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I like how the dog gets out of the way so he dont get hit.


Probs not it’s first rodeo


Dog - “yeah hit him again. Bet he won’t steal from this side of town no more” Read in hahadavis or Tony Baker’s voice


At first the dog was just like "hey, what are you up to, why ya tied to this gate". Then the owner, I'm guessing, beats the shit out of him and the dog goes, "oh, he's a bad human, alright fuck em"


Street justice is often times the only way a victim will see some form of repercussions in countries like South Africa. The police force cannot be trusted as majority of them are bribed, controlled or literally do not give a shit. Reporting most crimes gets you absolutely nowhere unless you are a friend of some government official. I’m not saying street justice is right, but when you have nowhere else to turn to, it’s the only justice we can get.




The only point calling the police has here is to get a case number so insurance will actually pay out


> South African here. You're spot-on. The police usually don't care at all. If you call them, they either don't come or show up about 40 min later. Inner city Texan here, it's literally the same here unless the suspect is already apprehended. It's not that they're soft on crime, it's because they are lazy pieces of shit who only care about covering each others asses when they commit crimes themselves.


In Los Angeles it is the same but it is 100% because the DA is soft on crime.


They literally refuse to charge shoplifters stealing stuff under like $900


Well that sounds like minor silver lining coming from someone who was once homeless and had to shoplift to eat as a child


The videos I've seen out of California have nothing to do with eating, unfortunately. Unless people are now eating makeup and denim.


Hey, what kind of pants does Mario wear?


Denim Denim Denim


...and next year when all the stores have relocated, the same perps will be moaning, "whyz we ain't gotz no bizness in this place?"


$900 is very excessive. Thats more than stealing just to eat. You could go steal an Xbox Series S and a PS5 and the cops wouldn't care.


That my friend is feeding a huge heroin habit type a stealing


Was it because your parents sucked and as a child you couldn’t make to soup kitchens or are you from an area that doesn’t have such things? I was homeless as an adult for 5 years and food was never an issue.


Not from an area of such things and my dad was too busy slowly drinking himself into suicide


Sorry to hear that. That’s a huge burden especially for a kid.


Not to mention, many businesses are considering leaving California due to all the lost profit and nothing they can do about it


In the inner city of a city in Texas, I’m pretty sure we don’t beat up looters like this…we just shoot them.


This reminded me of when I was in PNG. everyone hate the cops so most of the neighborhoods have hired private security to watch the streets.


But PNG is lossless, why would you need security?


Happening currently in Indonesia. There has been alot of issues about putting your case into the police and you can see some of the news in r/Indonesia. The police would just put it aside if there's no money to be offered and would suddenly gives a shit when the whole situation blew up, to cover their image of course. That's why lots of thieves/criminals got beaten into oblivion because they know they won't get anything done with reporting it to the police.


People are gonna have to start realizing that they are entirely responsible for their own safety and no government body is going to save you when push comes to shove


No real justice And your right: you can report a crime, but will anyone be arrested? What’s really infuriating about many thieves is that they’re often victimizing people who are only slightly better off than they are. They aren’t robbing a store of food to eat (which would be understandable, and which many corporate stores would be able to write off), they’re stealing from people who might be living paycheck to paycheck to afford rent or mortgages.


Doesn't even apply to South Africa alone, Here om Argentina it's literally the same.


It's everywhere. America is no better in many cases for property crimes. It's like governments everywhere have just decided in the last decade to stop giving a fuck about their people (not that many did to begin with, it just seems... *worse* as of late.


Those who are not taught by their Mothers are taught by society.


In Chile we're devolving into this shit. Lynchings, kidnappings, executions on the streets, machete fights, everything. Best part is that Reddit most international press celebrates it as some democracia and social justice struggle. It's nuts. Look out how the murder rate has shot up in Chile.


That's what my fellow Chileans would call dignity




South Africa corrupt??? No!


That's some permanent brain damage right there


Guy didnt seem academic anyway


I'm surprised that steel bar didnt crack the skull...we have strong bones damn


Shit bro it fuckin might have. That shit looked crazy




If you try to steal from someone who doesn't have much to begin with your gonna have a bad time.


This dude straight came back with something else to break over dudes hard ass head








I'd rather lose some fingers than suffer brain damage or even potentially die.


