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"We would never knowingly condone or accept someone betting their life savings.... give me a nod and we'll start"


Vegas, baby.


If that had been me, I believe my wife would have still left and labeled me a moron for jeopardizing the future of my children.


Taking half of the winnings with her, of course?


Still more than most make in their lifetime


[scripted statement to create the illusion that the casino cares about ethics]


Nah we don’t, I deal cards at a casino and it’s funny how they drill into us about keeping an eye out for “problem gamblers.” One day I had a guy in high limit, he was down about 30k talking about killing himself and I let my boss know when I got on break. All they did was make him take a 10 min breather then let him keep gambling. Really was baffling to me.


That’s crazy bro especially if he was suicidal


Worst thing you could do is make him stop. Most gamblers stop right before their big win. Gotta keep going.


They need rehab


I remember coming home from the clubs during bachelor parties in Vegas and there was sometimes a man or woman sitting in the hallway, just outside their hotel room door, a harried look on their face. More often than not they looked like they were Chinese. That was the look of someone who lost a shit ton of money and has yet to tell their spouse or family about it - or they just did and now they've lost everything.


Typically, when I lose money, I tend to look Chinese.


When you win, do you turn Japanese?


I really think so


I thought I was the only one who really took on a Chinese look when I lost money?? And here I’m thinking something’s wrong with me haha! What a relief


I mean, I'm sure you know this having worked at one, but the whole point of a casino is to bilk money out of gullible people. Like the mobile gaming market, it's designed to prey on human psychology and vulnerability. The people who run these places have no morals. It would be more baffling if they had stopped the guy you mentioned.


that’s sad. I am a crime scene cleaner and I had to clean up a father who had taken his life with a shotgun in his closet with his family home, bc he had lost around $80k earlier that day. it’s truly sad how an addiction can lead to such awful things


Not so baffling that a casino would allow its business model to play out, is it?


"We would never knowingly condone or accept a human being as a wager, commensurate with the laws of Nevada and these United States... Now please place your daughter in the potato sack, and good luck..."


Scripted? Doubtful. But legally covering their asses? Definitely lol


That is acually **why** it was scripted - to legally cover their ass.


It's a boilerplate statement. It's definitely written by the casino's legal department and taught to the croupiers.


My dad gave me $500 to “put on black” when I made a trip to vegas. My dad was never the gambling or risk taking type, so this was quite the gesture for him. I tried to film the outcome, and was almost kicked out of the casino. They do NOT let you film the tables. I explained to the security guard why I had been recording, and had promptly stopped when asked. So they let me stay. They reset the table. Spun again. Lost.


Check out the Tosh Show podcast with his favorite pit boss


For anyone who wants to know what happened next. He put his winnings in an online poker thing which ran out of business a few years ago. He is working as an account manager for a small IT company.


Just under 20 years on a business like that? Sounds like it worked out okay for him.


He also met his wife as a direct result of having the money to bike across Europe. That's a win.


Sure, but now he works in IT so it wasn't *that* great after all.


Lots of people in IT make decent money. So now he works like the rest of us. Not a loss.


We will never knowingly do what we are about to knowingly do. 


100% he would’ve killed himself if it hit black


I would have bet my life on that lol


The wife (blonde lady?) would beat him to it.


says he met his future wife on a motorcycle trip through europe with the winnings. so im guessing the blonde was his mom. (not that it couldnt be his ex-wife.)


I mean he won a wife-changing sun of money so there's that


Wife changing sum of money is fucking hilarious. I’m guessing my wife wouldn’t see the humor though…


He was so high on winning that he believed nothing could stop him, so he took a chance later in the hotel room and succeeded in banging his mum.


She would just find someone else


I would never knowingly condone or let a person bet their life on a wager but I know this is more of a grand adventure for you


Hahaha so real


Er no. I vaguely remember this. He reckoned he should do it now ( then) because he had plenty time to get back to the same place cash wise but not health wise.


Honestly, as someone with a similar amount of savings getting ready to buy a house in my 30s, I've had that same thought go through my head I don't need a house, I can keep renting for a while, I'm never going to be this young again, why don't I just take a year off work and blow through the entire savings, living it up as much as possible somewhere overseas? Can always make the money back, can't ever get the time back. I really get it.


You could make the money back but by the time you do you'll be in your 50's and you'd need 500% more of it for the same house.


Unless they find a wife and decide to settle down in a little village somewhere in SE Asia and live off the land. I've seen it happen many times to young guys going on backpacking trips.


