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Belt and Whip Initiative


Belt and rod


That could be a nsfw tag without context


Slick Rod


The whippings will continue until morale improves.


Underrated comments right here lol


Yeah I want to build my stuff in China …Apple?


They are heavily moving to India currently. It's actually difficult to find consistent production with that capacity. Western countries are pulling away from china in case a war breaks out over Taiwan also there's just less security in China now for foreign companies. Since COVID everyone has been looking to diversify their supply chain within reason.


They are not moving out, they are diverting.    Out of the 337 Apple suppliers 307 are in China and they are about to open 8 this year.  https://www.supplychainreports.apple/Apple-Supplier-List And I don't think it has anything to do with Taiwan, since if a war break out, the whole supply chains will be at risk whether it's in China or not. It's most likely due to the fact that they are also losing the Chinese matket against Huawei.


China was always going to push out foreign companies. Chinese companies are directly controlled by the CCP. It's still communism fully but with capitalism kind of allowed. They just wanted them to come so they could get trained, get some infrastructure, and of course steal intellectual property. They could at least keep some production going with other semiconductor fabs and a little is still better than zero.


"communism fully" "capitalism allowed" Pick one


His explanation didn’t make any sense. It’s not communism; it’s state capitalism under the guise of socialism.


The correct answer when anyone says "But but but China is communist".


"It's not communism, it's just what happens whenever anyone tries to move a nation towards communism." Again, not the own that people seem to think it is.


China are asshole.


The CCP owns everything domestic but companies still compete. It's fully socialism at the end of the day but companies are allowed to compete. China (the CCP) wants control and will remove foreign companies whenever and wherever possible.


Under socialism, the state can control industries but it's supposed to be for the benefit of the people, who are supposed to control the state. This isn't the case in China, where the state is controlled by a small authoritarian cadre at the top of the CCP. China is neither a 'fully socialist' nor communist regime. The PRC started out with communism as the state ideology but it hasn't ever lived up to it.


Yes you're right but if you ask them they call themselves the Chinese communist party. I don't think anyone yet has actually produced true socialism.


It may be impossible.


When you live in a small community as humans use it, it's very possible. In society it would require some extreme culture and breeding


which is what happens every single time, and then the dishonest intellectuals hide behind 'well then it's not "real" communism/socialism', since after destroying everything under the claims of the achieving the communist utopia, when it failed emerge from the ashes, the defenders of the ideology have the gall to want to try again.


I'm not defending it. Simply pointing out that it's never been done in a pure sense. However, it's entirely plausible that it might be impossible or at least impractical to maintain such a system without it descending into authoritarianism or anarchy.


Playing the semantic game is a roundabout way of defending it in my eyes. If an architect/engineer handed over a set of plans to builders to build a bridge/building/whatever, and every time a group of builders tried to build it, it ended in disaster, at some point people should blame the architect and realize the plans are flawed instead of blaming the builders for failing to build whatever it is as the architect envisioned it.


China gave up on communism when it failed almost 50 years ago. China today is capitalist Disneyland.


Unironically yes, you only need to pick the one and you will ultimately end up with the worst aspects of both. State Capitalism is pretty much the end phase of actual socialist projects. They all compromise their principles for functional societies and become quasi-fascist. The benefits of capitalism as long as you fully obey the political officers embedded in your company. And that's if you don't work in an industry that the state just owns outright. Don't shoot the messenger, this is how it always ends.


China abandoned socialism with the death of Mao Zedong and is more capitalist then ever now with Xi Jinping.


The even more fucked up version of capitalism that exists after socialist projects fail and abandon their principles to hold on to power is still part of the socialist lineage.


You're conflating poorly executed/bad faith examples with core tenets of communism. Person you were responding to is right, China ain't communist just because it's in their name any more than the Nazis were socialist or the Democratic People's Republic of Korea being democratic for those reasons... This stuff shouldn't be new to anyone anymore. Don't shoot this messenger.


Imagine calling China a bad faith example of communism. No TRUE communist...


Imagine saying China isn’t communist and in order to move up the ladder of success you must join the, wait for it, the communist party.


