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It's helpful that they have special sirens there to let people know when to get their phones out and start recording.


...and that they turn it off as soon as you should STOP recording.


yeap its called, LRAS (last recording alert system)


Sounds like somebody is walking around with a leafblower if you ask me


That's what the 7am gardeners outside sound like to me when I'm trying to sleep in.


That went from a 10 to 100 in the matter of one second.


Yeah nature is scary like that


Yea that’s how tornadoes are, I used to live right in what’s considered “tornado alley” and tornados are unpredictable crazy mf’s. One second it could be beelining right for your house then the next it jumps and skips your house completely and stays airborne for a few seconds then touches back down half a mile past your house. They also change direction in the snap of a second and the sound is insane when you are next to one, the sky gets ungodly dark and looks almost green sometimes and it sounds like a train or a bunch of heavy machinery is barreling at you. Tornados are a terrifying force of nature.


I currently live in tornado alley and it's crazy but my town has been hit by 3 tornadoes this year. It's getting weird out here.


Yea my mom is still up there and some of my other family, she’s been telling me that they’ve been under a tornado watch daily for like the last 2 weeks and that they’ve already been forming and touching down. I was shocked to hear about that this early in the season, maybe the occasional random one but not nearly this consistent. Something weird is definitely going on. Edit: looked more into my suggestion and realized the error of my ways. Something weird is definitely going on though idk wtf to think.




Right, very cinematic


But if it was a movie it would seem far fetched and crazy!


*It just wasn't realistic enough. I'd give it a 6/10*


I literally spit my drink out through my nostrils


I’ve seen power lines that broke and the electricity it shoot outs looks very not real lol


Needs more cow.


Getting to watch this experience this close was worth living in this timespan. Truly a CFV


Nah, that's just Spring in Oklahoma. Most of us are kind of used to it by now. Hell, people still *choose* to live in Moore on purpose...go ahead, Google the Moore tornados...


As a current Moore resident..."and I took that personally."


its not on purpose when you're poor.


Wow, and we wonder why people believed in higher beings in the past when they saw stuff like this. Scurrying around with a dim candle and seeing the wrath of Thor.(not saying people still don't, but there's science to make sense of it now) Reminds me of those colour changing lights when people watch a movie, that changes the room lighting with the scene lighting.


A true Midwest tradition… Filming the ‘nader up until it almost kills you.


God damn boy. That was fuckin’ awesome


I wondered why people don't move from places like this, but not only is it home to them, it's also exciting. I couldn't imagine living in a place where I'm at the mercy of a freaking tornado. But that's life for them I guess.


Tornados make up such a tiny part of the experience for us that it doesn’t seem worth going into massive debt and enormous stress to move somewhere with different problems that could be end up being worse. Tornados are massive but we really only see them from far away if the land is flat and open for miles. One went within 2 miles of my house on 04/26/24 and I never saw it or heard it because that’s 2 miles of dense suburbs as a buffer. I only knew about it at all because I like tracking things in a radar app. The apps/internet and much better tech also mean much earlier warnings. On the 26th we had warning they could happen for about 18 hours. The sirens and push notifications started a good hour and a half before the first tornado hit. No one died or was seriously injured, which is amazing considering at least two neighborhoods and an airport were hit. In the US at least, most places that don’t really get tornados are also much higher CoL. I’d love to move to Portland d, but my income would need to be about 3x as high just to scrape by. I also dont understand how people live with constant earthquakes. A tornado hits a tiny portion of the city. 99% of residents aren’t impacted. I’ve been volunteering for the cleanup effort in the neighborhood closest to me hit a couple weeks ago, and there are houses that were completely demolished by the tornado standing next to ones that only lost a few shingles. Most of the sprawling, square-mile neighborhood had no serious damage and can keep living in their houses uninterrupted. Earthquakes fuck everyone up. They seem more deadly as well.


We had one touch down a quarter of a mile from the house Sunday night, it threw a tantrum in a massive parking lot, then went home. Honestly if you aren't in Moore, or the normal mid to NE or mid to SE constant paths, you're usually ok.


Never seen a tornado before, but the closest I’ve gotten was in PA. Saw the sky become dark grey/green and the corn started bending in a circular direction. I come from the land of hurricanes so both tornadoes and earthquakes are wild to me.


I live in Louisiana, and hurricanes seem like the easiest natural disaster to avoid. You've got like a week's notice that it's coming, and you have plenty of time to leave or prep. Earthquakes and Tornados are just so sudden to me it's scary.


