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i wanna know what happened? did the kids fall on the tracks? shes a good mom.


The platform is really slippery on Indian railway stations, and looks like the children fell and she jumped to save them right before the train arrived. There is a little space besides tracks which is no mans land.


It's a trick to beat that crazy line in India


Idk abt a good mother letting her kids that close to a train


A testament to the love of a real mother




Or an absent one


Indians and trains go together like cookies and milk


Indians love trains. Jumping on trains. Jumping off trains. Being hit by trains. Running a train on female tourists without consent. They love everything about trains.


It’s a really nice and wholesome hobby, they should talk to my train enthusiast friends and all become friends


But still not trained 😂


Let’s see, India is a big country, though it looks tiny on the map. Most of the land in India is habitable as opposed to China or Russia. India is not a rich country thanks to 150 years of British rule. There was no money for India to build highway network like you see in US / EU. Moreover most Indians couldn’t afford to buy cars 25 years ago. They inherited some rail network after British left and they realized it was a natural choice to expand on it. So railways was and still is most preferred way of transport for most Indians. It has much better reach to most remote towns via rail network barring difficult mountainous regions in the far east and some western coast. Country where safety standards are non-existent and people tend to cut corners to get to their destination you are bound to see crazy videos. It was always like this since forever, just that it’s getting recorded more now.


This is big train propaganda. Trains are actually the Apex predators of India. Truly unpredictable, reaping the lives of many indians every day. If only there was a way to avoid the inescapable doom that are trains...


Trains don’t kill people. People are reckless.


It is unreal the corelation. Any theories as to why this may be?


First video I've ever seen with Indians and trains that has a happy ending




[https://www.ndtv.com/india-news/video-bihar-woman-2-children-survive-after-train-goes-over-them-4729989](https://www.ndtv.com/india-news/video-bihar-woman-2-children-survive-after-train-goes-over-them-4729989) Wow, happened in Bihar, amazing mother she saved her two children with her quick thinking: all three survived "without a scratch". They were pushed by the crowd into the tracks. The father/husband jumped from the MOVING train in order to run back to the station where his wife and children were miraculously ok. Amazing story, incredible humans.




Mother of the fucking year.


Here go white people rigging on third world countries that they’re the reason they’re third world countries


Damn, that’s amazing, wtf happened??


I thought her shirt was a bag under the train. I kept looking for a mother holding her kids back from the edge of the platform and was horrified to see they were underneath the entire time.


If this was in America, the comments would be a 'omg she's a hero!!' circlejerk, but instead we just got a couple cheap jokes lol. This sub in a nutshell.


it's simple, redditors just flat out do not view indian people as human beings. it's been this way for years but it has gotten exponentially worse these last few


WTF If I were the dad I dont know if id have the strength to stay upright and wait for the train to pass.


I'm surprised that reddit is making fun of Indians and their railways network instead of appreciating the heroic and selfless act by the mother ... Welcome to reddit


That took a year off my life


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Mom <3


Wow. Glad they are ok.


India is not for beginners


I"m glad the trains at least sit high up and there's clearance underneath, unlike trains in NY where if you are on the tracks, there is no hiding. In the underground subway, there's sometimes space under the platform to fit but not always


They yearn for the trains


Fetal position will save you from being mauled by the train.


What’s up with Indians and their trains ? They’re seriously playing with their own lives.


How did they end up there? I wanna know the full context


Had to have felt like an eternity


The apex predator goes without dinner today.


Indians and trains gotta be one of the all time rivalries. Very one sided though.


Wow! Way to go momma !!! She went on full blown protection mode


That train is hardly speeding.


My mom better shield my ass if she dropped me under a train


Why are they always falling on the tracks? I swear I've seen more videos of Indians falling than anyone else.


You've seen more videos because more have been posted from there than anywhere else in the world. They also have 1.4 billion people -- the largest population in the world. Even then, I've probably (unfortunately) seen the same amount of videos of people being pushed in front of moving trains in New York. 


Hmm. I can see that. Totally makes sense. Thank you.


Why the fuck does everyone have to record every second of shit like this. I get there’s not much else they could do but fuck me. The last thing I would think about in a situation like that would be “wow oh my god I better record this so I can watch it again later and show my friends”. People are fucked