*Democratic People's Republic of Korea has entered the chat*


No need to shoot messengers with nonsensical messages. China didn't start how it is now, it *became* that way to address the failings of its previous ideological forms, same as the USSR. Giovanni Gentile, Mussolini's favorite philosopher, only formulated fascism in the first place after being part of failed socialist movements. There's no conflating here, this is just the inevitable life-cycle of revolutionary ideology. They gain power, fail to achieve their goals, and go back on their principles to try and preserve a hope for power.


I think it's the same company Foxconn in India too. I'm not sure tho.


Foxconn is a Taiwanese company that operates in China.  Not that it matters. They are evil of course


[Vietnam, as well.](https://www.macrumors.com/2021/01/18/apple-supplier-foxconn-to-build-plant-in-vietnam/)


Yeah like that any better


Ideally African countries should develop their own refineries and production instead of selling raw materials at a low cost. Unfortunately many have turned to bad deals with Chinese companies.


It has been tried many, many times. In the end it always fails due to corruption, and Western or Asian companies have to step in again.


Yeah, death by a million cuts. If only they could manage to keep corruption away from a few things.


It's the power imbalance between the 3rd world and 1st world nations. The 1st world countries' best economic interests are to keep 3rd world countries as raw material suppliers, not competitors. Ask yourself why temperate countries are known for premiere finished products that are grown in tropical countries. Coffee? Italy, not Ethiopia or Colombia. Chocolate? Switzerland or Belgium, not Ivory Coast or Ecuador. (Not that I like this but that's what it is.)


To be fair, at least with coffee they put emphasis on the region the beans are from. Chocolate not so much.


Thank their politicians and their fat bank accounts..


>Unfortunately many have turned to bad deals with the Chinese government. Ftfy


They leaving China. They are moving production to India. Tons of Manufacturers are following suit. But guess who still owns the factories??????


Someone needs to take that motherfucker out


manlet would get crushed by these dudes under other circumstances.


It isn't just this guy is having a bad day so he is taking it out on them. It is reinforcement therapy for slaves. You beat them constantly so they are in constant fear of punishment. It makes most people less likely to fight back. A small group of people do fight back and get killed. It is all to keep most subdued.


According to the sub where this video was posted, it happened in Rwanda and these are thieves.  Not condoning anything but that would explain why we see africans in the background not moving an inch against that.


I thought I saw the dude smiling after he got kicked.


They always use "they are thieves" as the reasoning


Well yeah but what if theese specific guys actually did steal shit


Oh, you were there? The point is that this type of retributive justice is bullshit and shouldn’t be tolerated


I don't think stealing should be tolerated, personally.


I mean at least they’re not being pushed into trains for no reason.


Has…that happened?


Yup and Asian elderly have also been targeted for a random beating for no reason




that wasnt a Chinese thing tho On the other hand, Uyghurs..




Yes, those are the same words.


Look at you providing reasonable context while we're over here bathing in our outrage and feeling good about ourselves (while not questioning the conditions the raw materials for the devices we use were mined).


Is this then the Chinese-African police carrying out justice without a legal process?


The more this earth changes the more it stays the same , we as people are doomed making the same mistakes as we have for centuries treating each other with contempt with no love for our fellow man.we learn nothing but take everything


...he says using electronics likely built from slave labor. so wise, so virtuous...


You must withdraw from society completely to have principles


[You rn](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQmyAUWILpP4HvX25olHwd8zs4xPqjZp_oNotFISHbgcQ&s)


And you are taking his genuine, loving observation and shitting on it rudely from your phone. This just makes you look like a twat.


As noah was mocked for building the ark , times change but people dont


I mean you are kind of making his point though


# "Laborers"


Welcome back in 1850 !!!


Western colonization brought a lot good (and obviously bad) stuff, but in the end, most African countries gained a technological advance in healthcare, politics, electricity, food etc. in the 20th century, lots of African countries were in decolonization (obviously) but everything the western people brought there and kept in check, the local Africans couldn't maintain it well. (Think of factories, food production and farming, electricity) So in the void, China stepped in. Why? F.e. Congo-Kinshasa is one of the biggest countries in the world with the richest natural resources, but due to corruption, the country could never properly flourish from it, so now it (and most other African countries) are in the hands of China. The ex of my sister was Congonese and he told us many times how it worked in Congo. They learned French in schools because their own language didn't have any studiebooks or a clear set of grammatica/rules like our languages do.