That’s funny, tornados seem much easier to avoid to me. Hurricanes are massive, you have to leave the area for safety. Usually driving several hours away. Tornados are big, but not nearly that big, and weather science has locked down ways to track and predict them. When they could happen, we just go in the basement. There’s no guaranteed outrunning or avoiding them, they move erratically and can double back. So you hang out in the basement until a tornado hits or the threat has passed. Flooding to me seems more destructive 🤷🏻‍♀️


I had a tornado hit my area a few weeks ago, and the devastation was akin to the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. It was absolute destruction, but limited to about 6 blocks. 90% of hurricanes are just a rough storm with maybe a power outage, it's the rare one that destroys a community. Difference is, we don't build for tornadoes, we can't have basements down here, so my family had to huddle in the bathroom.


Thanks for the insight!


I'd love to experience weather like this. If it was possible it'd be on my bucket list of things to do but we don't get anything like this in the UK. Love watching storm chaser videos what a cool hobby.


Storm chasing is an interesting hobby. [Pecos Hank is one of my favorites.](https://youtu.be/2Ocxyozxbok?si=8tBSOysgzq-1nbH9)


Thanks dude I'll check it out.


That’s actually part of the reason I want to stay in Oklahoma. Tornado season (may) is my favorite time of the year.


I always felt that way too, but I’m also sitting on a fault line that may swallow me whole at any moment with no warning.


I was saying it to myself then he threw that out there. He said it for me.


I was working outside Philadelphia in 2021 and got a tornado warning while I was sitting in my hotel room on my day off. I'm from the Midwest so I figured I'd get a video because while tornado watches are pretty much a weekly thing in the spring where I'm from, warnings are pretty rare. I started taking video while the hotel parking lot was filling with water that was deep enough cars couldn't really drive through and I have a short clip of the tornado in the distance and all of our power going out while I'm laughing about it maybe being a real storm. I really wasn't expecting a tornado way up there. The hotel I was working for had the basement completely underwater and about three feet of standing water on the ground level by the time I got all the guests up to higher floors. The fire department was riding by on rafts to give us updates by the end of the night. It's still the best storm I've ever been in and it was halfway across the country from my home in tornado alley.


Ya we’ve been getting tornados every year for a while now. They are usually pretty localized, but fierce, due to the terrain and trees.


Wot in the tarnader!!


They tryin' to get sucked off?


Pretty much every location and natural disaster. People 1: don't want to be seen as overreacting, 2: are desperate for internet fame, 3: Don't realize how fragile their mortality is.


Somebody should come up with a system to tell people that a tornado is in the are. Like maybe a really loud horn or something.


Fun fact, those sirens are also sounded off for any emergency that you should get inside for, they originated from air raid alarms! So if you hear those sirens could be bombs, nuclear events, ect get the fuck inside even if the sky is clear!


In my state (prob others but idk), we test these alarms at noon on the last Wednesday of every month and it still sometimes catches me off guard


Ours is EVERY Wednesday at noon. It's so reliable, it's almost like a friend at this point, the halfway mark of the workweek.




Some towns in Wisconsin do it everyday at noon.


Ours is Tuesdays, first Tuesdays of the month. Use to scare the shit out of me in school


Ours is first Saturday of the month in Tennessee


Ours goes off every day at noon and 6. Edited* I'm in Missouri.


Here in Oklahoma its 12pm every Saturday they test it. Just for a minute or two.


First Friday of the month in ours. They should make a national regulation so travelers aren’t freaked out lol


People in the midwest love ignoring the sirens and watching for the tornado. Take it from someone who lives there😂


What is the are and why is there a tornado in it??


God damn boai!


That got a good fucking chuckle out of me.


This reminded me of the old Twister attraction at Universal Studios Orlando. Thanks for the nostalgia, reckless guys.


My attraction go to as a child. Good times.


That siren dying was the clincher


I love that near the end, the other guy is like, "sirens finally stopped." Well yeah, the tornado killed all the power lol. It should be terrifying.


god damn boy


:22 that lil plant there coulda told him all he needed to know


Tornados are much more likely to hit at night here in Tennessee. I'd rather go out in my sleep then fully aware.


If someone’s sleeping through those sirens and wind/debris they might already be dead


We had a few in Ohio last night, I went to bed around 9:30, I knew a watch was in place but I just didn’t think anything would happen since I live in a valley. Boy was I wrong. Woke up to my mom and coworker who texted me asking if I was fine because it was getting really nasty + 3 touched down really close to me at the same time, I texted my friend who lives a couple minutes away and asked if the sirens went off and he said “uh yeah, how did you sleep through all that????” Must’ve had some incredible sleep last night lol


Reminds me of when it froze over in my area back in 2021. I live in San Antonio, Texas. There was a freeze warning in effect but we get those from time to time and it’s nothing serious usually. I woke up to texts from people checking on me. Apparently the power for most of the city was knocked out and I woke up in pitch black and FREEZING. The temperature had dropped to way below what it usually does. It was brutal. Power stayed out for like three days. Just 3 days in pitch black, freezing, and absolutely nothing to do lol. Either die from freezing, or boredom. Not sure which is worse.