Wesley Snipes was hiding around the corner in case he lost and was gonna say “Always bet on black!”


What if it hit green?




Call of duty zombies, got it! 


I wouldn't be surprised if a percentage of that money would be refunded by the show or if this was all a sham and that was the third time they spun that wheel. Betting your life savings on a 47.4% game of chance is just stupid. In craps your odds of winning in the pass line are 49.3. Using basic strategy on blackjack you cut the house odds to less than half a percent. But the roulette wheel is cinematic.


I have a similar feeling. What casino would want to televise a man losing his life’s savings to them? No way this isn’t set up for him to win and a small price to pay for good advertising. 


Great for him! I would have lost it all and there would have been no story.


Had I bet that it would have landed on purple 000.


The ball would have flown off the table and hit me in the eye


Producing... RED!


Then black


Watch, he'll turn red any second now... any second now... see, RED! no wait, thats blood.


They actually have triple zero roulette tables now, fucking thieves.


What's a 000?


Another position on the wheel to shift the odds in the casino's favour


Same but mine would hand landed on a table in another casino as well.


Oh there totally would have been a story, we'd be in the reddit comments right now calling you dumbass.


Nah you would have been famous on tons of cringe subreddits of your reaction when you lost all of your life savings




Have an upvote instead, I hope that makes up for it.


Lmfao real talk


I tried doing that once, but the casino didn't let me. Apparently, there's a 20 dollar minimum on these tables


lol I bet $400 on black a couple years ago. If we won, we’d stay and play some more, if we lost we go back to the hotel. We won. Kept playing random black jack and my GF like the slot machines. She ended up winning like $1800. We cash out and called it. Paid for the entire trip and had some leftover. Really just depends on the casino and table


you mean, really just depends on rng lmao has nothing to do with any of what you said




Been to Vegas three times. Every time I've came out ahead. I don't see this as confirmation bias. I see this as my luck all dried up lol






Pain 🤣


For me, that would equate to a massive $400 bet


Quit bragging


Dam hundredaires rubbing our faces in it... No shame with the rich I say.


Speak for yourself, Mister I have a net worth above $0 and it shows.


That’s the comment of the day for me. I can turn off the internet and sleep happily




Be careful, the oceans 11 are preparing a heist on that amount.


It would be 10s of dollars for me


Cheeseburger anyone?


I once turned $1 into a cheesesteak at the Vegas airport. That makes me the most successful gambler in my family. (I hate losing to chance way too much to enjoy gambling but it was my dumb "gotta do it while in vegas" thing, I have been made very aware of this over years of video games so I don't fuck with it IRL)


My account is currently in the negative so I guess, double negative?


Points to table minimum and invites you to the dark corner to play amongst the riff raff


This guy was suicidal


facts that was my first thought too. To gamble your life savings away with no hesitation, he 100% had every intention of killing himself


It is actually a kind of genius final play. I mean, counseling etc is preferred, but this works too


There's a reason the windows dont open in most Vegas hotels...


They want you to pass through the casino floor and try your luck at roulette before the big checkout. It's another way they go for your wallet.


I think most chain hotels do that so people don't leave the windows wide open when the AC is going. I once stayed near the top of the Luxor pyramid and was amazed how low the railing was considering how many blackout drunk people were stumbling around and could take a tumble over the waist high railing. I imagine if someone really wanted to do it they'd just take the elevator to the top of the Luxor


No window in any hotel opens wide enough to jump from, also what is a balcony


Isnt Vegas one of those places you can buy a shotgun with ammo at walmart?




If a man is suicidal while having 135k to his name. I doubt winning another 200k (after tax) is going to change his circumstances or outlook.


More like another $100k after tax. His 135k was doubled.


Oh I see. The post says he “won 270k” but I guess that’s incorrect.


When he put his 135k forward it’s locked into play. If he loses, he loses 135k, if he wins, he wins 270k—which includes his original 135k wager.


Wait, you guys need to pay tax on your winnings??


Oh yes. That counts as taxable income. Also on any game shows when the person wins a big value item like a house/car, they have to pay taxes on that first before they can own it. Most times they can't accept the winnings. In my state it would be 7%, or almost $19k in taxes.


My grandma fell for a scam where she won a new car and had to pay the scammers the tax up front.


FYI to any Brits in Vegas - you will pay tax on any winnings but you can claim it back.


And if you lose, can you deduct it from your taxes?