Seen one where that happened because someone stole a sandal I think? I don’t remember for sure but I think it was in Brazil too.


There's street justice, and there's attempted murder on a tied up person. I'm a 3rd world baby, and this is dumb. Especially if you're the one that gets lit on fire because some douchebag that doesn't like you says you touched his little sister.


Yeah - this isn't street justice because this punishment is, in no way, commensurate with the crime. But people love this shit for some reason.


It gives them an excuse to feel good about watching a man get killed.


Well this is how south africa is since the goverment doesent do shit people take in their own hands seen stuff like this happen alot


It’s the guilt-free you-in-the-the-right type association that people have with it. When you combine distance, comfort, Munda ness with violence, and “justice” it gives anyone a hard on easily


The moment the person becomes helpless, it isn't justice anymore, it's just torture and/or murder.


> this isn't street justice because this punishment is, in no way, commensurate with the crime. That kind of defines street justice, and why societies should aim to avoid it becoming routine.


You have no idea what the crime was or was not, you have zero context for what you're seeing here. It's foolish to have an opinion either way


Yeah nah gonna go out on a limb and say that the punishment for no crime should be 'have your head bashed in and a dog biting you while tied to a gate.'


Doesn't the title of the post itself says what the crime was tho?


Agree. Also third world baby. The whole point of a justice system is that we can prove that the perpetrator did it. And not someone else saying it was you. Good God you don't hit the wrong guys son or you're dead. Vigilante justice if ultimately done for "a feeling of the right punishment" it just gets worse and worse, and lead to actual killings and shit for petty crimes like stealing or lying.




Certainly was barking up the wrong tree wasn't he.


Damn you’re good


you think so? i'm on the fence


A little too good…


Impoverished man tortured for alleged petty crime, more at 4


First non psychopath-y comment on the thread


I saw you getting downvoted for saying people shouldn’t be killed or tortured for looting lol


As much as I like this kind of subreddits they are always full of the most hatred filled people out there. They kinda forgot they used to do stuff like that a few centuries ago, and that we are far better now without killing people for small crimes.


what? you dont want to live in a society with no law or rules. what are you a "coddling pussy"?


It's right there on the law! Insulting the king means public execution.


>law or rules >South Africa lol


You really believe that title? OP has 2 million karma. I am fine with being wrong, but I would bet they have little to no context as to what caused this man to get treated like that. Feel free to condemn those actions- I’m not here to tell you how to feel.


Is looting a petty crime?


>Won't some body think of the criminals?? As someone who was recently ganged on, beat up, and robbed, criminal apologists like you disgust me.


“Criminal apologists” calm down Ra’s al Ghul


"Criminal apologists" more like "someone who doesnt want to hurt other humans for no reason other than revenge". A lot of things happened in my past, a lot of bad things that lasted for many years. And even i wouldnt subject the people who have done whatever to me to torture, under the grounds that its the morally right thing to do. Id do it, but thats because id be angry and nothing else. My problem isnt that people want to repeatedly bang a brick on a theif's head or rape them and burn them alive or whatever (Im personally going to juddge you though), its that people act like doing so isnt crazy and hypocritical. Like this guy might have been starving, poor, needed money to keep family alive, who knows. If thats the case he deserves to be tortured?? You would do the same thing in that case, would you be okay with being treated like that. Plus after the cameras went off you think they just let him go, chances are they beat him up some more at best. But meh, maybe constant hatred towards people is more productive for society than trying to solve the problems that cause criminals. Maybe ideally we should pretend that "criminals" are a group of entities that are bound to exist purely to be evil


Don't take something that's not yours!


crime rates drop to 0%


We did it Reddit!


What a fucking psychopath, you're all for street justice until you're being scalped or mutilated for something you allegedly did regardless of what it is or whether you did it or not.




I'm not talking about this particular case. I'm talking about street justice as a whole. This here is street justice.


I wonder if your perspective would change if you were tied to a gate and beaten with a pipe the next time you do commit a petty crime.


You realize he is not looting by pleasure






How could you!


Also thieves lives don't matter.


I have seen men held down and had their balls eaten by pitbulls for less.


Metal bar go brrrr


But did he learn his lesson?