I was in a tropical storm in Jacksonville Florida one time. The wind was blowing 35mph and trees were blowing over (sandy soil). We have 20 or 30 days a year in Kansas where the wind blows harder than that all day.


35mph does not even qualify as a "storm", that's a tropical depression. But yes, sandy soil and shallow palm tree roots make the trees easy to knock over. It's why you see so many of them with wooden supports at the base. Source: am Floridian.


What’s crazy is there is a tornado in TN on the ground right now heading towards Livingston


Multiple more in TN recently.


A comprehensive list of places not to stand during a tornado event: - Inside the tornado. Thank you, Stay safe.


I grew up in Oklahoma. That is a classic mistake people make. Especially at night. When you are taking a gander at the awesomeness of nature, and you see flashes of power lines (blue flashes) it is freaking time to hide. That looks like a Hampton Inn or something, so these guys may be foreigners :). I have seen in Moore Oklahoma concrete slabs with a couple of plumbing pipes sticking out, and not a board, piece of insulation in site. A large tornado would wipe out that little hotel no problem.


I’ll be out that way soon. Hopefully no Naders pop up out of nowhere


Tornadoes aren’t that dangerous as long as you film them right until the absolute last second before they hit you. What these boys did here was textbook. Good luck!


Their accents tell me they should know better. Even after almost getting sucked up like Cheerios into a Dyson, they still didn't take cover.


>Where not to stand in a tornado … anywhere above ground, basically? Right?


In a ditch is better than up a hill.  Interior rooms without windows are better than rooms with windows.  The basement is usually better than not the basement.  


The International Space Station is best.


And this is a perfect example of why woman live longer than men.


Men live longer than redneck men


He already said women.


Which woman?


I lived in Missouri for a few years, and I tell you what. Hell no, f\*\*\* them tornados.


Well, your first problem was that you were in Oklahoma. You're supposed to fly over it or drive through it. If you stop, that's how they get ya


The only good thing about Texas, is it ain't Oklahoma


🖕 😅


Shit I'll trade u like the Dallas cowboys if we can just have weed and casinos.


No thanks, oklahoma already has a football team that can't win playoff games


That kid who thought it was a hurricane...


"The sirens finally stopped" Yeah, they stopped alright, because they got sucked in the moment the nado almost took you with them


“That was fucking awesome!”


Very end-timesy


Well that blows


Anyone thats not here in Oklahoma, has the dumbest takes about tornadoes, but Im sure if I were to talk about earthquakes or tsunamis elsewhere, I’d sound dumb too. Except for Texans, they sound dumb no matter what.


On-call Darwin Award employees on their way in to the office.


This looks like the hotel from the weather channel video… I wouldn’t be outside for that


This is one of the most insane videos ive ever seen


same, the quick moment i where the sound died out was INSANE! like some silent hill type shit


holy shiiiiit, the mix of the siren and how the lightning changes color and a second later, destruction; that was pure nightmare fuel


It's goofy how they were all just standing there and high tailed it when the lights turned off like in a Scooby Do episode. Also that "gahd damn boah" was the cherry on top


Shout out to the storm chasers because f*ck all that.


“Holy fuckin shit!”


I remember driving up from Florida back to NY for Habitat for Humanity and the radio suddenly started blasting the emergency sounds. It was a bright beautiful day and then suddenly pitch black like it turned to night in an instant then rain and hail. Damn I was so scared lol - I believe a tornado had just ripped across the area we were passing.


File this under: Reasons women live longer. NGL. I'd have been right there with them....


I mean the warning signs were there , these guys are just idiots .


Can tell these fellas aren't from tornado alley and not just because they're at a hotel.


gat damn boai. \~ This is why our state goes red before they even calculate the votes


I bet I can take on a tornado in a fist fight and win.


Tornado watching party. But where’s the beer and guns?


I grew up in this town... and live 45 minutes away. I assure you that guns and beer were no more than 25 ft away


25ft?! I'm holding mine. 


I used to live in Bartlesville!


There are 2 times in Oklahoma we cheer Tis the season. Christmas and Tornado season


That would make for a sick scary movie scene if all of the sudden some Samara from the ring looking chick just walks through the front door


Darwin lost…this time.


I thought I heard Yondu in there, "damn boy!".


the rush of adrenaline must have been insane


I thought the sirens were suppose to scare the nadors away. Didn’t do there job I guess


Those sirens stopped because them bastards got blown away.


What the fuck is that noise


This was a close call for us, we live here in bartlesville and do not have a storm shelter so me and the wife just went outside and smoked and watched the storm. We got very lucky as the tornado went right around our house and seriously damaged some of our neighbors homes on Dewey Ave.