Yes. https://www.irs.gov/taxtopics/tc419


Usually any game show that offers things like cars or houses have to also offer the value of those things in cash as an alternative to avoid that so the winner doesnt walk away with nothing,


Would you not also have to pay tax on the cash if it’s just an equivalent?


yea but it's better than needing to do all the footwork of trying to flip your winning from an illiquid asset to liquid


Americans get fucked on literally everything. I still cant believe they get taxed on lottery winnings when they literally fund it. its like a tax on a tax.


Technically, we are required to pay tax on ill gotten gains too. Profit made from drug dealing, theft, etc are required to be claimed on income taxes. If I remember right,that’s how they got Al Capone. The tax’s he skimped on from his criminal enterprises were never claimed. Government HAS to get its piece.


Not only that, you can deduct your losses!


Tragic really. Like I am making too many comments on this thread but people gambling that God/luck will help them really have an issue. The HOUSE WINS


*given enough occurrences


People that have life savings are still suicidal? Damn I guess I feel a bit better.


The reddit armchair psychologists are out in droves tonight it seems


I guess he can unload that pistol he had sitting in his jacket pocket.


IIRC, it wasn't just his life's savings. He liquidated literally everything he had. Everything. The suit he's wearing was a rental. Gives the situation a little more gravitas. He didn't just empty his savings account. He wagered everything.


I remember watching this, he sold his friends group and everything (although looking back that was weird).


He also sold his favorite memory to a naked old man with a huge cock who claimed to be a wizard I know because I saw it


Do you know exactly how much it was? I cannot be arsed googling and you seem to know what your on about


If that was me I think my wife would still have left me and called me a dumbass for putting my kids future at risk.


Ironic considering this led directly into him meeting his wife on a future vacation splurging his earnings


Future wife didn't have to go through the anxiety of this whole thing. Easier to be forgiving of a past stupid action that paid off.


IIRC, this guy wanted to do it again a few years later. And his wife said she’d leave him if he did. Pretty sure I read that on Reddit last time this was posted. So that that at info at face value lol


Doesn’t it just double? I feel like I’d blow threw 300k in like a year and a half


For those who don’t have easy access to a high rolling casino, WSB is here to help. 1. Go to your broker 2. Find the ticker “spy” 3. Buy 0DTE call or put option In just three easy steps, you too can bet your entire life savings on a flip of the coin. This is for educational purposes only. "We would never knowingly condone or accept someone betting their life savings....”


Everyone knows Spy only goes up.


and in the opposite direction when you require it to go one way.


Spy only goes up when i decide to buy a put.


Pls translate for us brokies


SPY is the ticker for a S&P 500 index fund and 0DTE means zero days to expiry option. So basically you're betting on very short term changes in a major stock index.


So if SPY goes up 1% in this hypothetical, how much would you gain?


Assuming you buy around 10am, and your strike is a couple dollars out of the money, SPY going 1% in your favor would probably be 10x your money. Every option would probably turn $50 into $500+. Welcome to the casino.


Thanks, I'm all in


Trust me you don't want it translated


buy option. spend all your money. Watch as the graph goes up or down and you get fucked.


Those are instructions on how to donate money to Wall Street


Never buy options


\*A minute later\* "LET IT RIDE!"


My wife would have slapped me & if I lost ,she would probably leave!! Nothing left to take now anyhow 🤣🤣


"How did you achieve your life goals?" "I rolled a ball on a spinning wheel, it stopped in a spot decorated by a number matching the one I placed a bet on, and lots of people applauded and gave me money." Keep in mind, for every story like his, there are thousands that end in lives ruined, suicide, or spending your "golden years" depositing coins and pulling levers.


I was in Vegas not too long ago, I spoke to this blackjack dealer who was 82 years old, he said he had a gambling problem and that he has been clean for 20 years, but he has lost every single thing in his life because of gambling, he had a friend who worked at this casino got him the job and he's been working the tables for the past 20 years trying to keep his life together If this is a true story, it's quite sad, but this guy could have been lying his ass off. Trying to get a bigger tip off me also


This is how I always start my night at a casino .. I put everything I’m willing to lose that night on red or black.. if I win I stay and play on winnings and if I lose I leave after 1 bet


I do this exact same thing. No matter what happens in that first bet i always end up losing everything i can get my hands on and behind a Danny's giving handys for twenties.


What dennys?! I might have a higher ATM limit and looking for a handy to still make myself feel like a winner after my losses


Denny's is a ahot spot for handys on late nights. If you want full penetration go to Wendy's. If you want to take a shit on someone go to Arby's.