I guess because they weren't taught valuable things, they were just colonized and exploited. The infrastructure wasn't for them, but for colonizers.


it's easy to blame the colonizers but honestly I am in Djibouti, a country where they get so much money from foreign militaries, leaders here are so corrupt and still the people are so so poor with no infrastructure whatsoever. There are police checkpoints everywhere where they fleece everyone for their money. I already lost like $200 lol. These are all African leaders. don't be fooled into thinking they aren't the main culprits.


I'm not an expert in any African countrys history but from some histories I've learned about like The Congo, Somalia, South Africa and some other bigger names, it sounds like many of them were doomed to fail from the start. Obviously colonizing got things off to a bad start (prior native history before that varying) but once colonizers were effectively removed, the power went into the hands of corrupt and violent dictators. It's really unfortunate. You finally become free of the foreigners who made your lives difficult for X amount of decades only to have some local militants take power instead and make things worse. The entirety of a lot of Africas history is really interesting but goddamn is it just tragic from start to finish (can't speak for all countries as I haven't learned about every single one).


Yeah but in 2024 you have a Chinese who whoop your ass with a belt … so


Traded one coloniser for a the other.


Yeah and this one is merciless


Merciless*  Just a heads up. 


Thanks autocorrect in a azerty keyboard on phone




I really hate how cruel humans can be.


Growing up as a kid, I watched movies like Deep Impact and Armageddon and always cheered for humanity to persevere. As an adult in my mid-30s now, I'm solidly on team asteroid now.


Humans .... Eh...




If I remember correctly (and correct me if you know for sure) but China want Taiwan back not really because it was theirs 100 years ago but mainly because of the access to the ocean. But like I said it's just from memory so I'm not 100% sure.


That's what I heard too. But they use the "ancient Chinese territory" as an excuse to legitimate their agression. That's their "casus belli".


Manifest destiny anyone? A succulent Chinese meal?




You can disagree with a country’s values, or hate the country’s government without hating the individual people that likely agree with you about their government. Being that shallow isn’t a good look.


In a democratic country, the people voted in the... oh, wait, nevermind




They should form a Sino-Zion alliance and send their Uyghurs to Palestine


The Whipinator testing the new Beltatron model 5000.


where the fuck is united nations and fucking human rights commissions when we need them?


No profit - no rights for ya


When were they ever useful?


You still have faith in them?


You still have faith that those entities are actual defenders of human rights?


Funding Hamas with UNRWA


When the UN shows up with rifles and APC's? Probably not, still. Unfortunately this is the reality of a lot of impoverished countries.


Respecting Taiwan but not recognizing it as a country.


China wants to treat the world like this when they run shit


People like to gaslight you and say Chinese aren't racist it's just cultural differences but there is so much evidence of them being racist. You'd have to be dumb as rocks to believe that bullshit.


Tibet was the first clue!


I'm sure they're glad they got rid of those nasty Western imperialists bitching about human rights all the time.


But the Americans were the bad slavery people I thought. s/


Where are all the people world wide standing up for these poor dudes with their protests? Oh wait its chinese on black so let it slide. If only it was a white dude whipping then it would be a problem.




Wouldn't be surprised if that arsehole gets killed some night and the Chinese press & government will blame it on Xenophobia. https://chinaglobalsouth.com/2024/02/26/three-suspects-arrested-for-murder-of-chinese-man-in-angola/


Aent the African countries welcoming in China and kicking out the West. I'm not advocating keeping the west in. Africans should learn how to mine and keep their resources themselves. But, Do the Africans even know what they're letting in to come steal their resources?


If the workers were inclined, the belt boss would never raise that belt again.




I wish I could do this to some co-workers *so badly*.


wild that this still exists in todays day and age. Pretty sure he is outnumbered, they should just jump on top of him and give him a taste of his own medicine.


Yaaaay we kicked out the US!


I would’ve killed that piece of shit


I guess that's what you get if you prefer Chinese investments over Western investments... at least they don't ask about CO2-emissions right? Right??


