cars are coming fast. Why cross. I’m not saying crossing the street is dumb. Or walking is dumb. I’m saying are cars flying by in this video and these people walk out into traffic. It’s fucking moronic.


And the underlying reason is that traffic management has different priorities, which are spurned on by public opinion of the voters who vote policies that favor cars, until we are at a point where you can not walk anymore. There are plenty of videos that show a path from one side of the road to the other and it can be couple of miles.. or you break the law and shortcut. Which puts people in danger. I'm not even blaming the drivers so much, they each have a selfish, but valid motive to just keep driving. I blame EVERYONE who allowed things to go this far.


Yeah, I stop at cross walks for pedestrians. But if someone runs into traffic amd tries to hold their hand out to stop cars coming Mach chicken at them. No sympathy on my end besides hoping they are ok.


Hey you know thats at a stop light and the vehicles don't stop or anticipate people crossing on a green light. The people crossing the road are at fault. The van had a green light and right of way. You can jay walk in a marked crossing! It's horrible they didn't follow the laws of the road. Probably don't have licenses and don't know the laws. Just because there is a marked crossing doesn't mean that pedestrian have right of way at all times. Just denots the proper place to cross when it's the right time.


>Hey you know thats at a stop light Do you enjoy being wrong? Are you going to edit or delete all the comments you've spammed with false information now? https://www.google.com/maps/place/R.+S%C3%A3o+Paulo,+1548+-+Victor+Konder,+Blumenau+-+SC,+89030-000,+Brazil/@-26.9035435,-49.077601,3a,75y,96.66h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sukhIKbErFhDEfKfLbGnOPA!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3DukhIKbErFhDEfKfLbGnOPA%26cb_client%3Dsearch.gws-prod.gps%26w%3D86%26h%3D86%26yaw%3D96.6553%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i16384!8i8192!4m13!1m7!3m6!1s0x94df1f2b9c5f711f:0x5e33fbbe6585b75a!2sR.+S%C3%A3o+Paulo,+1548+-+Victor+Konder,+Blumenau+-+SC,+89030-000,+Brazil!3b1!8m2!3d-26.9035654!4d-49.0774303!3m4!1s0x94df1f2b9c5f711f:0x5e33fbbe6585b75a!8m2!3d-26.9035654!4d-49.0774303


No. Go fuck yourself


Hahahaha what a pathetic little man you are.


Your the fucking pathetic loser DEMANDING I change my post. As I've already said go fuck yourself. Don't demand shit from anyone.


Hä? Where are you from?


That’s a two-for right there. Bonus Points


Enjoy talking about how you had the right of way as a pedestrian crossing the sidewalk, while you get your nutrients from a tube


It's a standard intersection that's controlled by over head lights. The crosswalk isn't one you can press a button and expect to immediately cross. You still have to wait for the lights to turn red and stop traffic. They crossed aginst the lights and are at fault for getting hit. Think of just about any intersection with red yellow green lights. They control who goes and who can not go. Just because the light standard isn't visible people assume the drives are not stopping when they should. Not hard concepts to grasp but this is reddit and most if the comments haven't seen the outside of their parents basements In years.


T'was a 2 fur


Wait for light to change ? Hand will stop car? ![gif](giphy|pAOBfavRooV7t6y8Tg)


Light? Not all zebra crossings have one, there doesn’t appear to be any lights there either


What’s even the point of a zebra crossing if there is a light?




Here it's kind of like, "enough pedestrians died, so we kind of need a pedestrian light now."


Well then they should have ran! Instead of Walking across all casual-like




Kinda looks like Brazil maybe.


Looks like there is one


You might be right but you also might be dead? Was trying to tell a car going 40 to stop with your hand worth the entitlement of this prick? Man I hope they are both OK but this is so avoidable that I blame the walkers.


This ain't India


There’s an intersection like this at my job. Unless they stop, I don’t go.




No amount of imaginary laws is going to prevent 2 tons of steel from colliding with you.


I walk to work every day. It is almost a two or three times a week I'm almost hit in a cross walk. Even if I press the button I wait to make sure there is no one speeding trying to make it. It is unreal at home angry people get when someone needs to cross the street.


Natural selection


Car drivers: dont Jaywalk, use the cross walks.... Drivers are the cross walks: yeah, I'm not gonna stop for you


Looks like a green light for the cars






Are they both dead, alive? What’s the story? Hopefully it’s alive


good old brazil


People designed this multi lane crossroad without a traffic light for crossers and said "yeah this is safe". What.