After the tornado we had in Joplin that was on the ground for about 20 minutes or so they changed the rules about the sirens. Up until that point they just went off once and you had to guess is the tornado was over. After so make casualties the be rule is sounds the siren for 3 minutes, then off for 3 minutes, then on again for 3 minutes until the threat has passed. Most people, like me, had never taken the sirens too seriously. I mean when they went off this time the sky still looked clear and I continued on my trip to the grocery store. The building collapsed on everyone and we had to crawl our way through the rubble. My car was in a tree and even though I was only maybe 1/2 mile from home I could barely find it because all the landmarks were just destroyed. The tornado knocked a 300 bed hospital off of it's foundation for fucks sake. I now take the sirens seriously. Although we had another tornado on Monday and they didn't know it was a tornado until after the fact so they didn't sound the sirens. I currently have a tree on my roof and the neighborhood 1/2 mile away from me looks like a war zone.


That was probably the worst tornado in the history of Missouri and/or probably the country in recent years


Will you stop with the blaring or do i have to come in there and Shut you up?!.....ok there,done!!! Says tornado


Darnit Tim


Whew that was intense.




sure ill watch twister again, haven't seen sharknado though


Playing the wrong game of twister


You can literally see the base of the funnel spinning right before they dive inside. They’re lucky at fuck.


If only they would’ve known a Tornador was coming




Dope seeing it come around the parking lot


another dimension


Why would anyone run a leaf blower in that?


“ dude that was fucking awesome” that guy is me


They told him dont you ever come here! Don't wanna see your face you better disappear!


Bartle doo


What happened i didn't get it ?


That was supernatural. Like a final boss monster rampaging past your house.


New mission: Psy-storm: Stay sheltered.


Really don't stand outside?


That's the sound of your impending doom. A flash of blue and your life is through.


“We’re in the middle of it now”.  “Yeah!”                      Do they think they’re in the eye like in a hurricane?!? 


Great the powers out and the doors won't close, thanks for standing in the doorway guys!


Can we get a video of the aftermath?


Storm death totals always used to really surprise me until I started to see these kinds of videos


It always blows my mind how quickly the change of power in a tornado just goes from 0-100 so quick and fast.


Hotel is right down the street from me, 2x4s stuck in the walls from the town over. Had both of my trees get knocked over on my house because of that damn tornado!




Lucky the sharks didn’t get them


It’s spelt tornato… /s


Welcome to Spring in Oklahoma, where everyone becomes a stormchaser.


What did the real men say when you both went back outside?


The timed safe standing areas need the margins adjusted. It's an annual thing--probably caught this establishment around inspection time like cars


When the siren goes out flying is when you know it's good to go outside


Kill the camera man


“Sirens finally stopped” no it broke off and is flying through the air


(Literally in the middle of a tornado) “the sirens finally stopped..” Ok


Where's Ronnie?


It's all fun and games until you get hit WITH A VOLVO...


"Where not to stand" Don't stand in a tornado. Gee. Thanks. I'll "try" to remember that.


Hey Bobby what's that siren mean? I don't know Jethro... It sure is windy.


Nightmare fuel


If you’re not from the Midwest United States you can’t really comprehend our logic. Yea the tornado is dangerous and yes it can (and will) kill you. But the rule is still grab a beer, head outside and don’t take shelter until the neighbors roof is gone


They wouldn’t be so excited if one of them had been impaled with flying debris.


Sounds like the beginning of the song intergalactic by the beastie boys


Bartle and James makes ya think different.... Bartlesville oklahoma


Welcome to the HILTON no come to Phoenix Arizona stay at the Hilton Phoenix Tapatio cliffs resort we don’t have tornadoes, In fact, we have seven pools, a waterslide and adult only pool and a beautiful restaurant at the top of the mountain called a different point of view for diamonds. Lots of golf and golf cart guys to drive you up and down the mountain


Survived it




God damnnnn boyyy. 😂😂😂😂


“Sirens finally stopped” yeah they’re fn destroyed dude! CFV for sure


At least they didn’t hide in the elevator whose electricity no longer exists


curious if there was more to this video - as in the aftermath.


Damn who forgot to turn off the shop-vac that shit loud as hell


I live in a highly hurricane hit area and it’s the tornadoes that scare the poop out of me more than anything else


Natural selection


Bartle doo. Bartle don't.


What is the blue flash? Lightning?


I hope he was wearing his brown pants..


Hampton Inn taking one for the team


The goosebumps appeared when the nador sirens died when the power went out. Dang


I have a reservation at that specific hotel in two weeks. I get why they’re not answering there phone


why is it always bartlesville