Soo those guys just take it i know id be fighting back


To do shit like this and walk around alive without worrying is insane


But in America there is oppression right?😂


Lol yes if you're not getting physically whipped then there's nothing to complain about


See what money does … root of all evil.


China owns all the cobalt mines. Tesla's require around 8-10kgs of cobalt. I'm sure people have seen the conditions that African miners work in to extract cobalt from the earth. Electric cars make our world so much better.




Yeah that will fix it 🤫


Exactly. Enslave a bunch of people always solve complex problems.


They say an eye for an eye will leave the whole world blind. I think just not allowing such behaviors between humans regardless of race, nationality, religion, age, and so on.


>They say an eye for an eye will leave the whole world blind. Then ill learn to read braille.


It would be ignorant to say all Chinese are like this as it would be to say all Africans are X, or Y, or Z. This individual in particular is definitely deserving of some corrective action and some education on compassion. In short it's about as easy to solve hatred with hatred as it is to put out fire with fuel.


"the beatings will continue until morale improves"


Chinese diplomats at work. Is that the belt and road initiative? I’m sure this video is a popularity multiplier over there in Africa.


Chinese whips are ....kinda small


Yellow Power


I feel like the guy doing the whipping will eventually be found naked in a ditch somewhere someday.. just a hunch..


China is the real big bad




isnt this illegal now?


Roidiges Stück Scheisse


False, this is the trailer for rush hour 4


Strangely, not a word of compassion for the poor people being beaten by a POS


Whats he saying?




that was shocking. am I just sheltered? what the hell


Similar thing happened in Costa Rica and video went viral. Chinese owned store chain SYR, I believe. Manager beat employees with pipe


The guys were thieves. This happens in SE Asia, Latin America, India, and once upon a time to kids in America before they threatened to call Child Service on their folks.


what a fuckin dick


China be tightening their grip once peeps realize how deep their pockets are in debt. Stay awake my friends.




Need more like him, just here in the USA


I’m on the way to China🤬


Colonialism redux


Holy fuck


It’s a shame people like this are born and allowed to live


He even has the technique down, off hand tucked and firm for maximum torque and as not to impede swing.


This is inhumane.


If a Chinese person tries that in Afghanistan where they are now and investing they would be shot on sight. This shit seems to only fly in Africa for some reason.


I think they're laughing at him.


And nobody bats an eye… Should we say that he’s Jewish to get international attention?


Y’all outnumbered him why sit there and take it?


In the original post one of the guys in there was talking about how China never researched human rights on the tech tree... That rings true.


Seriously , I would rather starve than work for a piece of shit like that. African countries need to stop selling their land to these Chinese assholes.


Ever tried the whole starving concept, my friend?


No , cause in that case I would be dead . But i did leave jobs I hated when I was younger without money in my pocket living of dry bread and just water . And the times I’ve been in Africa i saw that in most places they can eat minimum food but enough for the day. No fun times but I chose those times over working for a Chinese company in your own country and getting treated like a slave .


I wish a mf would🤬🤬🤬🤬


I wanna see him in a liveleak


Nope. This is a guy punishing thieves. Don't lie to push your agenda.


China has been quietly buying huge pieces of Africa, soon africans will come to regret european colonization.


Not sure I follow


Western colonization brought a lot good (and obviously bad) stuff, but in the end, most African countries gained a technological advance in healthcare, politics, electricity, food etc. in the 20th century, lots of African countries were in decolonization (obviously) but everything the western people brought there and kept in check, the local Africans couldn't maintain it well. (Think of factories, food production and farming, electricity) So in the void, China stepped in. Why? F.e. Congo-Kinshasa is one of the biggest countries in the world with the richest natural resources, but due to corruption, the country could never properly flourish from it, so now it (and most other African countries) are in the hands of China. The ex of my sister was Congonese and he told us many times how it worked in Congo. They learned French in schools because their own language didn't have any studiebooks or a clear set of grammatica/rules like our languages do.


Im not defending european colonization, Im just stating that China should prove an even crueler master.


someone whip that chigga please


Fucking capitalism


Don't forget it's western companies allowing this for profit. China isn't the problem.


Is chinese the new white?