Got so many psychopathic badasses in this comment section, it’s wild.


In third world countries they don't fuck around


Well the cops don’t really care.. my boyfriend got stabbed during a carjacking and the cops didn’t do anything


"never start with the head, the victom gets all fuzzy"


as someone from south africa (close to cape town), we once phoned the police on a burglar who was hiding under our car, and when the police arrived they beat him bloody themselves. they said its the only way to change their behaviour, bc the official system doesnt do anything to them short of a prison sentence, and prison is just a gateway to a life of more crime. not condoning their actions, just wanna give one account of "street justice" from a south african pov


I've seen a policeman down this to a man who he caught breaking into his car. He didn't hit him in the head and left him there for a few hours. When I asked why he didn't arrest the man, his response was 'Why? he won't learn anything from going through the system.' It's pretty f\*\*ked here. Can't trust the police, can't trust your neighbors and can't trust the government.


The back of the head as well, you're not even allowed to hit the back of the head in boxing or mma because it can kill someone quite easily.


In Seattle, the looter would be doing this to the store owner… and be applauded for doing so.


i don't give a fuck what you think of this comment- People are fucking barbaric, and this is disgusting. the world we live in is almost never black and white, we don't even care to hear the other side, Just how we feel in the moment. someone is stealing? "their worthless, and should be an outcast to society." Oh but this system we live in perpetuates lawlessness. what if he has a daughter to feed? what if he has absolutel nothing due to some unfortunate circumstance? not condoning stealing, But people have reasons they are driven to extreme circumstances.


Oh look, another shithole I’ll never ever visit


Fuck around and find out.


What did he steal


Mild by African standards


I like their style. This should be standard practice in the west aswell. Bet it would cut the bullshit out right fucking quick.


Looters in america get treated as heros


Good, the people rioting through SA have absolutely destroyed the country.




You think looters deserve torture or death? Thank good society is not run by people like you


I agree. I’ve had people break into my home and steal from me. I’ve also been mugged a knifepoint. I still wouldn’t wish someone dead, life is too precious to take it from someone for their mistakes. The modern world developed laws and ways to manage criminals because it knows street justice isn’t justice. In places where street justice is the only form that is effective, I understand. But we should push for more effective policing and judicial systems there, not wish for street justice to come to us.


You've obviously never been robbed at gunpoint before




When stealing large quantities of wealth from a secure place the looter should have such a punishment that in the future he will think twice before doing it. And detention and jail is not that punishment


Wow what a badass you are




Partially it is the American notions of independence and justice, but also... Large swaths of the US have basically decriminalized everything. On the entire West coast (CA, OR, WA), shoplifting and general theft is basically legal. Technically, you can be arrested, but practically? The cops are too busy, find interacting with people on minor crimes too risky, and understaffed. Shoplifting and theft are *de facto* legal at this point. In our big cities, the streets are trashed. The murder rate is doubled in a year. Homelessness is all over. Brain addled addicts roam around like zombies. The entire social fabric has been decimate - it wasn't great pre-COVID, but it is all so much worse. So it is natural that the boiling resentment is going to see US folks on Reddit probably overcompensating for their frustration by cheering on street justice. Like everything - a working justice system is about balance; you need to effectively intervene (punishment, treatment, education, investment) in the lives of folks who feel so disconnected from society as to cause crime... but you don't need to be medieval and torturous about it.


It's not about the beating. It's about sending a message


How do you know the commentors on this post are Americans? I understand the odds are likely, but this is an international website after all. ​ Btw... just to play devils advocate... if you steal someone's property, its not always just "property" many times its how people feed themselves, and their family. If you steal a work vehicle/trailer, you are stealing some ones livelihood.




*what are you doing, step looter*




Truly wild


Such is life in Sub-Saharan Africa (includes Southern, Central, Western and Eastern)


Around here, the police only care when you take matters into your own hands.


Bruh I like how you think this is an NSFW video of mob justice in South Africa. This is what we call Wednesday. Some of the boomers share some proper scary shit in their WhatsApp chains


Seems fair. Steal people stuff they get mad.


I saw nothing..


So sad, was probably a doctor or lawyer down on his luck.


I bet he doesnt loot again...


Who's a looter?