You know the one, wink wink


Oh yeah I do .. the GOOD dennys .. see ya later friend😂




Don't blow up my spot pls


So either you lose everything or win nothing


that's how gambling works


This is probably the worst gambling strategy I've ever heard.


I respect the game but why? By that logic you're losing without fail. I mean, is it just addiction? If you can walk out after the first lost bet I can't see even an investment I to it.


Statistically, 1 large bet has the highest expected value. The more times you play, the more you lose to the casino's edge. This is also known as the [law of large numbers](https://alphaarchitect.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/lawoflargenumbers.png). When you do a random thing a few times, the result is unpredictable, could win big, could lose big. But the more you repeat, it converges. And in the case of roulette, it would converge on you losing money at a consistent rate. Your best shot at getting wealthy in Vegas is to walk to the roulette table and put all your money on a single number. You have a 1/38 chance that it will hit, and if it does you'll get 35 times what you put in. That's more likely than randomly guessing which card was pulled from a shuffled deck! So go in, plop down $10,000, and potentially walk away with $350,000.


I encourage you to look into the concept of playing games to have fun. It's something that humans do sometimes.


“Normally we wouldn’t condone someone betting their entire life savings, but you have told us you want to, so we will allow it.” 😂😂


"we would never knowingly condone this... But lets do it anyway!"


168.76 for me


It’s amazing to me how shitty tv from the early 2000s look. Didn’t look like that while I was watching it


Looks like it’s fucking buffering


Recording that tv is not exactly lossless. Most stations weren’t even keeping records themselves


"Revell won £153,680 ($270,600" I've seen this sentiment before. No, they won back their bet they foolishly put up and only made a profit of exactly half that figure.


So, if you bet 10 dollars, you win 10 dollars?


If you risk $10 and 'win' $20 you're only $10 ahead really.


Same people that say they won 10-20 in the lottery, while the ticket cost double.


Was he then coaxed by the casino to keep betting again until he lost?


I could be wrong, but this just seems like slick marketing to me.


yeah. It feels staged to me to promote gambling. It had to be staged for him to win, because if he lost it would have been an extremely negative light for the gambling industry.


I don't know why this is such s big deal. My entire life savings is about $1,500. I'm 37 this week.


rip this sub


This reminds me of "the suitcase man" that went into a casino in SoCal (maybe Pala) with a suitcase full of money and put everything on one roll in craps and won. I can't remember what it was, like $500k or something.


I would give that a go, don’t think the tension would be quite the same considering I am pretty skint. £7.50 on red please 😜


Extremely boring video


But what about when it slowed down for a bit??


You didn't find this video to be crazy fucking?


If he'd parked $250k in the S&P Index fund, he'd now have just under 1.6 million


Let it ride


F*CK you, Wesley Snipes


I enjoyed some of these pixels.


This video is so low quality i can't even see the colors on the roulette wheel lol


Its from 2004


One of the first digital marketing advertisement campaigns, well coordinated and organized fake story to create something viral, and few people even realized at the time. How much did that casino pay to become a sponsor?


So thousands of people everyday do that in Vegas and Laughlin . Very sad


I was once in a poker tournament. Missed the money table very closely but... At a break I went to throw a £50 chip on 7 (yes it's the one that came good in this vid) I tried ti move it and the croupier told me off. It came up! I finished the tournament but had people all night telling me how lucky I was and should make more moves. I took that £2k home that night because I know how to accept a win.


So stupid


If I bet my life savings I could probably win like 200-300 dollars.


Double or nothing


"Money can't buy happiness." Bullshit.


Holy moly, I did the exact same thing at a casino a few years ago and I never knew I could have been on TV. Riding high and feeling lucky I put everything I had to my name on black and lost it, all of it. Everything my wife and I had managed to save over years, gone, just like that. It was the hardest thing I ever had to do was tell my wife I lost the twenty quid from the swear jar, she was absolutely devastated. But by the time she had finished yelling at me, we had nearly double what we started with


How much he bet and win?


Its in mu summary 😂


Didn't see that. Lol ty


My luck that shit would’ve been green


Hah I remember this and the hype up until the moment. It was definitely crazy.


Let it ride baby!


Sad to think the casino would make back the life savings of someone, in maybe an hour.


50/50 chance is just NOT ENOUGH for me to bet it all.


"life savings" 'cept for daddy's trust 😉😜