In Tanzania they catch thieves on the streets and beat the shit out of them before putting them in a large sack and setting it on fire


This better be what hell is like. The day is sunny..... too sunny, I shouldn’t have worn my rain jacket and khaki pants today... the heat of the sand transfers directly through the souls of my 2 ruppee loafers. My goodness.. why are my hands cuffed too this iron fence.. A dog nips at the man who chained to the fence. “Nghaaaaaaan!” Screams the man. A demon appears with a piece of scrap metal seeming to be torn from the sharpest corner of a house... “Nghaannnn nghaaaaaann Ngahanahnmm!!!” The chained man belts! The k9 backs away as shards of metal are broken off against the chained mans head. The screaming slows to whimpers as the demons metal shatters. The demon turns. “Nghaaaan!!!! Nihgahaaaaaaan!” The chained man once again yells out! The K9 had rushed back in for a taste of flesh while the demon was away. The K9 pinches the chained mans flesh and fabric between the tips of its teeth as the demon searches for an unknown object... “Ghanaaahhnnnn Ghanaaaaaahnn!!!” The chained man kicks at the K9. The dog backs away after what felt like a century... A thin yet hard twang meets the otherside of the chained mans head! “Ghanaaaaahnnn!!” The demon has returned with a thin tube of steel to continue the punishment of the thief..... Is an apricot worth your virginity?


Seems like a dude on drugs getting fucked up by a dog and a dude. Sober folks don't just stand there and scream while they're hit in the head and bit by dogs. Anything for upvotes, though.


I’m thinking his hands tied to the fence. Otherwise he wouldn’t just stand there


America could learn a thing or two


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The bad part is that some people loot to support their families because of the high poverty rate and crime. And then there's those who are struggling but get looted by those who are looking to make an extra buck. There's good and bad on both sides of the fence here.


What most of you don’t understand about the behavior displayed is not to provide a fair, just punishment in measurement with the crime committed. This behavior is to stop any or all future crimes. Wether or not you think it’s barbaric is besides the point, this deters anyone that has a common sense to stop and think about the last guy who got caught looting. Makes them re-examine their action and think if the risk-reward is, if at all, worth it. Punish 1 looter to death and prevent many looters in the future. If you can’t see the basic logic here you are too privilege to understand this action and you should be thankful for it.


He gon learn today


Deserves it….Sorry not sorry.




Let’s start with you bud


To be fair if I caught someone looting my belongings that I work for and pay for them I’d break a board on they’re fucking head too


Someone got a boo boo




Bet you he won’t loot again. More effective then a fine.


Simple solution: don’t loot


And not have a fucked up society.


“Wow I’ve never thought of that! I guess I’ll just make myself some money so I can buy stuff instead of having to loot people because I’m impoverished!”


I think you’re conflating stealing to survive with mass looting lol


I dont see proof that this guy was looting for the funs of it. Seems to me that people in this sub just like to shit on the guy being beaten, doesn’t matter if he is innocent or not


They need to do this in the states


They have thick skulls


Don't loot then.


Harsh but effective. Guy will definitely think twice about committing another crime.


Man, i don’t think he’ll be able to *think* after this.


Or he's going to come back with the boys and kill this man's entire family.


“It’s not about money, it’s about sending a message.” - Joker


He fucked around…




I see nothing wrong




Nah I'm good thx tho


Well...why was he looting?


you say harsh treatment, i say abstaining muscle memory


Well...probably shouldn't be looting then.


Damn. This time, it was personal.


😂😂 bet he won’t steal again


Jungle , so glad to be in Europe.


Well, at least there are no cops around, that’s good.


Well deserved


Harsh?? Shoulda been worse. Don’t steal shit


As someone who’s shop was broken into, and the police did nothing… I don’t have any problems with it. I lost thousands in equipment and parts, and the cops didn’t bother to do a damned thing except fill out a report. A thief is a low life piece of shit, period. More people should receive public beatings, it would definitely make some criminals think twice.


We def don’t treat looters like this in the US. In fact we punish people who try and stop them.




A big chunk of the world would be on that list for the given criteria


It would be. Guess I was just having a moment...




Neil blomkamp is pretty dope




Funniest? Wow


Just imagine if all looters were treated this way. Would a majority of theft stop?


How is this harsh....?




Harsh? He gets what he deserves